2013-09-26 Build Dual Band J-Pole Part 1

Meeting Activity Summary

The Romex Dual Band J-Pole antenna project construction started. Recycled Thermoplastic High Heat-resistant Nylon-coated (THHN) #12 ga wire provided by Steve KB8STB. Each 8 foot length was straightened by chucking one end in a drill while firmly holding the other end in a large lineman's pliers. The drill turned the wire approximately ten turns clockwise, then reversed and turned in the opposite rotation for an equal amount of turns. The wire emerged from the rotation operation very straight and free from almost all kinks and bends. Next, Steve's KB8STB prototype was measured and the wire cutting party commenced. Steve KB8STB also supplied the coax sections for the UHF stub section. Several teams went into action. One team cut #12 ga wire. Another team cut and stripped coax. A third team soldered the short on one end of the stub while soldering the top section of wire. Finally, a fourth team made spacers for the bottom ladder line matching section by splitting 1/2" wide rings of 3/4" PVC pipe into thirds. Woods spacers are also available. See project page for  the Romex Dual-Band J-Pole Antenna --  Click Here

General Information

Information on the Romex Dual-Band J-Pole Antenna --  Click Here

The above information page is useful as a guide. Actual build detail will be provided at the meeting. Build details will be reported after the build for members that were unable to attend.

Meeting Announcement

"This Thursday, September 26, 2013, at 7P.M."

We will be constructing J Pole Antenna.

Steve - KB8STB will be the instructor.


For more information about B Road Thursday Night Group. Go to W8BI homepage, (http://www.w8bi.org) under Education, Thursday Group. Or, go to https://sites.google.com/site/darathursdaynite/ There, is a lot of information on this web site. Please, check it out.

Hope to see you ALL Thursday Night.

Everyone is invited!


I have been heading up the Thursday Night Group for 2 or 2 and half years. Being General Chairman of Hamvention. I am getting really busy. Last week I asked for someone to take over. Jeff Ullery - KD8SHF said he would take over and head up the Thursday Night Group.

Thank you.

Charles - KD8JZR