The Inner Dragon Book Nine

Scene Twenty Nine: Parliament

Home Secretary:

Mister Speaker, the events at the Magnusson house over the last few weeks have stunned the world. The accident with the fighter plane is another unexplained incident. Some people are even saying that there is a mystical snake of some sorts which is causing these unfortunate events. I say we have to be down to earth and put the blame on the Magnusson family; Grunwald Magnusson is a man who is capable of inventing any number of weapons. We have evidence to put forward that he nearly killed three boys with some sort of stun gun when he was only a teenager. He is a very able and cunning person; top of his class in every subject. We have his school record here; Math’s, Chemistry, Physics, Science; he was head and shoulders above anyone else, his marks are on par with the best in the world, the trouble is, he became a loner and a fanatic. We cannot let this situation go on; he has to be brought to justice. The world’s press is saying that we cannot even get into one house. I give way to the honorable gentleman.

MP for Glasgow:

Can we not just leave things for the moment and simply wait him out; he is bound to run out of food and the power and water has been cut off.

Home Secretary:

We believe he has a store of these things, plus a generator, we also believe he has been planning this situation for a long time. A friend of his said that he asked her to help him steal a valuable relic from the British Library so he can stop this, so called, dragon. I say that this was ruse to move the blame away from him. I give way to the honorable gentleman.

MP for Liverpool;

Have you not found out why the photos and recordings of the events have not been released?

Home Secretary:

This is another strange thing that I believe Grun Magnusson is responsible for. We have to get into the house to assess the situation; I can’t release any details as yet for security reasons.

The debate went on for a long time, as usual, but the real reason for the catastrophe was ignored.

Scene Thirty: Kyle Simonson’s Apartment

Kyle is on his pc and hacking into the British Library’s computer files; he has been working at this for two days straight; he has found out that the relic is so valuable that it has been chipped and has several counterfeit replicas ready to be brought into play, if need be; the original relic is now being stored and made ready to be taken to New York where it will be placed in a secure, state-of-the-art, container which has been specially made for it. Kyle believes that the relic is known to certain people as a potential weapon of destruction; it can be used to cause countrywide or worldwide disaster. Kyle is now pondering how in the world Grun can even get near to it, when there is a knock at the door. Kyle feels scared; the spell which Grun had given him, has made his senses tingle, and his mind alert to danger, and that danger is at the door; Kyle knows it is the police but not the special branch. He shuts down the pc and goes to the door.

Kyle: (waiting at the door)

Detective Inspector Hudson:

Mister Simonson, we have a search warrant here; if you don’t answer the door we will break it down.

Kyle: (opens the door)

Yes, what can I do for you?

Detective Inspector Hudson:

Are you Kyle Simonson?



Detective Inspector Hudson:

I am Detective Inspector Hudson and this is my Colleague Detective sergeant Walker. We have a warrant to search your apartment.



Detective Inspector Hudson:

Can we just come in and I will explain.


OK, but you will find nothing.

Kyle knows he has to be sure of himself and just let the spell take its course. They enter the apartment and suddenly the police are confused; Detective Inspector Hudson is now looking around and asking to sit down while his colleague is asking if he can turn on the TV. The rest of the crew is stood around in a trance. Kyle is smiling to himself and wondering what to do next when Detective Inspector Hudson looks like he is ready to fall asleep. Kyle asks him what he wants and the Inspector then gets up and walks to the door saying he has to get home because his granddaughter needs to be fed. His colleague asks Kyle if he has pay for view TV. Kyle says yes and the sergeant says he will order it tomorrow. They walk to the door with faltering steps. Kyle knows he has to put the idea into their minds that they found nothing of consequence, so he says,

I’m glad you are satisfied with the search, Detective Inspector; you know I don’t have a computer, don’t you? Please give my regards to your granddaughter.

Detective Inspector Hudson:

Thank you, mister Simonson, it is nice to see a young man like you getting through life without a pc, it is refreshing. I hope we didn’t cause you much inconvenience?


Not at all, I enjoyed our talk.

Everyone was now back to normal but they believe that they have thoroughly searched Kyle’s apartment.

Kyle is now alone and is worried; he knows the police will be back and it will be the Flying Squad or the Special Branch. He has the info that Grun wants, so he can now hide his pc or get rid of it; he also knows that he must move from his home.

Scene Thirty one: Grun’s House

The Royal Engineers are now at the site and have tunneled from beyond the garden to several feet under the house with no mishaps. They didn’t want to get too close to the foundations, as yet.

Captain Smyth:

We can excavate most of the earth out to within two meters from the foundations then prop it up and then lay another foundation underneath; this will be many times larger and stronger thus enabling us to place high explosives on it, we will then concrete it in in such a way, that the blast will have to go upwards.

Colonel Peters:

Make sure you don’t get any nearer than two meters to the foundations. We don’t know what Magnusson has up there; he knows we are tunneling, that’s for sure, but with luck, he won’t be able to do anything about it.

The Dragon has now increased in power, it seems to comprehend what the intension of the Army is; it is waiting to strike. The events of the last few weeks have influenced the Dragon. Grun is partly to blame, as he has increased in consciousness through the initiations.

Scene Thirty two: Peggy’s house


I am eternally grateful to you and Peggy, Sarah. I feel rejuvenated and at peace.

Peggy’s Mother Sarah:

You are most welcome, Grun, you are such a gentle soul. I feel happy now that you are here. It would be lovely if you two got married, why don’t you ask her?


We haven’t got around to even talking about such things, yet.


But she said you have known each other for a long time; surely you have thought about it.

Peggy is such a wonderful daughter; you know she passed the test to be a St John’s Ambulance helper, she didn’t even get discouraged over the man who said he had been injured at the football match and wanted Peggy to rub him in an embarrassing place. You could be married at Easter time; oh, how lovely that would be. Promise me you will ask her; promise me, do you hear!

Grun knows that the influence spell is causing this to happen, he has to decide what to do about it, and quick.


I have to go out for a while, Sarah, tell Peggy I will come back later. You will not become too attached to me, you think I am rude condescending and big headed; you also think that I smell of B.O. Bye for now.

Grun leaves the house and makes his way to the canal crossing to meet Kyle.

Peggy comes back half an hour later.


Where is Grun, mum?


He went out for a while; I don’t think you should see him so much.


What? Why do you say that?


He is condescending, big headed, rude, and smells of B.O.


What? How can you say that? He didn’t say anything bad to you, did he?


No, it is just how I feel about him, I know I liked him before but now I don’t; I mean, how can you like someone who smells.


He doesn’t smell, to me.


You are smitten with him, I can see that; he has influenced you to such an extent that you can’t smell him; well, I can smell him, and I can tell you that it is a cross between a wet dog and a dung heap.


Oh, Mother, please stop this. I am going to my room.


If you marry him, I won’t allow him into this house smelling like a dung heap!

Scene Thirty three: Canal Crossing

Grun can see Kyle standing, shuffling his feet and looking at the floor. Grun knows Kyle is worried.


Where have you been, I have been waiting ten minutes.


What’s wrong?


The police came around, but the spell worked; they went away thinking they had searched my apartment thoroughly, but they will be back; and it will be the Flying Squad or Special Branch. I have already dumped the PC and smashed the disc.


What did you find out about the relic?


It is going to New York where it will be place in a secure container. If you want to get it, you will have to do so before it gets there. They have put a tracking chip into it.


That’s good as I will be able to track it also.


How will you be able to do that?


Just trust me. When does it leave?


On Tuesday at eleven am; they will use a Sure-Thing security van, plus escort.

To be continued in book ten. Thank you for reading my book. If you enjoyed it, won’t you please take a moment to leave me a review at your favorite retailer? You can also visit my website to read my book and other stories at

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