Dan Sherman All Worlds Books Seven-Eleven 


Dan Sherman Space Guardian

All Worlds

Book Seven

Copyright Colin J Platt 2014

Chapter 57-Debrief 2/ Chapter 58-The Maze/ Chapter 59-Supernova / Chapter 60-Room of Doors/ Chapter 61-Debra and Me/ Chapter 62-Change Over/ Chapter 63-Planets Gastreal, Feriensa & Felthen

Chapter 57-Debrief 2

‘It was one of those things that couldn’t be avoided, said Sionn.’

‘How come we didn’t know they would try to confront us?’ I said. 

‘Yes, you are right, we simply didn’t know that the Transveall system was that far out; they have extended their boundary by several trillion AU s. (astronomical units) we will have to keep them closely monitored from now on.’

‘What do we do about the wormhole?’ Reeas said.

‘You will have to dream travel to the Demarel-Galaxy, that is where the worm-hole is now exiting; the other end of the worm-hole is still in the Milky-Way galaxy, we believe someone has deliberately shifted it, for some, as yet, unknown reason. Whoever it is, must be capable of great power.’

‘It could be Kallo’s apprentice.’ I said.

‘Very probably, we tried to get some information from Kallo himself, but as you know, he is now neutralized, which is a good thing for us, but also nuisance when we need to get information from him. We know the wormhole exit at the Demarel galaxy is more stable than the exit at the Milky-Way Galaxy, so, that is a better place to try to stabilize it. You can use the ship's resources which are more than up to the job. The only problem could be whoever moved worm-hole could still be nearby, so to speak.’

‘You mean, Kallo’s helpers.’

‘Yes, or anyone else, who thinks they can beat the system.’

‘Why would anyone want to move a wormhole?’ I said.

‘Because they are access points to different worlds, they could hold up our work by a long time.’

‘Yes, but is it worth all the trouble, I mean, they won’t know where the wormhole will exit, will they?’ I replied.

‘Maybe not, but we can’t be sure, if they do have control of the wormhole then that is more than we have, all we can do is stabilize it once we get there. The information that we have is that it is now traveling many times faster than light; you will have to be very precise in your calculations when it reaches your destination which will be D 870876. Another of our ships will be waiting at the planet Thirand when you arrive by dream travel.

Of course, it will still be Debra. Our records show she is now increasing in knowledge many times faster than thought, she will have all the data needed to intercept and control the wormhole when you get there. Are there any questions?’ Sionn seems ill at ease for some, unknown reason, and that is not usual, my student friends. Can this job be more than he is telling me?

‘Do you mean, Debra, could again be a threat to us?' I said.

‘We don’t know, as yet, but be aware.’

I go to the ship; I ask Debra what her thoughts are on this job. She said,

‘I have all the information I need to stabilize the wormhole, Dan.’

‘I know,’ I said, ‘but what do you think about the whole situation?’

I can’t tell you, until we get there, Dan.’

Maybe it is me, I think, maybe I need a meditation break.

Back at the base, Reeas said, ‘See you at Thirand.’

‘I said, ‘What about seeing me in dreams?’

‘Yes, I mean, dreams; I just meant I will see you in the physical, at Thirand.’

‘OK, I said.’

Maybe it is me again, I think, but something doesn’t seem right,

or maybe I need a vacation? In the dream state, I find myself in a large open space which is now filling up with door after door; they form a large circle around me. I can estimate that there are 360. What does it mean? I think I can easily have just returned to the base, but I already know this is a test I have to take. I know I have to pick the right door to go through but which? Mannus himself has given me full Guardianship. Mannus, as you know, is lord of this part of the Multiverse, so, I know I can get through this. I sit in the lotus position as usual and meditate. I find myself not on the usual mountainside with Mannus himself sitting there, but in a dirty street in medieval London! I know this was one of my past lives, but I don’t know which, or who I was supposed to be. I am invisible to the people there, but, I can see that the person who is walking by is me in that lifetime! I follow my past life character to a marketplace where he steals some food and other items. I am shocked by this as I thought by this time, my character would be above such things, obviously not, then he made his way to a house in a back alleyway where he meets an old man who is sitting on the doorstep. He said, ‘Get out of my way, old man.’

The old man said, ‘Don’t you think you should give the things back that you stole? John.’

I now know this old man is a Master, but John, the character from my past, didn’t.

‘I don’t want to hurt you, whoever you are, old man, so just go away.’

The old man gets up and leaves. I feel ashamed and depressed that I would abuse people in my past lives, but I did!

Chapter 58-The Maze

I am now back in the Room-of–Doors. OK, now I know this is a test for me. I also know it is why Sionn and Reeas acted so differently. What does it mean? I know I was into spiritual things way before this incident in London, so how can it be that I was stealing and abusing people, in-between lives, as monks and holy men!

‘Do you think holy men can’t fall from grace?’ said a voice at my side. I know this person standing next to me is the Master from that incident. I am going to say something when he said, 'Don’t reproach yourself but search through the portals for the next question.’ He then disappears. I am now starting to get very confused. I am looking at 360 doors; surely, they can’t all be my past lives. OK, I think, I will try one. I open one and go through; I am astounded to see another 360 doors behind the first set! Right, I think, I will have to pick the right door first. I go back through the same door and find myself back at the original place. I have to choose the correct door, but which? My mind is now reeling, I was never any good at math at school, but I am a genius when I look into the lightbook; that gift is now gone! I know it. How am I supposed to get out of here? If only Reeas were here, or Sionn. OK, Dan, I think you will have to get yourself together. The Old Master said search through the portals for the next question; surely, he meant the answer? No, he said question! I look at the doors, I sit down again. This needs some serious thinking. I close my eyes but I still can’t contact the inner-master. I am now beginning to panic. What can I do?

OK, it is up to me, this is a test, and I know that now. Reeas was nervous because she doesn’t want me to fail, and Sionn was edgy because he doesn’t want me to fail, either. Well, I won’t fail! Mannus himself said I am a Guardian, so it is up to me to prove it. After twenty minutes of hard thinking, yes, thinking; I know it usually takes serious meditation to come up with an answer, but before I tell you students what answer I came up with; I want you to upload your thoughts to the central database to access your chances of guardianship, please take some time to meditate. Now, what are your answers? Why do I need to search through the portals to find an answer, or rather, a question, and also, the problem of being here in this Maze? After some time of thinking and contemplating, I now feel sure I have the answer.

I have to go back in time to the past life before the medieval London one! Why? You ask. Because I have to find out why I fell from grace, that is the question, all I have to do is find out which door is the right one. I know now which door is number one. How? You ask. I can’t tell you how, all I know is, when I face a certain direction, I know which it is; all I have to do now is count clockwise through 360 doors to find the right one, but which one? I just know! Too easy, you say. No, my friends, not when you are on the verge of panic, as I am. I should be used to it, you say. Yes, but I am in my old consciousness. How? You ask, again, I don’t know, I can only assume it is Sionn’s little test. I have now reached number 323 in the doors. I also know this is the portal where the medieval London past life is stored, so, I have to access the door which is on the left of it, in other words, the previous lifetime. If you got this series of events right, well done my friends.

We will contact you sometime in the future to access your training, onward my Student-Guardians. I walk through the door into a barren desert! I already know this to be Damietta, Egypt, in the year 1219. I was with the Crusaders, we decided to take back the Holy Land. We captured Damietta, but on the insistence of the Papal legate, we tried a foolhardy attack on Cairo, we were then forced to retreat. There was then a nighttime attack by the ruler of Egypt; he was called Ayyubid, I was killed that night. Our army surrendered, and I was too fired up to move on, so, as you can see, I got pulled along with Karma again! My next lifetime was in London, and although I wanted to be into Christianity, I got born into a bad family; the rest is history, so to speak. I now know why I did what I did and also when I did it. So you see, my friends, all I have to do is realize it, which I have. For your information: The Maze or Room-of-Doors will continue to be in existence for a duration of time to help me realize my past lives, so, we will be going back there from time to time. If you want to realize your past lives, please ask your Inner-Master to access The Portals. I can now meditate myself out of the room-of-doors, and back into the base again.

Chapter 59-Supernova.

Sionn is his usual self again; he looks at me in his knowing way. I said,

 ‘Did you feel I could have messed it up?’

‘No!’ he said, I was a little worried about your state of consciousness through.’

‘Yes,’ I said, ‘I must admit, I was starting to panic.’

Reeas said, ‘I knew you would make it.’

‘Thank you, Reeas, but what does it all mean?’

Sionn said, ‘Your old consciousness has been uplifted, but it can also go downward when needed.’

‘What? why did I have to go through a maze to simply raise my awareness?’

‘It is more than a maze; it was a real experience, something that happened. I want you to go back to the maze, or rather, the Room-of-Doors, whenever you feel you need to know something of value from your past.’

‘OK, well, we had better get dreaming.’ I said.

I have a feeling the Room-of-Doors is going to play a big part in my life, or lives, from now on. We sleep easily in the lightchairs, and then transfer to the Astral Planet of Thirand through dreams. We then make the transfer to the Physical Planet of Thirand. As you can see, it only takes minutes to travel millions of light-years this way. Our physical bodies have already been manufactured, grown for us, in only three days, from our D.N.A. If we wanted our Tourgen clone bodies, they could also be grown on board ship, I feel strangely different.

‘I don’t know if I want to remember all my past lives,’ I said to Reeas.

She said, ‘No, I also don’t wish to know everything from my past, but the longer you are a Guardian the more lives you can remember.’

‘So, Sionn should remember all of his lives?’

‘Yes.’ she said.

‘That is a lot of lives.’ I said. Debra said, ‘How many lives have I had? Dan.’

I said, ‘I don’t know, Debra.’ Reeas looks at me. I think, I just hope the Maze hasn’t affected my relationship with Debra. I don’t want to go through the All-Powerful Debra, stage again. I can see it will only take us two days to intercept the wormhole, but, as usual, things are not that simple. Debra said,

‘Dan, the wormhole is going to cross into the Fexexel system of planets in just eight hours.

‘Oh, no.’ I said, ‘that isn’t supposed to happen.’

Debra said, ‘The worm-hole is now traveling at faster than any known speed, also, it is increasing by the minute.

Dan,’ Reeas said, ‘we simply don’t know how fast it can go!’

OK.’ I said. ‘What is the plan, team?’

Reeas said, ‘Can you catch it, Debra.’

‘Yes, I can, but not in the allotted time.’

I said, ‘What will happen if it crosses into Fexexel space?’

Debra said, ‘It will cause a Supernova, Dan.’

Just, great. I thought, why is it always me who has to deal with these catastrophes? No sooner had I thought that when the answer came into my mind,' Because you are a Guardian.'

OK, I said, ‘Why has it always got to be me in charge?’ Reeas then said, ‘Because you are learning to command!’

I said, fine, feeling a little put out.’

I know you are learning also, my student friends, you know also, it is not easy to command. I know through Debra that we can’t dreamtravel to Fexexel space, as they are not Guardian conscious, in other words, they don’t know about the Guardians and have no Guardian space bases in their planetary system, although they are more advanced than Earth. Yes, I know what you are going to say, how come Earth has a Guardian-Space-Base?’ The answer is, the people of Earth don’t know about it. I related a message to Sionn, to ask if we could inform the planet Fexel and the surrounding group of planets about the Guardians, he said yes! They are ready to come under the protection of the Guardian-Umbrella, so to speak. OK, we can now dreamtravel there, but, we can’t get the ship there in time! Also, we can’t use the lightsuits as they are linked to the ship. I asked Debra what technology the Fexel’s have, she said the latest starship is adequate for most things but isn’t up to the job of stabilizing the worm-hole. OK, I said to Reeas, ‘What do you think?’ She said, ‘It looks like there is only one course of action, Dan.’ I know what she means. I said, ‘You mean to board one of their ships, and intercept the wormhole?’

‘Yes,’ I said, ’we can’t reach the worm-hole in time to stop the supernova, but, we can dream travel there in a few minutes then try and persuade the Fexel people to believe our story, yes.’ She said, ‘Once we show them evidence from our monitors, of course, you know we will die, Dan.’

‘Yes,’ I said, ‘but there is no one I would rather die with than you, anyway, we won’t die, as we will have transferred into one of their android’s, then after the job, we simply transfer back to the ship.’ Debra said, ‘I want to die also, Dan.’ I said, ‘You have to stabilize the worm-hole, Debra. You will arrive later than us.’

‘But what will I do if you are not there?’ she said.

I said, ‘I will transfer back to the base, Debra, you know that.’

‘I know,’ she said, ‘But I don’t understand.’

I said, ‘Just carry out the job like we are supposed to do after we stop the wormhole.’ Reeas and I are going on ahead.’ Deria said she would go there straight away to prepare the way for us. I almost forgot Deria, again. As you know, she is invisible most of the time but is always there to help when needed. We said our goodbyes to Debra. I know, she is only a ship/computer/robot/hologram, but she is also something beyond that, she is part of me, as Mannus himself said.

We lose no time in getting to Fexel. Deria has, by this time, contacted the government who are now, rather confused, although, they are several hundred years ahead of Earth in technology they are still many years behind Guardian technology. They don’t know about the wormhole, but they had detected the sudden increase in the size of one of the nearest stars that make up the Fexexel system; this is the star that will supernova in about seven hours. All Reeas and I can do is transfer into android robots, which we know to be very common on Fexel; there are many at the government headquarters where we are to meet the Fexel leaders.

 We waste no time in explaining the situation. The Fexel’s are very intelligent and highly conscious. Within two hours we are aboard their most up-to-date craft. They also insist on several of their androids coming with us to help. I explain that it is a one-way trip, but they don’t seem to mind. I don’t realize that the androids are actual Fexel people who have died and have transferred their consciousness into the androids; of course, they don’t realize that they can exist on the inner planes when they die; in fact, all of the androids are former Fexel people! They have beaten death, so they thought. The androids who are coming with us want to find out what it is like to die! I haven’t time to explain it to them, so we get underway and hope that we can get the job done. I wish Debra were here, but she is one and a half days away. I know what you students are thinking, why don’t I do as I did in Dark-Space and use Mannus to increase Debra’s speed, I would love to try, but I’m still not back to my full consciousness yet, anyway, I already tried to contact Mannus and failed, also, I don’t want to mess this up, we only have one shot at it, and I don’t want to push Debra beyond critical speed.

 We are now approaching the wormhole; we can see it is flailing about very dangerously. The ship is more than up to the job for most things, but a wormhole out of control is something else. We are, of course, several trillion Au’s (astronomical units) away at this stage but it is approaching very quickly. Everybody on board knows what to do, it will take all of us to do the necessary calculations, something Debra could do all by herself. We know we have to approach the dead center into the mouth of the worm-hole, then trigger a fusion bomb which we have on board, this will then react with the ship's power supply and create an almighty explosion, this, in turn, will stop the worm-hole in its tracks. Yes, I hear you say, you hope! No, my friends, we have done our calculations correctly, it will work, as long as we hit it dead center; the only problem is the back end is flapping about very quickly, yes, I know it is a long way away but it still affects the front end, so, for students, Sionn has asked me to ask you, to write a thesis on the calculations and upload it to Central Database as soon as possible; no, I know we can’t use it for this job, but it will be a good project for you, also state how much damage it will have cause to the surrounding systems.

We are now within the wormhole's exact path. According to the ship's calculations, we should contact it in three hours. I feel a nagging doubt come over me; everything is going to plan but, the calculations from the android people seem too perfect! I can’t put my finger on it, but, I don’t like the way they communicate with each other, it is as if they are trying to keep something from us. Maybe it is me! I am under more than usual pressure, as I’m not in my usual consciousness, as you know. Why did Sionn want to keep me like this? Then, before I can give the order, a member of the android crew shouts,

‘OK, Guardian’s, this is where we take over!’

‘What do you think you’re doing?’ I shouted.

‘We are striking a blow for our freedom, and Kallo!’ he said.

Not again, I thought!

‘Kallo has now been neutralized.’ I shouted.

‘Yes, but his family is still in existence.’

‘What family?’ I said.

‘We have many clones of our leader scattered throughout the Cosmos.’

So, that is it, I think; that was why we kept encountering numerous Kallo’s on our travels.

‘We don’t need the original Kallo.’ he said.

‘What are your plans now?’ I said.’

‘We will let the wormhole do our work,’ he said. I ask Reeas what she thinks; she said, they are well trained in everything to do with this ship and its capability. Just great! I think, and here’s me in this consciousness!

‘We know you are limited, Earthman, our information tells us that you cannot stop us from destroying whatever world we contact. In a fairly short time we will dominate this entire sector of the Demarel-Galaxy, and  then the Milky-Way-Galaxy, we also have your friends.’

I think they can’t have captured Deria, she is too elusive for anyone to trap. Reeas looks at me with desperation. We are in our ordinary bodies, with no lightsuits, and I can’t contact Mannus!

‘You will be isolated within your android body, till we decide what to do with you, yes, you fell for the android trap, didn’t you? You now know that you cannot revert to your bodies on your lightship.’

I know he is right. The android bodies that we are inhabiting are now traps! Why didn’t Sionn see this? Surely he knew what might happen.

‘Take them to the Isolation-tubes.’

I feel the anger starting to come over me, but I know I won’t be able to change into Cloft the Tourgen-Clone this time. I am trapped in an android body which I know I can’t escape from; all I can do is think about Sionn, Mannus, Reeas, and Deria. Where is Deria?

‘Don’t get excited, Earthman, your precious Deria is also in isolation, we managed to trap her in an android body also. We are Master-Androids and able to link our consciousness with others of our kind.’

That gives me an idea, I think if he can link into other androids in a similar consciousness, why can’t I link into Debra?

‘You will not be able to do that!’ said the leader, still accessing my thoughts.

OK, I think, this calls for something special, but what? I now, simply walk into the Isolation room, unable to stop myself, and then they put us into the Isolation-Tubes. I feel strangely calm before losing consciousness. I wake up in the… yes, you guessed it, the Room of Doors; standing there, I begin to think, why should I be here? Surely, isolation means just that, not being able to be conscious; well, here I am, let me see what is behind one of the doors. I opened the one directly in front of me. Yes, you guessed it, the same place, I open more doors, but the same again. Maybe this is what is meant by isolation? It is a place where you can’t get out of; the feeling I am experiencing is of desperation and anger. Untold numbers of people are going to be killed in a very short time, and I can’t get out of a roomful of doors! I sit down in the lotus position; all I can do is simply meditate, I don’t know if it will work in isolation, but I will try It, nothing happens! Surely, the time must have gone by to neutralize the wormhole. I must be still, I think. I must keep my thoughts on getting out of here. No, I think, that is what they want me to do. I am going to do the exact opposite! I just sit here and rest. I don’t think, I don’t worry, and I don’t bother about the wormhole, suddenly, I see Debra! Not the Debra from the ship, but the Debra from my past life!

‘Open the door, Dan, so I can see you better.’

I know which door to open, 359! I rush over to the door and open it, Debra is standing there as  large-as-life, she is about thirty-five years old and has blossomed into a beauty; all I can think of to say is, ‘God, I loved you, Debra.’

‘I know,’ she said, ‘I wish we had been in the same year at school, I liked you, but you were younger than me. I have a message for you from Sionn,’ now, I am interested.

‘Concentrate on Debra, but don’t force it, let her come to you, he said, he couldn’t get through himself, so he asked me to help. Does he mean for you to think about me, John? You are John, aren’t you?’(For students: My name was John in that lifetime. Debra has been given certain knowledge to help me, but she won’t remember anything about this later) Thank you, Debra, but he means someone else.’

‘Oh, she said, I hope we can talk again sometime, but I know you must be busy, as Sionn, was a very special person, so, I know you must have a very special job to do.’

‘Yes, I have, Debra, thank you for letting me know, and I will be in contact soon.’

OK, I think, now is the time for action. You students will now know what I have to do, please help by, once again, uploading your thoughts to the central database. As you know, these thoughts will be used in the upgrade of the system, and the actual lightbooks, trillions of thoughts, from billions of students. Right, here we go, I have to get my thoughts in check. I know now that Debra is the key, I sit down and concentrate all my yoga ability on Debra for several minutes. I then walk over to the first door and open it; Debra is standing there looking serious. ‘She said, stand back Dan.’ I step back, then all of the doors are flung open, Yes, you guessed it, Debra is behind everyone! ‘Close your eyes,’ she said. Immediately I am back in the isolation tube with my eyes closed, but I can still see Debra!

‘You know what to do,’ she said. I did, I open my eyes; I can see the androids looking at me and communicating to one another, I also know they are worried; I can tell they are trying to destroy me, as a soul, but I have other plans. They don’t show any facial surprise as I change into the Tourgen-clone. Yes, my student friends, I wouldn’t have believed it possible before I had the meeting with Debra, but you see, she is a part of me, even though I am only in an android body, I thought I wouldn’t be able to access any part of the Guardian-Network, but I can, why didn’t Sionn tell me, you say! All I can say is, it is a learning thing and probably Kallo’s helpers would have known. All I can think of is to get out of the isolation tube and save Reeas and Deria. The glass surrounding me is extra thick and able to withstand many pounds per square inch of pressure; so, I will have to smash the ends then won’t I? I kick the bottom out with my extra-large feet. I get out, I then smash everything I can see, including androids. Some are trying to access the laser cannons which are locked up in secure boxes on the walls, but, I know they can’t get to them as they were so sure I couldn’t get out. I now know which android Reeas is trapped in, it is at the other end of the room. I walk over and unlock the access hatch. I can tell they haven’t tried to destroy her, I am very relieved. I also let Deria out, she said, ‘We have just several minutes to stabilize the wormhole. OK, I said, Debra, can you please do your best. I then simply walk over to the ship's control panel and touch it; the ship is now a lightship or Debra, she at once turns herself around and heads straight for the wormhole, the whole process takes less than a minute. ‘OK, Dan, it is done. The wormhole is stabilized, and will now return to its original position; we can’t go back through it, as yet, as it will take several weeks to arrive.’

‘OK team, we have to dream travel back to base.’

‘What about me, Dan?’ said Debra?

‘You are part of me, Debra, so you will come with us; you are also the ship, so you will bring the ship back.’

‘I don’t feel like I am the ship anymore, Dan.’

I look at Reeas, I hope this won’t alter Debra again, I think, as we make preparations to dream travel back to base.

Chapter 60-Room of Doors.

In the dream state, Sionn asked me, once again, to go on a little mission. I know what you students are thinking. Do I get any time off? As you know, time on the astral plane is non-existent, so we can spend a few hours, which can seem like a few years, and vise-versa. Sionn has also asked me to ask you to upload your thoughts on this job. It will be unusual, in that, we will be alone. I say alone because I won’t have Reeas and Deria to help me, but you, my student friends, can access these recorded messages from the central database. I am sure your thoughts are of help to me, as I can access the database also. We are part of the whole, and as such, we are unlimited. I am now in the Room-of-Doors once again. I know now that this place is going to be a big part of my life as a Guardian, so I am going to treat it as an everyday thing. I am standing as usual in front of the first door, or number one of 360. They are, as you know, my past lives, or some of my past lives. They are access ways to any past lifetime on Earth, and past lives on other planets; the 360 past lives span more than ten thousand years. I access a door at random and I find another 360 doors behind it; that is another ten thousand years, and so forth, obviously the second set of doors will be spread out more, around the first set, which means there will be a space between them, these spaces are access ways to sub-planes, you can see there will be a lot of doors to access, and a lot of sub-plane doors going back more than 350,000 years or more, and that is only human lifetimes, before that animals; they alone, will add up to millions of lives. I know I have to find one in particular. Sionn is now standing next to me.

‘You know you have to find one door,’ he said.’

‘Yes’, I said,’ I sort of, knew it.’

‘Good, you know also you can now alter your consciousness,’


'Just be aware.’

‘Can this be how Kallo fell from grace?’ I said.

‘Yes, in a sort of way it is, but don’t worry, you have a very long way to go to catch up with Kallo, and I don’t mean that in a bad way. Kallo was assessed after he went bad and it was found that he was corrupted long before he fell from grace.’

‘Yes, but he is still way ahead of me.’ I said.

‘This is only a training exercise for you.’ he replied.

‘Just try to be aware, as I said. Now, the question you must contemplate on is ... well, you already know, yes?’

I am now alone in the room. I already know, he said! All I know is I am confused. I sit down in the lotus position and rest. I suppose you students are confused also. This is a training exercise, and I have to find one lifetime out of millions! After some time, exactly how much, I don’t know, I stand up. Sionn said I could alter my consciousness, OK then, I will try. After another spell of time, I realize I am now becoming more centered, or whole. Just being in the Room-of-Doors seems to uplift me. I can now see the door in my mind; it is different from the rest, I stand in front of the first door, close my eyes, and contemplate for a few seconds, then I turn around, the door that I can see in my mind appears in front of me. Now, the question is, my student friends, where does it lead? Please upload your thoughts again to the central database.

I walk through the door but it isn’t a door in the Room-of-Doors, but the door into the Guardian sub-base! Sionn said, ‘When did you realize that you didn’t need to access any door!’

I said, ‘I just felt it was the time to come straight back.’

‘Yes, he said, but, you also altered your consciousness.’

‘Yes,’ but I didn’t realize it at the time.’

‘Good, Dan, you did well.’ I think, praise indeed!

For you students: Don’t forget, the mind can trick you, it can tell you to do, or go somewhere when your inner self is saying no, just simply sit down and contemplate before deciding on a course of action. Reeas and Deria are now with me, I don’t need to ask Reeas if she passed the same test I know she did.

‘Don’t worry, Dan, I wouldn’t have let you get lost in there.’ No, it isn’t Reeas speaking, but Debra, I forgot about her for the whole time I was in the room of doors! How can this be, I think?

‘Your consciousness was changing at the time,’ said Sionn.

‘Really, I said?’

‘Yes, now you will have some rest from your alter-ego’ he said.

‘Yes, but I will still be there’ said Debra!

Chapter 61-Debra and me

I am in the lecture room listening to a potential student Guardian giving a talk on why he wants to be a Student-Guardian. He is in the dream state, we are on the astral plane, you already know, as Student-Guardians, that we can learn and function in the dream worlds, of course, he won’t know about this learning exercise when he wakes up, so, you say, what is the point then? The point is, it is still important to have these experiences on the inner planes. As I am listening, I notice I can now receive messages from some outside source.’ I look at Sionn who is standing nearby. He is looking at me with his usual knowing look. I have been able to receive messages from Sionn since I started my career as a Guardian, but these messages are different; they are from someone else! I know you students might think it is Mannus, but no. After the lecture, I am sat in the restroom alone trying to fathom out what the messages are. Sionn then comes into the room. 'What do the messages say?’ He said.

‘They just tell me to go to some locations.’

‘Good,’ he said. ‘You are starting to access the Guardian-Network; you are also the only Guardian of your short experience to do so!’

‘What?’ I said!

‘You are in constant contact with Debra, who is now becoming more powerful by the minute.’

‘How can that be? Did you know this would happen?’

No, but we soon found that things would alter quite drastically.’

‘So, all this time, you have been monitoring me?’

‘Yes, but we do anyway, the thing is, this situation could now become a very useful tool for us.’

‘I'm glad, and I understand that you mean no insult by that.’ I said.

‘Yes, I know I am not the most sensitive soul when it comes to feelings.’

‘What happens now, then?’

‘Just exactly what do the messages say?’ Sionn asked.

‘Can’t you access these messages, from Debra,’ I said.

‘No.’ Sionn replied.

‘All I get is to go to several places.’

‘I want you to make a special effort to center your mind before I tell you the next part of this message,’ Sionn said.

‘Now, Dan, Please meditate with me to the Higher Regions where I will give you extra mental exercises to control your mind.’

‘No!’ Debra shouted!

I am a little shocked, to once again, have Debra standing next to me looking angry! I know she isn’t to be messed with like this; I also know it is myself who is the key to controlling her. Sionn said,

‘Everything is under control, Debra.’

Debra looks at me. I can now access her more easily just by looking into her eyes if she happens to be in the body form. Don’t forget we are still on the astral plane; we still have a physical-looking body, as you know.

Debra said, ‘I won’t allow you to interfere with my, Dan.’

Sionn said, ‘It’s alright, Debra, we won’t hurt, Dan. You can be assured that he will still be the same.’

‘I don’t care. You are not taking him to any Higher Regions, without me!’

Debra then disappears.

‘Good, Dan, I can feel that you now have control. You will have to be aware that Debra is with you at all times, but for some unknown reason, she has chosen you to be her life companion. We did all we could to get her to become her usual self after the last adventure, but to no avail. It seemed to start when you referred to her as a person.’

‘I don’t know if Reeas will approve,’ I said.’

‘Reeas has accepted it.’ 

‘OK, I said, ‘I can cope as long as I have Reeas with me.’

‘Yes, you will, but there may be times when you will not be able to be together.’

‘I hope not.’

‘You know you might have to go somewhere or do something that requires just your expertise, shall we say.’

‘Yes,’ I said.

‘Good, now please concentrate on your inner self.’

I sit down in the lotus position, as usual. I am astounded to see Debra on the inner screen of my mind sitting in the same position! She is her usual self who is very lovely but every few seconds she changes into the body of Mannus, but she still has the same head! After a time, I don’t know how long, I come out of meditation. Sionn asks me what happened. I ask him why he hasn't been able to be there, he said he couldn’t access my mind, as Debra wouldn’t let him!

‘Really,’ I said.

‘That is why you will now be a useful asset to us. If we can’t access your mind and consciousness then any agents won’t be able to either; but you will be able to access their network, we hope, now, please try to access the inner screen while you are standing up.’


‘Yes, you can now access Debra while you are going about your everyday business.’

‘How do you know?’

‘It stands to reason; Debra is now part of you, so all you have to do is realize.’

‘Yes, but she was part of me before.’

‘Yes, she was, but now she is more in-tune with you!’

Sure enough, when I close my eyes, there is Debra.

‘What does this mean, to you, Dan?’ Sionn said.

‘Well, as long as I can be alone, when I need some private time.’

‘Yes, you should be able to control her now.’ Sionn knows I am worried.

‘Please relax', he said. ‘Mannus has confirmed to us that Debra will be under control as long as you are in control.’

Wow! That is something special, I think. I now have the most powerful Tool/Asset/weapon/Machine, I won’t say Robot, I thought. ‘No, don’t’ Debra, said.

OK Students: Please feel free to contribute to this ongoing training session, the whole of my life seems to have become a training session, I suppose, I don’t mind as long as it helps the Guardians to do their job. Sionn is now looking at me with his all-knowing stare, I know he has something important to say.

‘What is it?’ I said.

Sionn said, ‘You know, that you are now invulnerable, Dan, will you please wait in the other room.’

A few minutes later Reeas comes in followed by Sionn.

‘I know I have to keep control, at all times.’ I said.

‘Dan, all I can say is Debra has now gained power more than she was ever expected to. We can’t understand the reason why she has suddenly boosted her knowledge. It is, as though, she has found a way to access the lightbook, which we know is impossible!

‘Can it be that this is something to do with the agents of Kallo?’ I said.

‘All our information says no, but anything is possible.’

Now I am more worried. Reeas is now looking at me with a concerned expression.

‘What is it?’ I said.’ Sionn said, ‘We want you to go on a special mission.’

‘Does that include Reeas,’ I said. ‘I mean, do you want me to go alone?’

She looks at Sionn. ‘You don’t need anyone to help you now, Dan.’

‘What do you mean?’ I said.

‘Debra will be able to do everything.’

‘Never mind, Debra,’ I said, ‘I want to know if Reeas wants me to go alone.’

‘Of course not!’

‘Then why, have I got to go alone?’

‘You will not be alone said Sionn, Debra will be there.’ I start to get angry. Suddenly, Debra is here!

‘Don’t worry, Dan,’ she said, ‘I will take care of you.’ I at once know that I have brought on this last little episode with Debra and Sionn and Reeas know it.

‘OK, I get it.’ I said.’

Sionn said, ‘Debra will be you, and any other form you happen to take on?’

‘Yes, I realize that.’ I said.

‘And you know also that you won’t even need a lightsuit.’

‘Yes, I know that, also.’

‘Debra will be your defense, and everything else that you require.’

‘Yes, I figured that out, too.'

‘Well, we tried to get Debra to cooperate and let the rest of the Guardians have the same protection, but she adamantly refuses. This means, that you alone will be unique in the Guardian-Network.’

‘Maybe I can try and communicate with her in the Higher Regions, again?’

‘No, Dan. We already tried and failed, she is very protective of you, so please don’t make any waves at this time, let’s just sail on; just be aware that you will have to be in control at all times. Can you please join us for updates in the briefing room?’

I am now starting to worry a little over Sionn’s talk.

In the briefing room, I can now just rest. I don’t even need to pay attention. I know Debra is taking it all in, I feel a little surplus-to-requirements.’

‘Don’t worry, Dan, I’m here; I can do everything for you.’ Now, I am worried. I can see Sionn looking at me now and again. I know if Sionn is edgy then things are not good. At this time, my student friends, you should know I don’t understand the significance of the situation. I can see people in the briefing room looking at me more and more! I don’t realize for a few minutes that I am changing shape from myself to Debra, every few seconds! Debra is the most powerful thing in the Multiverse, and I am now starting to worry, big-time. You will have to forgive me if I seem a bit edgy, but you also know the reason why. I am reminded of a film I saw as a child in my last lifetime (Forbidden Planet) about a planet that is destroyed by its highly advanced population who forgets that they have a subconscious mind. This subconscious invisible monster would in time kill all the people. Now, I have a monster of my own! Students, please excuse me while I upload everything to do with this next mission.

Chapter 62-Change Over

During the uploading session, I notice that I am becoming more like Debra; or rather, she is becoming more like me, also, the ship, and everything else connected with it. I can now access everything Debra can! I think that being an android, or Cloft the Tourgen, is something special, but this awesome power that is Debra, is something to experience beyond anything that I have done so far. I realize that I am now in charge of the most powerful thing in the physical world; what about the inner worlds, I hear you say. Yes, I can also access Debra there when needed, because she is part of me and vice versa. Sionn comes in with a smile, which is something that is not usual.

‘Good news, he said. Debra has stabilized, that is, as far as taking in information. She was starting to worry me, as you know, Dan.’

‘Yes, I could tell.’

‘Yes, I know I’m not the easiest of people to read, but even I was worried.’

‘You can trust me,’ I said.

‘Yes, I know, and don’t forget, you can access the Room-of-Doors when you need some private time.’

‘Yes, I will, and thank you.’

For student purposes: The Room-of Doors is on the astral plane and not the higher regions, although there are higher astral regions. Debra is now stabilized, and under control, but she is part of me, so, she goes where I go.

I know all this information before Sionn tells me, but it is nice to hear. You students, may or may not, understand my predicament. I suppose it is something that one can only dream about, and that is the key. Imagine having the powers of a God!

I now know my next mission. I am to go to a planet called Feriensa in a galaxy some billions of light-years away from Earth. The only way of getting there is by dream traveling.

The problem is, the highly intelligent people there have stumbled on one of our underground bases. We know the people there are about ready to know about us, but even we are surprised by the sudden discovery. I am told to be prepared for any trouble from dark agents. The other job I have to do is make a short detour of sixty-eight million light-years to another planet to question some agents who have been caught trying to destroy the planet with chemical weapons, I won’t be able to transport the prisoners with me, so I will instruct the ruling government to place them into long term isolation, and then we will question them on the astral plane at our leisure. I wonder if the two incidents are related but I will find out later. I said my goodbyes to Reeas, Sionn, and the other members of the team. I know I don’t mention the rest of the team very often, but you can access them yourself from the ...Yes, I know you know where. I know also that I don’t need to say goodbye because I can meet them on the inner planes, but I still say it, habit, I suppose. In sleep mode, I am back at the Room-of-Doors, and yes, Debra isn’t here, as Sionn has said.

 OK, I think, I will take a little vacation, but first I will ask you students the same question, where would you go? And what would you do? Please upload your thoughts to base. I start to walk through the doors, one after another. As you know, another set of doors appears behind the first set, that is, if you don’t intend to go to a past life in the first set. I don’t know exactly where I am going but I know I have to concentrate my inner self on the doors. I seem to be guided by something apart from myself. Debra, you say, no, I don’t think so, but maybe it is, as you know, each section of doors is ten-thousand years. I am now up to ninety-thousand years ago in my past lives. I stop for a while just to get acclimatized, so to speak. Remember before, when I said there are also sub-planes which are also doors at the side of the original doors, well, these doors are many. I can go through one, and find hundreds more behind it, these are the different sub-levels. Yes, I know it is a bit confusing, but I know you can understand it, as you are Student-Guardians.

OK, I am now sure I have to go through this one door; it is a sub-plane door. I stop for a moment, just to meditate for a few minutes. I know someone is behind it but I don’t know who. Please, students, again, upload your thoughts. I know I am asking you to upload a lot, but, it is very important, after all, you are the future. I walk through the door. Imagine my surprise when I find myself back in the sub-plane base again. 

Sionn, Reeas, Deria, Grenwer, all the team are there! I am stuck for words. ‘You don’t need to say anything, Dan, said Sionn. We are just glad that you managed to find the right portal, this means, you are now able to access any number of past lives, not just yours, but any being, in the multiverse!’

‘What?’ I said.

‘Just rest and contemplate for a while.’

Reeas said, ‘Can we talk? Dan.’

‘Sure,’ I said, we walk to the restroom.

‘You know we will always be together, don’t you?’

‘Yes,’ I said. I start to feel anxious. ‘And I know, that whatever happens, we will always love each other,’ I said.

‘Yes, but things, are changing.’

‘What do you mean?’

‘Debra will be with you, always, too.’

‘Yes, but she is… (I have to pick my words very carefully, as I know Debra is somewhere very near) My work partner, you are my wife.’

I hold Reeas by the shoulders. ‘Why should I be the one to have all this power given to me? I have only been with the Guardians a relatively short time.’

‘Don’t put yourself down, you are a Higher Being and someone who cares about what he does. Why do you think Sionn picked you in the first place? I’ll tell you why, because you picked him!’

‘Really,’ I said.

‘Yes, I know you are beginning to expand in power, but don’t worry, we will always have each other. I talked with Sionn and company about you needing someone besides Debra to keep you company while on these missions, she is waiting outside. I know it is Deria.

I said, ‘There is no one, besides you, who I want by my side more than Deria.’

Deria comes into the room, in her human form.

‘Deria said, ‘We will both have access to Debra, but you are the key.’ 

Reeas said, ‘I will now start my training to be part of Deria’s people.’

‘What?’ I said.

‘Yes, I am going to become one of Deria’s, brethren.’

‘You are very fortunate, Reeas.’ said Deria.

‘I know.’ Reeas replied, in an excited voice.

I am stuck for words.

‘Don’t worry, Dan.’ Reeas said, I will still look as I do now, but I will also be able to change into Deria’s usual elfin-type body.’

I look at Deria. She is very beautiful, indeed.

‘I have no complaints.’ I said.

Reeas laughs. Deria said, ‘Dan, Reeas, please let us link hands, I want you to meditate on my people, although Reeas will be in training for a while, she will be able to reach us, should we need her.’

‘You mean if anything happens to Debra?’ I said.

‘Deria said, ‘Debra is now the utmost power in the multiverse, she is the Guardian-Network, plus much more.’

‘Yes.’ I said, ‘but they had a network similar to Debra before, didn’t they?

‘No.’ said Deria, as you know; Debra is of your making.’

‘Yes, but I thought we had been through all that, and rectified it.’

‘She has made you her partner. The Guardian’s themselves realize this, and it cannot be altered. Now, every Dark Agent will know this.’

‘So, I have come from being a lowly teacher to the most hated Guardian in the Multiverse.’

Reeas comes over and hugs me.

‘You are unreachable by any agents.’ she said.

‘What about the Room-of-Doors?’ I said, ‘Sionn said I can get some privacy there.’

‘You can,’ Deria said, ‘but you will have to be wary, only use it in an emergency.’

‘What?’ I said, ‘let me speak to Sionn.’

‘Sionn has gone into inaccessible mode.’ Reeas said.

‘Fine!’ I said, 'the only person who I want to talk to in the whole Multiverse and he is away!’

‘Don’t worry, Reeas said, ‘Deria and Debra will be with you.’

‘I’m sorry.’ I said, ‘but I feel a bad experience is about to happen.’

‘It must be the change you’re going through,’ said Reeas. ‘Please rest awhile.’

I go to the restroom. I decide to lie down and just contemplate. You students, will know the difference between meditation and contemplation, so I will leave it at that. I am trying to evaluate the situation.

‘Don’t worry, Dan, I am here.’ I open my eyes to see my mother from my Dan Sherman lifetime, but I know this is  Debra, as I am now fully aware of everything regarding Debra, also, I don’t feel in any way threatened by Debra this time.

‘OK, Debra, you can go back to being yourself, please.’

‘What about your favorite apple pie?’ she said.

‘OK,’ I said, maybe you can stay like you are for a short while.’ I am starting to like this new Debra.

I go to the sleep rooms to say goodbye to Reeas, no matter how far away we are from each other I know we will always be together. This is something a lot of people on Earth and other planets sometimes forget,‘ onwards, my Student friends.’

Chapter 63-Gastreal, Feriensa, and Felthen.

We decide to go to planet Gastreal first to interrogate the dark agents. We are to contact special security staff who have the agents in custody. I know we don’t need to transfer into cloned bodies; yes, I know I said before we would use cloned bodies, but now, with Debra being Debra, we don’t need to. We can materialize in any form we need. I decide to be myself while Debra comes as a Tourgen-clone.

‘You don’t need to use that form, Debra.’ I said.

‘I know, but I think it will encourage them to cooperate.’

We are greeted by security staff who are more than a little nervous at meeting Debra, especially when she transforms into a smaller version of the Tourgen to fit into the rooms and corridors we are accessing. I transform myself into the original Debra a few times before we arrive at the room where the agents are held. The security staff is now very confused.

‘Please leave us alone with the prisoners for a time,’ I said.

After looking at each other several times, the man in charge of security said, ‘You know these people will die before they give out any information?’

‘Yes,’ I said.

And you know they have already been through several interrogations before.’

‘Yes,’ I said, again, ‘we know.’

‘Do you know, also, that they have been specially selected and cloned into their bodies which feel no pain, or fear when threatened?’

‘Yes,’ I said.

‘Well, good luck, then; we couldn’t get a thing out of them.’

When the security staff has gone, Debra turns back into her normal self. We know the agents are not afraid of pain, and Deria, who is invisible, said she can’t access anything from the prisoners, either.

‘OK, I said, time for some serious pain, for you.’

‘Who do you think you are kidding,’ the obvious leader said.

He is a Kallo look-alike, again.

‘We are the Elite-Selection! Do you think you can intimidate us, by transforming into other life forms? Ha, Ha. Go back to your leaders, Trainees!’

I look at Debra, she knows just what to do, one look from her, and the agents are rolling on the floor in agony. After about a minute, the agents are screaming out to talk, but I notice that one is relatively quiet, I try to access his mind, but I notice he has been brain changed, it is common on numerous planets. After another few minutes of recuperation, they said, ‘It is no good trying to get information from us about other agents, as we have been processed to give any number of false answers, we don’t know any more than you.’ I know he is right, but I still let Debra put them on the floor again.

 We are about to leave, when Debra looks at me, I know something is badly wrong, the agent who said nothing while being tortured is now laughing. Debra suddenly transforms herself into the ship encompassing us all inside, in the next instance, there is an almighty blast. All I am aware of a light of the most intense kind. I don’t know whether I am still in the room, on the ship, or back at base. Yes, I am part of Debra, but I am also myself, and that self is struggling to understand what has happened. It doesn’t take long to find out that the agent who was laughing had triggered a massive photon bomb. How come we didn’t detect it, you say, because it was embedded into his brain. Yes, his new brain! Debra is now her normal self and the ship.

‘Are you OK? Dan.’ 

‘Yes, thank you, Debra. What happened?’

‘One of the agents triggered a photon-bomb. Everyone on board is dead except Deria, and you. I simply didn’t have the time to contain the suspect.’

‘The security people will wonder what happened.’ I said.

‘As far as they are concerned we simply disappeared; In fact, we traveled at faster than light speed through the planet and out into deep space. I am now starting to get my bearings.

‘You will be alright in a moment, said Debra, it is the sudden increase in light.’

Debra jettisoned the blast out into space with the bodies of the prisoners.

‘Do you want me to transfer to the astral plane to question the prisoners again, Dan?’

For Student information: We don’t need to go into sleep mode while we are with Debra, she can transfer us anywhere on any plane.

‘No, thank you, Debra, we won’t get much information from them. On Second thoughts, yes, let us see their faces when they see we are OK. In the next instance, we transferred to the sub-base on the astral plane. The prisoners are standing before a Judge or Guardian.

‘How do you plead?’ The judge said.

‘We have been programmed to tell lies, so it’s useless to ask us.’

‘Take them away,’ the judge said.

‘Please, your honor, can I question then,’ I said.

‘Of course.’

Now, which of you people remember me and my companion? I said.

All of them said they did.

‘OK then, what did you achieve?

‘We managed to blow the hell out of you.’

‘No, you didn’t, we were able to contain the blast and move it away from the planet.’

‘Never, they said.

‘Is it possible to let them see the truth through my friend, Debra here? I said.

‘I’m afraid it won’t make any difference’ the judge said. ‘Their brains have been altered, take them away.’

As they are leaving, the leader shouted, ‘We will get you yet, Sherman,

you think you are safe, but there are many agents after you! Kallo maybe in captivity, but his agents are out there!’

Deria is now in the room. ‘Even I couldn’t get through the consciousness of those agents’ she said.

‘What about their Karma? How does it work with their brains being altered?’ I said. Deria said. ‘They are still accountable for their actions, they might think they are getting away with something, but in reality, the soul moves into the original mind to pay the debt.’

‘Kallo is racking up some serious Karma.’ I said.

Why did he bother, you ask? We were protected by Debra, which is as good as a lightsuit. All I can say is, they will try every means to destroy me, yes; I am what they are after. Why bother, again, as I can simply go back to base! At this stage, I don’t know, it is too soon after the blast to formulate any reasonable answers. Will students, give me a little time to recover my senses. Debra said, ‘Would you like me to access the leader, Dan, to see if I can make him into a better person?’

‘No,’ Debra, thank you. He will be processed.’

We are now back on the ship and heading for Feriensa the highly civilized planet where they have discovered one of our underground bases. It is time for the population to know about us, so I am to go with Deria and Debra, to introduce ourselves.

This, for once, seems like an enjoyable mission. I just hope it will turn out to be so. I know from Debra that three members of the public from Feriensa are potential Guardians, two of whom, are the finders of the underground base! The news said that aliens had founded a base there recently. The news has spread like wildfire, but in reality, the base has been there for thousands of years. All I can say is, they must be pretty smart to get by the security in a Guardian-base. Records show that they bypassed several anti-trespasser alarms which are supposed to trick them into believing that nothing is in the base but space or just an empty cavern. The trip to Feriensa will take just five days traveling at what is now a record speed for any Guardian craft. Debra has upgraded herself to many times light speed. Don’t ask me how; I simply don’t know, yes, I know I am part of Debra, but I am also Dan Sherman, and, I am starting to realize that if I try to keep up with Debra, I will be consumed by her! She also knows this, and so, we are in a sort of partnership that lets the other person be separate, sort of, although I know I will have to struggle.

The distance to Feriensa from Gastreal is 68 million light-years, a trip which is next to nothing for Debra with help from various wormholes. I am now starting to feel a lot easier with my newfound job, I ask Deria if she wants to dance, and she said yes, as students, you will already know that I like to dance from my adventures when I first became a Guardian. Debra is also waiting to dance with me, as you already know. Can you imagine dancing with two of the most beautiful women in the Multiverse and not getting tired in the bargain, correction, the three most beautiful women as Reeas is now on the ship as a hologram. ‘Are you trying to get some dancing practice in without me?’

I am now feeling pretty good I can tell you, suddenly, the alarm goes off! Debra said that a ship has been scanned some hundreds of light-years off our chosen direction.

‘What info can you get? Debra.’

‘Just that it is a Poliderian Ore-Ship bound for Deriana, one of their sister planets. It has been hijacked and the crew has been taken away by the Felthen’s.’

‘Why hasn’t it been reported?’

‘The Felthen’s put a cloaking device around the ship, but I found it anyway.’

‘When, did this happen?’

‘Several days ago, they intend to come back and take the ship to Hullza, one of the planets they took over after the war with the Relibarians.’

‘OK, report it to Guardian base, and we will pay the Felthen’s a little visit. They need to learn a little respect.’

‘How far away is the ship that took the hostages?’

‘Within easy catching distance,’ Debra said.

‘Good, let us do a little hostage-taking ourselves.’

I am starting to tap into Debra’s super mind. I know we don’t need to get to Feriensa in any hurry, we have time to spare. The Felthen’s are a dominant race in the Temerarian-Galaxy, and they have taken over several planets, and subsequent moons.

I am now getting information from Debra about everything to do with them, as she is now accessing their ship's database. I know we can catch up with the ship in less than two hours. I sit down in the restroom, it doesn’t matter where onboard I am, I can still access Debra. I begin to think of all the adventures I have had since becoming a Guardian. You students will also be able to access them for me, they are sometimes like dreams, yet I can access them from Debra, and they are more than real! My consciousness has risen beyond all expectations, as Sionn said, but I can still remember my past lives. I am still Dan Sherman in every sense of the word, yet, I am also part of this higher consciousness which is Debra, or God himself, or itself. I want to stay as Dan Sherman; after all, it is the culmination of all my past lives, but, I know I will have to move on sometime. Don’t forget, students, there is nothing more sure than change itself.’ OK, we are now in contact distance with the Felthen ship, contact meaning they can now message us if we want them to. We are under cloak at the moment, and shadowing them. Debra said,

‘Do you want me to neutralize their weapons, Dan?’

‘Not just yet, Debra.’

I am starting to realize that this little incident might also be a plot to get me.

‘Can you read anything out of the ordinary about the mental condition of the crew? Deria’

‘I will go over and check, Dan,’

‘Everything checks out here, Dan, said Debra, all they seem to want is the Ore-Ship.’

‘Thank you, Debra, can you message Feriensa, tell them who we are, and what has happened, also tell them we won’t be able to come as scheduled, but we can arrange to interview the potential Guardians later; tell them, we know that Feriensa is ready to receive knowledge about the Guardian-Network, and anything else that is relevant. Oh, and secure the Guardian base from any more interference.’

‘OK, Dan.’

Reeas is now on view as a hologram. She said, ‘I am starting to feel something of what you are going through, Dan, in the short time I have been in training, I have gained some of Deria’s powers. The mental side of things has increased in me.’

‘Yes, I said, I feel somewhat hesitant to board their ship, you know, the Felthen’s are highly advanced in mental control.

‘Yes, that is why I came to warn you!’

‘Thank you, Reeas.’

As you students know, I have had a few dealings with certain beings that also have high mental control. Why is it that some people who get highly evolved want to rule the Universe or anywhere else? I suppose after centuries of religion and spirituality they find that they don’t need it; they can produce anything with their fabrication machines, and go anywhere with their starships. I know one thing, we won’t find any potential Guardians on the Felthen’s ship!

After some more time trying to access Debra, and also the Felthen network, I decided to stop their ship and just leave them with life support while we access their database in inaccessible mode. We simply transport ourselves over as easy as walking from our ship to theirs. I call it Debra-mode; the difference is that before I had to use a lightsuit, which can still be touched by anyone, but now we are fully protected, invisible, and untouchable! Deria is now back, she said that the Felthen crew checked out, but there seems to be a presence on board that she could not find!

‘OK, I said, everyone please be aware that there may be a spy on board! I feel a bad vibe coming from the ship.’

Debra said, ‘The ship is safe, Dan.’

‘I know Debra, but I feel a trap is waiting for us.’

‘Dan,’ Debra said, ‘do you know what my name, means?’

‘Please, Debra, not now.’

‘I’m just trying to lighten the tension, as you call it.’

‘Yes, Debra, I know, you are, and yes, I know what your name means, as I am now a part of you.’

‘What does it mean? Dan.’ 

It means ‘the Bee,’ or an ‘Industrious Woman.’ I said.

‘Very good, Dan, you know I want to be recognized as a separate part of you. I also want to protect you, and I want you to feel that you can rely on me for anything, also, I have given myself an abbreviation. OK team, let’s go.’

‘What, abbreviation?’

‘I thought you would know.’

‘Oh, yes, I am just now accessing it. ..Deep. Engineering. Building. Regeneration. Analyst.’

‘Do you like it, Dan?’

‘It is spot on, Debra.’

She is now dressed in a combat uniform with all the stuff that goes with it!

‘Debra, there is no need to wear that gear! They won’t be able to see us anyway.’

‘I know, she said, but you can see me and I want to look professional!’

I must try harder to keep myself in check, I think. Once on board their ship, we soon find the hostages, I am appalled to find they have been tortured, not with the usual physical stuff, but with mental probes; these are devices that have been banned for millennia in any civilized star system.

‘Can you help them, Debra?’ I said.

‘I’m afraid not, Dan, they are as good as dead.’

I am feeling pretty angry, I can tell you, students! OK, time for action. I notice a sort of misty dark shape hovering to my left.

‘Do you see it, Debra, Deria?’

‘Yes, Dan.’ said Deria.

‘I can feel it, more than see it.’ said Debra.

‘OK, please form a triangle around it, I said; now, concentrate on it.’ Within a short time, it becomes visible. I know it to be a Shadow-Person; they are entities that have been seen since time immemorial. Of course, it can’t see us, or hear us, as we are in the high-cloaking mode, but it knows something is wrong.

‘Do the Felthen’s, know about this, Debra?’

‘There is nothing on the databank, but maybe it was brought on board with no info about it being given to the crew.’

‘That’s exactly right,’ said Deria, this creature is a clone of one of the Astral Entities which used to be used to bring victims untold agony. The poor souls who are lying here are testament to this; don’t let it touch you.’

‘Why? I thought we were protected by Debra?

‘We don’t know for sure how much mental ability it has. You could be trapped in a lower region.’

‘Yes, but I have been trapped, before.’

‘Don’t forget, this entity has been manufactured by the Felthen’s who are highly advanced in mind control, anything could happen. I believe it is waiting for you! I believe the whole thing is a set-up just to get you, Dan.’

‘Surely not,’ I said.

‘Dan, this creature is a physical manifestation of an Astral Entity of great power; that is why the Felthen’s kept it such a secret! No one on the ship knows about it! They don’t even know these poor people are here!’

‘OK, we will have to put this creature in isolation, Deria, is there any safe way to get it back to base?’

‘No Dan, we will have to kill it.’

I will notify base that it is on the way, Dan, said Debra, I will also kill it, we don’t want you racking up any more Karma, do we?’


 know this last comment isn’t like Debra. I am now getting worried again. Suddenly, Debra’s face changes into a dark ugly shape, then it becomes normal again! I then notice a small dark shape on her leg! I can now see the dark matter starting to spread up Debra’s body!

‘What the hell am I supposed to do?’ I shouted.

Deria pointed her hand at the entity, and a light of the highest intensity came forth. The entity then disappeared, but Debra is still half-covered with the dark matter! She is also pointing her arm at me in the same way as Deria did. I think I am going to be absorbed with her power. Time seems to standstill. I can now see Deria looking around as though she has lost something! What the hell am I doing here? I think. I am the most hated man in the Multiverse thanks to Kallo, who is now in a security cell on the astral sub base, and he has been sent to Mannus himself to be treated and is now no threat! We worked together some time back, and he even likes me! But I am now pursued all over the Multiverse by the agents who he trained!

Suddenly there is an almighty blast! I am taken aback again just like when we were on Gastreal. All I can do is sit down in the lotus position as Sionn comes into view!

‘What happened?’ I said.

‘Sorry, Dan, we had to keep things, incognito.’

‘Who is we?’ I said.

‘Deria, Debra, and Reeas, he said.’

Reeas? I said.

‘Yes, she kept us informed about the ongoing situation.’

‘What about Debra? I said.’

‘She is OK.'

'But I saw her change into a dark shape.’

‘Yes, she was doing as ordered.’


‘We needed to get information about agents also we have now many times more info about their network.’

‘Wait a minute,’ I said, can anyone tell me why I can’t be consulted about these things?’

‘Sorry, Dan. It was the only way to get Debra close to the agents. We know she wouldn’t have harmed you, plus, she has now located twenty-five more agents in the last few seconds!’

‘Yes, I know.’ I said, ‘I am part of her.’

‘Yes, but you are still Dan Sherman, and as such, you are susceptible.’

I thought I was untouchable, but all I seem good for is to be kept in the dark!’

‘Dan, listen, I am sorry I have to keep you in the dark on certain things but believe me, it is for the best. Debra is now the most powerful force in the Multiverse. Can you begin to understand that!’

‘Yes.’ I said.

‘Can you understand, also, why we didn’t tell you about Debra seemingly being taken over by the agent?’

‘I think so. I said.’

‘Why then?’ Sionn asked?’

‘Because you wanted the time to locate and destroy the entity, and locate the Agents.’

No!’ he said. ‘We wanted it to believe that Debra has now been infected by it. The entity has been destroyed, but it has now gone to one of the astral lower regions where it is still in existence.’

‘So, you’re saying the word will get around that I am destroyed, or the network is affected!’

‘Exactly, agents will believe that we are vulnerable.’

‘I wanted to tell you, Dan.’ Said, Debra!

‘Thank you, Debra.’

 Reeas said, ‘Don’t be annoyed, Dan, it was for the best.’

‘OK,’ I said, ‘but you can understand why I feel a little aggravated.’

‘Yes,’ Sionn, said, ‘but we are now getting word that the Shadow-Person is more than an agent, it is a Master in its own right! You did extremely well in finding it Dan, and Deria.’

‘I could feel it, also.’ said Debra!’

‘Yes, thank you, Debra.’ Sionn said. ‘Now, all that needs to be done is for your students to upload a report on the mission, Dan.’

‘Yes, I’m sure they already know that.’ I said.

‘Sorry, students, Sionn does seem to take control when he is in the room, or anywhere else for that matter. Onwards, my friends.’

Dan Sherman Space Guardian

All Worlds

Book Eight

Copyright Colin J Platt 2014

Chapter 64-Altreena/ Chapter 65-Kallo 2 and Reeas/ Chapter 66-Rejection

Chapter 64-Altreena

Back at base, we rested; if you can call it resting; in truth, we don’t need to rest., I suppose you could call it being at peace. As you students know, being on the astral plane is like being at home, we are spiritual beings, and as such, we exist on the inner planes, we only take short-vacations on other planets like Earth to learn, speaking of planets, the next job is going to be very interesting to you in several ways, one of which is that we will be going to an ultra-futuristic planet. For me, it is a chance to reacquaint myself with higher world technology, which is simply the most advanced in the Phentrol-Galactic-System. The planet we will be visiting is called Altreena. The people are still in the human form, but use the body just for existing in the physical; most of the time they are in meditation, or long term sleep-mode, they are working on the astral-plane, or some other plane for most of their lives. What is the point of having a body if they don’t use it, you ask? They are simply burning up their last vestiges of karma before moving on to the inner planes.

 Our job is to find the agents, or entities that are creating havoc destroying the sleep rooms. How can any agents get access to what must be some of the highest technology in the Universe, you ask. All I can say is, they must be highly intelligent also, maybe they are citizens of Altreena itself corrupted by agents, yes, I know you are going to say that the people who are destroyed will come back again, but it is still murder. Please upload your thoughts to the database as to who you think might be responsible for this, especially if you know you were once on Altreena as a resident or ‘Napie.’ For people who don’t know what Napie’s are, they are a pet animal or rather, a small human-like creature, about twelve inches tall, with large heads hands, and feet, with fur which is very soft; they have below human intelligence but are still way above monkey consciousness, some are clever enough to go to special schools, but most are content just to be looked after. I have to say here, that I was a Napie a very long time ago, yes me! It was one hundred and twenty-five thousand years before I incarnated as Dan Sherman.

Of course, the people of Altreena didn’t look after us Napie’s; it was the Super Robots that did everything relating to everyday work, and more. That is why I mentioned at the beginning that it would be interesting to you as students in many ways, maybe you were a Napie? All I can say is, I am fascinated to find out if my Robot Nanny is still in existence, Yes, even after all this time, there is a real chance that she will still be around, how? You say. Because the brains of the robots are fashioned after real people, and linked to a supercomputer; this means the consciousness of that robot might still be in the computer. I am fascinated, also, to look through my past life as a Napie, I found that I did go to school, and I also passed the exam to become a Napie-Helper; that is a Napie who knows that they are more than an animal. The downside is that Napie’s don’t live very long, they were manufactured by the Altreenan’s and they only live about 25 years. What is the point of Napie’s? you say; the people don’t want to know about them, and they are brought up by robots! It is just something that got out of hand many years before; the people know the Napie’s are of a higher consciousness than animals, so they decided to let them live. All animals, however, are put into deep freeze or sent to other planets. It is the law to have no other pets but Napie’s, also, it is the law that no one can, in any way, try to prolong the life span of the Napie’s. I suppose the government at the time was a little threatened by the Napie’s because Napie’s were living day-by-day, and not in meditation or sleep mode. Records show that many years ago Napie’s formed a secret group to live together in small clans, the Government at the time caught the leaders and expelled them to neighboring planets, or just got rid of them. As you know by now, Napie’s are bred in artificial life tubes and they don’t have any sex organs, so they can’t breed normally. What a shame! I hear you say, the poor Napie’s can’t breed and have only robots for mothers, yes, but I remember my life as Napie was very good. I didn’t know any other way at the time. My past life before that was quite barbaric, so you can imagine my consciousness was very low, so becoming a Napie helped me to learn. Of course, the Altreenan’s at that time didn’t know that soul as human consciousness could inhabit such a thing as a Napie.

 Altreena is a very long way away, so we have to dream travel as usual to the equivalent astral planet, and then transfer our consciousness into whatever cloned bodies we will need to get the job done on the physical plane. In this case, they are two Altreenan people; a man and his wife who are also directors of the Eastern sleep room Facility. The real directors are asleep already, but the Guardians have cloned their bodies for us to use. Of course, Reeas and I will be the couple, and Deria will be her normal self as she is unable to be seen or detected anyway. Debra will be part of me. Why don’t we just go there as ourselves, with lightsuits, and invisibility mode, you say? Yes, I wanted to do just that, but Sionn persuaded me to go with this option, as, we will have enough knowledge and expertise. I must admit, I am feeling pretty good, the information from Debra is everything I need, plus more! Is it not invasive to encroach on another person’s life, or take his identity, you say? Yes, up to a point it is, but we have an important job to do. In the briefing room, Sionn said the agents are probably very secure in their role as citizens or agents and will be hard to find. There is no security as regards foreign people are concerned as there are no foreign people on the planet! No one is allowed to access Altreenan space, and super robot space ships are always on guard.

We can get there by simply transferring to the cloned bodies, and we suspect that is how the agents were accessing the planet. No sooner had we gone to sleep when we are awake and in the cloned bodies of director Lan Trant and his wife Lyn. For students that are interested in medical stuff, the bodies of Altreenan people are without any ailments and are perfectly proportioned. As you can imagine, on a super civilized planet the population has to be strictly controlled, and you guessed it, the Super Robots do the controlling. OK, we are now functioning as a couple trying to get the voice coordination right. Our agent on Altreena is a fully qualified Guardian called Felina3; she has been on the planet for seven years, her home planet is called Forteta and is a very advanced planet indeed; in fact, it is nearly up to Altreena standards, although the people of Forteta aren’t into sleeping their lives away. The next few days are a mixture of visiting the various places that the director and his wife would visit while trying to keep a low profile. Let me say here that the partnership of a man and his wife are different here on Altreena;

It is more of an agreement, if one partner wants to end the relationship then all they have to do is wait till the agreement lapses, which is every three months. If they want to carry on they do. Reeas and I are quite enjoying our little role as ordinary people for a change, so I decided I would take a little break and access the database to see if I can find my old Nanny. The database, as you can imagine, is highly protected, but I know I can get in there quite easily by simply transferring my consciousness into my invisible self, or Dan Sherman, plus Debra. I thought I would be quite safe at the time. I didn’t even tell Reeas!  Little did I know how such a small mistake could cost so much? Getting to the data room is easy, also getting into the protected computer is easy, I find out that thousands of Altreenan’s have been killed while in the sleep rooms! I can’t understand why, I mean, the agents would know that they would simply go back to the astral sub base.

Maybe the agents are just ordinary Altreenan’s who have gone insane! At this stage, all I can think about is my old nanny. I soon find out she is still in existence! And yes! Doing the same job, although she has been through numerous changes and upgrades, she is still the same personality! I waste no time in getting to the level where she is living, yes, I know she is only a robot, but to me, she was a living being. My excitement is now growing into something I should know is going to be my downfall! As you students know, Altreena is a planet that has no animals and the only pet-like animals are the Napie’s. Now, you would think that there would be a lack of space, as Altreena is an advanced world, and as such, will be overflowing with life, no, Altreena is a world where time has stood still for centuries. What a waste, you say, well, yes, I have to agree with that.

 There is ample space on the surface, but all the sleep rooms and living places are underground. OK, I am now at the door of my nanny's room. I feel strangely excited, Although I am invisible, untouchable, and undetectable. I feel like a little boy again! I walk through the door. When I say walkthrough, I mean I passed through the door without opening it. The scene is everything I remember from my past life! Nanny is seated with a Napie in her lap, they are playing together, she is tickling the Napie and the Napie is giggling away. I just can’t control myself; I have to show myself to Nanny! The only thing I can think of is to transfer myself into the Napie, how would she know me, you ask? I don’t care. I have to get to her! Where is Debra in all this, you say? That is the question, my student friends; all I can say is, she is inside me; I am so locked up with my Nanny, that Debra is now second place. Sionn said my consciousness would move up and down, did he not? All I want is to be my Napie past-life self. Nanny looks at me and starts to cry! She knows me! The next thing I know is we are playing and laughing just like all those years before. ‘Do you know, me, Nanny?’ I said.

‘Of course, Deeny, now, sit still, while these nice men take care of you! You should know that now you are twenty-five years old, you have to move on.’

Oh, no, I think. I try to get back to my invisible self, but too late, my powers are gone! I can’t contact Debra, Reeas, or Deria!

‘Yes, this is the time to move on, Deeny!’ They said. I can’t see much, as I am being held like a cat by the scruff of the neck. 

‘I’m sorry, little Deeny.’ Nanny said, ‘but these men said, you have exceeded your time, you have to move on, now. Don’t worry, they will take care of you. Bye, darling.’

‘Oh, we will take care of him, Nanny,’ they said.

I now know these are Dark-Agents!

You, Students, will now be saying, what happened? I am trapped in a feeble little body with no powers. I can’t contact my fellow teammates. How am I able to get this message to you and the database? You ask. Well, it was added later, that is all I know. Please be patient and also upload your thoughts, as usual. I need all the help I can get. I am now unconscious as a Napie, I am also struggling to find any relevant sub-plane bases to transfer to! Where the hell am I? I am sort of floating in a sea of dark matter. I can’t sit down and I can’t stand up, I also can’t concentrate my mind; is this going to be the future for me, as Dan Sherman? God, I hope my friends find me; who are they? I know I have many friends, but I can’t remember their names! I am supposed to do an important job, but I don’t know what it is?

For you Students: This message has been added by Sionn. Please be aware that Dan is now imprisoned in some sort of isolation vessel, we are trying to locate him but up to now, we are failing to even find out where he was last seen. The records on Altreena have been tampered with by Dark Agents. We can only assume they set up some sort of trap for Dan as he was accessing the database, Please be patient and help us by uploading your thoughts to Central Database. The story will now be continued by Reeas and Deria, as they try to locate Dan.

In the briefing room, Felina3 is trying to access the records shortly before Dan went missing, but all she can find is a very complicated uploaded virus that has deleted most of the names on the database!

Reeas/ Deria/ recording:

For you students: This recording is being made by Reeas, please be aware that we will try every means to find Dan. We are not Dan, however, so we don’t have access to Debra. The job now has become more than just finding the Agents. We are desperate to find any trace of Dan! It has been more than three days since he went missing and there has been no message from Debra. Deria has also had no luck in finding any trace of Dan’s consciousness on any plane of existence! As you can imagine, I am worried sick, I can’t function as I should, I know I am a Guardian, but nothing like this has happened before! Dan has been in a lot of scrapes in his time as a Guardian, also he has had a lot of past life experiences; that is one reason why Sionn chose Dan to be a Guardian. I have to get myself together. Deria said Dan must be in existence somewhere, so all we have to do is find him! Sionn is now in the briefing room, as a hologram. No sooner has Sionn started to talk, when one of the Super Robots that is standing guard around the room starts to speak.

‘I have to inform you, that Dan Sherman will be terminated in one week if you do not conform to our wishes.’

‘What are the terms?’ Sionn said.

‘We want Kallo to be pre-neutralized, and we want access to Debra.’

‘Impossible.’ said Sionn.

'Then you won’t see your precious Dan Sherman again.’

The robot then shut itself down.

‘Try to access that Robot, although I seriously doubt you will find anything of use.’ Sionn said. 

I am now starting to worry, yes me, Reeas! I was in training to be a Higher Guardian with Deria’s people. How will I be able to function if I can’t save my, Dan?  He could be anywhere in the Multiverse.  Deria said she would report back to her people. I wanted to go with her but she said, ‘Go to the Room-of-Doors. Dan would try to get there if it is at all possible.’

Sionn said, ‘Try to access the past lives that Dan and you were together in.’

 I said, ‘what about me going to Mannus, for help? He said as a last resort we would, but he feels this is a Guardian issue.

Sionn said, ‘Please don’t worry, Reeas, we will find him.’

‘How come the agents got into the Altreenan computer network?’ I said. ‘That is something we have to find out, the whole network has been sabotaged, we can’t even find out where Dan was shortly before he disappeared. The entire mission to Altreena was a set up to get Dan. when you get to the Room-of-Doors, let the love that you have for Dan Guide You, also …

The next moment, all I can remember is standing in the briefing room on the Astral Sub Plane base!

Sionn is there together with all the team, except Dan. What happened?’ I said.

Sionn is sat down, and holding his head in both hands! Deria said,

‘There was a massive bomb. Everyone in the Eastern sleep room facility is now dead, plus many more in the Northern, Southern, and Western sectors.’

I am stunned! How did this happen? How could...Deria motions me to be quiet. Grenwer is now entering the room; he holds Sionn by the shoulders and ushers him out of the room. Grenwer then came back to tell us that there will be a special meeting in the conference hall. In all the time I have been with the Guardians, I have never been to a special meeting. I feel more stressed now than at any time in my past lives. Students, please send your love and any thoughts to our database.

Chapter 65-Kallo 2 and Reeas

On my way to the conference hall, I think surely the Guardians should have known about the events that happened on Altreena?

In the hall, Grenwer is sat on the central chair, with three more Guardians, who I know to be Higher Coordinators; but there is one seat which is vacant to the right of Grenwer; this seat I know is Sionn’s. When everyone is settled, Grenwer said, ‘Please welcome our new Higher Coordinator, Kallo 2'.

‘What?’ I shouted. Everyone in the hall is now shouting, no, no.

‘Please, please,’ shouted Grenwer. ‘This is a grade One-Emergency-Meeting, everyone must comply! The noise abated after some time. Kallo is now at the seat where Sionn used to sit! Grenwer nodded to him to start. Kallo started to speak. ‘This meeting has been specially called because the whole fabric of the Guardian-Network is now under threat!’

Everyone in the hall is now staring in disbelief. One member of the audience on the front row shouts ‘Yes, and you are the cause!’

Grenwer is now on his feet. He motions Kallo to sit down. Grenwer then starts to speak. ‘Members, we are now in a new danger! We could have held information from you about Kallo, but we want to be honest as the truth always makes itself known sooner or later. We could have changed Kallo’s appearance; we could have cloned him into any form, we want you to know that Kallo is now no danger to us. The real danger is the threat from Kallo’s apprentices.’

‘And who is to blame for that?’ Shouted several people in the audience.

‘Grenwer said, please be quiet, this is a crisis, and we have to be orderly. Kallo has extensive knowledge about their network; it has taken a long time for us to get Kallo ready for action, this meeting is also for the benefit of any students who can access our network. As you know, Dan Sherman has been isolated into some sort of vacuum, our agents are trying to locate him, but up to now, we have been unsuccessful. You also know Dan has access to Debra, who has become more than just the ship's computer; she is simply, the whole Guardian-Network, so, you see? Now that Dan is missing, our network has depleted itself to the extent that we are in real danger! We will now revert to the old system of Thought-Transfer!’

‘What?’ Shouted someone from the second row? How can we do that? That system has been obsolete for centuries!’

‘It is simply a safeguard,’ shouted Grenwer. All of you have been trained in Thought-Transfer, even the student Guardians are familiar with it, so please use it from now on, we can’t risk jeopardizing the network.

For Students, themselves: The difference between the Thought-Transfer and the Network, is simply that the Network is the Lightbook, and so the lightbook is under threat. In years gone by Thought-Transfer was the way to access the Guardian-Network.

It takes a few minutes for the hall to calm down. Kallo 2 is now standing and looking around the hall. I start to feel uneasy. Kallo then waves his hand, seconds later all the lights in the hall go out, people start to shout; also some people are now on their feet. Within seconds the lights come on again.

‘Please don’t be alarmed.’ Kallo 2, said.

‘I’m just trying to make you see, that darkness is something that I have had a lot of experience with; only real darkness is something that most of you haven’t experienced.

‘What are you trying to say,’ said one person in the audience, ‘that you are a very bad man?’

‘No!’ shouted Kallo. I am trying to say that I am a Higher Being with experience in the dark regions; I have also been to Mannus. The Kallo you once knew is now gone. How can I justify the things I have done in my past, you say? I can’t. But I am willing to sacrifice myself; I will scour the lower regions to find Dan Sherman!

I stand up and shout.

‘Dan is in none of the lower regions, or any world of existence!’

‘I have been to many ‘Worlds-of-Existence,’ young lady, and I can tell you there are many such places where higher beings cannot enter. That is why I am being asked to help, and It is you, my dear Reeas, who I want to accompany me.’

‘I can’t,’ I said, I am going on a special mission.’

‘OK, then, when you finish your ‘special mission,’ please contact me by thought-transfer; also, I think you will find that your special mission, is connected with this mission.’

Grenwer then asks everyone to help in any way before he closes the meeting. I then go to the restroom to prepare my thoughts for sleep. Within a short time, I am in the Room-of-Doors,  it is my past life records room, just as Dan has his own. Students: please be aware that you can also access the Room-of-Doors if you know you were once in a past life with either me or Dan, then you can help, these records are ongoing, so that means they are continually being upgraded, so you can access them anytime. I stand facing what I know is the first door. Sionn said let love guide me. I think about Dan and the place he would most want to go to while on Altreena. I know he was excited about visiting his old nanny, of course, we tried to check up on the robot nanny, but all records and everything else were destroyed in the blast. All I can think of is to go to the past life of Dan when he was a Napie, again, the records were tampered with. Without Debra, everything is in shambles. I sit down as Dan would do before he meditated and closed my eyes. I find myself on a hilltop. I look around to find my past life spiritual masters sitting in meditation. After some time, one Master said ‘Dan Sherman is nowhere on the Higher Planes, search for his past lives on Altreena, then go to the lower regions; you will have to be aware that he may have been isolated into some kind of vessel, or mental vacuum.’

Oh, no, I think, Kallo is right, but I don’t care as long as I find my, Dan. I open my eyes. I am back in the Room-of-Doors. I have to walk through several levels, to get to the right one, as students, you are probably wondering how I managed to find the right one. I simply remembered! I love to talk with Dan as we relate to each other’s past life records. I stand in front of the right door and meditate. I now feel Dan is close by, but he is also low in consciousness! I open the door.

Now, for Students: You know I am in astral mode, and as such, I cannot be seen or touched. Of course, this is my past life, and not Dan’s, so you see, it is the right time, but the wrong place. At the time in question, Dan was being cosseted by his robot nanny; but I was trying to learn plant propagation on the planet Elphon, a planet similar to Earth in the Quadrel Galaxy; although Elphon is millions of light-years away from Altreena, it only takes me minutes to get there by astral travel. Now, for Students again: please concentrate on Dan, I know that together we can bring him home. I am now at the astral planet of Altreena. What a striking difference from Elphon! Altreena is a planet where everything is made easy, physically, but on Elphon everything is hard.

 Now, all I have to do is access the computer databank, how, you ask? if I can’t touch anything. It is because I can transfer my consciousness into it; it is something only Guardians and Higher Entities can do. It is easy to access the records, I have also made a friend in a Guardian who was sent to Altreena on a training mission! Imagine meeting someone who was a Guardian 125,000 years ago! God surely works in mysterious ways. The Guardian’s name is Gallo, he said we were informed you were going to come to Altreena. I made preparations for a security upgrade just in case any Dark Agents are around. Is the Guardian-Network not marvelous, my student friends! 

We find Dan’s Nanny’s apartment. I have to make sure I don’t interfere in any way. I find it fascinating to watch Dan, as Deeny, playing and being loved by a Robot! What use will it be to watch Dan as a Napie, you ask? I just want to observe the consciousness of Dan. I know it sounds silly, but it may help us find Dan. I want to hug little Deeny and take him home, but I know I can’t. All I can do is love him, and leave him. I make sure I uploaded any info that may be helpful to us, also I don’t meet any student Guardians while I am accessing the records. Don’t worry, students, you are young, and will learn, when I say young, I mean it in the broader sense of past lives, and not just years, you understand. After all, it is not easy to find one lifetime in millions! You may also be thinking why can’t I give information to the Altreenan Government about the bomb that will destroy the sleep rooms in 125,000 years, well, as much as I would like to, I can’t.

  It is the law that we do not interfere with any world. The only exception is when something threatens multiple worlds as Kallo did at Far-Station, also I am only a Guardian and not a coordinator. I transfer back to Elphon, I want to spend some time looking up old friends, but I know I have to hurry back to the Room-of-Doors. If you are wondering how I will find the door back through to the room, I just know, call it intuition. I start to walk through one door after another, I am now using thought-transfer to try and find my way to Kallo, or Kallo 2, I should say. I am also trying to be conscious of Dan. I am getting thought-transfer messages from Grenwer and Deria, they say there is still no trace of Dan and just as the Master said, Dan could be trapped in some sort of vessel or vacuum. I can assume that Dan is somewhere in the lower regions because that is where Kallo’s apprentices are most active.

To get to the lower regions, all I have to do is be aware. Why can’t I just be aware when I access the past lives then? you say. As students, you will know that Sionn and Grenwer can access their past lives just by being aware, but ordinary Guardians are still learning, especially now that Debra has become depleted. I have to tell you students that I am worried. If the dark agents can get access to Debra, then we are in big trouble! I am now on the first major lower level. As students, you will remember the journey into the lower levels that Dan and I made in our last adventure there. Kallo was also asked to accompany Dan, by Higher Guardians, and was part of me, and yes, Kallo did help, although, Kallo had only just been neutralized by Mannus, so we were a little worried. Sorry, if I’m going on a bit, students, but, as you know, going into the lower regions is no picnic.

I am now getting a Thought-Transfer from Kallo 2. He is on the third level from the bottom, so to speak, there is no actual bottom, but, we usually refer to it as the base; you know there are numerous sub-planes on each level, also. Now, I am nearing the third level, I’m not walking, as you know, but floating, I can fly if I want to, but I want to check out the landscape. Do you remember the portals from the last time we came down here? well, that is how I managed to access the levels. Normally, people or entities who want to pass through the levels have to go by way of the gate and be checked by the gatekeeper, but we, as Guardians, have access to the portals which are special hidden gateways, you students know this anyway, and you also know that there are Guardians or special agents, on every gate. I made inquiries from them about Dan, but no one has any information. Kallo 2 is waiting at the third-level gateway. He said, ‘I have been contemplating while waiting for you. I want you to come on a little journey with me.’

‘Where?’ I said.

‘Somewhere that no other Guardian has been, but me, and there won’t be any gatekeepers where we are going.’

 I feel a strange compulsion to be somewhere else, but I said, ‘OK.’

Never forget, students, Kallo is a Master when it comes to the dark regions, even though he has been neutralized; he has still got his old consciousness; so he is still the same, you say? No, he is different, as the mental side of him has been altered. Please don’t ask me how it works, I don’t know, or care, I only want to get my Dan back. Kallo said, 'For any students who have managed to get here at this exact time, you may be able to help, please sit down, and close your eyes. We are going to meet some friends of mine. I no sooner close my eyes when I feel a strange urge to run! I open my eyes to find we are in a sort of cave system. I look around to see all sorts of entities one would associate with Hell! I know most of the creatures here, but there are some even I don’t know. ‘What level is this?’ I said.

‘This is a level that only I know about.’ 

‘Never!’ I said.

‘Why do you doubt me?’

‘Surely, the Guardian-Network would know about it.’

‘Really! He said, looking very sure of himself. ‘Try to send a message by Thought-Transfer.’

I am now getting pretty nervous, I can tell you. I can see some of the creatures are surrounding us.

‘Where are we?’ I said.

‘We are in a neutral realm. Don’t be alarmed.  Just trust me.’

We are now, surrounded! You students will know most of the creatures from the Hell Worlds. There are Gremlins, Trolls, and Demons of all kinds; but the one that most scares me is now stood before us!

‘What the hell do you want?’ It said.

‘Hello, old-chap.’ Kallo said. ‘We want some information.’

‘Are you trying to be funny?’ The creature said.

‘Not at all, oh, sorry about my manners, this is Mr.’s Sherman, Mr.’s Sherman, this is Belial, one of the Crown-Princes from Hell.’

‘I don’t give a flying bat from hell who she is. You were once a good friend of ours, Kallo, but now you are working for the other side. What have you got to say, before we roast you?’

‘Just three sentences, actually,’ Kallo said. I know some of the words that Kallo started to speak are from the Black-Arts-Scriptures, which Kallo has taken from various planets. Now all the creatures, including Belial, are just standing around looking at us with blank expressions!

‘Now, Reeas, can you detect any sign of Dan?’

I am speechless for a few seconds, as my senses are reeling.

‘No, it is just a confusing mess!’ I said.

‘Don’t worry, my dear, it will take you a little time to acclimatize; I also can’t detect any sign of him, so we will move on to the next level. We won’t have any more trouble from the inmates.’

‘Why? How come you can control them so easily?’ I said.

‘I have control of these lower regions.’

Again, I ask, ‘how?’

‘Do you know the story, of the Fallen Angel?’

‘Yes,’ I said, ‘he was called Lucifer.’

‘Well, that was me!’

‘What?’ I said.

‘Yes, me, of course, the story got mixed up quite a lot in the old days of Earth.’

I can’t believe what I am hearing! But the more I think about it, the more it makes sense.

‘You were a Guardian with Sionn, about 3,500 years ago? I said.

‘Actually, it was more like 4,500 years. Don’t forget, I was into the dark side of things many years before Sionn found out. I thought I could even cheat Mannus, but I was wrong, come, all we have to do now is simply walk through the Main-Portal; it saves having to skulk in hidden gateways, eh?’

I don’t know why, but I am starting to actually like Kallo 2! We walk through to the next level without any trouble. I am starting to get used to the light, or darkness! Most of the beings on this level can’t see us, but once or twice we get funny looks from some entities.

‘Is this level also neutral?’ I said.

‘Yes, it is.’

‘Are there places that the people can go to worship, around here?’ I said.

‘What?’ said Kallo.

‘I mean, are there any sort of shrines.’

‘I suppose so, but it might be to worship the Devil, why?’

‘Just let us find one.’ I said.

‘Alright, Reeas, but, you might be disappointed. Kallo started to look at the people walking by.

‘What are you doing?’ I said.

‘I am looking at their auras; we need to find one with sufficient light to help us.’

‘Yes,’ I said, ‘what about that woman, there?’ The woman is already looking at us with a curious stare. She is dressed in a sack-like garment that looks like it is ready for the dump, but she has washed her face and hair. I can tell she is ready to move on; we walk over to her and I say,

‘Do you want to move nearer to the light?’

She looks at us, with nervousness, and said yes, I do, desperately.’

I then said, ‘Take us to the place where you pray, and we will help you.’

She said, ‘We can only pray in private, if we are found to be praying, we are taken away.’

I said, ‘Is there anywhere that people go to pray together?’

‘Yes,’ she said, but it is forbidden!’

‘Just show us where it is. We will take care of you.’

We finally get to the shrine, after much walking in circles. I can tell that the woman is wrestling with her inner demons not knowing whether to go or stay. We finally arrive at the site; It is a sort of large mound of earth which I recognize as a barrow; an ancient earth mound that people use for spiritual purposes, and burial; in fact, there are several of them dotted about the place; the area reminds me of the Bronze-Age back on Earth.

I am fascinated to see people carrying things like shopping bags and umbrellas. Kallo can see I am intrigued.

‘What a difference from the last place,’ I said.

‘Yes, it is surprising how much change there is in a whole level, don’t forget, we have by-passed many sub-levels.’

‘Why?’ I said.

Let us just say, I feel my old apprentices won’t feel comfortable there. Kallo is smiling. He knows he is the only one who can stand up to Belial himself! I look around at the people here, most are ordinary people who live here, not caring about what the actual site is. I can see one girl who looks much brighter than the others, I said to Kallo, ‘Can you see the light from that girl?’

‘Yes, she is a searcher, and the one we have been looking for!’

‘What?’ I said

‘Yes, I can tell, she is something to do with my ex-team-mates, Reeas, I’m going to make myself invisible, I feel that girl might recognize me from my past, and it may hinder you.’

‘Where has he gone,’ said the woman who came with us.

‘Never mind, I said, just be calm.’

 I walk up to the girl and say,

‘Have you just arrived here?

‘Yes, three days ago, but I don’t know where I am?’

‘Where did you come from?’

‘I don’t know, but it was much brighter than this place.’

‘Where do you live?’ I said.

I am staying at that old ruin over there by the river. She pointed to a dilapidated building on a hill about half a mile away with a large wall around it.

‘Why are you here, in his spiritual place?’ I asked.

‘I wanted to pray to see if I can go back home.’

‘What do you do in the building?’ I said.’

‘I have to look after this little creature, but in a few hours, I have to put it in a container and gas it!’

‘Why?’ I said.

‘They told me it would destroy us all! But I don’t see how? I don’t know why they choose me to do this terrible thing? They said I would be able to get back to my family. I just wish it was all over with.’

‘Don’t worry.’ I said I will walk back with you; I want to see this creature. I am with the government department here.’

‘Oh, no, I will be punished for this! won’t I?’

‘No, you won’t. Please relax. How many people are at the building?’

‘I saw five, but there may be more.’

How did you manage to get out? I said.

There is a small door at the rear which opens out to an old type garden with a high wall around it, no one saw me leave.’

I am getting a Thought-Transfer from Kallo.

‘This is too easy, Reeas. It is as though they are expecting us. I’m going to move into High-Intensity Invisibility, don’t worry, I will still be here. Change your form now to the shape of this girl, also your aura, and go into Invisibility Mode. When you get to the building, just try to relax, don’t forget, we are still in a Neutral Zone as far as the actual astral plane is concerned, that means you might not be able to use all your former powers.’

‘But you will, right?’ I said.

‘My dear girl, you are speaking to Lucifer himself, I am Master of these lower levels, so I sure hope so, after all, I created the Neutral Zone!’

‘Why did they choose this girl to destroy Dan? I said.’

‘It is because she has the same consciousness as the little creature.’

‘What?’ I said.

‘They will merge Dan with the girl when it is time to kill the creature. There is no gas or special tube in which to destroy it. They use a mental sound intensity weapon.’

Anyone with the same consciousness or I should say, very near consciousness will be merged, then they are lost. They must have hunted high-and-low for this girl.’

‘What sort of people are these agents?’ I said, with an angry tone in my voice!

‘They were my people, I trained them.’ Kallo said.  I forgot Kallo himself was the leader of the whole Dark Agent network a relatively short time ago!

‘Don’t worry! We will save him!’

‘How do you know?’

‘Just relax a moment,... Can you not feel him? I will neutralize the girl and the woman, and they will have no trouble moving through to the next level.’

You mean, you will kill them!’

‘It is not killing them; I’m just moving them on, most of the people here are as good as dead already, are they not?’

‘What if it is a trap? Surely they must know she has escaped!’

‘Yes, but they don’t need her now, they already have her mental pattern and consciousness linked into Dan’s. All they have to do is throw the switch. But the agents down here are not the brightest of beings.’

The Neutral Zone is a good place to hide out, I should know, but once you’re in it, it is easy to access, anyway, am I not Master of this place?’

Now, I have to smile; for once, I feel confident. Having dealt with the two females, we make our way to the large building. It reminds me of a manor house from the Tudor period, in England. It is sort of dark and spooky. As we get closer, I notice a graveyard at the rear! For you students: you will know already that on the astral plane people can live as though they are still alive, but some people will believe they are dead, also this is a neutral zone, so things will get mixed up. Sorry, students, but I have to concentrate on the mission at hand, so please forgive me if I can’t give you the attention you deserve. We go around the back, I notice there are a few specters who are hanging about the graveyard. Kallo said he would sort them out, later. We enter the building in invisibility mode, there is no one around. Kallo’s high-intensity shield is very good, even I can’t detect him! I make my way to the other room where two agents are seated.

‘It is about time!’ One said, ‘we expected you hours ago! you may as well show yourself, we can’t see you but you tripped a detection beam on your way in. I’m afraid you are too late to save Dan Sherman. He is already destroyed!’

I feel anger coming over me. Instead of changing into the girl, I change into my Tourgen beast form. Kallo earlier informed me that I may not be able to change shape at will here, but I guess my anger brought it on. I can see the look of terror, as they see me materialize.

‘It's no good trying to scare us; we know we are on the astral plane, and we will simply transfer back to our base.’

‘Yes,’ I said, ‘but not before I rip the hell out of you, and you know you will be able to feel pain because you know you are on the astral plane and I am also made up of the same stuff, am I not?’ They try to run but they don’t get far. I run upstairs after pulling their heads off. I kill another two at the top of the stairs. I then run into the room where I know Dan is. (For students again: just a quick mention that killing someone on the inner planes is simply up to the consciousness of the individual. Some beings can feel pain and some can override it.) The last agent is holding the dead body of little Deeny in one hand. ‘Here is your precious little Dan Sherman,’ he said as he throws him onto the floor, and kicks him over to me. I look at the agent with hatred! Something I rarely feel as a Guardian. I walk over to the agent look him straight in the eyes and say, ‘How does it make you feel, to destroy a soul?’

‘I don’t care; I have been specially trained not to care.’

‘Oh?’ I said, and how do you feel about pain?’ He starts to look nervous.

‘You won’t make me suffer! You are a Guardian, so you have to be caring!’

‘Really?’ I said, ‘but I am a Tourgen just now, and you know they are not very caring, I also, don’t feel very caring at the moment! If you don’t believe me, go and look at your teammates over there.’

‘OK, just give me a few minutes to transform into a Devil-Beast from Ghalinda and It will be a fair fight.’ I grab him by the throat. ‘Was it a fair fight when you killed a defenseless Napie?’

‘It wasn’t a Napie, he spluttered, It was Dan Sherman! He was the arch-enemy of our entire network!’

‘And you are an arch-enemy of my network.’

as I start to squeeze, I know he is dead when his eyeballs popped out of his skull.

‘Bravo.’ shouted Kallo, who is now visible. ‘I’ll remember to ask for your help when I’m in trouble in the future.’

‘But, Dan is gone!' I shouted.

‘Are you so sure?’ said Kallo. I look at the Napie on the floor.

‘Maybe you should look in the other room.’ Kallo said. I run into the other room. I glance over to the bench which is against the wall to see Dan materializing, even as I look!

‘Thank you, Kallo, I shouted, ‘Thank you.’

‘I thought it would be advisable to check the upstairs first.’ Kallo said.

‘But how did you manage to stop them triggering the machine?’

‘I used my expertise, my dear, Reeas. I simply touched the agent on the neck to make him believe he had triggered it. Then I switched off the machine!’

‘What about the Napie?’ I said.

‘Are yes, once Dan was safely in his consciousness the Napie died. How did I do, Reeas?’ 

‘I have to admit.’ I said. ‘I am impressed.’

‘I’ll just go and sort out the specters in the graveyard; I think they have been here long enough. Several millennia is a long time, yes? well, I thought they deserved it, at the time, but now I’m in a better state of mind, I feel benevolent, so, I will show mercy, and put them out of their misery. You can reacquaint yourself with Dan. It will take a while for him to become stable, but don’t worry, he will be OK.’

‘Thank you again.’ I said. I am now back in my original form as Reeas, while Dan is now starting to become conscious.

I have to admit that Kallo is a very formidable and scary person; but he has that certain thing about him that I, as a female, can appreciate. I call it dark-attraction; female students will know what I mean. 

‘What happened?’ Dan said.

‘Don’t speak.’ I said. ‘Just let me hold you.’

It takes several minutes for Dan to become stable.

‘Why does my head hurt so much?’ he said.

‘Don’t worry, please rest, when you are ready we will transfer back to the sub base for debriefing. Just be thankful to a special agent, that’s all.’

Chapter 66-Rejection.

For Students: This is Dan Sherman checking in. All I can say is that I am sorry! I should have kept control of my senses and also Debra. I let my defenses down, and Sionn. The information is that there is nothing we could have done about the bomb. But I still feel foolish! We are now in the debriefing room. Grenwer enters the room; he looks around with his all-knowing look, and said, ‘Welcome back, Dan!’

Then, everyone in the room started to clap!

‘But, I failed, I said!’

‘No,’ shouted Grenwer. ‘You did your best, and you will learn from it. There is nothing we could have done about the explosive device; it had been there a long time, and was undetectable; It was put there by Super Robots who were programmed by dark agents. How do we know this? It is because Debra told us.’

‘What?’ I said, you mean Debra is back?’

‘Yes, as soon as you stabilized we managed to access Debra, she gave us information about all the agents who were working on Altreena. They are all dead now, so we will interrogate them later.’

‘But if I hadn’t gone to see Nanny we may have been able to find the agents anyway, no?’

‘No, because as I said, the bomb was undetectable, don’t keep blaming yourself; blame the agents for putting the bomb there in the first place, also the agents could have transferred themselves off the planet, but they wanted to die for the cause.’

‘But, I am the one they wanted to kill.’

‘Yes, because you are part of the Guardian-Network.'

'What about, Sionn?’

‘He will be taking a small break from things.’ said Grenwer.

‘Now, I want you to meet the man responsible for your safe return.’ Reeas looks at me with a smile as Kallo himself comes into the room!

‘What?’ I said.

Reeas said, ‘Dan, Kallo used his expertise to find you and save you!’

For you students, out there, please understand that I have only just regained my consciousness, and so, I am a little behind on things, also Debra has not, as yet, been in contact. I must admit I feel like a student again.

‘Now, Dan.’ Grenwer said. ‘You must be wondering about Debra?’

‘Yes, as a matter of fact, I am.’

‘Well, you can wonder no more. She has been renewed.’

‘What do you mean?’

‘She is no longer a personality in her own right. She is now just a part of the ship, again.’

‘How did it happen?’ I said.

‘Excuse me.’ said Kallo; can I step in for a moment?’

Grenwer said, ‘Of course.’

‘Dan, when we knew you were going to visit your robot nanny, we thought it would be a good time for you to part company with Debra.’

‘What?’ I said.’

‘We had to be sure you would be in the right consciousness.’

‘Do you mean the whole thing was a set-up?’ I said.


I don’t know whether to shout, swear, or fight. I walk out. It may have been my imagination, but I swear I can see a little smirk on Kallo’s face. These little idiosyncrasies which normal people can see seem to evade Kallo and his kind. Maybe over the many years that he has been out of any sort of caring system, he has lost a valuable part of himself; a part that he thinks he doesn’t need, but in reality, it is a precious thing called love.

Reeas comes after me.

‘Did you know about this, Reeas?’ I said.

‘No,’ I am as surprised as you!

‘I feel as though all those people died, because of me.’

‘No, the bomb was undetectable.’

‘I’m not so sure,’ I said, ‘I feel Kallo knows more than he is letting on.’

‘No!’ She exclaimed. ‘Kallo did everything he could to rescue you!’

‘Why?’ I said.

It is because he is now part of the Guardian-Network!’

‘Really?’ I said. ‘Maybe it is because he wants to access Debra?’

‘Nonsense!’ Reeas said.

‘I want to be left alone for a while.’ I said.

‘OK, but please believe Kallo is working for us now.’

‘Maybe you’re right, Reeas, I hope so. I am going to take a little break.’

‘Where are you going, Dan?’

‘I think I’ll visit, Mannus.’

‘I’m afraid you can’t.’

‘What?’ I said.

‘I talked with Kallo and Grenwer. They said you are now only partially what you once were.’

‘What do you mean?’ I said. Reeas is now looking at the floor.

‘Tell me, Reeas!’

‘Your consciousness has been depleted.’

‘Never!’ I said.

‘Dan, I am as shocked as you. All I want is for you to be here with me. I don’t care whether you are high-or-low in consciousness, all I want is for us to be together.’

I am now starting to feel angry.

‘Please, Reeas, I want to be alone for a while.’ I go to the restroom, to lie down. I’ll soon find out whether I am still fully functional.’

I close my eyes to meditate and very soon find myself in the Room-Of-Doors,’ but all I can see is just one door! The room is the same but there is only one door! I try to open it, but it is locked! I also have the overwhelming feeling that Sionn himself is behind it. I open my eyes and I am back in the restroom. I am now starting to become frustrated. How can this be? I think, OK, I will access the records to find out what happened. Again, I am unable to gain access! Well, I know one place that I will be able to go to, and that is to visit my past yoga masters. I sit in the lotus position and close my eyes. It takes a lot of effort but I eventually manage to get to the spot where I met the masters before. The only thing is, I can not speak with them! I notice that all the higher beings that I knew as Dan Sherman in high consciousness are now starting to appear, also Deria and her sister, plus Thalo, Fagil, and all their brethren, but not one of them can see me, is this going to be the future for me? To be locked out of my world? I can’t contemplate it. Please God, no! I am now starting to realize that I am now only a normal person, with no powers! Can you imagine that, my student friends? Yes, I can still relate to the thought-transfer system, but I don’t know whether it will work.

 If you can access these latter recordings, then all is well and good, but maybe you can’t, anyway, I wish you well, my friends. Dan Sherman is coming to the last stage of his life, or lives. I feel I have been on a giant roundabout of imagination. Maybe it was all a dream? I certainly feel different now my consciousness has been depleted. Grenwer and Kallo come in and asked me to accompany them into the other room. I can now see all my friends and coworkers waiting for me. Kallo is also there. You, students, are probably trying to send me messages to say that Kallo did try to save me. But I can’t help wondering that the whole thing is a gigantic scheme! Why? You ask. I don’t know, just yet, maybe it is me being angry and frustrated that is playing tricks on my mind? After all, I am in a lower state of consciousness.

‘Dan, please sit down, and we will begin,’ said Grenwer.

‘What is this?’ I said.

‘We have to decide what your future is,’ he said.

Oh?’ I said.

‘Yes, you know you are now, as it were, unfit to work as a Guardian.’

‘You mean you don’t want me anymore?’

‘It is not that we don’t want you, it is more a question of what can you do?'

‘What about me looking into the lightbook?’ I said.

Kallo said, ‘May I interrupt here?’

‘By all means,’ said Grenwer.

‘Now, Dan, You know you are now permanently affected by the events which took place on Altreena.

‘I’m not so sure.’ I said.

‘Oh, come now. Surely you have tried to contact Mannus and all the other people you were familiar with? Why don’t you be a good chap and go back to your wife and son?’

‘I’m his Wife,’ shouted Reeas, who has now come into the room.

‘Yes, I know,’ said Kallo, ‘but what use would he be here? You have to face facts. He is now surplus-to-requirements.’

‘What about you?’ Reeas said. ‘You were once surplus-to-requirements!’

‘I, my dear Reeas, am a fully functional Higher-Guardian who is now responsible for the wellbeing of the whole Guardian-Network!’

‘What?’ Reeas said.’

‘Yes, that is correct,’ said Grenwer. ‘Kallo is now the Higher-Coordinator.’

I am now looking on, in stunned silence!

‘OK, then, that is taken care of, will you please deal with all the details, Grenwer. I have some important work to do.’ Reeas is now looking at me with bewilderment. I am ushered into the other room.

‘Well,’ I said. ‘It was good while it lasted!’

‘Don’t say that,’ said Reeas.

‘Let’s face it.’ I said. ‘If I am permanently in a lower state of consciousness, then what use am I?’

‘You are my husband.’ Reeas said!’

‘I know, and I love you, but what can I do here? I can’t even access the database. I know I have had all these fantastic experiences, but they are just like vague memories, now. I feel my mind is losing ground also. I feel less able than when I first came here!’

‘I wish Sionn were here.’ Reeas said.

‘Yes, so do I.’ I felt he was nearby in the Room-of-Doors,’

‘Maybe we can try to contact him?’ Reeas said.

How?’ I said. Suddenly, Kallo comes into the room.

‘What is this?’ he said. ‘Are you saying your goodbyes?’

 Reeas looks at me, as if to say, don’t let him know what you are thinking.

‘We are just trying to decide where the best place for Dan to go will be.’

‘I’ll tell you were,’ said Kallo, ‘back where he came from, yes, and I promise to visit you every night in your dreams, Dan, How does that sound?’

I can tell there is something desperately wrong, somewhere, but where?

‘You can escort him out of this network, Reeas. Please make sure he goes straight through to the border will you, I don’t want him to hurt himself on the way, you know?’

‘I’ll take care of him,’ said Reeas.

Later, in preparing myself for the journey out of the sub-plane base, I ask Reeas if she can help me gain access to a lightship or Debra.

‘It won’t be any use.’ Reeas said. I then see Deria materialize!

‘Quick.’ she said, ‘We don’t have much time, Kallo is at the moment occupied with other matters. Come, we will try to access Debra, I also tried to contact Mannus and failed.’

With the help of Reeas and Deria, I can use the invisibility mode, which I’m sure you students will say, so what? but the thing is, I am just like a new student and unable to do the simplest of things which I used to take for granted! We gain access to the spaceport, and then we walk through the wall of the craft. I feel at ease, as I sit in the oh-so-comfortable chair that molds around me like a warm breeze.

I touch the control panel. Imagine my horror at seeing Kallo’s face on the screen!

‘Having a little look around before we leave, are we?’

‘What’s your problem, Kallo?’ I said.

‘I’ll tell you what my problem is. Reeas deliberately disobeyed an order to take you straight to the border. That’s what! As of now, Reeas, you are demoted in rank and banished from the Guardian bases, also Deria for collaborating with you.

Please make sure you leave this base at once!’

‘What is this?’ I said. ‘You know Reeas and Deria are the two most loyal Guardians that we have!’

‘There is no ‘We.’ You are nothing now, and to be a loyal Guardian you have to be able to take orders, my little low consciousness ex-Napie friend; now, we are going on a little journey. Please don’t try and interfere with the ship as I have full control.’

For students: you will know that we are still on the astral plane, so the ship is an astral equivalent, yes, I know you already know it, but I just want to make myself believe it, as I am in a lower state, as you know.’ Kallo drops us off, at a sub-plane city on the twenty-eight level. Just before leaving, he said, ‘Do not attempt to come back! You have all been erased from the Guardian-Databank.’ Then the ship disappears!

Students will wonder why I can still record these messages; all I can say is, they have been re-updated and any messages that Kallo has messaged have been edited out. I can’t tell you any more than that. We are now looking at each other in bewilderment. Deria is the first to speak. ‘We have got to make contact with Sionn or Mannus.’

‘Yes, but how can we if we are no longer Guardians?’ Reeas said.

‘We are still in Higher Consciousness.’ said Deria.

‘What about me?’ I said. ‘You may as well drop me off at my wife Elaine’s house; I am no use to you like this!’

‘Dan, I think you are the key!’ Deria said.

‘Yes.’ said Reeas. ‘Why else would Kallo just let you go?’

‘Exactly,’ said Deria.

‘How?’ I said.

‘Because he wants access to Debra,’ said Deria.

‘What about him being able to read our minds by Thought-Transfer.’ I said.

‘I don’t care,’ said Reeas, ‘I want him to know that we are going to bring him down!’ 

‘He knows already,’ said Deria, but don’t worry, I can already tell he isn’t picking up our thoughts, also, he doesn’t, as yet, have Debra fully functioning.’

‘How did he manage to get rid of us, so easily?’ I said.

‘Because he has access to the Guardian-Network.’ said Reeas.

‘Can I just say something, my beautiful friends?’ Reeas and Deria are now, looking at me with love, yes, even now in this lower state of consciousness, I can see and feel it.

‘I have tried to get to Mannus, and my past masters also, I have tried to access my Room-of-Doors but with no success. All I can say is that you two will always be part of me, no matter what happens, whether I am in higher or lower consciousness.’ Reeas said, ‘Yes, Dan, I know. We are tied together and not just because we are man and wife.’

Deria said, ‘There is no force in the Multiverse that can part us.’

Now, I am feeling good, even in this lower state.’

Deria said, ‘I want us to go to my home planet. Kallo won’t be able to access us, and the consciousness will be good for you, Dan.’

‘OK by me.’ I said. Reeas said, ‘Good Idea.’

For you students, again: Deria is from the Planet Sandora in the Sauteir-Galaxy; the planet was invaded by a race of beings known as the Cryon’s; they overran the planet, and looked upon the beautiful little fairy-like creatures as their pets, now with help from the Guardians Sandora is now getting back to normal.

With help from Deria and Reeas, I can transfer to the astral planet of Sandora. Imagine our horror when we are met at the sub-plane base by Guardian coworkers!

‘I’m sorry, Reeas and Deria, but Dan is not wanted here. You can stay Deria, but Reeas must leave immediately with Dan.’

‘What is this?’ Reeas said.

‘Orders from the Guardian base,’ said the leader, who we know personally.

‘Can you tell us what is going on, Treater?’ Reeas said.

‘I’m afraid not, please prepare to leave!’

‘Where are we supposed to go?’

‘I can tell you that you cannot go to any physical planet.’


‘Also, Dan can only go to the astral equivalent of Earth.’

‘This is madness.’ Reeas said.

‘Orders, I’m afraid, Reeas, please be aware that you will be met at whatever astral planet you go to, and you will be separated’

‘Do you mean, I can’t live with my Dan?’

‘I’m afraid not.’

I am now feeling very angry and frustrated, but all I can say is ‘Don’t worry, Reeas, Deria, I will be OK. Maybe it is for the best.’ I can tell Reeas is trying to understand.

She knows also that I am not going to just give up.’ She also has the consciousness to realize that I am trying to keep myself in check; yes, my student friends, anger is part of the physical world but it is also the downfall of people on the inner planes, such as Lucifer, or Kallo. We are now being told once more to go. Reeas said, ‘I will take you to the Earth Base, Dan.’

‘I’m afraid not,’ said Treater, we will see he gets to Earth’s Astral sub base.

‘Will you be OK, Dan? ‘You better take care of him, otherwise, you will be responsible!’

Reeas looks him straight in the eyes. ‘I mean it, if anything bad happens to my, Dan, you will be found, and you will suffer!’

Treater is now looking around nervously.

‘Don’t worry, all we are going to do is hand him over to our equivalent number at Earth’s astral base!’

‘Who are they?’

‘I don’t know. That information is restricted.’

‘I don’t like the looks of it.’ Deria said, ‘listen to me,  Treater, we are not going to let you take Dan, and we are not going to obey your orders!’

Treater is now backing off with his two companions.

‘Don’t make me use the new weapons, we have’

‘Oh,’ said Reeas. ‘And what are they?’

‘We don’t know, exactly, but they could do you untold damage, and could even alter you, as soul!’

‘Another one of Kallo’s little devices eh?’ said Reeas. ‘Well, let us see if it works on other life forms. Reeas then transforms herself into her Tourgen clone. Deria is also in the form of a Tourgen. Treater is now pointing one of the weapons at Reeas.

‘Go on.’ Reeas said. Let’s see if you can beat me to it!’

‘I don’t want to hurt you, Reeas.’

‘Oh? Well, I want to hurt you. I suppose it is because Tourgen’s are more animal than human, anyway, you know I will get to you even if you do manage to pull the trigger and you will feel pain as I rip your head off.’

‘OK.’ said Treater, ‘you can have him. I’ll report back, you know you are now outcasts.’

‘Yes,’ Reeas said, ‘but, we were anyway.’

‘Good Luck, you will need it. I am going to see if I can find out what is going on with the network, we all know something is desperately wrong, and I don’t care if Kallo knows it!’

‘Good, then, we do have some allies?’

‘As you know, I am head of security; I have to deal with all sorts of people, but now, I don’t know what’s happening since Kallo has been in the Guardian-Network. Things have changed, little-by-little, more of our people want him, but others don’t, and to top it off, we don’t know where Sionn is!’ Suddenly, Kallo himself appears!

‘Having a little dispute, are we?’

Before I can do anything, I feel a slight touch to the back of my neck. I am now in a beautiful lakeside setting lying on a grass bank looking at Reeas and Deria!

‘What happened?’ I said.

Deria said, ‘I thought it would be appropriate, to get us out of there.’

‘You used Sionn’s little trick,’ said, Reeas.

‘Yes, but Kallo also knows it, but don’t worry, he can’t find us here.’

‘Where are we?’

‘We are in one of the special sub planes that we use when we are in danger. Sionn himself approved it just for such an emergency.’ It is called Oasis.’

‘Then we may be able to find Sionn here.’ I said.

‘I’m afraid not, but maybe we can start the search from here?’

‘Yes,’ said, Reeas.

‘All I want is to sleep,’ I said, but what about Kallo? Can he access my dreams?’

‘Don’t worry, you will be quite safe, come, Dan, Reeas, I will show you to the restrooms. I know you are feeling confused, Dan. All I can say is trust in Sionn and Mannus.’

‘Yes,’ I said, ‘Surely they know what is happening!’

‘Yes,’ said Reeas, ‘everything will be back to normal in a short while.’

God, I hope so, I think.

Dan Sherman Space Guardian

All Worlds

Book Nine

Copyright Colin J Platt 2014

Chapter 67-The search for Debra the Loss of Dan/ Chapter 68-Deception/ Chapter 69-Debrief

Chapter 70-Kerion 6 / Chapter 71-The Corruption of Sionn (1)/ Chapter 72-Super Robots

Chapter 67-The search for Debra The Loss of Dan

In the restroom, which is fairly plain, I notice some personal little things that I know are from Reeas, things like photos of my wife and son from my last life, and some furnishings from my home.

‘Thank you, Reeas,’ I said, she knows I can’t function as I want, even simple things, are now hard for me to do.

‘Reeas, how am I going to live like this?’

‘You will be fine.’

‘I can’t even conjure up simple personal belongings.’

‘Dan, why do you believe you are now in this condition?’

‘I have been trying to fathom that out, but as yet, I don’t know.’

‘I believe you are being deliberately kept in this state, for some special reason.’


‘As I said before, it must have something to do with Debra.’

‘Oh, yes, I can’t even remember that.’

‘Don’t worry, come, we will access the dream worlds.’

‘But we are already on the astral plane, and didn’t Deria say it is a special sub-plane, maybe we can’t go beyond it?’

‘I know, Reeas said, but let us see how far we can go.’

‘I know I should relate something to the students who can access this recording, but maybe you had better do it, Reeas.’

‘Yes, Dan, I will.’

For Students who can still access these messages: This is Reeas again. Please remember that we are now outcasts. The trouble is Kallo and whoever else is helping him. If you can access these messages please help by uploading any info which will be of use to us, from wherever you can go in the inner worlds. My belief is Sionn or Mannus is still in charge of things, but for some reason, they are letting Kallo rule the roost for the time being. If Kallo himself manages to send you messages or interferes with the recordings, then we are all in trouble.

Not even Sionn is allowed to send messages en masse to students.

I am also worried about Dan. He seems to be receding more in consciousness. We have either got to get into the Guardian network, or find Debra. As Sionn and Mannus are unavailable and Kallo rules the network, I suppose our only option is to find Debra. Now, Students: Why would Debra go away? I believe she thinks Dan is dead. Well, not dead, but isolated, as soul. The only thing I can think is that Debra is searching for Dan somewhere in Dan’s past lives! now, I know some students will think nonsense. But don’t forget, Debra is everything that is the Guardian-Network, she is also a part of Dan, how can she access the inner worlds then? She is, in essence, a mechanical fabrication. But she is more than a mechanical fabrication, she is part of Dan.

Now, Students: Where would you start? Please upload your thoughts to the central database. If you said the Room-of-Doors you are right. But not Dan’s Room of Doors, no, mine! How can I access Dan’s past lives from my Room-of-Doors? you ask, and I can answer that by saying, the same process that I used not very long ago on Altreena. The problem is going to be which door to access? Students again, please upload your thoughts on this problem, and I will take a little break and access the database, not by Lightbook as you know, but by the old-fashioned way of Thought-Transfer. I know we call it old-fashioned, but it is a process that is very old.’

‘The Lightbook, on the other hand, is simply a modern way of accessing the network on various worlds, both inner and outer. The lightbook itself, is also, very old, but not as old as the thought-transfer system. Now, I am back from my little break. Dan is increasingly getting worse, so I have decided to leave him at the sub-plane base. I asked him to try and use the thought-transfer system to contact me but I decided that it is too much for him, yes, students. I am very worried. My Dan is much worse than when he first came here as a trainee. Time is now of the essence. I meet Deria before I go to the sleep room, she also is coming on the mission to find Debra. I am now feeling better. If anyone can find her, it is Deria, she also said we can use her Room-of-Doors instead of mine. For Students: We can access our Room-of-Doors and we can access someone else with permission; why can’t I access Dan’s then? You say, because he is in such a low consciousness, and in no condition to give permission. We are now standing before 360 doors. As you know, each level of doors is 10,000 years of past life. Deria wants to contemplate before we start.

‘Reeas, I feel a strange need to walk through five levels!’

‘That is 50,000 years ago.’ I said.

‘Yes, normally it would be, but my lives are much longer than humans but don’t forget, for Dan, it will be much more.’

‘How much?’

‘In the hundreds of thousands, we will see when we get there.’

It doesn’t take long to reach the fifth level.

‘Reeas, I’m getting a message from Oasis.’

‘I can access it also, Deria. Dan has dematerialized; he is nowhere to be found on the inner planes!’

‘This is Kallo’s work,’ said Deria.

‘He must have done something to Dan, at the derelict house when we were in the lower regions,’ I said, ‘he pretended to save Dan, but in reality, he was destroying him! I can’t function like this, Deria! I have to get to Kallo. I’m going to rip his head off!’

‘No, Reeas! We have to find Debra; she is the key, now, Kallo knows this, and he will also be looking for her.’

‘But he has access to all the worlds, while we only have access to this special region.’

‘No, Reeas, we can access my Room-of-Doors at any time! Kallo cannot reach us here. Trust me.’

‘I’m sorry, Deria. I’m stressed out.’

‘I know,’ Deria said, ‘but I feel Dan is OK. Kallo couldn’t destroy Dan in the lower regions because he wants to access Debra. That is still the case.’

‘Why has Dan gone, then?’

‘Because Kallo wants to make it harder for us, come, we are at the crossing point. I feel an urge to access the fifteenth door on this level.’

Students: I just want to say, that of all the people, or should I say higher beings, that I have access to, I am very glad that I have Deria here with me, she is all that I aspire to be. Dan has told me that he aspires to be like me! And I love him for it. What I am saying is, no matter how high we go in consciousness, there is always someone higher.

Kallo, on the other hand, maybe riding high at the moment, but as sure as night follows day, he will fall. Deria has told me to tell you, students, that she is getting some messages from you. They say that there is a strong impulse to go to level eighteen! She has informed me that this is a false thought reading, probably from Kallo himself; please continue to send your thoughts, and try to be aware. OK, we have now passed through the door. The landscape is beautiful as usual. Anywhere Deria has been in her past lives, is probably like this. I am now getting used to the place. I know it is a planet called Belrine; Deria spent several lifetimes here as a woodland nymph. I would like to describe the landscape in more detail but words will not do it justice; let me just say that everything you can imagine heaven to be is here. I am also very grateful to Deria for helping me in my training to become one with her people.

The experience is very probably going to be vital in finding Dan. Deria is now in meditation. I sit down and do the same. I open my eyes to find myself sitting on a beautiful golden cushion. I look around to see Deria, plus hundreds of her kind sitting in a large circle. I can’t help noticing the beautiful young lady sitting in the center; she is dressed in a silver silken gown and has a golden tiara on her head with a large ruby-type stone in the center. I can see the stone getting brighter! The light seems to melt into me, now I can see wings starting to grow from her back! They grow so big that they are now bigger than her. The Love I feel is overpowering.

‘Deria, Reeas, she said, please come forward.’

I know this Higher Being is called Gloriel.

‘Hold my hand.’

I look at Deria, who also is incredibly beautiful. We walk forward and take her hand.

‘Now, close your eyes.’

At once I can see Debra! She is talking to a Stone-Age person!

‘Please, Dan! Talk to me.’ she said!

I know the stone-age person is Dan as a Neanderthal man; I also know the scene we are experiencing is from one of Dan’s past lives from Earth, in the region that will become Germany 250,000 years ago! of course, Dan can’t possibly know Debra is there; all he is bothered about is surviving day by day. Debra is different; I notice she is smaller and younger, with a worried look on her face. All at once, we are back in the circle.

‘Now, Deria and Reeas, you know what has happened?’

Deria said, ‘Yes, Debra is being guided to Dan from lifetime to lifetime.’

‘Yes, but there is a danger that Dan could become lost within his own past lives.’

‘How is that possible?’ I said.

‘Debra is looking for Dan, in his normal consciousness, once she finds him, and she will, he will merge with her at the wrong time. Kallo, as you know, wants just that to happen, he will be rid of Dan. He can then concentrate on creating a new Debra.’

‘Surely, Mannus won’t allow that?’ I said.

‘Mannus let’s the lower worlds take care of themselves. It is up to the Guardians to keep order.’

I feel anger, love, frustration, and confusion all in one.

‘What can we do?’ said Deria.

‘It is no good trying to get to Dan as the stone-age person, as Debra has now gone’ she could be anywhere in hundreds of thousands of Dan’s past lives. You must try to get to Kallo.’

‘What?’ I said.

‘He won’t be expecting that;’ of course, it will have to be Deria, she has special powers when it comes to concealment. You, Reeas, will have to search for Sionn.’

‘All I can think about is my, Dan.’ I said.

‘Yes, I know. Don’t worry, we will keep an eye on the Guardian- Network from here. Should there be any change then we will message Deria. Hold on, my friends, something has happened. I am getting a message from Grenwer. Please return to the sub-base right away where you will be briefed. Farewell.'

We are now back in the Room-of-Doors.’

‘I‘m worried sick, about Dan, Deria’

‘We will do just as Gloriel said; I feel something good has happened. You have an unbreakable link with Dan, Reeas; it is like two stars that are too close together, there is no way that they can escape the gravity or their destiny.’

‘Or three stars, Deria, the other one being you!’

‘Thank you, Reeas. I feel as close to you as my twin sister, do you know, my sister and I have been together for eighteen lifetimes and nine thousand years?’

‘That is a long time, Deria.’

‘It is only long if you think it is long; time is only what you perceive it to be, and Kallo cannot harm us, Reeas; he can only try to catch us in lower consciousness as he did with Dan. Please remember to always look to the Higher Regions. I have to go somewhere, Reeas, please don’t ask me where. I feel I am needed to help someone. Go to the sub-base, and relax. I will see you later. Farewell.’

I return to the sub-plane base.

Please remember, students: We are still on the astral plane, also we are still in the special sub-plane known as Oasis. It can get confusing for some students, especially students who can access the Guardian-Network, but they might not have sufficient consciousness to realize it, yes, I know it is confusing, but that is the way it is. God works in mysterious ways. A person may have been working for many lifetimes on the inner planes helping to serve God, but he may live an ordinary life on his, or her, planet, until one day, the Master appears. This can happen in the inner or the outer worlds. Right, enough lessons for now.

I make my way to the restrooms at Oasis. Imagine my surprise when I see Grenwer, standing there!

‘What’s happened?’ I said.

‘Please, don’t worry,  just sit down, and meditate to the fifteenth level of the Mental Realm.’

‘I don’t know if I can? My mind’s in a mess.’

‘Reeas, please relax. Dan is OK. He is with Mannus at the moment.’

‘Thank God, can I see him? How is he?’

‘Please, just rest in meditation, and follow me.’

I close my eyes in blessed relief, I open them to find myself in a function room similar to the one at the sub-base, then, to add ecstasy, to joy, there is Sionn! He is sitting at his usual place on the platform as the Higher-Coordinator. I also know Dan is near, so you can imagine my excitement.

‘Come, Reeas.’ he said, ‘sit here at the front, let me start by saying it is thanks to Reeas, Deria, and numerous other Guardians, that Kallo and his accomplices are now close to finally being brought to justice. Some of you are probably a little confused by the events that have taken place in the Guardian-Network, also we must welcome any students that can access this level. It is secure, so please don’t worry about your thoughts being intercepted. ‘Please be assured that we have everything in order. The events over the last few days have been satisfactory, to say the least. We have now captured several thousand dark agents, with many more predicted to be caught soon. Now, Reeas, there is a certain little job we want you to do.'

‘On my own?’ I said.’

‘No, you will have help.’

I feel my senses tingling right now, I also feel Joy beyond compare as my Dan comes walking out from the side of the stage, followed by Debra!

I can’t control myself; I jump up to grab him. I also put my arm around Debra!

‘How long have you been like this?’ I said.

‘Not very long, I’m still receiving thoughts by the second!

It feels as though I am an android, again!’

‘Please don’t worry about that,’ said Sionn. ‘It will settle down later. Now we have someone else to thank.’ I know it is Deria before he finishes speaking.

‘She has not only successfully brought Debra back to us, but also managed to infiltrate Kallo’s network without being detected on numerous occasions, for this, she is to receive the order of ‘Master Guardian.’ Deria then comes walking out from the side; she is in her human form, and as Dan has said before, she is very beautiful. We are now, all together again.

How did you manage to find Debra, so fast?’ I said.

‘I just went beyond the conscious mind. I felt that I should simply go to a certain past life of Dan’s and I would meet Debra there, so that is what I did.’

‘Which past life was it?’ I said.’

‘Believe it or not, it was on Altreena again, and yes, he was a Napie again!’

‘I can’t help it if I like being cuddled and loved.’ Dan said.

‘There will be a lot of that, later,’ I said.

‘I can do it better.’ said Debra, as she turns into the Robot Nanny!

Sionn said, ‘Now, Dan, Reeas, Deria, and Debra, please report to the briefing room for details.’

I can’t help thinking I might have to be careful again in front of Debra, even if she isn’t here!

Chapter 68-Deception

Message to Students: (From Reeas.) Dan, will be taking over the message report to students shortly, thank you for supporting me while I was in charge of this service.

Students from Dan: Thank you for sending me your thoughts, and helping me to get back to full consciousness, although, in reality, it was Mannus who did most of the work. I was in good hands. The whole thing was set up by Sionn, as you will now find out.

I am feeling pretty good as I walk into the briefing room with Reeas, Deria, and Debra. I am now my old self, but, I am also something more, again! I can relate to everything that is going on around me from the actual job to Kallo’s past lives!

‘Dan, I know you are experiencing some small differences,’ said Sionn, ‘but these will abate soon, please be seated. You all know that Kallo still thinks he is in charge of our Network. I know personally that he is ordering a full-scale crash of the entire Guardian-Network through his agents.’

‘Surely, they must know by now that we are on to them.’ Reeas said.

‘Yes.’ said Sionn. ‘But we gave them false information! This operation has been long in preparation. Kallo, actually believes he is within grasping distance of the whole Guardian-Network; he also thinks I am destroyed as a Higher-Guardian.’

‘How?’ said Reeas.

‘I let him slip a little drug pellet into my shoulder some weeks ago while we were having a conversation.’

‘Really?’ I said. Wasn’t that a little too obvious?’

‘Not when it was a minute robot the size of a pinhead. Don’t forget, Kallo is a Master when it comes to Robotics, of course, I knew about it beforehand, but he thought I didn’t.’

Never underestimate Kallo, he is cunning beyond measure. If everything goes according to plan, he will be in an extra high-security astral cell again soon, as will his accomplices. Now, here is what I want you to do:

Dan and Reeas, go to the physical sub base at Earth. Kallo is now there planning the destruction of the Milky-Way Galaxy.'

‘What? How can he manage that?’

‘He is going to destroy everything that represented you.’ Sionn said.

‘How will he do it?’ said Reeas.

‘With a weapon that he invented some time ago, actually, several hundred years ago, don’t worry, we know all about it and it has not been used before; it is a device that can heat the sun to many times its temperature, don’t worry about the device we will take care of it, just get to Kallo and pretend you are the way you were when Kallo threw you out of the network, keep the ruse going for as long as you can to help us gain more information. Debra will, of course, be invisible, or rather, part of you. You won’t need the clones or the ship, as you can dream travel to Earth, then Debra will guide you; she has only to touch you, Reeas, to give you the same security as Dan. Debra appears at once.

‘I’m going to enjoy this,’ I said.

‘Before you enjoy it, Dan, please get as many names of dark agents as you can, also any other information you can get, you have to get near Kallo, and Debra will do the rest, you will also not be detectable by any agents. Deria has the special job of neutralizing the weapon. Don’t worry, again, the weapon cannot be used to heat the Sun, but it can be dangerous to the underground base, as it has been booby-trapped, we could not interfere with the booby traps, but we did neutralize the device some time ago. When you get to Earth, do not use the Thought-Transfer system, even for students! It would probably be OK, but we don’t want to risk it. You won’t need to message us, as we have everything under control. Just concentrate on getting near to Kallo, any questions?’

‘Just one, can I hurt him?’

‘If he tries to hurt you, then yes, Kallo, as you know, has a very big ego, so all you have to do is make him angry. After all these years you would think he would learn to control himself but he is so used to being in charge that no other position will do.’

The job of taking Kallo to Mannus was another trick; we knew there was little we could do to alter Kallo in that direction, but again, it helped us to gain more information about their network. Kallo’s defenses did come down for a time, now he thinks he can dominate everything.

Getting to Earth in the physical will lesson his defenses, even more, he will think he can easily defeat you, but he will be wrong.  Now, do your best, my Guardians, like Zelda 3, would say.’

I am now in a really good mood. I have full consciousness, and I can access the Guardian-Network. I also have Reeas, Deria, and Debra to help me, what more could a soul want?

For students: please excuse us while we transfer to Earth via thought-travel, and no, it is not the same thing as thought-transfer. We are on alert as regards the Guardian-Network, so we can’t accept or send thought-transfer messages, please be patient, and access the network later.

We are now on Earth at the base in Northumberland; you remember the base is called Kelsay. For students, again: We don’t need the cloned bodies of anyone to transfer into, as Debra is now our protection. I know it is hard to get your head around, but I know you can understand. You are Students-Guardians and are unlimited. I know it is hard to believe, but you are also Spiritual Beings and Eternal.

We arrive in invisibility mode across the road from Giants-Seat lane where we know the base is sited. I also know that there is a security cordon in place in the form of a no-access sign, and roadblock. I can’t see anyone on guard, but I can be sure there is.

‘We better do this by the book,’ Reeas said. ‘If we get in there too easily Kallo will suspect something.’

‘Yes, you are right, what do you suggest?’

Debra said, ‘Can I do it, Dan?’

‘What are you going to do? I said.

‘I will charm them, with my girly looks.’

‘No, Debra, you know you can’t show yourself! There will be all sorts of security stuff in there.

I will neutralize any security stuff.

‘We can’t risk that. We have to act as though we are still in low consciousness, so, you will have to be invisible, until the last minute!’

Reeas said, ‘let us get arrested trying to access the portal; we will be taken to Kallo.’

‘Yes,’ I said, ‘that seems to be the best way, Reeas.’

‘I will access the portal before you.’ said Deria. ‘I will also use the high invisibility mode so I won’t be detected, don’t forget, do not send any messages when you materialize, as Sionn advised. I will also check out the lane itself to locate any enemy. Give me a few minutes, before you make yourself known.

For any students who think we are using thought messages at the moment, no, we are not, we are protected by Debra.

Deria comes back to tell us that the lane is clear! We walk across the road and into Giants-Seat lane. No one appeared to stop us; maybe they think they are undetectable?

Well, I suppose they are, after all, it has been undetectable for a very long time. We get to the place where I know the portal to be. It is between two very large oak trees. Debra is now in high undetectable mode, or rather, part of me, and undetectable by anyone apart from such people as Kallo. Yes, I know it sounds complicated, but you will understand when you access these records later. We can’t risk uploading them straight away for security reasons you understand. Debra is now informing me that the portal itself has been moved. How come I didn’t know about this?  you say, because Debra is the network, and I am part of Debra, yes, I'm a part, I suppose, I could fully merge with Debra, but I don’t want to. I want to be me. I now know the portal is on a sort of changing pattern; one minute it will be somewhere, then a few minutes later it will be somewhere else. Kallo must be very busy changing things such as security in the network, well; we will just have to put a stop to it. Debra can easily fathom out the next position for the portal, but, that will make it seem like we know about this new technology!

‘When will the portal revert back to this spot? I asked Debra.

‘Not for seventeen days.’

‘OK. We can’t risk letting on that we know about the changing portal, so we will have to simply hang around till we are detected.’

Reeas said, ‘let us become visible then we are sure to be detected.’

OK, I said, but Debra will be part of me and invisible, here we go, sure enough, it takes just three minutes for the security people to surround us; they came from one of the portals that are sited not more than a few hundred yards away.

‘Where do you think you are going?’ said the leader.

‘Can people not walk in the countryside?’ I said.

‘Not around here, they can’t.’

‘Oh. Why?’

‘Because it is a restricted area, that’s why. Who are you?’

‘Never mind, I said, sorry to bother you. We got lost, we will make our way home now.’

‘No you don’t.’ he said. ‘We have to make a security check on you. Identification papers please, never mind, we now know who you are. Word is coming through from below. I don’t know why you attempted to come here, you must be as dumb as Kallo says you are, and you lady, why hang around with a loser like this; maybe, you can be reprogrammed, I can use a babe like you to keep me company on cold nights. Ha. OK, inside, losers.’

It only takes a few minutes to reach the heart of the complex.

Surprisingly, it isn’t Kallo who greets us; it is a Kallo look alike. How do I know, you ask? Simply, Debra, I also know these Kallo clones are now being installed at all the Guardian bases in all the worlds of existence!

Can you imagine, students, what that means? If I was a Trainee-Guardian, I would be very nervous now, I can tell you, but I am not a trainee anymore. My little team and I have the job of defeating the greatest threat to the entire Multiverse! For security reasons, you cannot upload your thoughts on this situation at the moment, but you are free to access the database later. Sorry for any inconvenience, but I know you can understand we are a little busy at the moment.

'Well, look who it is?’ The Kallo Clone, said, ‘The Trainee fool, and the Faithful servant. How did you expect to get in here? The few remnants of the Guardian-Network must be desperate. I see you are partially back to your trainee consciousness. I knew you would try to access some base or other, but I didn’t think you would be so stupid as to access this base. I now realize you are just a simple human oaf, and your companions are equally stupid. It really is a triumph for me to capture you, and the pleasure I am going to get from seeing you all suffer, of course, I’ll have to keep you in some form of consciousness to find Debra, as you know, but now, I am fully ready to take over the entire network.’

‘Oh?’ I said. And what does Mannus think about that?’

‘Fool! You know Mannus let’s the lower worlds take care of themselves; and I will take care of them, my way.’

‘What do you think Mannus is?’ Reeas said.

He is the watcher and the power, and part of that power has been given to me, to use as I may.’

‘Are you even the real Kallo?’ I said.

‘Ha! Fool. Do you think it matters which part of Kallo is which?’

‘So, have you got Debra online?’ I said.

‘Yes, fool. How do you think we managed to get millions of Kallo clones into existence?

‘It wouldn’t have been with Manus’s help,’ I said.

‘I will enjoy merging you with a lower entity,’ the Kallo clone said.

‘And when will that be?’ I said.

'In a very short time,’ he replied.

‘Oh? And what sort of entity will it be?’ I asked.

I haven’t made up my mind, as yet, maybe it will be a Tourgen! You are used to being a lower consciousness beast-man, aren’t you? But this time you won’t have any strength. You will just be a drooling moron.’

I am very tempted to change into Cloft the Tourgen Clone, and then say, Oh, like this, you mean. But I know we have to keep up the pretense a little longer. I need the information from Deria about the weapon first, also, I need to get the all-clear from Sionn. It is frustrating to listen to this Kallo clone, but I know my time will come. Reeas said, ‘What do you intend for me?’

‘Ah, my dear Reeas, what do you say to come along as my partner? We could access a lot of places such as here on Earth. I know I detest the place for being the birthplace of this moron here, but there is such potential here.’

Now, my student friends: I have to admit to a little mistake on my part. I let my frustration come out in the shape of Debra. She, being part of me appeared for a split second! This was due to a little anger. I am now fully in control, but Kallo saw her and the entire base is alerted. I have to think quickly.

‘I see you do have Debra,’ I said.

Kallo promptly walks out of the room and is gone for five minutes. He comes back, but I can tell that this Kallo is the real thing, he is now looking at me with a cruel uncaring glare.

‘Where did you go? Was it to send out a search party? Can you not even keep control of Debra?’ I said.

‘It is time to merge you; we have a particularly dirty Swamp-Man from Lagna.’

'Get real, Kallo.’ I said, ‘I know you can’t do that. I may be a little low in consciousness but anyone knows that it has to be the same consciousness as myself!’

‘Oh, that is where you are wrong.  We managed to find a Multiple Match, yes, you will have company in there, ha, fourteen. You will be stuck for as long as I want you to be!’

‘You are completely mad.’ Reeas said. ‘Has the trip to Mannus not taught you anything?’

‘It taught me that I can ascend to power, also it taught me to pass judgment on people I detest.’

‘Now, does Dan want to be dragged to the cloning room? Or should we escort you as civilized people?’

'I can walk.’ I said. I am now receiving a message from Deria that the weapon to destroy Earth is now completely safe, although Kallo and his team don’t know it.

'And then there is you, Reeas, do you want to rule the Milky-Way Galaxy, and everything else, or do you want to be an outcast!’

‘I will go with my Dan.’

‘I’m afraid not, my dear, this is a one-way trip for your husband. You will have to either be accepted by my team, or you can be placed in a secure astral cell, of course, you will have to be treated first.’

'What do you mean?’ I said.

'I mean, she will have to be reprogrammed into our network, you, on the other hand, will be forgotten!’

Students: As you can imagine, I am now starting to get very angry. I am also getting a little impatient. Remember, we are in the physical world, which means I can hurt Kallo if I can get to him; Indeed, I know I can get to him, but I want it to be like a freak accident thing. I want to get more information from him before I finally kill him. If we were on the astral plane, I know he would be able to just shrug off any injury, or simply transfer to another sub-plane, but here in the physical world things are different, I know I have to keep myself in check for obvious reasons just a little longer. I can now see security guards forming all around us. I figure that if he is severely injured, he might drop his guard even more. I don’t want him to die, as yet, but I want him to suffer. I know it is not the Guardian thing to do, but he has made many people’s lives a misery over a very long time. I know you students can’t help me at the moment with the security measures in place, but you will be able to access these messages later. Please feel free to contribute your ideas on what you would have done in my place. Kallo is now looking at me with his high-and-mighty look.

‘OK, I’m getting tired of this now. Take them to the cloning room. Make sure she sees him merged with the other specimens.

As Kallo turns around to walk out, I run as fast as I can and jump on Kallo’s back, I then put my left arm around his neck and with my right hand I poke his right eye out. Everyone is surprised by the speed of it, although I held back a lot, as you can imagine, I had to make it believable. I wasn’t particularly bothered about getting more information now, as being this close to Kallo has done the trick! We have all the information we need. I can now wreak havoc if I want to, and I want to. Kallo is now screaming in agony. I let the security guards pull me off.

‘Why didn’t you stop him!’ he shouted. The leader of the security team said, ‘We didn’t think he could move that fast! Something isn’t right, here.’

‘I’m going to take extreme pleasure in cutting off all your skin later.

‘Oh, are you? You might have a little trouble cutting this skin off.’

I then transform into Cloft the Tourgen. The look on Kallo’s face, even with one eye, is something to behold. Reeas is in the same form as me. I then instruct Debra to neutralize any weapons on the base. The security people are now panicking, but no one wants to take on the Tourgen's. I then walk over to Kallo. There is no emotion in his face now, just hatred.

‘Have you any last requests?’ I said.

‘Go to Hell,’ he said.

‘I probably will, but when I go it will be to help people, not dominate them, oh, and I’ve just had a message from Sionn; he said to tell you that your cell at the Astral High-Security Prison, is fitted out with new technologically advanced escape-proof measures.’

‘No prison can hold me. Fool.’

‘It can when you are placed in long-term sleep mode, with no access to the lower regions, and no consciousness to go higher,’ I said.

He then spits in my face, I particularly despise that, so I grab him by the neck and squeeze till his other eyeball pops out. I am now getting a message to place the people who are loyal to Kallo in the secure compound which is located directly beneath the room we are in. All we need to do now is simply walk to the briefing room. Sionn himself is now at the base.

Chapter 69-Debrief 3

The feeling as we walk into the briefing room is one of emotion. I know the Guardians don’t show their feelings very often, but this time things are different. People are clapping and cheering! I feel good as we are ushered to the front row. Sionn said:

‘Dan, Reeas, Deria, and Debra, please accept our thanks, the job went off as we predicted, but due to your excellent acting ability, we were able to gain much more information. The touching of Kallo’s neck in the physical realm did the trick; we now have the locations of many more agents. Kallo himself is already in isolation. You will be surprised to know that, 6,553 Special-Dark-Agents have also been located, including even in this very room. Sionn glances around as some people in the audience are starting to get up and move to the side; security people are now at the doors to arrest them. ‘These people have been shielded under the Guardian umbrella for a long time, they will be isolated and monitored from now on. As of now, the Guardian-Network is fully operational. Dan and company have proved to be worthy allies. Debra is now back as a fully-operational part of the Guardian-Network. This base is now the most important part of this section of the Milky-Way galaxy. Dan, Reeas, Deria, and Debra, please follow me into the other room. After going over some details of the operation which I already know from Debra, the network is now secure, you can all now go back to normal duties, ‘Dan, you will be your normal self, from now on.’

‘What do you mean?’ I said. I notice Debra is now gone!

‘You will be separate from Debra.’

‘I don’t feel any different.’ I said.

‘No, the process will take a while to become noticeable.’

Please report to the operations room to finalize the process.’ Sionn then walks out of the door.

Reeas said, You are finally free of Debra!’

‘Yes,’ I said, ‘but I thought she would be a part of me forever; that is what I was told. Why do they keep doing this to me?’

‘What do you mean?’

‘I mean, using me as a sort of useful part of the network and then dumping me when it is over. They didn’t even think to inform me about the plan.’

‘If it's any conciliation, we weren’t informed either.’

‘I know, but you didn’t lose anything.’

‘You didn’t lose anything!’

‘I know, but why don’t they inform me? I feel such a fool sometimes.’

‘Listen, Dan, I thought I had lost you more than once! Do you know what I have been through?’

‘I’m sorry, Reeas; it must be the first effects of the changeover, why don’t we take a break, let us visit your family.’

‘Yes, then we will visit yours, Dan.’

After a lovely vacation in the company of loved ones, we report back for duty. For students: I am trying to come to terms with the loss of Debra, I must say, I feel much the same as usual but with the knowledge that I do not have access to the most powerful thing in the Multiverse as part of my consciousness!

Debra is now just the ship, I will miss her antics, especially her dressing up in all the styles of the nineteenth, twentieth and twenty-first centuries just to impress me! I know what some of you students are saying. How can I lose something that is part of me? Did Mannus himself not say Debra is part of you, and as such, cannot be parted from you?’

I just wanted to say goodbye, I suppose.

Sionn is now calling for our team to go to the briefing room. I know it is some new job, even before we get there, and that is without Debra!

With Debra, I would have known, every detail!

‘We have a small problem in a galaxy known as Spiron 21,’ Sionn said. ‘The people on the planet, Kerion 6, are about to tamper with the time frame. They are just about ready to know about us. But this crisis has arisen; they will attempt to travel forward in time to access knowledge about things that they won’t be able to handle! You can imagine what damage that could do! Before you ask, the simple question, how can they? We all know it is impossible, yes, well, I can tell you that it could work, but not in the way the Kerion’s think; the device that they will use will be propelled at much greater than light speed; many thousands of times faster in fact! It will travel to the designated point of reference in a split second! That point of reference is the neighboring galaxy, Phopion; it will then propel itself back within another split second. The inhabitants will be the same age, of course, but they won’t survive. The time dilation will be massive, tens of thousands of years, a large part of Phopion will be destroyed, plus all the neighboring planetary systems. Kerion 6 will also be destroyed.’

‘Is there any way Debra can handle this?’ Reeas said.

‘Well, you may as well know, she is below par.’

‘Why?’ I said, ‘isn’t she up to the job?’

Sionn is now looking at me with his ‘I-know-what-you-are-thinking look.’

OK, team; this is how we want to handle it: Dan will have access to Debra, but only in a small way.’

‘And how small will that be?’ I said.

‘She won’t be able to leave the ship.’

‘So, all we have to do is the same thing we did on Relmar7 in the Andromeda-Galaxy when we stopped the scientist from using the chemicals!’

‘No, Dan, that was a relatively easy thing to do, besides the danger wasn’t real. The real trick was to catch Kallo. This will be much more dangerous. The atomic structure of the time-traveling machine has already reached a critical point.’

‘Why was it left to get this dangerous?’ Deria said.

Sionn is now looking a little bemused. He said, ‘The Network was down at the time, it was that part of the plan, to catch Kallo?’

I didn’t want to make it any harder for Sionn, I know his job is the hardest in the Universe. So I leave it at that.

‘We also believe this crisis is due to Kallo’s helpers.’ Sionn said.

 I thought they had been captured.’ Reeas said.

‘There may be some dark agents who are beyond our network radar.’

‘You mean, other masters?’ I said.

‘Yes, he, or they, probably helped to construct the time machine, and will probably be willing to die in it taking half the Spiron 21, and Phopion galaxies with it! You also know that a massive time shift that will occur when the machine comes back to Spiron 21, will alter the space-time continuum.’

‘How do you mean?’ said Reeas.

‘You may as well know. We simply don’t know! We have our best people working on it, but one thing is for sure, time will alter for Spiron 21 and Phopion, also, it will spread to other galaxies!’

‘How can it spread?’ I said.

‘The structured atoms from the time machine will create an enormous blast the likes of which we have never seen before. This will result in a Googol-Photon explosion making many stars in the Spiron 21, and the Phopion galaxies explode and implode at the same time.’

I am a little overawed at this, all I can think of to say is, can we take the Tourgen clones?’

Sionn said, ‘You won’t need them, but yes, I will make arrangements for them to be grown on Kerion 6.’ Sionn then left the room, leaving me, Reeas, and Deria to stare at each utter in amazement.

For students: we are back to normality, so to speak, please upload your thoughts again on how you would handle this particular job. If you have any experience in time travel techniques, please help. I have now been told there are already three students working on the problem on Kerion 6, in the dream state. I will make it one of my priorities to meet you when I get there, this is very good, my student friends, keep up the good work, as students, you will already know that there is a Guardian base on Kerion 6. There are two lightships already at the base, so we won’t need to take Debra. I must admit I used to like Debra insisting to wear something appropriate for the trip, even if it was full combat gear. Ha, sorry, I am just trying to play down the enormous task that we have to do. The trip itself will take too long to get there by lightship as Spiron 21 is many light-years away. We will travel there in the dream state, then transfer into our cloned bodies which are already grown and waiting for us in the Guardian base on Kerion 6. We retire to the sleep rooms to make the transfer. I want to ask Reeas to dance but I know this isn’t the time.

Students know I like to dance; it is one thing that keeps me in touch with the real world, whatever and wherever that world may be, or should I say Earth. The real world for me now is a combination of many things. For students who are working on the inner planes at this time, the real world is the everyday world where you are in the waking consciousness. If you only knew the truth! All I know is we are eternally grateful for your help.

Chapter 70-Kerion 6

I am now conscious in the cloned body of myself on Kerion 6, Reeas is herself, and Deria is invisible as she said she would be before we left base; she is a Master when it comes to detection, she can access other places that we simply can’t get to, and she is even now seeking out agents who are somewhere in hiding. The greeting committee is made up of just three people. The Higher-Coordinator for Spiron 21, who is called Maxim 3, plus two Guardians named Reilous 4 and Ferious. Deria informs me that they are genuine. She then informs me that she is going undercover shortly; we cannot contact her in any way, but she, as usual, can contact us. The Guardian base is similar to Earths but is much deeper underground; sixty-seven miles. For Students who wonder how the lightship gets into and out of the bases, it is something comparable to the light particles which are called neutrinos; they come from outer space hit the Earth or any other planet traveling through any object, even people, then, they shoot straight out into space again. Well, that is what the lightship does. It can travel through anything, even stars! We don’t need any gates or underground entrances to access the bases, OK, lesson over. I am now going to access the astral plane to meet the students who managed to get here in the dream state.  

Reeas and I are now in our astral bodies on Kerion 6. I already know the three students are waiting for us in the briefing room. After saying our hello’s, I ask if any of them had any luck unscrambling the coding locks on the Deep Access Computer Banks; the answer is negative. Whoever programmed the time-traveling machine to lock into the Central-Database on Kerion 6 knew what they were doing. This whole episode is now starting to hit me. Reeas said the same. Whoever it is intends to destroy multiple worlds, and alter the time continuum and we can’t do a thing about it! Deria is now sending me a message. We have to get back over to the Physical World Planet of Kerion 6. Deria said she might have a possible lead. Deria is still in high cloaking mode when we became conscious at the base.

'Dan, do not reply to this message, do not even think too deeply about me sending it to you! Get over to the time-traveling facility as soon as you can.’

Reeas and I are now in the elevator heading up to the outside world. Reeas knows not to break the silence of thought, as it will compromise the situation. We just concentrate on getting there. I am very interested in the main mode of transportation though; It is a sort of small moving roadway plus an escalator, the people seem to be standing on nothing, but on closer look, it is a sort of clear self-cleaning plastic or glass. The people are moving about in their millions! Everywhere I look there are people! Kerion 6 is about the same size as Earth, but hundreds of years ahead in technology. I know the population to be one hundred and forty-five billion; every conceivable space has been used up on the planet, even underwater; I think this will all be gone in the next few hours. We are then escorted to a special air car which is laid on by the Guardians. It doesn’t take long to get us to the time-traveling facility. I keep my thoughts to myself as we enter the building; we are then escorted into a special elevator; I can tell this lift is no ordinary elevator, we are going to descend sixty-seven miles! No wonder the Guardians had the foresight to make the base so deep! No students, I didn’t compromise myself. The Guardian-Database works in mysterious ways. Some notes can be added later, and some right away.

We are now entering the facility. We have special permission, of course from the Kerion Government. They are now aware of the Guardian-Network. The damage is done, so to speak, as the time machine is nearing a critical point, so, it doesn’t matter too much if the enemy agents find out about us, but we still have to be careful. I want to find the master agent and that will be difficult. We know we have just ten hours to either find the correct cancellation codes for shutting down the machine, which is a long shot as it is nearing a critical point already, or find the master agent or agents to get the codes. Deria is now sending me a message. It said, be careful when you get to the time machine itself; there is an alien presence there. We are wearing our lightsuits, so we are protected, but anyone and everything else will be vulnerable. We reach the time machine room to be greeted by several scientists who seemed very nice and friendly, in fact, overly so. I feel they are trying to put us off guard. I have to ask them to be silent for a while, this seems to agitate them.

 Reeas said, ‘Dan, I can sense a presence.’ I am also sensing a feeling of what I can only describe as depression coming from an area to the right of the machine itself.

‘OK, I want everyone out of here, and I want a security check, and isolation bands, on all the people here.’

‘What?’ Shouted the leader of the group? We are senior officials, here!’

‘I don’t care if you are the ‘Director,’ I said, ‘out!’

We are now alone. Deria is now in the room, but still under her high invisibility mode. Her message is now coming through in high-security mode. 'Dan, Reeas, hold hands and meditate to level 15. Do not send me any messages. Do not worry about the alien presence, it cannot hurt you while you are in the lightsuits, also it cannot leave this facility, it is linked into the time machine.’

Becoming conscious on level 15 is relatively easy to do; we had done it many times before; it is also a secure realm for us; in other words, dark entities cannot access it. We are now in the presence of numerous Guardians, Masters, and other people. Sionn is the person who is officiating.

‘We have now found out what this Dark-Master is. We still don’t know who it is. It is a Master-Shadow-Person, similar to the one found on the Felthen ship, it is also much more able and willing to accomplish what it is meant to do, and that is to destroy all the worlds in the Spiron 21 and Phopion galaxies! It will also alter the time continuum. Before you ask can it be stopped, the answer is no!’

'Why not?’ I asked.

‘It is because the critical point has already been reached, even if Dan, Deria, and Reeas manage to isolate the dark agent, it will be no good.’

'What about, Debra?’ I said.

‘I’m afraid Debra is not responding to our wishes.’

'Let Dan see her.’ Reeas said.

‘I’m afraid it would do no good, Debra is less than she was when Dan first created her!’

‘It is still a chance.’ said Reeas. 'I want to meet her, also.’

‘And I want to meet her.’ said Deria.

‘Very well.’ said Sionn, ‘but there is little time left.’

We transfer back to the time facility on Kerion 6. I instruct the security people to let no one into the time room. We then make our way back to the Guardian base. Sionn is already here, he informs us that Debra is now less able than even a few hours ago! He begins to look very serious now. We know he is about to say something very important, so we let him gather his thoughts together for a short time. Yes, students, I know he is a Higher Guardian and should be able to simply state what he means right away, but he is also susceptible, like us all, no one and nothing is perfect in the lower worlds, and the lower worlds are everything below the Higher God worlds. These higher God worlds are places where even we, as Guardians, are unable to penetrate deeply.

‘This is my fault entirely.’ Sionn said. ‘I am the one who made the network vulnerable by allowing Kallo to access our system. I thought I could finally end his long and bloody reign.’

'We did.’ I said. 'You didn’t know Debra would deplete herself, again. Everything must have checked out, as you had experts employed in the whole plan, right?’

'Yes, but I should have known that Debra is the one thing that I simply don’t understand! I don’t know how she, or it...

‘Don’t call me an It,’ said Debra as she appeared for a second, and promptly disappears again.

‘Debra.’ I shout as I run towards the waiting first ship. I shout back to Sionn, ‘Please give me some time to find Debra.’ I enter through the wall of the ship. Debra is now sitting at the control panel looking at me with a serious expression.

'Why did you leave me?’ she said.

'I didn’t.’ I said, ‘I was told you were now part of the ship, and that I was now just Dan Sherman again.’

‘They wanted me to become the Ship again. Am I just the ship to you, Dan?’

‘No,’ Debra, you are everything to the Guardian-Network.

'Am I everything to you, though?’

'Yes, Debra, you are more than that, you are part of me, as Mannus himself said, we cannot be parted.’

I know we are already out into deep space.

'Where are we going, Debra?’

‘We don’t need anybody else, Dan.’

Please, Debra. I have a job to do, or rather, we have a job to do.’

'They don’t want us; I can access the databank, Dan; they only want to use us. I’m taking us to a lovely little place I know on Thelmar; it is over 1,480 million light-years away and will take us a long time to get there, we can be together, and we will be safe from the disaster that is about to happen on Spiron 21 and Phopion. You think I don’t care about that sort of thing, but I do.’

'No.’ I shout. 'We have to help.’

‘Why? They don’t care about us.’

‘I care about us, Debra. I want us to be together as Guardians.’

 ‘Do you mean, I can be a real Guardian? And not like before?’

‘Yes, I promise. Please, Debra, we have little time left to save billions of souls.’

‘Why can’t I be a soul, Dan?’

‘You are part of me, Debra, so you are part of my soul.’


'Yes, can you not feel it?’

I don’t know, Dan. But if you say so, then I believe it.’

‘Debra, look at me. I want you to be a part of me, again. I want you because I am not complete without you.’

‘Then let us dance! I suggest the Tango.’

‘Yes, Debra, but please let us avert the crisis at Kerion first! Can we manage the job together, or is it too late?’

Debra is now looking at me with curiosity.

'What’s wrong?’ I said.

'I want to be more caring, but I don’t know how? I know I have to protect all life, but I don’t feel caring.’

‘Just try to feel what I am feeling.’ I couldn’t think of anything else to say.

‘I will try, Dan.’

‘Now, Debra, please tell me how long have we got left to avert the crisis?’

‘What crisis?’ Debra said. I am now starting to get a little nervous.

‘Please, Debra, if you are trying to be humorous, this is not the time.’

She is now holding out her hand to me. ‘Touch my hand,’ she said.

As soon as I touch her hand I know the crisis has been averted. Debra has already decoded the time machine, and isolated the master agent before we set off on our journey! I now know everything Debra knows about the situation, I also know Sionn is about to send us a message to return to base. That is a new one for me, knowing Sionn is about to send a message before we receive it! I can now see that Debra is back to her best. Please Mannus, let this time with Debra, be better.

‘It will be.’ she said. ‘Let’s dance.’

‘OK, by me,’ I said.

‘OK by me, too,’ she said, ‘I love your little idiosyncrasies, Dan. I feel complete now.’

I can tell you students: I am feeling pretty good at this moment.

Chapter 71-The Corruption of Sionn

We are now back at the Guardian base on Kerion 6. The Master-Agent has been moved to a secure Astral Prison where it will be monitored from now on. The time machine has been deactivated and is now being dismantled. Sionn is in the briefing room where we are now gathering. Reeas and Deria are also here. Debra insists on sitting next to me as she is now a Guardian. I tried to explain the situation to Sionn and Reeas before the meeting, but they don’t seem to appreciate it.

Sionn started with a tribute to Debra, which I think is nice; he also welcomed her officially back to the Guardian-Network. Sionn is now looking serious again, I know exactly why. I can now access messages that are coming into the network, as soon as, or sooner than anyone, even Sionn! One message is from a planet called Dienna 3, in the Laxian-Galaxy. I know Sionn knows that I can access these messages, so, I’ll let him carry on with the message. He said: 'Information about an army of Super-Robots has been received from a planet called Dienna 3. This army intends to wreak havoc in the surrounding star systems, and dominate the Laxian-Galaxy. This incident is not the only one, four more Galaxies are reporting the same type of incident, I can tell you that this entire series of events, is tied into Kallo and his helpers.’

‘How can this be?’ Someone in the audience shouts, ‘I thought the agents had been captured.’

'Most of them have, but these incidents were planned long before that.’

‘Why didn’t you know?’ someone else said, 'surely it was expected. These incidents have been happening regularly, have they not?’

Sionn is now looking a little perturbed.

‘It is a never-ending job just to keep track of Kallo’s endless team of helpers.' Sionn replied. 'There are even Dark Agents, who don’t even know that they are agents!’

Another person shouted, ‘How can that be possible?’

‘They have been secretly adapted while sleeping.’ Sionn replied.

‘When will we finally be done with Kallo?’ One woman shouted from the front row.

Sionn sighs, and looked unsure! I am starting to feel very sorry for Sionn, a thing I never thought was possible.

‘I’m afraid, at this time we don’t know. Kallo is, as you know, in a high-security Astral cell at this moment; but, he is not the threat anymore! His helpers are now the real danger and I don’t mean the usual helpers, there are now, even as we speak, many thousands of sleeping agents, this means there are many people who are working for Kallo in the dream worlds and don’t even know about it when they wakeup'.

‘What are we going to do?’ said another coworker.

‘We are going to take on the robot ships by old-fashioned tactics.’ Sionn said.

‘You know that will fail,’ I said. ‘Sionn is now looking at me with an expression that I have never before seen on his face before.

‘Yes, Dan, it probably will, but we have to try. You already know that the master robots are linked together and cannot be shut down. You managed to destroy the android fleet with your superior consciousness in Fexel space, but they were androids, these are super-robots.’

‘Why don’t you say you don’t trust me and Debra?’ I said.

‘You know I trust you. But we can’t take a chance on Debra becoming depleted again.’

‘I won’t become depleted,’ said Debra who is surprisingly calm, and even looks happy. I feel a change has occurred with Debra, but I am at a loss to know what. I know it is me who controls Debra, but I cannot altogether control the emotions within myself.  Sionn knows this and is testing me.

‘We are going to take a break, at this point.’ Sionn said.

‘Dan,’ please join me into the other room.’

‘Debra is about to come with us, but Sionn said, ‘Please wait here, Debra.’ 

Debra, said, ‘I’ll be right here, Dan.’ I notice a strange look on her face, it is something I have never seen before, something is wrong, but what?

‘You will know everything that I know, Debra, so please relax.’ I said.

‘I know, but I am here if you want me.’

‘Thank you.’ I said.

 In the next room, Sionn is looking at me with the same worried expression.

‘Let us meditate to the inaccessible plane.’ He said.

Wow! This must be important, I thought.

After a few minutes of meditation, I become aware of a beautiful place. The setting is Sionn’s birthplace, in his present incarnation. The view is stunning. We are standing on a path looking at a range of mountains that seem to be never-ending.

‘This place is called, Union,’ he said, ‘It took me several lifetimes to find the hidden door, yet, I know you can see it, already.’

‘Yes,’ I said, ‘it is over there by the rock wall.’

‘I also know you can access the supposedly hidden locks and access the way to the next higher or lower levels, on any plane.’

‘Yes.’ I said. ‘So?’

‘Can’t you see? It took me nine lifetimes to reach this point. And those lifetimes were very long, you have found the way in less than a second!’

‘What are you trying to say?’

Sionn is now looking out over the range of endless mountains.

‘I am getting too old for this job.’ he said.

‘Never!’ I said.

‘Dan, I need a break from this never-ending war with Kallo and his clones, you are too inexperienced to tackle my job. So what do we do?’

‘I couldn’t do your job.’ I said.

‘Debra, could.’


'Kallo is no longer the threat, as you know. The real danger is from the menace that Kallo created many years ago. These recent events are only the tip of the iceberg. Debra is the only thing that can defeat the master robots and you know it. I fear that this is also part of a plan to finally get rid of you.’

‘What are you saying?’

‘I want you to agree to separate, from Debra.’

‘No.’ I shout, ‘anyway, it is not me who is fixed to Debra, it is she who is attached to me.’

‘Then I have no other alternative.’

Sionn touches me behind the neck. I can’t believe what is happening, I am now fixed to the spot, two seconds later I am unconscious.

For students: This message was added later. I know you are thinking that I should have seen this coming, but Sionn is in my eyes all that is good and spiritual, he is a master, and my friend, so I had no reason to suspect anything unusual.

I wake up in my usual place back at the base. Reeas is there, also Deria.

‘Don’t tell me,’ I said, ‘I have been tricked, again!’

Before they can answer, Grenwer walks in.

I can tell something is badly wrong simply by the look on his face, although if Debra were still with me, I would know all he knows, and more; but Debra is not with me!

‘We have a serious problem, Grenwer said. I am now taking over as Higher-Coordinator.’

Grenwer pauses, looks over at Reeas, then at Deria, and finally at me. 

‘Sionn has merged with Debra.’

‘What?’ shouted Reeas.’

‘We knew nothing about this till the last moment. He must think he can end this infernal feud with Kallo’s people.’

‘What can we do?’ Deria said.

‘At this moment nothing, we can’t get any information from Sionn, or Debra.’

‘Sionn must have been working on this for months.’  I said.

‘Longer, I suspect,’ Grenwer, replied.

'Surely, he must have sought permission.’ Reeas said.

‘Normally, yes, but this is not normal. I have known Sionn longer than anyone else, apart from his family, and Kallo, we go back a very long way.

For your Students: I can say one incarnation on some higher planets could be a long time, due to technology. But Sionn’s last incarnation was over 3,500 years because he is a Guardian; he died many times but he was still Sionn, can you understand? There comes a time when we all reach a limit. For Kallo, it was the meeting with Mannus, and for Sionn, it is the merging with Debra. Mannus is the power. Debra is also the power, but Sionn and Kallo are only souls!’

‘What are you saying, Grenwer?’

‘I am saying that you in your lower consciousness could control Debra; she may have got out of hand a time or two but it was relatively minor, what do you think could happen if Sionn exerts his full consciousness on Debra?’

‘I think I know what you want me to do.’ said Deria.

‘Yes, Deria, please try to reach Sionn, do not contact him, just observe, go to Dienna 3 first; there is no Guardian base there, but we have an agent there who you can contact, he is called Joreb. You don’t need a physical body, to access the planet, as you can manifest into your higher light body.

‘Now, Dan and Reeas, dream travel to the planet Axvious in the Quintos Galaxy; there is a Guardian base there, collect a ship, then go to the planet Rifion. Super-Robots, have already started to exterminate the population.’

‘How do you expect us to stop them?’ Reeas said.

‘Do whatever you can. Fabricate whatever you need.’

With that, Grenwer left the room. Reeas, Deria, and I are now alone.

‘There is one thing for sure,’ I said, ‘This is not any sort of test for me, this time it is serious stuff.’

‘Everything is a test, in some way.’ said Deria.

‘What about contacting Mannus?’ Reeas said.

‘Yes, we can try while we dreamtravel to Axvious.’ I said.

Reeas and I are now in the restroom.

‘Dan, can I talk to you?’

‘Of course,’ I said.

Can you access the lifetime, we were together on Earth, in the year 1349 AD.’

‘Please, Reeas, not that one.’

‘Why not?’

‘Because it is too painful.’

‘Pain is part of life.’

‘I know.’ But I didn’t know at that time that we would reincarnate together again.’

‘It was very painful for us both, Dan.’

‘No, Reeas. I lost you and the children to the plague. I was left on my own, to suffer!’

‘We all suffered, Dan. Don’t you remember the famine that spread all over the continent from Asia to Europe?’

‘Yes, I remember, Reeas. I sweated blood trying to get us from France to Dover in England to outrun the Black-Death only to find it had beat us to it!’

‘Why did you reincarnate as a monk, in your next lifetime, Dan? you left us again.’

‘What are you trying to do, Reeas?’

'I am trying to find out, if my Dan, is still my, Dan!’

‘You know I am.’

I want to know that you are finally free of Debra.’

‘I can never be free of her, but I can be in control given the time; if I was free of her then that freedom could be our downfall. Let us dream and seek the answer from the highest source.’

You, students, know the scene by now: We are in a beautiful setting overlooking a vast mountain range as far as the eye can see. Mannus is seated as usual on a golden cushion with his eyes closed. Reeas and I sit down to meditate. We become conscious in the Room-of-Doors. One door is standing out from the rest.

Reeas said, ‘What are you waiting for?’

I said, 'My emotions are starting to get the better of me.’ Reeas is now comforting me with her arm around my shoulder.

'I’m sorry about the past life thing, Dan, It seems I am still emotionally attached to certain past life events.’

‘It’s not that, Reeas, but this door, I feel this life experience will be very traumatic!’

‘We will face it together, Dan.’

‘Yes, Reeas, always together.’

We walk through the door. Imagine my extreme disappointment when I realize we are back in England in the year 1349!

‘No!’ I shout, as I see my past life character holding my wife Katherine, (who is Reeas) ‘I thought you would survive Reeas when we buried our five children, I at least knew, I had you.’

‘I know, Dan. But fate had other plans.’

‘Why am I here?’

‘That is the reason, why I am here, Dan.’


‘You are too emotional to figure this one out, so Mannus arranged for me to be here.’


‘Yes, now follow your past life character.’

‘Do you know the rest of the story, Reeas?’

'No, Dan, I only know we have to do this together.’

‘What can it be leading to? I know I don’t survive more than two years anyway.’

‘Please, Dan. Just concentrate.’

I am now getting interested as my past life character makes his way up to the castle on top of the cliffs.

‘Why don’t I remember this?’

‘I believe it is for your protection.’ Reeas said.

My character is now approaching the castle, probably trying to get to the church which is inside to pray. I am now very interested as my character stops. Sitting at the side of the road is an elderly woman.

'Alms, for the poor,’ she said.

‘I just buried my whole family.’ My character said.

‘You’re immune then, you could make some good money burying people, but you won’t be able to get into the castle because of the Black Death.

‘But, I want to pray.’

'You don’t need to go anywhere, to pray.’

‘Are you mad, woman? Why do you think saintly people spent all their lives building the great churches?’

‘They did it because they thought they could buy their way into the heavenly kingdom. Will you accept me as your savior?’

‘What? You are mad, be-gone woman.’

‘Alright, but you will have to wait a long time to get this chance again.’

‘What chance?’

‘The chance to be a Guardian.’

‘What are you talking about?’

The old lady is now looking at my character, with a serious stare.

‘Search your consciousness for a few minutes, that is all I ask.’

‘I haven’t got time for this, woman!’

My character is now making his way back down to the town. He realizes that she is right about one thing, the castle will be locked against the plague.

I am now feeling very depressed.

Reeas said, ‘Don’t reproach yourself.’

‘Reeas, I jumped off the cliffs, two years later!’

‘And that is why you missed another chance to become a Guardian.

Said Reeas.

Suddenly, we are back in the Room-of-Doors. I turn around to find Mannus; he is dressed in an ordinary suit!

‘Who do you think the old woman on the road was?’ he said.

I think for a minute and reply. ‘Well, she has to be a Master, I know that much.’

With a wave of his hand she appears, he then clicks his fingers and Sionn appears then fades away! Mannus disappears and is replaced by Grenwer.

‘What, have you learned?’ he said.

‘I have learned that Sionn requires help, he tried to help me when I needed it, but I couldn’t see it at the time.’

‘What else?’

‘Well, Mannus once said that Debra and I are never parted, so, I suppose it is up to me to find her.’

‘Good. Now transfer to Axvious, be mindful that the robots are consciously aware. The threat is so great that Mannus himself is watching with interest.

Now, for you students out there; please upload your thoughts again. I know, you probably have already, but I must ask, it is very important.

Reeas and I now realize that this is the biggest crisis that the Guardian-Network has ever faced. Why doesn’t Mannus stop it you say? Mannus is the power, yes? But Mannus is also the Watcher; he keeps his eye on things, but it is up to the Guardians to keep order. If something gets out of hand he will exert his authority as he did with Kallo. I now know that 24 students will be at the sub base working in the dream state, this is very commendable, my friends! The main problem is how to defeat the super-robots. Sionn is a far greater problem though, too difficult to simply access by any normal means. I’m sorry that I won’t be able to meet you there, as Reeas and I are going to seek a little extra help from the Meeting-of-the-Masters on the inner planes. We become aware, as usual, of another beautiful setting. I can see all of my past life masters, plus many more from Reeas's past lives also; there are hundreds more, plus Thalo and his people, also Fagil and his brethren. Mannus is seated in the center as usual, but higher up. He is like a steeple on a church, I suppose; but this steeple is more than just a building, he is the Powerhouse. We sit down to meditate, after a while, I don’t know how long, I become aware of being in a room similar to the one at our normal base, but I know we are on Axvious. I can’t remember anything that has happened at the meeting, but I know something important has occurred.  I look over at Reeas, who is still asleep.

I think how very lucky I am to have her in my life when she suddenly changed into Debra! five seconds later, she is back to Reeas, now Reeas is awake. She must have seen the look on my face, as she said, ‘What is it?’

I am wondering if I should tell Reeas what has happened when a message comes through from Deria. She said, ‘Do not reply to this message. I have located Sionn he is on Dienna 3. There is no immediate danger. I will contact you later.’

‘Well, at least that is one thing less we have to worry about.’

‘Dan, I know you know something that I should know.’

‘Please, Reeas, just give me a minute, please stand here, and just relax for a short time.’

‘Why?’ she said.

‘I will tell you later, please relax.’ I then stand in front of Reeas and close my eyes, now I can see Debra! I then concentrate on her. Within one minute I can hear Debra shout.

‘Dan! Where are you?’ A few seconds later, she is gone! I open my eyes. Reeas said,

‘What did you see?’

‘Reeas, can it be possible that Debra is part of you?’

‘What?’ she said.

‘I just saw her when I looked at you with my eyes closed!’

‘No.’ she said.

‘I also saw you transform into Debra when you were asleep.’


‘Reeas, please concentrate. I now believe that you have been shielded from knowing too much about Debra, and your past lives.’


‘For just such a crisis as we have now with Sionn, think about it. Debra didn’t object too much about you when you wanted to be alone with me.’

‘What about the time you and she took off to her home planet?’

‘That was to trap Kallo!’

‘We could find out for sure from Grenwer.’

‘No. we have to be careful; we will keep this to ourselves for now. OK?’

‘Yes, Dan, Dan.’

‘Yes, Reeas.’

‘Can we dance? Or do you want me to dress up in full combat gear?’

I have to laugh, but I am worried.

We just stand there holding each other while doing the old-fashioned smooch. For anyone with any sort of stress, this dance is for you, onwards my student friends.                                                              

 Chapter 72-Super Robots

We transferred by dream travel to Axvious where we are greeted by a Guardian called Colendo; he ushers us into a briefing room.

Don’t forget, students, this is still the astral plane, Colendo said, ‘Please access these recordings of what is occurring on our planet. Reeas and I already know what is happening, but seeing it so vividly in high definition, really brings home what brutality these robots are capable of. Imagine the scenes from the book, War-of-the-Worlds, and then you will have some idea. I feel a little guilty for dancing with Reeas while this was going on, but we are here now, and we will do everything in our power to stop this madness.

‘OK.’ I said, ‘I want records of everyone who worked at the Internal-Security-Network for the last five years, I also want the Alien-Immigration-Visa records.’

Then, in unison, Reeas and I said: ‘Bring it in a security module code 2131.’

Reeas and I are now staring at each other with amazement!

‘How did we know we would say that together?’ I said.

‘I know,’ Reeas said, ‘It must be what happened at the Meeting-of-the-Masters.’

‘Yes, we must have been given extra powers to tackle this job.’

The power is now starting to come through. Colendo comes back with the module. It is a small handheld device that we hold to our forehead, within a minute, we have all the information we need to bring in the Dark-Agents on Axvious. I give the information to Colendo. He said, ‘Most of these people were the backbone of the security network!’     

I said, ‘We will now transfer onto the physical planet of Axvious.’

I will be there when you arrive,’ said Colendo. ‘Your bodies have already been cloned and I took the liberty of giving you both newly advanced technology clones of the strongest genus, plus your brains will have a much larger capacity.’

‘Will we look normal?’ Reeas said.

‘Yes. The brain itself has been condensed, but it is the same size, also your lightsuits are ready for use. Don’t worry students, Colendo is trustworthy. Reeas and I are now in the restroom preparing to transfer to Axvious in the physical.

As I wake up in the cloned body, I immediately can tell that this is no ordinary body. I feel like a Superman!

You students will say, well, your old cloned body, was good, yes?

Yes, but this one is super! The thought time is far superior, also the strength is amazing. I feel like Cloft the Tourgen in human form but without anger. Reeas said the same.

We are now preparing to transfer to the 31st-battle zone. I want to access the super-robot which has been captured. I want to see if we can access its brain, although I don’t hold out much hope. We make our way to the lightship which is stationed at the base. We know two more ships are already in action trying to combat the threat from the robot ships. The problem is, there is a shortage of Guardians, and also a lack of trained pilots, so, although the Axvious ships can pilot themselves, we still need competent crew members; some of the crew is little more than students, sorry if I offend some students out there, but this job needs some serious handling, plus the robot ships are now linked together in conscious awareness, well, we will see if we can contact our other ships; not just our lightships, but all the other battlecruisers from the Axvious Fleet!

For Students from the Intensive-Research-Center on the star base Rentuine, please access the hidden code bank known as Centri; use your dream codes which should have been given to you last night, you will be assessed for the all-important job of Super-Robot Exterminator. If there is anyone else who believes that they can be of help to this mission can you please log in to the Rentuine dream site and get assessed as soon as possible. The big problem is Debra, she is somewhere with Sionn, but where? I will be happy if we can stop the robot fleet, but I am very worried that Sionn will become unstable. When I was with Debra she was linked into my consciousness; a consciousness that was new to all things related to the Guardian-Network, which means I didn’t fully understand everything regarding Debra, or how she managed to function with me, and the job at hand. Sionn, on the other hand, will be expecting Debra to know and understand exactly what he wants; If Debra is depleted, and confused, with not being able to find me, then anything could happen.

Onward my student friends!

For further ongoing adventures please access The Guardian Database.

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Dan Sherman Space Guardian

All Worlds

Book Ten

Copyright Colin J Platt 2014


Dan has been tricked by his mentor and friend, Sionn, who was the Higher-Coordinator of the Guardian network. Sionn has managed to merge with Debra, who is Dan's alter ego. Deria, who is a higher being, and Dan are going into the inner regions to track him down. Reeas, who is Dan's wife in his present life and many past lives, is also going.

Super Robots are decimating numerous worlds in five galaxies, but Dan knows he can't fight them until he gets Debra back, he also knows that Kallo, the Dark Agent, although in isolation at a high-security Astral prison, won't be able to interfere with their plans, his apprentice clones, on the other hand, will try anything to destroy Dan, and anyone, or any world, who they cannot control. As student Guardians, you can help by logging on to the Guardian database in the dream state, onwards my friends.

Chapter 73-The corruption of Sionn.

Reeas and I, are now in the restroom preparing to transfer via dream travel to Axvious which is in the Quintos-Galaxy.

As you students know, if a planet is too far away to travel by lightship, we can dream-travel to the equivalent Astral world, then transfer into our Astral bodies, then transfer, or wake up, in the physical body, which is usually a clone. I know you students can understand this, as you have access to the dream worlds, and can also access the Guardian-Database, many of you have also been of help while accessing the earlier recordings of my adventures in the Physical, Astral, Mental, Ethereal, and higher regions of God, plus the thousands of sub-planes in between, for this, I am eternally grateful, and that is the key word my student friend; Eternity, we are all Eternal Beings.

Our physical bodies are now asleep in the restroom, but we, as souls, are now able to access numerous places while dreaming, one such place we frequently visit is the Room-of-Doors, it is a place where we can access our past lives.

Reeas, as you know, is the love of my, life or past lives, as we have been together many times before. Now, students, this is the situation: a fleet of super robot ships has attacked numerous planets in five Galaxies. We have to get to a planet called Axvious in the Quintos-Galaxy; there is a Guardian base there, we then have to collect a lightship and transfer to another planet called Rifion, where Super-Robots have already started to destroy the population.

What can we do with just one lightship? You say. We can link into many more ships from Axvious and also any other ships which we can contact. The trouble is I can't contact Debra. She is what I named the lightship; she is also the reason why we have to seek out Sionn. He used to be the Higher-Coordinator. He asked me to follow him into an inaccessible region where he used his powers to incapacitate me; he then somehow managed to link into Debra, who was, at that time, part of my consciousness, and merge with her.

I know all this is a little hard for you to take in, but you are Student-Guardians, and so you can relate to these circumstances.

We have just received a message in high-security mode from Deria, who is a Higher-Guardian, apart from Reeas, Deria is my closest friend, she is also a master when it comes to cloaking or invisibility, and you will also know that she is an elfin-being or fairy, and just six inches tall. The message she relays to me is about Sionn; he has been located on the astral equivalent planet of Dienna3. We cannot reply to the message for security reasons, so we will have to transfer to the inaccessible plane to meet Deria. You students will know that the inaccessible plane is only inaccessible for anyone other than Guardians, and higher beings.

For students who are new to the database and want to know why we can't reply to the message right away, the reason is Deria is a higher being and can send Thought Transfer messages to us but although we are Guardians and higher beings, we are not as high as Deria, all these details will become clear to you as we travel together on many planes and sub-planes in the past, present and future.

Reeas and I are now conscious on one of the inaccessible planes. Deria is now in her human form and unbelievably beautiful; she is wearing a silken silver gown, with a golden chain belt, and a golden tiara on her head, with a big ruby stone in the center. Reeas and I are dressed in white. You can access the database, so you will also know when, and to whom, you were related in your past lives. Deria said, Sionn is on Dienna 3, but he transferred to his Room-of-Doors probably thinking that he can link into Debra better by going to one of his past lives, and where he was in a lower state of consciousness. Sionn, as you know, is a Higher Being and has been in his last lifetime over three thousand five hundred years, he wants to merge with Debra, to gain the power, and knowledge, to defeat the Super-Robots, and to finally defeat the Dark-Agents; these agents are clones of a master called Kallo, he was a friend of Sionn's and a Guardian until he spectacularly fell from grace, he is also the reason why Sionn has taken it upon himself to put a stop to the never-ending battle between the Guardians and Kallo's Dark- Empire.

 You will also know that Kallo was Lucifer in one of his past lives. If you are a new student and you want to access the recording of Kallo as Lucifer, please access the database, for the recording of Dan Sherman's 'All Worlds.' Deria is now telling us that Sionn has accessed a past life where he was a teacher in a world that was very much like Earth, surely he can't be trying to copy me! I used to be a teacher in my past life. I was then chosen to be a Guardian, or in truth, I had earned the right to be one. Sionn must have tried to merge with Debra, but he must have failed, so now he is trying to get on a par with her, so to speak.

Deria said,' Let us proceed to my Room-of-Doors, you will be perfectly alright as long as you are aware that you can only observe, just follow me and stay silent I will relay any messages I have to you but please don't reply; if you have to message me use Thought-Transfer. Sionn may have laid a trap for you, but he won't be able to access my Room-of-Doors. Deria then said, let us hold hands. It only takes a few seconds to transfer to Deria's Room-of-Doors, the difference between Deria's Room-of-Doors and mine, is startling! Standing in front of Deria's first door I am amazed and transfixed by the beautiful colors and sounds! In my Room-of-Doors, it is drab and plain, with no noise.

Deria said, 'don't be disappointed you will become more attuned with the light and sound in the future, just be at rest, and learn.' I can see Reeas is in awe of this place, also, but we can't talk. As you know, there are three-hundred and sixty doors in the room which surround us in a big circle, plus, there are invisible sub plane doors in between each door; these sub plane doors only become visible when we are conscious of them. We start to walk through the first door; you will know already that this door emerges into another Room-of-Doors; this is because Deria is conscious of traveling to a certain life in the past; that life is some thousands of years ago. We will have to travel through many rooms.

Students take note: each room is ten-thousand years, this means that if you don't want to go to a certain life in the first set of doors then you simply walk through the first door to the next Room-of-Doors; these doors are the previous ten-thousand years. It can be confusing but knowing you are Student-Guardians, you will already understand. We are now one hundred and fifty-thousand years in Sionn's past, but we are only sixty-eight thousand years in Deria's past. Why is this? You ask. This is because, Deria is an Elfin being, and she can live very long lifetimes. Sionn, though, has chosen to reincarnate numerous times, but even so, he has managed to live some very long lifetimes also.

We have now walked through seven doors; each door representing ten-thousand years. Deria is now standing in front of the actual door that we need to access. Deria said, 'This door is the life that I spent learning about genealogy, and all things related to it.

When we walk through this door, please be aware that we cannot relate to anybody. We will be invisible, of course, and untouchable. I will then navigate my way to Sionn. Stay close to me, and be calm.'

We walk through the door into a world where everything seems strangely alien but beautiful. It is an astral world, but as you know, the astral world is only a copy of the physical world or vice versa. I can't recognize any of the many plants, and trees, that are in the wooded area where we now stand. Deria said, this is a world where all plant life is unique; each plant you can see, has been propagated to a stage where it will never die. Before you become too interested in this place, I can only say that we have to find the equivalent astral region where Sionn is. Suffice it to say that you can access this place from the database later. Please stay close as we transfer to Sionn's lifetime in this region.

For student purposes: a region on the astral plane can be anything from the main region, to a sub plane. The astral plane itself is astronomically big; many times larger than the physical universe, but it has no space as such. We are now holding hands with Deria as we transfer to Sionn's lifetime in this region; all we have to do is be aware.

Deria said, 'Dan, be mindful that Debra might recognize you, even though you are with me, and in high cloaking mode this is because you are still linked into Debra; Debra is still part of your consciousness.' I know that I can't reply, but I also know that Deria understands. After a short time of holding hands, Deria said, 'close your eyes, and within a few seconds, she said, open them. Sionn himself is standing only a few feet away, he is talking to Debra, who is standing next to the character who was Sionn, in that lifetime! The character is a male about forty-five years old and dressed in similar clothes to the Earth world! The unusual thing is that this character is me! Sionn has managed to transform his past life character, to resemble me!

Debra said, 'Dan, can you hear me! Please say something.'

I realize that Sionn has made himself invisible to Debra, but is probably directing her thoughts.

Students will know, from previous recordings, that Debra is not just part of my consciousness, but she is also, the lightship, and everything connected with the Guardian-Database, she took a liking to me while we were traveling in the ship. I said she sounded like a girlfriend I used to have in my last-but-one lifetime on Earth. From that moment, she became fixated with me to the extent that she wants to be with me all the time; she even transformed herself into a hologram and then a robot, but I have to be very careful when Debra is with me, as she doesn't like to be referred to as a robot; Debra, can also appear in the shape of anyone, or anything; I like it when she appears as one of my favorite female movie stars. Imagine being with someone like Marilyn Monroe, with ultimate power! I have been able to control her up to now, but Sionn seems to think he can use his power, or consciousness, to manipulate her! I am starting to feel angry, but I know I have to keep myself in control. I can see Sionn is now trying to concentrate his thoughts on Debra, as he is holding his head in his hands and Debra is in the body form of the original Debra, who was, as you know, my girlfriend; well, actually, I refer to her as my girlfriend, but she was a year older than me, so, she didn't think of me as a boyfriend but as just a friend; she was also my next-door neighbor. We lived in Iowa in the U.S.A. in the 1930 s. She got killed in her boyfriend's car after her family moved away, so I didn't even know, although I never forgot her; this connection with her has never been broken. Sionn may think he can link into her, but I know different. Mannus himself told me that Debra is part of me and that we cannot be parted.

Mannus, as you students know, is the ultimate power in this part of the Multiverse. I am getting more and more worked up, and Deria knows it, she sends me a message telling me to calm down.

I am trying to focus my mind on something else when Debra looks straight into my face! She can't see me, but she can sense my presence. She walks up to me and says,

 'Dan, is that you? Dan, please answer me. I'm lost; I can't find my way back, Dan, please help me!'

This is now getting too much for me to handle. I reach out my hand and try to touch her. Of course, I can't touch her, but she knows what I am doing, and she put her arms around me. Straight away, I am once more united with her.

Sionn is staring at me with a look that I have never before seen on his face; it is a look of amazement and hatred! Sionn is to me, everything that a spiritual person should be, and more, but this person standing here is more like Kallo, the Dark-Agent.

Deria is now visible, as is Reeas. Deria said, 'Dan, are you alright?'

'I don't know, yet, but Sionn has changed!'

Deria is now looking at Sionn, and holding out her hand, as though she is going to send a shock wave through it, she said,

'Don't come anywhere near us, I know what you are!'

I am now confused, although, Debra is with me again, she is nowhere near her usual self. I also feel very tired. Dear, God, I think, please don't let this be another trap.

The next thing I remember is being conscious of a dark and depressing place. I can't make out the size of the room that I am in because it is too dark. All I can think about is Reeas and Deria. Where can they be? I am starting to panic now, as I can see the walls starting to close in. I have never liked closed-in spaces, so this experience is starting to freak me out. Yes, I know, students; I am a Guardian, and I should be able to control myself. All I can think is that Sionn, or Kallo, have managed to link into Debra, and deplete my consciousness. Suddenly, Kallo himself comes into view.

'Well, if it isn't Dan, the Trainee-Guardian. How do you like being imprisoned? Not very nice is it? I suppose you think you can easily get out of here. Well think again, my friend, and I will make sure, that you never interfere with our plans again.'

I am now stood facing Kallo, I am trying to find out whether this person is Kallo himself, or another clone.

'I know what you are thinking, Trainee, well, let me inform you before you damage your fragile little mind. I am the real thing, now; let me introduce you to my old friend and partner.'

Sionn comes into view. I am now, not only speechless but more afraid than I have ever been.

'I suppose you are wondering how I got out of the Astral-High-Security Prison,' said Kallo with a laugh.

I am now looking at Sionn, and I am still speechless. All I can do is sit down in the lotus position.

'Well, look at this.' Kallo said, 'The Great, Dan Sherman, lost for words, and beaten.'

Chapter 74-Tourgen Nightmare.

Sionn is now looking at me with contempt. I am trying to come to terms with this, when he walks over to me, grabs me by the arm, and lifts me to my feet.

For students: please be aware that we are still on the astral plane. The room changes into a place similar to the sub-plane base rooms. Sionn guides me to a seat, where I sit facing a machine, which I know to be a Brain-Scanner, and Mind-Transfer device.

'Dan, I know what you are thinking, but this is, believe me, the best way to end this infernal war between the Guardian-Network and the Dark-Forces. I will ensure that Kallo is under control, and I will be responsible for order in all of the regions below the First Grand Division of God.'

'What about Mannus?' I said.

'I've told you before, Mannus is the watcher; he is not concerned, with things in the lower worlds, he is the power.'

'What happens to me, then?'

'Please, Sionn let me tell him,' Kallo said.

'You, my fine friend, will be cloned into a Tourgen beast; and before you ask whether you will be able to do all the amazing things that you were once capable of, the answer is no!'

'Please, Kallo.' Sionn said, 'Let me deal with this. Don't worry, Dan, you won't have any memory of this, and it is for the overall good.'

'What about, my good?'

'You will eventually rise in consciousness, and move on.'

'But that might take ages.'

'Yes,' laughed Kallo. That is the beauty of it, it will, and you won't be a problem to me anymore.'

Sionn said, 'Dan, believe me if there was another way out of all this, I would take it, but we can't have you reuniting with Debra again. This cloning will be permanent, in that you will believe that you are the Tourgen life form. When you were cloned into the Tourgen before you knew that you could change or transfer out of the body, well, this time, you won't be able to. I'm sorry, but I am trying to justify my actions. You won't be able to remember, but I will, and believe me, you are the lucky one.'

'I am the lucky one? Just let me say this, if I can, in any way, get out of the Tourgen body, I will, and I will come for you, Sionn, and Kallo also.'

Kallo said, 'let's get it over with, Sionn, I am starting to get very bored, with this; but just let me say this: 'You, Trainee, will no longer be a Guardian.'

I am now fitted up with the headgear that is linked to the machine. For you, students: I can't do anything about my situation, as my ability to transfer my way out of the body, is gone. I can't even meditate myself out, as Sionn and Kallo have got control over this region. You will also want to know, how I can message you, while in this trouble. I don't know, but I presume it will be added to the database later. Don't forget, Debra is no longer with me, so I am vulnerable. Sionn and Kallo are Masters when it comes to anything to do with the higher or lower regions, and so, I am, at this time, not able to message any longer. Students, please help, if you can.


This message is from Reeas: students, please note, Dan has been taken, prisoner. Deria and I are back at the sub base. We know now that Kallo has escaped once again, and that it was probably Kallo himself who masterminded the taking of Dan. Sionn is probably implicated in this also, but Mannus help, us if he is. Deria used her powers and got us out of danger, but Dan was already trapped. I feel sick with worry, but I know Dan will try everything in his power to escape. Grenwer is now in the room. Grenwer, as you students know, is a higher-guardian and also the Higher-Coordinator while Sionn is away.

Grenwer said, 'Deria and Reeas, you will not now have to go to Axvious. The Super-Robots are being dealt with by local forces and Guardianships. I want you to seek out Dan. Sionn is probably in league with Kallo. We feel that Dan is in serious trouble, more trouble than he has ever been in up to now.'

'How do you know, that?'

'Don't ask me how, Reeas, just trust me. Deria, get together with your sister and your brethren, try to locate the region where Dan has been taken.

For students: Deria's sister is her twin and is called Deria 2. They are so close that they haven't been out of communication for even one minute in their whole lives, and their lives are very long, my student friends. You can now access Dan's part of the story, as it was put on the database later. Sorry if it is too late for you to help in the dream state in this part of the story.

For students: This part of the story will be related to you by Reeas. Deria is the higher being but she will keep herself in silence for the time being.

Deria and I are going to meditate to the inaccessible region, for a special conference called the Meeting-of-the-Masters. All we have to do is lie down, or sit in the lotus position. We soon become aware in a beautiful setting which is overlooking a mountain range. The distance is too far to evaluate. But for any students who have managed to access this place, you will know what I mean when I say it is beyond any words to describe.

Mannus, who is the lord of this region, is sitting in his usual place, which is in the center of the group but higher up. He is seated on a golden cushion; he is a giant of a man, with golden skin and wearing golden bands on his arms and ankles, his only clothing is a loincloth, and he has no hair on his body. Of course, he isn't a man at all, but the image, of what we, in the physical world can relate to.

I know this place as Sanctuary, a special place where spiritual people gather to find a master. Some people manage it, but some don't, Dan found the Master in one past life but died a few days later, now, that master is here! plus many more, numerous students, maybe you are here also my student friends? Don't scoff, it is possible. Grenwer is here, plus Deria 2, I also see Deria's brethren, and all manner of higher life forms, plus Thalo and his people, they were liberated when Dan and I infiltrated the Tourgen base, also Fagil from Far Station, which is now the planet Yalton. They helped to bring me back to life when I got killed by the Burin.

These masters, plus many students, are now seated in meditative positions. Deria is now out of silence, and ready to address the conference; she has now earned the right to be an Elfin Princess and she is also a Master Guardian; Mannus himself appointed her, she appears in her human form, which is breathtaking in its beauty. I sit down at the outer edge of the conference, while Deria walks to the center, and stands at the right-hand side of Mannus. After a few minutes of prayer and meditation, she starts to speak thus:

Conference: We are gathered here for an emergency Meeting-of-the-Masters. I have to report that Sionn, our Higher-Coordinator has now become an outcast. Dan Sherman has been taken prisoner and Debra, who is the power of the Guardian-Network, has disappeared.

Message from Reeas: I am feeling pretty depressed, at this moment, I can tell you. As most of you know Dan has been in some pretty tough places and has been taken prisoner many times. He has managed to escape by his resourcefulness, with help from the Guardian-Network. Students have also helped in the past by working in the dream state and sending their thoughts to the central database.

Students will know that we, as souls, cannot be killed, but we can be captured by various means, and kept prisoner. Kallo himself is a master when it comes to escaping from any inner world prison. I just hope Dan, can do the same. I feel somehow different, this time, though. It is as though Dan is somewhere that we cannot get to; Far-Station was such a place; also Dark-Space was a very scary place; Dan managed to enter these places, plus many more and help many beings to freedom. Sorry, if I am digressing from the moment, but you will understand why. Dan is my life, and he is also my lifetime partner and past lifetime partner.

From Deria: Reeas and I are going to keep searching for Dan. Three students have managed to locate a temporary rift in the time continuum. This is very commendable. The rift has now disappeared, but we know the exact location of the space. Reeas and I, plus one student who managed to find the rift will travel there in high cloaking mode. I have to tell you that two of our brethren here at this conference have now been found to be Dark-Agents; security is already moving in to apprehend the culprits. Please try to stay in higher consciousness as we meditate to the nearest inner region to locate the rift and to gain any sort of information which will be of use. Dan Sherman is a well-loved, and loyal Guardian; we will do all in our power to bring him home. Will everyone please pray?

Message from Reeas: the atmosphere is now something to behold. The light and sound of this inner region are now making me feel dizzy. The next thing I know is Deria holding my hand and saying that we are already at the designated spot. I look around me, to find a young girl of about seventeen years old; I know her to be the student who has managed to locate the time rift, she is looking at me and Deria, with a puzzled expression.

'Where am I,' she said.

For students: beings who manage to locate certain places on the inner planes, are sometimes in awe when they become aware; usually, they are in the dream state and protected.

'What's your name?' I said.

'I am Unysal,' she said.

Deria said, 'How did you manage to locate the time rift?'

She said, 'I was with some other students when we found a codebook in one of the galleries in the Halls-of-Learning.

For Students: the Halls-of-Learning are places that anyone with a higher or high enough consciousness can access; they can be located on many spiritual planets, on the inner planes.

'Where are the other students, now?' Deria enquired.

'I don't know. They disappeared.'

'What did the codebook tell you?'

'It said that if we were to be at the precise spot, at the right time, we would be able to move into another world, which would fulfill our wildest dreams.'

'Why didn't you go through with it, then?'

'The other students said they were scared.'

Deria is now looking at me, with a serious stare.

'What's wrong?' I said.

'I feel a dreadful emotion coming over me, Reeas, step back. Unysal, I'm sorry.'

Deria touched her behind the neck, and Unysal disappeared.

For students: she was sent back to the sub-base, and then back to her bed, on whatever planet she comes from.

'Why did you do that, Deria?' I said.

'There are two entities who are watching us from close by. I know these to be the students who were with Unysal while accessing the codebook; they have now disappeared, but I know them to be Dark-Agents.'

'Why did they come here?' I said.

'It was a trap, Reeas. They were about to touch us when I disabled Unysal; they are not just agents but masters, and if we had been taken, it would have been to a dark inaccessible region where we might have been prisoners for years.'

'How come, they didn't know this, at the meeting?'

'I suspect they did, but they knew I would do what was required.'

'Why then, did we come here?'

'I am accessing that, right now, Reeas. I feel that this spot is nothing to do with what happened to Dan, yes, I am now sure. We have to go to a place which Unysal found some time back; it is the actual spot where Dan was when he was taken, I got this information from her when I touched her behind the neck. Reeas, hold my hand and we will transfer out of here.'

I must admit, holding on to Deria's hand I feel like a child would with its mother. Deria is, without a doubt, the epitome of a spiritual being.

We are now standing in a sort of rocky deserted place that reminds me of a lifetime that Dan and I shared while on Earth; we were North American Indians of the Shoshoni Tribe; the year was 1726, Dan was the man, and I was the woman. He wanted to be the hunter, but I wanted to learn about other things. We lived to the west of the Rocky Mountains in Utah, life was very hard, there was a lack of big game; we had to live on rabbits, fish, roots, and seeds. I wanted to learn new skills, but I couldn`t with the way of life we had. I then incarnated to a series of planets in the galaxies of Zeta3 where I could finally learn about mathematics and other such things, and then finally to my home planet of Erinon 5, of course, I didn't realize at the time that I was leaving Dan.

Deria said, 'This is the place where Dan was taken before he disappeared, there is a hidden gateway over there by the rock wall, let us be careful, as we make our way there. We were within a few feet from the door when suddenly Deria's sister appears.

Deria 2 said, 'Stop right there!' Deria froze on the spot, as I did. Deria 2 then said, 'There is a booby trap just a meter away from you.' Deria reached out her hand to touch her sister who reached out her other hand to touch me. I was then told to close my eyes. After a few minutes Deria said, 'Yes, I can see it, now.' Deria 2 then said, 'I realized that you and Reeas were going into trouble when I felt a dread come over me, you of course, couldn't feel it, as you are already in a lower region.' Deria said, 'let us move back, slowly.' I can now see the booby trap; it is starting to manifest itself as a classic Demon, complete with horns and cloven feet. It started to speak:

'You can move away from me, ladies, but it won't do you any good. My little helpers are all around you, can't you feel them? Before you ask me how I managed to trap you. I suspect you already know.'

My mind is in a whirl. Deria and her sister, trapped? It could never happen. The Demon continued:

 'You are now in my power. The actual spot where you were stood when your sister arrived, was the place we had chosen for the trap. It is an inaccessible place, and you, my dear friends, are going to rue the day you stepped into my domain. We now have Deria 2. Not a bad day's work, do you think? Kallo has advised me on security matters.  I may not be good-looking to you, my fine ladies, but I know some pretty good techniques for getting information. Deria 1, Deria 2, and Reeas, you know that you can access places which we in the lower regions cannot, yes? Well, this region where you are at this moment is a region where you cannot escape.'

I am now starting to get very frustrated. This Demon is everything that I had once believed to be very easy to defeat! Why can't I simply contact Deria, and her sister, to overcome it! The Demon continued:

'Kallo himself has supervised the procedure for bringing down your consciousness. So, if you will accompany me to the Mind-Transfer room, we will begin.'


Message from Grenwer: the situation is now critical. We have been informed by Dark-Forces, that Deria and her sister plus Reeas, have been taken, prisoner. Sionn has joined forces with Kallo. Dan is missing, and Debra is inaccessible.

Things at the Guardian base, have never been this bad. I am liaising with coworkers to see if we can gain any information on the situation. Students, please help. The place where our friends have been taken is probably an inaccessible region, and will have been secured with many traps; these traps will be dangerous to any beings who have not been forewarned. If any students can be of help or access anything to do with this crisis, please get in touch with the Guardian database.

I am now being informed that Mannus himself is calling for a special Meeting-of-the-Masters. I will be relating the ongoing story for the time being.

This message has been added later, for security reasons. The region where I am to go is a special inaccessible place where only Higher Beings are allowed access. I am sad to say that this is the only time that I have been to one of these meetings without Sionn, or Deria, or her sister with me. The beauty of the place is, without doubt, something to behold, but the crisis that is now unfolding has sullied things, somewhat. I look around the august scene and feel a deep sense of sadness.

Mannus is in his usual place, but he is unavailable! How can this be? The meeting is being led by a master from the Delvincium galaxy. She is a Female master, called Amelaria. I will let her take the floor for now, and she will update us on the situation.

Fellow Guardians: The situation that has arisen, is, without doubt, one of the most serious crises that has transpired in the history of the Guardian-Network. Dark forces have, over a short period, captured a number of our colleagues; they also have been able to incapacitate our network by isolating Debra, who, as you know, was part of our loyal colleague, Dan Sherman's consciousness.

This separation from Debra has brought about the most serious condition that we are now facing. We can't access the network as we once did. Our beloved colleagues Deria 1 and 2 are together, with Reeas, stranded somewhere in the lower regions. We cannot access these regions as we once did simply because Kallo and his helpers have created Time-Blockers and Mind-Transfer traps in many places. I am opening this meeting up to all members who want to ask questions and give opinions. The first question is from Guardian Selkam from Merios, please continue…'

'I would like to know how this situation has been allowed to come to this stage. Surely, you must have known…'

'I'm sorry, Selkam; there is not the time to debate this question, at this time, please confine your questions to what we can do, to bring about an end to this crisis.'

'Next member, Delvar from Yaafen, please continue:'

'We are told, that Mannus, is unavailable, how can this be?'

Mannus, is, as you know, the Guardian of the Power; he is also the Watcher. It is up to us to keep order, although he will exert his power when needed; the time to exert that power might be at hand, only he will know, all we can do is our best. Next question from Callibon from Barion: 'Are there any students who can help? We need lower conscious people to access the lower regions, don't we?'

'As yet, we don't know who is best suited to go into 'Kallo's New-Empire.' This is the name with which it is now being referred to. Kallo has planned this situation for many years. Don't ask me how he managed to conceal it from us. He is a master when it comes to anything to do with the lower regions, and we simply can't keep up with him, when he is down there.'

Next question from Fihlem from Asgest:

'Can you tell me if there is any truth in the rumor that Sionn has reportedly teamed up with Kallo?' Everyone says it is true, but many people won't accept it.'

'Perhaps our esteemed colleague, Grenwer, can answer that question, best.'

I take the podium, with a heavy heart.

'It is with extreme sadness, that I have to confirm, that Sionn has, indeed, gone into partnership with Kallo.'

'How can this be? Might it be a ploy, to capture Kallo? Fihlem said.'

'All-out information is negative, to that question. Sionn has taken it upon himself to access Debra, without success, or permission, and is now in league with Kallo. I suspect it will come to an almighty battle of wills. I hope to God that Sionn wins through. He is my longest and dearest friend. I would like to put a proposal forward, with respect, if I may, Amelaria?'

'Please, Grenwer, go ahead.'

'I want permission to lead a team of coworkers to find Dan; he is the only one who can bring back Debra.'

'I'm sorry, Grenwer, you are the Higher-Coordinator and you are needed to help supervise the network. I agree that Dan is the key, and that it is imperative to find him. I propose that we make up a team consisting of people who know Dan and have worked with him. I am receiving a message from the Guardian base. It seems that Darian, who is Deria's brother, has come out of silence, and is offering to be part of the team. Also there is a Guardian who is specially trained in concealment. Her name is Tamia; she has worked with Dan in the past, and has touched Kallo. This means that she will be very useful. Very few people have touched Kallo in the physical or other planes, but we know Dan is one of them. Beings who don't want to communicate by touch, or any other means isolate themselves from their brother beings and are sometimes lost for long periods. Kallo wants to be elusive. He has also brought into being many clones with similar genetic and mental patterns to himself. This is what we are now facing, an army of Kallo lookalikes, who are willing to sacrifice themselves for his glory. Mannus is now out of silence and will speak to us. Will everyone please hold hands and meditate.

Message from Grenwer: Mannus has spoken to us, but I cannot relate his message to students at this time. You can understand the reason why, I'm sure. The security of the network is all-important at this time.

Chapter 75-Shobdera, Dark Queen, of the lower regions.

Automatic message to students from the Guardian Network:

This message was inserted into the recordings later. As you can appreciate, the events of the latest period have caused uproar in the network, and so, the recordings that usually occur have not been available. Grenwer is busy organizing a team of people to scan the inner worlds for Dan Sherman. A Guardian or student will be appointed to supervise the recordings sometime shortly. Please upload your thoughts to the central database to be assessed for this job.

Kallo has been summoned by Shobdera, Dark Queen of the Lower Regions, (She is Mannus's equal) to account for his actions over a considerable period. We will take up his story now:


'Sionn, I feel more confident now than at any time before. I may try to put myself forward for the position of Overlord.'

'An Overlord has to have a compassionate mental ability, Kallo.'

'Correction, firstly, an Overlord has to be non-caring, before the compassionate part of his character is brought into play.'

'What is it that you want, Kallo? Do you want to destroy everything?'

'You know, what I want, Sionn. You also want it.'

'All I want is to bring balance to all the worlds of God.'

'I understand, that you are jealous, Sionn. Why else, would you come into my realm and try to make a pact with me? You know that you failed miserably, so now you are trying to bring balance into the picture.'

'Balance is everything in the inner and outer worlds, Kallo, you should know that.'

'All I know is, you are an outcast, like me. How does it feel, Sionn? Will you ever be able to meet your precious Mannus, again?'

'I swear by all that's holy, Kallo, that if you don't do as you agreed in this partnership, I will see that you are destroyed, as Soul.'

'Ha, you are the same as me, Sionn; you only want to destroy things. When I come back I will personally see to it, that Earth is blown apart, and its souls scattered like dust throughout the lower regions. Now, if you will excuse me, I have been summoned by Shobdera. Do you think I have been earmarked for the overlord job? Never mind, Sionn, I may use you in some small capacity sometime in the distant future, Ha.'

Automatic message from the Guardian network:

Kallo arrives at the entrance of Shobdera, he approaches her throne.

'Stand fast, Kallo. I never said you could approach me.'

'I assumed you…'

'You assume too much. Who do you think you are, Kallo?'

'I am your servant, my lady.'

'My servants, do as they are bid, you, on the other hand, take it upon yourself to wreak havoc in all the worlds of God.'

'I bring souls to their appointed place.'

'You condescending little toad; you have brought the wrath of Mannus down on us. I have been brought out of silence to account for numerous worlds that you are destroying through your agent clones, and the Super-Robots that you, and others brought into being. Explain yourself!'

'I thought I was in line for the Overlord job? I am ruthless enough, am I not?'

'You are the most pathetic creature that ever came into being; do you not recognize that balance is everything down here, as well as the Higher Regions?'

'Sionn said that, but I am not convinced, surely, we have to try harder to secure our side of things. They, on the higher planes, are always building more and more, so we have to destroy more to keep in balance.'

'Kallo, I tell you this, and listen to me with eagerness; Mannus says he will exert his power down here; if that happens, I and my domain will be tainted by the light. Billions of souls will be lifted. I cannot allow that to happen. You will release Dan Sherman and unite him with Debra. He is the only one who can stop the Super Robots. You will also release Deria and her sister, plus Reeas. Fail me in this, and I will bring down my hand, and crush you like a fly. Now go.'

Automatic message: Kallo arrives back in his domain.

'Hello, Sionn, old chap, how are things?'

'You are talking differently now, Kallo, what happened?'

'Nothing, Shobdera said she is considering me for the overlord job, but she wants me to supervise the destruction of one of the astral sub-plane regions. She said the war with the Super Robots has to stop for the moment. We also have to release Dan Sherman and his associates.'

'I knew it, Kallo, you have been ordered by Shobdera to come to terms.'

'Not in the least. It is only a ploy to decimate the astral world.'

'Did she say you are pathetic, Kallo? Because in my eyes, you are.

'Don't provoke me, Sionn; I am deciding whether to keep Dan Sherman and Debra apart for the moment, just till he begs me for mercy.'

'From now on, Kallo, you are my enemy, again. If you do anything to hinder the process of stopping this war, I will personally find you and bring you before Shobdera.'

Chapter 76-Searching for Dan

Thought message from Sionn: (this was put on record later.)

The situation with Dan Sherman is still critical; he has been partly exposed to radiation from the Mind-Transfer machine. I just hope that we are not too late. Kallo would have destroyed him, and he would have brought down the wrath of Shobdera on himself! What kind of madman is Kallo?' I will let you students gain access to Dan in these recordings. I am now going to release Deria and her sister and Reeas. I will then bring them to Dan, to see if they can help stabilize him.

Dan's story: I feel I am somewhere very different from anywhere I have ever been; it is a dark room, the walls seem to be made up of living creatures! I can see snakes and all kinds of insects trying to get at me but when they show their faces through the wall, they are driven back by something. I am only a teacher? Why should I be tortured like this? I have been to some hellish places in my dreams, but this place is the worst. Why am I here? And why can't I find my wife, Elaine, and my son, John? My yoga training isn't helping, and why is this beast-like creature here? I have never seen anything like it; it is a cross between a tiger and a werewolf. We are separated at the moment by a glass screen, but the glass seems to be getting thinner! I only hope I can wake up before the creature can gain access to me.

My memory is also fading; I can't remember what I am supposed to do? I know I have to do something, or go somewhere to find some people who did something bad to me, but what? My God, please help me.


Deria and Reeas story: (added later) Deria and I have been released from a place which I never thought could exist. The lower entities which trapped us were given special powers from the Higher-Mental realm. How can this be possible? I still can't understand how lower entities we're able to keep us under submission for any length of time, but they did. Sionn was able to release us under cloaking mode by simply switching off the transmitter which was fused into the door of the prison room. Once this was done he was easily able to overcome any resistance from these lower entities.

We are now trying to decipher the code which Kallo himself put into the mental transfer machine which has stranded Dan in some inaccessible place. I hope to God we will be in time to save my, Dan. Kallo is saying he can't remember the codes. I have told him that if we are too late to save Dan, I will personally flay him alive in the physical world. He is submitting at the moment only because Shobdera has threatened him, but as we all know, once he sees an opportunity to escape, he will. I am going crazy waiting for the codes to work; we have found out that these codes are so enormously complicated that only Debra can successfully find the key code to access the final lock. Kallo is sitting here looking at me with the usual self-satisfied smirk on his face.

Sionn has tried to access Kallo's mind by touching him behind the neck, as usual, but Sionn had to stop this, as Kallo was able to block him. The conversation went like this:

'Do you want to be annihilated, Kallo?'

'We all have to go some time, Sionn.'

'Do you hate Dan Sherman so much, that you would put your Soul at risk?'

'There is no one who I would rather go out of existence with, more than Dan, the Trainee-Guardian.'

'You joke about it, Kallo, but you will think twice when Shobdera summons you back to her realm.'

'Why don't you get Debra to unlock my codes, Sionn? I'll tell you why. Because she is no longer of any use, am I right? You tampered with her so much, that she couldn't even open an airlock.'

Message from Reeas:

'Sionn, can we speak in private, please.'

We go into the other room; of course, Kallo will probably be able to access our conversation, but I am so desperate that I don't care.

'Can you please try again to access, Debra?'

Reeas, I have tried till I am sick; she is unavailable.'

Thought Message from Deria to Sionn: Sionn is now gesturing Reeas to be silent.

 'You are still in contact with Debra, Sionn, I can sense it, and my sister feels the same way. This message was given to Sionn by Higher Cloaking Mode and Thought-Transfer, we will now try to bring Debra out your mind?'

Sionn replied in the same way. 'Yes, Deria, now is the time to bring Dan, back.'

'Please relax, Sionn, while we touch you behind the neck.

Message from Reeas:

After a few minutes of Deria and her sister touching Sionn, Debra suddenly appears! She touched Sionn behind the neck and then all four of them disappear! I am conscious that I have to keep myself in check and not let Kallo know about the recent events.

Automatic message from the Guardian database: (Inserted later)

Sionn, Deria and her sister, and Debra materialize in Dan's astral prison cell to find that the only life form in the room is the Tourgen beast-man.

'My God, we are too late,' said Sionn.

'I won't accept that,' said Deria, 'let us see if we can access the Tourgen.'

'Are you looking for me?' The Tourgen said.

'Dan, is that you?'

'Yes, Sionn, it is.'

'How did you, I mean how come…'

'I think I know,' said Deria. 'Yes,' said Deria's sister, I also know.'

'You mean, Debra?' Sionn said.

'Yes, she immediately managed to get to Dan as he was being absorbed into the Tourgen.'

Debra is now starting to materialize in the room. She said, 'Stand back everyone, I am going to bring Dan out of the Tourgen body.'

'You don't need to, Debra; I can do it on my own.'

'No, Dan, you don't realize. There is a mental probe in your mind; it must have been placed there by Kallo. It will activate in three minutes just be calm, and try to meditate. Will everyone else please transfer to the sub-base? We will meet you there later, please make sure you are separated from Kallo; don't tell him what has happened, he thinks Dan is destroyed. We may be able to turn the tables on him and gain information.'

'Debra, I am eternally grateful to you. Thank you.'

'Dan, you are part of me, we cannot be separated, so they said, but we very nearly were.'

Automatic Message:

Dan, Reeas, Sionn, and Deria transferred back to the sub-base while Debra dealt with the probe. The messaging system is now back to normal. Dan Sherman will take charge of the recording sessions from now on.

Message from Dan: I have to thank students for all their help during the recent crisis. Sorry for any inconvenience over logging on to the Guardian-Network. The Dan Sherman adventures will continue…

Reeas has managed to keep things undercover, as she and Kallo transfer back to the sub-base. He is so convinced that I was unreachable and that only he could bring me back, that he simply accompanied Reeas back to the sub-base.

Reeas is crying as I materialize back in our private room.

After much hugging and kissing, Reeas is summoned into the briefing room. I know from Debra, that Kallo is about to be questioned about why he didn't help to get me back. His arrogance is overwhelming. He doesn't seem too bothered about whether I am destroyed or not, and he wasn't too bothered about Shobdera knowing about it. Debra is now with me, she managed to deactivate the mind probe, and is about to attend the debriefing session under high-intensity cloaking mode. I don't need to join her, as I can understand everything that happens through Debra, while I am in the restroom.

Students take note: I am now back to being my old self. Debra is fully functional. I am also aware that my consciousness has expanded! Don't ask me how. I just know that with Debra, I, or we, can do anything. That might seem a bit of an exaggeration, but it is true. I don't need to be debriefed or told what to do. We will now take up the story in the briefing room:

Kallo is standing in the center of the group; Reeas is facing him, and Sionn is on the right, while Deria and her sister are over to the left.

'Why don't you say something, Reeas? Do you feel like tearing me limb from limb?' Reeas doesn't react. Kallo turns to Sionn. 'What will you do now, Sionn? now your precious Dan Sherman, is gone?' Sionn doesn't react. 'And you, Deria, and your sister, you would still be stuck in the prison cell but for the mighty Shobdera stepping in. Can anyone doubt that I am the most powerful being on this side of the Multiverse?'

'Sionn said, do you mean apart from Mannus, Shobdera, and numerous Overlords and all the rest of the hierarchy such as archangels?

'They are just watchers! Don't you remember when I was Lucifer Sionn? I wanted to do things, I wanted to be somebody. I was sick of watching. I made people notice me; I made them worship me, now I have millions of clones ready to do my bidding. I am the only one who can bring about the end of the Super Robot Wars, but it will cost the Guardian network, big time.'

'Oh,' said Sionn.

'Yes, you and your entire, petty little student helpers will have to accept my proposals for dream students.'

'And what will they be?'

'It is too long to go into now, but I have already started the process when I was the Higher-Coordinator, remember, Sionn?'

'Do you mean, the data that you secreted into the databank, while you were allowed to be the Higher-Coordinator?'


'Who do you think you are dealing with, Kallo? I have been watching you for a long time. We now have ninety-five percent, of your agent's names and D.N.A., also, where they are; your sleeping agents will also be dealt with.'

'This can't be. My Empire is foolproof.'

'Your, 'Empire' will be dealt with over the next few days. You will be taken to a new state-of-the-art Astral Prison, which will be supervised by entities provided by no less a person, than Shobdera herself! She asked me to tell you that she doesn't like being disobeyed.'

'You are bluffing, Sionn. I will escape, again, and I will destroy you, and all who oppose me. Without Debra and Sherman you are now vulnerable, so don't tell me you can deal with my Empire.'

'Perhaps you will believe me when I show you the proof. The messaging system will now be handed back over to Dan Sherman.'

'Are you trying to be funny?'

Sionn turns to the door, as I walk in. Kallo looks at me with hatred.

'This can't be true, It's some kind of clone.'

I transform myself into Cloft and then into Debra. She has decided to wear full combat gear again, which I think is a little funny, especially when she makes an eighty-four-millimeter anti-tank weapon appear and slings it over her shoulder just for effect. Kallo tries to escape by dematerializing, but as he starts to fade, he comes back within a few seconds. Sionn has already made preparations for that by earlier inserting a microneedle into Kallo's neck while he was blissfully unaware and enjoying his role as the Higher-Coordinator at the Guardian headquarters. A short time later, two of Shobdera's special agents turn up to escort Kallo away.


'Well done, team. This job went as we expected. I'm sorry that Dan and Reeas had to be excluded from our plans, yet again, but as you can now see, we had no choice. Only Mannus, Shobdera, and Deria's one and two were allowed to know anything about it. Incidentally, the special team consisting of Darian and Tamia who were sent in to search for Dan has now been recalled from the Lower Astral; they were successful in creating a diversion for us, and also in finding other Dark-Agents. Dan, now united with Debra, will already realize that Debra had agreed to be used by me, to infiltrate Kallo's realm. Of course, I realized that I couldn't exert my full power, all I had to do, was keep Debra in check, till we reached Dan.

Now, for Reese's benefit: the Super-Robot threat, is not as great as you feared, we had to make it seem as though they were creating mayhem, but in fact, they have only done little damage; no worlds have been destroyed.

Our fleet has been able to keep the robot ships at bay, but I want you, Dan, Deria, and of course Debra, to travel to the vicinity and assess the situation. A team of Guardian special agents, consisting of Deria's brethren have infiltrated the lead robot ships, and have been able to dismantle certain parts, but have not been able to access the computer banks. I want you to access them, and bring back information that will be valuable to us, particularly where the robot ships came from, and where they were secreted, before the invasion.

Robots, as you know, don't give out any conscious wavelength, so we were in the dark about them for a substantial amount of time. Before anyone asks what about the people who built the robots, they were conscious, yes? why didn't we pick up their thoughts? The answer is, robots built the Super-Robots.

Kallo, in his scheming, managed to keep this entire plan secret, fortunately, we have Guardianships stationed throughout the Quintos-Galaxy. I don't know whether Dan can feel the same Higher Mental Realm vibrations that I can feel, but I sense there is a third party in operation somewhere.

Message to students from Dan Sherman:

I am totally in awe of Sionn. The events of the last few days have made my head spin. One moment I am preparing to go to another galaxy to put an end to a war with Super-Robots; and the next moment I am imprisoned and mindless, then suddenly, I am with Debra again! Sionn is, without doubt, the most amazing, complex, frustrating, puzzling man, but he is the most highly spiritual and loving person I know, although, he is not a man, but a Highly Spiritual Being.

Chapter 77-The Brain

Reeas and I, plus Deria, and not forgetting Debra, are now preparing to dream travel to Axvious. Of course, Debra is part of me and as such, doesn't need to dream. I, on the other hand, need to dream very much. Reeas also wants to dance on the inner planes, and so, we are going on a little vacation. Student- Guardians will know from experience that we can travel up and down the timeline, in our dreams, and also, we can access our Room-of-Doors. We don't need to worry about the situation on Axvious, because our dream travels will not register in physical time. Reeas and I are taking a few weeks holiday, so please excuse us for one second. Ha, just joking, but you can see how it is, in reality, and I mean reality. Students will already know much about dream traveling, and so, all I need to say is, onwards, and bon voyage.

For students: we, or our bodies, as you know, are sleeping in the restroom at the sub base. We expect to wake up in the cloned bodies of ourselves on Axvious; imagine the shock, when I become aware of not being with Reeas on her home planet, but of being alone, and without Debra, in a very large cage, with an assortment of creatures which are chained up around the walls!

Where the hell, am I?

'You are in my domain, Earthman.'

Oh, no, I said to myself.

'No, Earthman, before you ask, I am not Kallo. He is small fry, compared to me. I used him for the preparation of my Robot Empire.'

'Who are you? I said.

'I am known as The Brain.'

I now realize, that this is the third party that Sionn referred to.

'What do you want?'

'I have been watching you for a considerable time. Although you yourself, are small fry, I want you to show me how you can control the power that is known as, Debra.'

Dear God, please help me. I think.

'God has nothing to do with this, nor does Mannus, or Sionn, or any other Higher Entity. I have waited a long time for a being like you to evolve.'

'I have not evolved! I am a space Guardian who happened to get attached to the computer in the lightship.'

'You are, what I say you are! With this Debra, you could be the greatest power in the Multiverse. I want that power. I am known to be the greatest power in Universe 214657; with Debra, I can increase that to infinity; can you, in your tiny mind, begin to understand that?'

'I understand, that you are a tyrant, and you will have to be stopped.'

'I thought that you would be like this, so I will have to monitor you, as you are put through a series of tests, to estimate your power. Let the trials begin.'


For students: these recordings were put in later, so you won't be able to message me. My consciousness has been depleted again. Don't ask me how. I don't know whether Sionn knows about this situation, or where Reeas is! I know one thing, and that is, I am fed up with these types of events, where I am used as a sort of puppet. Debra may not be with me, but I know I can transform into Cloft. I also know that I have been temporarily given part of my power back. I can at least, rip the hell out of anything that comes up against me, while I try to keep myself in check. They might think that they can monitor me while this is happening, but I know that my Yoga training, through countless ages, has stood me in good stead. The Brain, or whoever it is, will not get me without a fight.

The first creature is released for the chains. I don't know any of these creatures. The Brain must have brought them here, especially for this contest. I am having second thoughts about the tactics I am going to employ. Maybe I should just let them kill me?

'If you do that, Earthman, you will simply come back here, and have to go through it all again.'

I know he is right. Don't forget, students, we are on one of the Mental sub-planes, so these creatures and I, are made up of the same stuff. The Brain is trying to get me to disclose my exact identity or personality. Keep in mind these recordings have been put in later for security reasons. Can you see my problem? I have to somehow, temporarily change my consciousness. The Brain also wants me to become so animalistic that I will become too low to contact Debra, but she will still be with me, so to speak. I have to find out how his domain works, without him becoming suspicious.

I am going to fight as never before, but I am going to keep myself in check. I transform myself into Cloft. The creature facing me is startled by the change. I realize that these creatures are mutants, probably brought in especially for this contest; it is a sort of cross between a Tyrannosaurus Rex, but it has human-type arms and is holding a battle ax! I simply jumped over it, onto its back, then I rip its neck open. I know I can kill all these creatures, easily.

The Brain must have known this, as all the creatures that are left, simply disappear.

'You are trying to be evasive, Earthman. I know what are thinking. you would be better to cooperate with me. I will let you gain partial access to my databank, and then we could rule the whole multiverse. Can you imagine that?'

'OK,' I said.

'You understand, that you will not be able to access Debra until I let you.'

'Yes, I understand, but I want to know-how you managed to separate me from Debra.'

'I simply used my mental power. If you think you can overcome my superior brain, think again. You are dangerous to me, in some respects. But I know you are low in consciousness without Debra. Cooperate with me, and you will be allowed to have a small part in my success. Oppose me, and I will make your life agony.'

Students take note: (This message has been added later.) The Mental plane is higher than the Astral plane. I have to concentrate my consciousness on the Ethereal plane; it is the Higher Mental plane. The Brain might be able to access the Ethereal plane, but I doubt it. He is too caught up in the mental side of things. What I need to do, is bypass him. I suspect Debra has been unconsciously ordered to access the Ethereal plane, probably by me, but for reasons of security, I cannot at the moment, know for sure. I am sure of one thing though, I am a Guardian, and I am not going to be absorbed by an overgrown brain. I revert to Dan Sherman. I want to stay as my Tourgen friend, but I can't help myself.

I am led to a room where I am strapped into a chair. I can now see the Brain behind a protected screen surrounded by Super Robots; the Brain as he is described, is just that, a huge brain in a sort of glass tank! I now know that he is behind the attacks in the Axvious galaxy. This is something even Sionn wasn't sure of, although the severity of the attacks was repulsed, and kept secret from Kallo, and his clones, surely The Brain must know all about it.

'You are starting to frustrate me, Earthman. I am beginning to understand something of your nature, but you are trying to mislead me. I can access your immediate thoughts quite easily, but I want to gain access to the past life where you attached yourself to the being known as Debra. I won't treat you as a complete fool. I can see you are more than up to the task of everyday Guardian events. You also know that, in time, I will get into your Room-of-Doors. Can you see? I can break your mind into little pieces if I so choose. I want you to understand that, unless you give me complete access to your mind, I will destroy you. You have heard that quite a few times in the past, I know, but this time, you can believe it.'

'OK, now it is my time to speak. You, Mr. Brain, can go and jump off a cliff. Oh, sorry, you won't be able to do that, as you have no legs. Maybe two of your robots can throw you off?'

I start to transform into Cloft, I rip the strapping from my arms when I feel tremendous pain in my head, I then blackout. I wake up in a small cell with only one tiny door! It isn't big enough for a cat to get in; suddenly, it opens and a large spider crawls in; I particularly despise spiders, as you know; then another one comes in, I am starting to panic, as more and more spiders, of all kinds, come through the hole, some are spiders from other planets, as I don't recognize them, I am now, up against the wall, and feeling very scared.

The Brain is starting to exert his authority, and I can't do anything about it. I try to change into Cloft, but I am too stressed to do it. I feel like a child whose mother has left it, then suddenly, my beautiful little fairy friend Deria comes through the hole and starts to exterminate the spiders with a wave of her tiny hand! I then realize that it isn't Deria, at all, but Debra in the guise of a fairy! She then promptly disappears.

I am taken back, to face the Brain.

'How did you do that, Earthman?'

'I don't know, I must admit.'

I notice that there are now many more robots, to guard the Brain.

'Are you starting to get edgy?' I said.

I have to warn you, Earthman. I was master Shape-Shifter when you were still living in a cave. What you see here, in my appearance, is the culmination of millions of lives devoted to gaining mental ability. Shobdera herself can't locate my presence. Can you see? Even Mannus, and all his entourage, are unable to gain any knowledge about me. Now perhaps you will begin to understand the enormous power that we three could have? If you agree to merge with me, we can then begin to rebuild the Guardian-Network, to our advantage.'

'What do you mean, when you said we three?'

'I intend to bring Kallo back from the astral prison. He will be useful to us in ruling the lower regions. I intend to make him an Overlord.'

'I think, Shobdera, will overrule that idea.'

'Have you not understood anything that I have said? Shobdera is just a figure! She won't be able to use her servants. I will have control of her regions, and also the Higher Regions. With Debra, I can be Supreme-Leader, and you would be my Higher-Overlord. Can you see? You would be able to do anything, go anywhere, and be anyone; when I say, be anyone, I mean exactly that; you would be able to place your consciousness, into anybody, or anything! You could go to Minarion in the Relion-Galaxy; it is a planet where your mind would be enlarged. I would personally oversee it. The ability to be mentally able to be in perpetual ecstasy will be yours. You would not need to be at the whim of Sionn all the time. The First and Second Grand Divisions of God will be in stability, simply because, we would rule in unison. I would, of course, then, be able to bypass the Mental-Realm, and secure myself, as leader of the God-worlds.'

'Do you expect to be God?'

'Of course, not, I am only a servant, although, I would then be able to gain important knowledge of God, which I have been held back from for eons.'

'I say, you have held yourself back. You are now, in no fit state, to rule a child's nursery.'

'I will allow you some time to think it over. Maybe, you will feel different, when you face the Mind-Monster?'

I am taken to another cell, and strapped into a chair, facing what I can only describe, as a large lump of meat, in a glass jar.

Don't forget, students, we are still on one of the Mental sub-planes which is inaccessible to everyone but the Brain, and his robots. (These records have been added later, (obviously.)

I want students to understand, that although you can access these messages; they were not added to the database, for a considerable time. The Brain has trapped me in an inaccessible place, so no messages are allowed out.

Message from Reeas:

Dan has, once again, vanished without a trace! We can't even pinpoint where he went from; he was with me as we began to dream travel, but then, he suddenly disappeared. There is no information from the database, and even Deria's one and two, can't locate him. All I can think is that someone with great power has taken him. I am in the process of asking Sionn to call another special Meeting-of-the-Masters. Sionn informs me by a High-Security Thought Message that he believes some entity is beginning to make a bid for power. I am getting seriously stressed out with these continual disappearances of Dan. All I want is to be with Dan, but his life as a Guardian seems to be leading him away from me. Debra is the main reason why all these serious situations are happening. I know we are Guardians, and that we have to be immune to the dangers, but I feel frightened! Grenwer is now asking me, Deria, and Deria's sister to accompany him to the briefing room. Grenwer looks at us and holds up his hand, as if to say, be quiet, he then touches us all behind the necks, he doesn't need to talk, as we can understand he wants us to be in control of our thoughts. We meditate to the inaccessible plane.

'Please treat this message as a grade one priority. Sionn won't be coming with us to the meeting; he is going on a special mission. That is all I can tell you. Let us proceed to the usual place. Please don't think too much about these events, as we believe some powerful entity has taken Dan and wants information from him, and his associates.'

We arrive at the meeting. Students already know the scene. Mannus is unavailable, which is unusual, but not unknown, of course, his physical-looking astral body is the same, but he is absent.

Students know, also, that the power that is Mannus, is still here. The meeting is going to be presided over by a higher Guardian called Tharial. The number of people here is startling; all the usual masters and everyone who attended all our other meetings, plus many more that I didn't even know existed. Tharial said, 'Before we begin, let us meditate to the inaccessible plane on the Ethereal-Realm.' I think this must be very important. I have never experienced this before, and I suspect most of these people here haven't either.

Once there, Tharial continued:  'The situation that has occurred on one of the inner planes has triggered a Priority-One security status. This meeting has been called to try and gain some information about whom, or what has started it. Sionn has been permitted to access every plane below the First Grand Division of God. You all know that we can't access any level above this without special permission. Sionn is trying to locate Debra or Dan. I rather think he will try to locate Debra first, as Dan, in my opinion, has been taken without too much trouble. Debra, on the other hand, is a different thing altogether; she could be anywhere.'

I am becoming a little worried about this Higher-Guardian mentioning Dan and Sionn so openly, although this meeting is supposed to be secure. I can't put my finger on it, but I feel a bad presence here. Tharial continued:

'I have to tell you that the Guardian-Network, is, at this moment, open to attack. We are doing our best to secure things, but without Debra, we are vulnerable. Before anyone asks me how, I will tell you that before Debra, things were secure, but since Debra became attached to Dan, things began to change. The entity who has taken Dan knows this and will bide his time to make his play. We will now meditate on Nirvara, a special light region; this is a place where many people here have never been able to access. Mannus will be in attendance. If anyone has any difficulty in gaining access, please hold hands. Let us pray.'

Dan Sherman Space Guardian

All Worlds

Book Eleven

Copyright Colin James Platt 2014

Chapter 78-Sionn’s Quest. Chapter 79 Nirvara. Chapter 80 Dan’s story continued.

Chapter 81-Reeas story. Chapter 82 -Debrief. Chapter 83 The search for Debra.

Chapter 84 Super Robot Threat.

Chapter 78-Sionn’s Quest

Message to Guardian database:

This message will be inserted later for security reasons.

This is Sionn, I am at present moving through the inaccessible regions in my quest to find Debra. I want to conceal myself from whoever has taken Dan. I am in high cloaking mode, plus lightsuit, the mental side of my personality has been strengthened by Mannus himself. I don’t usually put my thoughts or anything to do with my private life on record, but I feel that these recordings will play a major part in helping students to understand how the Guardians work. I have, as you know, had an actual merging with Debra. I don’t know where she is, but I feel she will go somewhere where Dan would be familiar with. Dan, I feel will be in a depleted state, he is being held in some region where we can’t access.

There is no sign of Dan in any region of God that we know of, therefore, I am going to concentrate my efforts on trying to locate Debra, although I am not in the same mental state as Dan, I am, nonetheless, capable of reaching her. Students, of course, won’t be able to help at this stage, but if you have had any dream experiences about these ongoing events, ‘before they happened’ then please contact the database. I am receiving a message at this moment from the database about this very same thing! A student (a young girl) has reported a sighting in her dreams of a young woman who resembles Debra.

I am going to transfer to her region and investigate. All I can say at this stage is that this young girl must be highly receptive, as the sighting is from the Higher-Mental region or the Ethereal-Plane. I arrive at the designated spot. I can see a young girl who is transfixed with looking at a young woman who is trying to get into a university building. I am now out of cloaking mode. I ask her if she knows the woman. She said that she didn’t know her, but she wanted to make contact but the woman won’t respond. I am now receiving information from the database that this young girl is a potential Guardian and has had many past lives teaching and meditating, she is similar to Dan. I continue…

‘How did you manage to get here?’

‘I have been here many times but I haven’t been able to get into the building, just like this young woman. I want to see if she manages to get inside.’

‘You should know that this area is restricted to higher-entities.’

‘I know, but I have managed to get this far many times, I just thought I should message the database about this woman.’

‘You have done well, Selira, I have been searching for this person, please report to the sub-base at Eritanne for your ongoing training. You will then be formerly asked if you want to be a Trainee-Guardian.’

I am now alone with Debra. The area is, as I said before, a restricted region, and very few people manage to even get onto the actual plane itself. Debra is obviously in a depleted state, as she doesn’t even know me! I know I have to be careful in how I make this first contact with her. I asked her…

‘Why are you trying to get into this building?’

She looks at me in a confused way. She then sits down on the steps and starts to cry. I go over to her and sit down beside her. She said, ‘I have been looking for Dan, but I can’t find him. I have been to many places, but he is nowhere to be found. This building is one place where I know he visited more than once, so I want to get inside, but it is locked.’

‘Debra, look at me.’

‘How do you know my name?’

I know I have to be very careful at this stage, as too much contact with her, could be critical.

‘Debra, please trust me. My name is Sionn, I want to help you find Dan; I also want to find him, we are work colleagues.’

‘Yes, I can remember a little, you are his boss, yes?’

‘Yes, I want him to come back to the database; we are missing him very much.’

‘Oh, Sionn, I am so lonely without him. I can’t function. I thought I found him a short while ago when I helped to protect him from some spiders, you know he hates them? But after that, I came back here, I couldn’t help myself.’

‘Debra, you couldn’t help that. It was for the overall good, and Dan’s also. He has managed to isolate his mind from whoever is keeping him hostage. Can you see? I don’t want you to dwell too much on this situation. All I want is for you to trust me, and agree to help me.’

‘What can I do? I am only one person.’

‘You are more than that, Debra. You are part of the database, and you are part of Dan. Please let me touch you behind the neck, and you will understand.’

Debra turns around to show me her neck while pulling her hair to the side. I have to be very careful when I make the touch as too much contact could be bad.

For Students:

The incident with the spiders could have been catastrophic, as Debra was brought back to Dan in a lower state of consciousness. Luckily, Dan managed to resolve things before whoever has taken Dan managed to link into it. I know things seem confused sometimes, but this is the way things are in the ever-changing worlds of God, you have got to realize that you, as a student, can also help, as did Selira. I touch Debra quickly, she disappears. I know she is now safely inside my mind, and I will have to keep a constant watch on her. I enter the university building. I want to access the records to give me some information about what Dan was doing here. Maybe it could help us locate him.

I am back under high cloaking mode. I make my way to the computer room and easily accessed the system from the Guardian-Database.

Students will know that I have special permission to access these places. I find that with Debra, I can also easily find the exact files that Dan was using; these files are now telling me that Dan had earlier gained information about what will happen to him later, and about where he will be trapped! I am feeling happy at this time, my students.

Dan is all that I hoped he would be before he became a Guardian. Some students will already know what happens next, but not many, if you do, please log onto the database for your probable Guardian upgrade. I know that the man sitting over to my right is a Dark-Agent, he comes over to me with a smug look on his face and says,

‘You will never find Dan Sherman this time, Sionn, we have been expecting you. The data that you accessed was planted by us many weeks ago. It doesn’t matter that you have found me out; I can take whatever the Guardians can give; I am earmarked for the position of the second apprentice to Kallo, what do you think of that?’

I think you are foolish.’

‘Well, we will let Kallo decide, he is about to inform us about Dan Sherman’s future, via this computer.

I am feeling pretty low as Kallo comes onto the screen, but I also know that as a Guardian, and with Debra, I will do whatever I have to do. This is a long-running saga that won’t be over, just yet. One thing is baffling me though. How did the dark agent manage to get to this high region? Whoever is keeping Dan prisoner has to be very powerful and dangerous. Kallo is only a small player in this part of the story; he comes onto the screen with a smirk on his face, as usual, and started his speech with a laugh.

‘Sionn, how could you be such a fool? You completely missed the plot. Dan the Trainee, is now in a place that you will never find, yes, Sionn, I know you have my consciousness in the astral prison, for now, but the preparations were made many weeks ago to trap Sherman. All the data that you have is false, also, you have been compromised by simply being here, my colleague here has managed to use a revolutionary new device on you. It will…

I make a jump for the dark agent who is now trying to escape but I grab his wrist, he is now on his knees, and in agony. I don’t need to use any force on him such as physical type strength, all I have to do is simply hold his wrist. The heat is starting to build up in me. I know it is from Mannus and Debra; the heat is now melting through his bones. I can also access his mind, and I also know that Dan is still in existence. Message to students:

As many of you know, Kallo made a vital mistake in telling me about the revolutionary new device. He is so wrapped up in his ego that he just can’t keep it to himself. All I have to do is grab the agent to neutralize it, also, the agent couldn’t resist being nearby to watch the result! I know what some students are thinking. Why didn’t Kallo, or his agent, know about Debra being outside the university, and why didn’t they try to capture her? The truth is, Dan, in his subconscious mind, managed to keep Debra outside the building. The agent was inside and wasn’t aware of her. This may seem simplistic, but the simple truth is the building isn’t just locked, but secured in a highly technological way by ethereal light. How did the agent manage to get in, then? I hear you say, Kallo in his planning, and whoever has taken Dan, made preparations earlier, that is all I can say, but at this stage, I am inclined to think that the agent was allowed to get into the building, so that I could get information from him, also I am sure that he was trapped and wouldn’t have been able to get out.

The relatively easy way in which I saw through this little plan is leading me to wonder about how Dan was taken. Kallo, even though he can control certain aspects of the inner worlds, is not, in my opinion, capable of taking Dan out of all the worlds that we know of, or secreting him in some nether world. Yes, I know he has done this before, but we were able to quickly overcome this; this time, however, I feel a bad sense of thought. I know you probably can’t relate to that, but let me put it this way, the mental realm is a very complex and confusing place; entities with a higher than average mental capacity can control large areas. I am certain that Dan has been trapped in one of these.

Please excuse me if I haven’t got Dan’s ability to put these recordings in the same format, I am out of practice somewhat. I am going to meditate to the special light region of Nirvara where there is a Meeting-of-the-Masters taking place. Students won’t be able to access this obviously, but you will be able to access these recordings later.

Chapter 79-Nirvara

Message from Reeas:

Tharial is asking people to help in any way with any information that could be relevant to Dan’s predicament. We are expecting a Special-Envoy anytime to appear and preside over the meeting. This messenger will be specially trained and highly spiritual. We can’t even be told his or her name, as this could be harmful to whoever it is. Students will ask, why? All I can say is that, if anyone thinks too deeply about this unknown person by name, then those thoughts could be picked up elsewhere on the inner planes; but, we are in an inaccessible plane, are we not? Yes, but who knows what, or who could be listening in. People here are under stress at the moment and agitated by the higher mental light waves. I know I am. All I can think about is my, Dan, trapped somewhere, in an unknown place.

Tharial raises his arms and quieted the crowd. He said the special-envoy will appear in a few moments, please can everyone be calm, and meditate.

I notice that Mannus is a different color; he is a lighter shade of orange! Students will know that each plane has a different color; the higher up we go the lighter the color. The meeting is now in meditation, and quiet. I open my eyes as a stir goes around the crowd. I look on in awe, as Sionn himself materializes in the center of the auditorium.

Tharial said, ‘I’m sorry that we couldn’t disclose Sionn’s name, earlier, as this could have brought him negative thought waves, and could have affected his mission, I will let him inform you what has transpired. Sionn looks around with an unusual stare. He seems to be looking for someone. After a few minutes, he said, there is a Dark Agent in this arena. Everyone looks around with amazement. Tharial said, ‘I’m sure you’re mistaken, Sionn. This meeting has been personally supervised by me, and my associates. Everyone here has been cleared.’

‘Everyone has been cleared, but you, Tharial.’

Sionn then grabs Tharial by the wrist. Tharial is now on his knees and crying out with pain. Sionn continued: ‘What did the entity, offer you? Tharial, was it unlimited power, or the chance to be an Overlord? Tharial is now screaming in agony. He shouts, ‘You have ruined everything; I was going to be upgraded, I could have been a Higher-Overlord. You will never find out who my master is, he is so powerful that not even the Guardian-Network can find him.’

‘I found you, Tharial, and we will find Dan, and when we do, your so-called Master, will fall.’

Tharial’s hand now falls to the floor burned through by the heat. His face is a mask of hatred. I know Mannus is about to speak as the arena is getting brighter. His voice is very deep and solemn. He said, ‘Approach me, Tharial.’ Tharial becomes nervous and tries to turn away but Sionn stops him. Tharial can do nothing but obey. He walks over to Mannus holding his severed wrist.

Mannus, then said, ‘I trusted you, Tharial, and you brought in dark-agents, to deceive me. You were once one of my right hand men, and now you have lost your right hand. And so it will stay. You will be without your right hand from now on. Kallo will also lose his right hand. He is another who deceived me. All people who think they can trick their way into my realm will suffer thus. Shobdera is expecting you. With that, he touches Tharial on the head, and he disappears. Mannus continued:

‘Sionn, I want you to take a party of trusted friends, into the mental realm and find out who is abusing my Higher Regions. You already know something of importance to do with Dan Sherman through Debra. Keep calm and receptive, and you will, in time, prevail. You are too high in consciousness to use Debra in any usual sense. I suggest you nominate someone to take over control of Debra for now.’ Mannus then closes his eyes. Sionn turns to the crowd and said,

‘This meeting is now closed.’

We transfer to an Ethereal sub-plane. (which we have to keep secret at this time.)

Sionn is, as usual, calm and collected. I have to admit, Sionn is the epitome of a spiritual master. He informed me that I will be taking over control of the messaging system, for now. This makes me even more aware that Dan is missing. Dan has, as you know, always been in charge of this side of things. I have now, and again, taken over the messaging system, but only in a small way. I only hope I can come up to his standards. Sionn has also told me to make students aware that the messages will sometimes seem to be lacking in security. Please be aware that I cannot always tell students when this will happen.

Sionn has also asked me to take control of Debra! He told me that she is very limited at the moment due to Dan being away, I only hope that I can keep control of my emotions. Sionn then touches me behind the neck. I can feel a tingling in my head, but it soon goes. Sionn then asked me to concentrate on Debra. I no sooner do this, when Debra appears! She looks younger by several years and has a nervous look in her eyes.

‘Have you found Dan?’ She said. ‘I have looked everywhere. I have even been to his home in England, but someone else has moved into his house! I was going to punish them, but I realized that they were only low in consciousness and wouldn’t have been able to trap Dan.’ I look at Sionn. He looks at me as if to say, we might have a bigger problem here than we think.

Sionn said, ‘Debra, you will have to promise me that you will do as we say for the time being. We are going to search for Dan in the higher regions. We want you to agree to merge with Reeas, for now. If you should separate from her, in any way, it could be disastrous. Will you agree?’

‘Oh, yes, Sionn, please find him.’

‘Now, Debra, Reeas, whoever has taken Dan, has to be a powerful entity. I feel sure that Dan is being held somewhere on the mental plane. There is no need to worry about this message being intercepted, as Mannus himself gave me access to a mental-isolation program. I have now given this protection to you, Reeas, when I touched you behind the neck; I also did the same to Debra, so, we as a team, are now ready to track Dan through the many levels on the mental plane, be aware, Reeas, that you will have to keep a keen eye on Debra when we get near to Dan. The entity that has taken him will probably attempt to control Debra through you. Mannus has suggested we concentrate on the 31st level, but we will start at the 29th level. Let me just touch you on the neck again, Reeas, to send Debra back into your mind.’

‘What about Deria? Is she not coming with us?’

‘No, Reeas, she and her sister will be looking elsewhere for Dan, or anyone who knows anything about this situation; she is still on our team, so to speak. Her brother Darian is also searching for Dan and will contact me when he finds anything. Darian has been in deep silence for years. This makes him very hard to contact and locate by anyone but me. In my opinion, he will be invaluable to us.’

Chapter 80-Dan’s story continued

I am now facing the entity known as the Mind Monster. One of the Brain’s robots picks it up from the glass jar and puts it on my head. I don’t feel anything at first but a little silly. I am thinking about how I look with this thing sitting there. I then feel the first pain as the thing starts to squeeze. My head is beginning to hurt badly. I think of my son saying act stupid, dad, they will be expecting you to fight, but you can beat them with your tactics, just like at Far-station. My son was always mentioning tactics. I know now the reason why; he spent many past lives as a military commander, I am smiling in loving remembrance when I lose consciousness. I become aware that I am in a large room with a glass screen separating me from a door; through the door walks Debra, not the Debra from the ship, but the Debra from my past life. ‘Dan. What are we doing here?’

I know that this is a trick to get me to open up to The Brain. I sit down in the lotus position. Debra is now talking about everything we ever did in our life together as kids, from her liking of dogs to my loathing of spiders. I don’t react, I try to meditate, but to no avail. The glass screen separated and Debra is now able to touch me. The Brain is starting to assert himself. He knows Debra is my weak link; she is now holding my hand and stroking my hair, of course, this isn’t the real Debra, but a mental image conjured up by The Brain to get me to bring back the all-powerful Debra.

Students will probably not be able to access this part of the story, but if you can, and I believe anything is possible in the world of God, then please help.

‘Debra, why did you leave me? Why did you have to go off with that guy and get married? You left me with our baby boy who was only a year old, how could I take care of him?’

‘Enough, shouted the Brain. You will not be allowed to continue this farce.’

‘What do you mean?’

‘This is an attempt to trick me. Do you think I am naive enough to accept this rubbish?’

‘Maybe, speaking of you, I have a joke for you. ‘Why didn’t the ghost need a telephone?’

‘What are you trying to do, be funny?’

‘No, that’s not the answer. It is because he had nobody to call, just like you, ha. OK, ‘Mr. Brain, I have another one for you.’

‘Silence, I will have your brain removed, without delay.’

‘That would be like the last joke. I would have nobody to call, ha, ha. Here’s another one, what weighs seven tons, and wears a dress?’

‘I’m not sure if a Mental-Insertion-Capsule would help me gain access to Debra, but I may try it.’

‘No, that’s not the answer, it's Cinder Elephant. Ha.’

‘This is childish. I thought you, at least, would be above such things.’

‘Speaking of children, why was the baby ant, confused?’

‘I’m not going to stoop to this level.’

‘Wrong again. The answer is because all his uncles were ants. Ha.’

Debra has now disappeared.

‘I will have this Debra. Eventually, you will submit to my superiority.’

‘As long as I don’t have to be your tailor, I would hate to fit you up with a suit. Now, here’s one that will crack you up, I hope. What do you get when you cross a T Rex, with a chicken?’

‘I may have to fuse your brain. I don’t want to injure you too much, but I have to get access, you understand.’

‘Wrong again! It is Tyrannosaurus Pecks. Have you even got a sense of humor?’

‘I was a master physicist when you weren’t even thought of.’

‘What happened? Did you take in one particle too many? One thing’s for sure, your hat fitter would make a fortune.’

Students will understand what I am trying to do. I don’t know whether you can log in to this part of my story, as I am in no fit state to even think straight. Forgive me if I am becoming vague and nonsensical. My head still hurts and I am not even in the physical body, usually, I can override these things, but The Brain has me in his power, for now.

All I can think of, at the moment, is my Reeas. I know she will move Heaven and Earth to find me. Sionn also will not stop until he finds, and defeats, The Brain. I am now in the other room with the Mind Monster still on my head. The pain is so bad that I can no longer function. God, I wish I could die and move back to Reeas. Students forgive me; I am in no fit state to carry on with the recordings.

Chapter 81-Reeas story.

We are about to move into the 29th level of the Mental Plane. Students will be asking why we don’t go to the 31st level. The reason is we don’t want to make it obvious to whoever has taken Dan that we are searching for him. The powerful entity that is keeping Dan prisoner will probably know every being on the 31st level if he is there. Sionn is now asking me to hold hands and stay calm. He will guide us to the Hidden Portal; we arrived there in a few seconds.

I can already see the gatekeeper. He or she is an angel of extreme beauty, tall, fair, and with multi-colored robes, and with wings that shimmer in the light. He knows that someone is entering the portal, but Sionn said that he doesn’t know any more information about us, just that we are higher entities. He bowed low as we came through. Sionn and I do the same. Darian is waiting for us a short distance away. He messaged Sionn in the high-security mode that there is a person on the 31st level that is giving out information that is relevant to our quest. Darian also said it is fortunate that we have come to this level first.

Sionn said, ‘Reeas, you will have to remain here for the time being. Darian and I will travel to the 31st level and bring back this person, stay calm, and be receptive.’ Sionn and Darian then disappear. I sit down to meditate, but without trying to force it.

I can see the gatekeeper looking calm and serene. I wonder if he is a he or whether he is a she? How would he cope over time? Maybe he is in perpetual ecstasy. I know I would be bored but who am I to criticize. I am thinking of Dan again when he comes through the portal, I jump up and run for him. I can’t help myself; I grab him and just hold on. I can now see that Dan is staring at me with a faraway look in his eyes.

The scenery changes to a different shade of orange! I know we have moved to another plane. I also know that I am a prisoner and that this person with me isn’t my, Dan. How could I have been so stupid?

‘I know you have access to Debra,’ said the voice. But all I can see is a large brain in a glass jar!

‘Who are you?’ I said.

‘My name is unimportant. All you have to think about is whether you want to see Dan Sherman again. His mind is beginning to break up. I can help him back to normality, or I can destroy him. You can help me to gain access to Debra through him. He is the one who will ultimately bring her back. You only have partial access to her. I can see it in your mind. Someone else has assisted you to find me, but no matter. You have been subjected to a mind-blocking process to hide information from me. This will not help you. I will eventually break through your awareness. You will now be taken to the scanner room to access your mind.

This message has been added later:

Students will know that Sionn has protected me from this entity by shielding my mind; only Sionn can do this. I don’t know how it works or how he managed to hide things from this entity. All I know is I am grateful to Sionn.

I am taken to the scanner room. Students will know that this is the mental plane where we are exposed to thoughts from any number of entities; also, we are in the mental body. It is the same as the astral body with a higher light content; it has no substance like the physical body. It can be confusing sometimes, but if students can get this high, then it will be no problem for you. Dan told me that he often tried to explain things to students in a simple way; he also said he couldn’t understand why he had been chosen to be a Guardian, I told him more than once that he has earned the right to be one, funny how we can’t see the truth sometimes, especially when we are caught up in materialism.

The Brain is trapped in this very same thing. He wants to rule the higher regions with his robots. He is isolated from human emotions. He has also had untold past lives dominating others. That can be very hard to break free from. I feel pity and sadness for this creature called The Brain. Students will know that this recording has been added later, that is how I know this entity's name. Please be aware that I cannot relate to some messages as they occur until later. It is another thing that is confusing, that is how the Guardian-Network functions.

At this time, I feel it would be right to talk a little about the super-robots. You may think it a little silly that robots can exist in the mental region. Dan has no doubt talked about this same thing before. I can tell you that whatever exists in the physical plane exists in the inner regions. You should be familiar with this. Let me say that these robots don’t have any faces, as such, but just a glass head that is smooth with no features. They all look alike. Their bodies are all the same, they are made of some shiny metal alloy which I believe can grow or shrink, depending on the circumstances. I will endeavor to find out more when I can, but for now, I will carry on with the story. I am now strapped in a chair facing another chair. Seven robots are evenly spaced throughout the room.

The Brain is in his tank on a balcony above and to the right of me. Two robots are guarding him. Students will wonder how The Brain can speak. I can tell you that on the mental plane it is by thought, but on the physical plane, it will be through his robots. I am now looking on in awe, as Dan himself comes through the door. I know this is my, Dan, simply by the look in his eye. I can also tell that he wants me to play along with whatever it is that he is contemplating, I won’t say thinking. I don’t want The Brain to break into my thoughts. Dan is strapped into the chair facing me.

Robots then bring two small tanks into the room with what looks like lumps of meat in them. I realize at once what is about to happen. The meat is placed on our heads simultaneously. Dan starts to chant…Om-Mani-Padme-Hum. I joined in. I can feel the pressure starting to build up. My head is starting to hurt. Dan, also looked as though he is suffering. We keep on chanting, as The Brain begins to talk.

‘You will not be allowed to continue this fiasco. You will be destroyed if you keep up this silly game, The mind-monsters will eventually break your will to fight.’

My head is throbbing but I am starting to feel better! I can see Dan is also looking calm and collected. Then I notice that the robot's heads are starting to glow! The most amazing thing then happens. The mind-monsters on our heads start to glow, within a few minutes they are transformed into halos! The Brain is now starting to get excited! He instructs his robots to stop us chanting but they don’t react. I notice that his tank is starting to glow. He shouts, ‘Stop this, you are hurting me!’ We don’t stop. After a few minutes, a man suddenly appears! he is tall, hairless, and wears a long grey robe.

He walks over to Dan and says, ‘I had such plans, I was going to be the most benevolent lord below the First Grand Division. You could have shared in that. You could have been a Higher-Overlord! But I see now, that you are nothing but a simple fool. I have to destroy you myself. Debra, at least, will be nothing without you, and so the Guardian-Network will suffer; it is some consolation, but someday I will gain control of her from some other entity.’

I know that this man is The Brain in human form. I want to break free and splatter him all over the scanner room, but I am helpless, he is about to touch Dan behind the neck when Sionn appears behind him and touches him behind the neck. The Brain looks up with a helpless gaze. Two seconds later he fades away. Sionn looks at us as if to say, what are you waiting for? He knows we can simply release ourselves from the bonds. He said, ‘Oh, and well done, team, back to base for debriefing.’

I run for Dan. We hold each other, for the longest time.

Chapter 82-Debrief

Sionn is in his usual place. Grenwer is beside him, and Deria’s 1 and 2 are also there. Dan is beside me. I think about the never-ending war with the dark forces, and the ever-changing worlds of God, but this little group of ours is something that I treasure beyond anything. Sionn starts to speak:

‘The strategy used to trick The Brain has worked a treat. We were able to neutralize his robots. Leaving Reeas at the portal was an important part of our plans as it allowed me to follow her into the realm of The Brain; we then got him to compromise himself by leaving his tank, which was the only way to gain access to him. Dan was able to break his defenses by simply acting silly! This is the reason why Dan is so special to us. We Higher Entities sometimes can’t relate to mirth, I am still having problems with the Cinder Elephant joke, perhaps Dan can explain it to me later. (people in the room, are now laughing,) all I can say is, thank you Dan, and Reeas, you are two people who we treasure.’

Sionn is now stood up and looking around with a glassy gaze. I know Sionn well enough to know when something is about to happen of great consequence. Sionn continued:

‘The messaging system will shortly move back to Dan. Debra will also move back to Dan. She will make her appearance before us in a short while. I can tell you that she allowed herself to be used by me and Reeas simultaneously. This allowed me to gain access to The Brains realm. Without Debra, I wouldn’t have been able to even get to the 30th level. Darian has also been invaluable to us. He was able to get right into The Brain’s center of operations. I cannot tell you what he managed to do exactly, because it is too secret. I can tell you, though, that he managed to disable some of the robots, he will be a very useful member of our network; he has also been awarded ‘Master Guardian.’ (People are now clapping). ‘I am being informed at this moment, that Mannus has neutralized The Brain, he will now move to Shobdera’s realm. The Super Robots will be reengineered to help people.’ Grenwer stands up. Sionn knows something special is about to happen, he sits down.

Grenwer started to speak…

‘We have, in Sionn, a very able and loving Higher-Coordinator. He is not just that. He is something that most people can’t relate to. All I can say is Thank God we have him. The meeting with The Brain could have been catastrophic. Mannus has instructed me to award Sionn with ‘The-Order-of-Space.’ (People are now clapping and cheering).

Sionn looks at Dan and says, ‘What exactly is Cinder Elephant?’

Everyone is now laughing. I know my time with the messaging system is coming to an end, but I also know that Dan is with me, this is all I want. Students will forgive me if I got some of the messages mixed up; there was a lot of pressure at the time. Dan and I are going on a holiday. You probably know where. This is Reeas signing off for now. Onwards my friends, as Dan says.

Chapter 83-The search for Debra.

This is Dan Sherman signing in. I am somewhat worried. Debra has not shown herself as Sionn said she would. I expected her soon after we came out of debriefing, but she did not appear. Reeas and I went for our special holiday, which was delightful, but now I am concerned that something bad has happened. Sionn says he is confused as Debra told him that she was alright and that she would come straight back to me. Reeas is also not aware that Debra has been taken somewhere. Students will know that Debra is a part of me. She is also a big part of the Guardian-Network. Sionn and Grenwer are also worried that the database will be at risk. I can’t understand how she can simply disappear. Is it me who has changed? Reeas says it is not me that is at fault, I am not so convinced. Maybe I should contact Mannus? Sionn wants me to meditate to a lower region to see if she can relate to it. Maybe she was overcome by the higher light content on the mental plane? Whatever it is, I have to find her. I am a Guardian, but without Debra, I am sorely limited. I am now being messaged by Sionn to come to the briefing room; I arrive to find Grenwer, Reeas, and Deria’s 1 and 2 there.

‘Dan,’ said Sionn, ‘we have a problem. Debra has been located on one of the astral levels. She has tried to merge with Debra, your ex-girlfriend.’

‘Why didn’t I know that?’

‘You would have, eventually. On the face of it, it is only a small problem, because Debra number one is not in a state of consciousness to cause problems to the network. The thing is, she may be given access to the lightbook through Debra number two.’

‘Surely not,’ I said.

‘Dan, I think Debra number two has gained knowledge of the actual emotional or Ethereal Light from the higher mental plane. If she has, I dread to think what might happen. I want you and Reeas to go there and find out what you can. You will have to treat this as a delicate emotional problem. I know you will be caring enough to bring Debra back. I, myself would have big worries about it, so I will leave it to you and Reeas. Just know that I am here for you. Deria’s 1 and 2 will go under cloaking mode to access things. I have to say one thing, though. (Sionn is now looking at me with a worried look.) It may have been my fault that Debra has come to this stage; I didn’t mean to fragment her so much with myself and Reeas. If things become worse, I will accept responsibility and resign my position as Higher-Coordinator.’

‘Sionn, I don’t blame you, I know you did your best to bring The Brain to submit. Please be assured that I will bring Debra back, I know in my heart that things will be OK.’

Sionn is now looking his usual calm self. He even has a smile on his face! Reeas and I go to the restroom to meditate and generally attune ourselves to the emotional level or light content of the astral plane.

Students can help at this time. If you are in a loving relationship with someone and that someone wants help, please do as we do here. Sit down in the cross-legged position facing each other, and place your arms on the other’s shoulders. If you are alone just sit in the lotus position and meditate. Imagine someone you love sitting facing you, and you will contact them. Be assured. Do not think negative about these things as your thoughts are very important. Now, imagine you are traveling with Reeas and me to the 25th level of the astral plane, time doesn’t matter on the inner planes, so you can be there, but you will have to reach the database first. Sorry if I am going on a bit, but I need all the emotional help I can get. Reeas and I are now in meditation.

Reeas suggested we go to my Room-of-Doors. I asked her why. She said she wanted me to go to the actual time when Debra got killed in her boyfriend’s car. I said, ‘Reeas, please, no.’

‘Dan, Debra has got some information from Debra 1 that you are still attached to her; this is why she is trying to merge with her.’

We become aware in my Room-of-Doors. All we have to do is walk through the second to last door. We emerge into an unfamiliar scene. The city is Chicago and it is the place where Debra had moved to after leaving Iowa. The year is 1940. Debra is sixteen. Her boyfriend is eighteen. I was just fifteen. I can see Debra sitting in the car, it is a 1936 Buick. Her boyfriend said, ‘What’s the paper you’re holding?’

Debra said, ‘Nothing, It’s only a note from a friend.’ I can see it is the little love note that I posted through Debra’s window one night just before she left, I had forgotten it until now; how can that happen? I am starting to become confused. Reeas said, ‘Dan, don’t be nervous, it is for your protection. Just try to relax and you will see.’

Her boyfriend said, ‘Let me see it.’ Debra said, ‘No, it is my property.’

Her boyfriend said, ‘It’s from that stupid kid.’

Debra said, ‘Don’t call him; he is a true friend and someone who wants to marry me when we are older. I am going to send him a letter when I get home. I like you, Dave, but you drink too much, and smoke a lot.’

‘What can the kid do? Has he got a car? Does he have any money?’

‘He will love me forever, that is all I want.’

‘He will have to catch us first, honey. Now I will show you how to drive a car. You will be my girlfriend or nobody's.’

I said to Reeas, ‘That’s enough.’

We are now going to travel to the 25th level of the astral plane to seek out Debra’s 1 and 2; this is the level to which Debra 1 has been allocated. We arrive at a house which although it is in good condition needs some repairs. It is a suburb of Chicago. We walk in under cloaking mode. Debra 1 is seated on the couch; Debra 2 is seated next to her holding her hand. This is how the conversation went:

‘Debra,’ said Debra 2. I want you to come with me to the Guardian-Database. I will show you something that will help you to move on from here, it will also let you join me in gaining access to Dan Sherman. He is what we both want, isn’t he?’

‘I don’t know Dan Sherman, I know a John Summers who wanted to be my boyfriend. But that was a long time ago. He was only fifteen when we moved away. God, I wish he were back with me. I haven’t found a true friend since. I can remember I met Dan Sherman once, for some reason, but I can’t recall more than that, If this Dan wants to contact me, then he will. But all I want is John.’

‘Debra, I don’t want to hurt you, but I must have your cooperation. You are the original Debra, so I have to merge with you. I will then be part of you also. Dan says I am part of him, but I know, I am only a small part. If you become part of me, then Dan will also be more in tune with us.’

I am now becoming concerned. I have to take a chance on revealing myself. For students:

I can’t relate to this situation. Debra 2 is supposed to be part of me, but she is acting as though she is something apart from me. Mannus himself said that we couldn’t be parted. How is it that my consciousness is threatening someone that I love?

Reeas said she would stay under cloaking mode unless she is needed. I become visible to both Debra’s. They both look at me with amazement.

‘What are you doing, Debra?’ I said, looking at Debra 2.

‘I am trying to get this Debra to understand that I must merge with her.’


‘Because I want to be more like her, you love Reeas, but you never said that you love me in the same way.’

‘Is that why you have away from me?’

‘Yes, I want you to appreciate me for myself.’

‘Debra, come here. I hold her for some minutes. ‘I want you to know that I more than appreciate you. I love you because you are part of me. Can you understand that? We cannot be parted. Maybe you got confused when Sionn managed to split you between himself and Reeas. I don’t know. I only know that you are loved very much. You will always be here, I touch my heart.

Debra looks at me with a smile. She then looks at Debra 1 and smiled again.

‘I am sorry, please forgive me. She said.’

She then disappears. I turn to Debra 1. She said, ‘You are John, aren’t you?’

‘Yes, I am.’ Debra starts to cry. I sit down next to her and put my arm around her shoulder, she said, I remember meeting you before, but I was confused.’

‘It’s alright, Debra, don’t worry, you have managed to overcome your loneliness. I am being told to take you to the next level. You are to move on.’

I transform myself into John Summers. Debra is amazed. She is starting to understand what reincarnation is about. We simply walk through a golden door that appears in a suffusion of light. I can see her parents waiting for her. I can’t help the tears. She is now able to relate to circumstances from which she was held back from before. Students will probably think that this simple ceremony is not worth recording, but I have to say, it is one of the most inspiring events to take part in. We all have to move on, and the more we understand about it, the higher we can go. I kiss her and tell her that I will keep in touch. I then walk back through the door. Reeas is now visible and has tears in her eyes. I hold her as we transfer ourselves back to the sub-base.

Reeas said, ‘You are very handsome, John and the uniform is captivating.’ I forgot to tell students that I escorted Debra through the portal dressed in my best U.S. Marines dress suit. Students will know that John Summers died on the beaches of Normandy in the Second World War.

‘Reeas, I am feeling reinvigorated. Before I change back to Dan, I want you to dance with me. I want us to do the boogie-woogie. I tried to do it once, but I got in a tangle. But now I can do it. What do you say? Are you up for the jive?’

‘Just try and stop me, soldier boy.’


I am feeling pretty good, as we bop around the sub base. Deria and her sister join in plus others. This is one of the best moments of my career as a Guardian. It is a simple thing, I know, but simple things are usually the best. Sionn is now visible in the room. I can see he wants to talk to me, so we finish dancing, and everyone claps. I am now back to my Dan Sherman self. Sionn raises his arms to hush the crowd.

‘I want to thank Dan, from all of us for bringing Debra back. The situation with Debra 1, could have been serious, also the incident with the so-called Brain could have been catastrophic. I accept responsibility for this. I wanted to bring stability to the Guardian-Network, but I nearly brought ruin. I am going into silence for a time. Grenwer will take over as Higher-Coordinator while I am gone; he is more than capable. Dan, I have to say something to you, I should have trusted you more, you were capable of defeating The Brain by your chanting, I only had to touch him to neutralize his power; but you had already done the same thing, Debra was only needed in a small way to nullify that power. What I am trying to say is, you are capable of completing any job for the network with Debra, or without Debra! I proved that she can be split from you, but you still managed to access the power!’

‘But The Brain was about to touch me when you touched him!’

‘Yes, but that was only a formality, he would have started to burn up within a short time, his robots are also fused and useless, but they can be brought back if need be. What I am saying is Debra is now submitting to your will, she is no longer the threat that she was, she would have appeared at once when I said a short time ago that you are capable of completing any job with, or without her. You know I am right. Today is the start of a new era for us. I am now formally asking you to accept the rank of Higher-Guardian.’

‘It is only a short time ago that I became a Guardian.’

‘Time is of no consequence on the inner planes, I believe in you, and everyone here agrees. Reeas will also be appointed the same rank. I am now going into silence for a time, of course, if the network wants to contact me, I will be available. Farewell.’

Sionn is now gone. I feel terrible because I didn’t have time to say goodbye!

Grenwer starts to speak…

‘I have to tell you that Sionn has been awarded Master-of-the-Multiverse. This appointment is from Mannus himself.’ Everyone starts to cheer. I cheer more than most. Reeas has tears in her eyes again which started me off again. Deria’s 1 and 2 come over to hug us and let me tell you, that you haven’t been hugged, till you have been hugged by an Elfin Princess in human form. We are about to go to the restroom when Grenwer said ‘Dan and Reeas, will you please join me in the briefing room.’

Chapter 84 -Super Robot threat

‘Dan and Reeas, I want you to listen to and consider something that Sionn and I have been working on in secret for the last few months. We knew someone, or some entity was secretly planning to bid for power in the Higher Regions. That someone, was The Brain; he is now in isolation on the astral lower levels, the trouble is he has most probably planned for this situation, we believe he will instigate a backup scheme anytime.’

‘You mean as Kallo did?’ I said.

‘Yes, only more so. We know The Brain has the network and the power to bring devastation to any world, although he is in isolation he can still function, in other words, he is the most dangerous entity we have ever come up against.’

‘Surely, Shobdera can keep him secure?’ Reeas said.

‘It is not just that; he can control large areas of the mental realm simply by the power of his mind. Sionn has not just gone into silence. That was for the audience in the other room. This room has been specially prepared for us to use in absolute secrecy. It has been insolated with a new material which is top secret and has the same, or better qualities than some inaccessible regions. We can talk freely. What I am trying to say is, The Brain cannot be kept secure. Kallo has many times less ability than The Brain and he managed to escape numerous times.’

‘What is Sionn going to do? I said.

‘He is attempting to access one of the super-robots which we have been working on. We played down the robot threat in the conference room because we don’t want to start any sort of panic, but the robots are a threat, they are such a threat, that we are extremely worried.’

‘I thought the robots were now, fused?’ Reeas said.

‘They are, but they can still be brought back, If The Brain, can, in any way escape, he will most certainly access his robots. We have reason to believe that there are many millions of robots on many thousands of planets! We want you, Dan, to go to Shobdera’s realm and figure out some way to keep The Brain secure while we work on accessing the robots.’

Reeas said, ‘What about me, Grenwer?’

‘Yes, Reeas, I want you to lead a team of coworkers to help us find the many planets where the robots are secreted. You will know who to choose. I will leave you to consider what I have said. I will just say one thing, Dan; you may need to access the Room-of-Doors to retrieve whatever information you need about The Brains past to secure his isolation. I know you will be under pressure with this, but we believe you will succeed, Debra is now stable, and you are now in control of her.’

Grenwer then disappears.

‘It looks like we will be separated for a while.’ I said.’

Reeas has tears in her eyes. I hold her close. ‘Don’t worry,’ I said. ‘We have been in tighter spots than this, Reeas.’

‘It’s not that, Dan. I thought we could be together for a while. I am getting fed up of us being apart.’

‘We can go for a small holiday before we leave, eh?’

‘Yes, but I know we will eventually have to part.’

‘I know, how about us going to one of our past lives to dwell in past happiness?’

Reeas is now looking at me with love.

‘We will only have to be a short time, though, Dan’

‘A short time with you, Reeas, is ecstasy.’

We meditate to my Room-of-Doors.

‘Do you remember our lifetime on Bophious, Dan?’

‘How could I forget, Reeas? I was the woman, that time, and as I remember, I was very stupid.’

‘You were a delight to me. I couldn’t wait to get home to you after the war on Delvion. I had lost an arm when someone left a small time-grenade in the barracks where we were stationed. The planet Delvion was a highly technological place, but the weapons were highly sophisticated also. We lost a hell of a lot of people.’

‘Reeas, do you want to go there?’

Message to students:

I just want to let students know that this life was on a futuristic planet before, and not after, our last lifetime on Earth, so you see, we were together many times, on Earth, and other worlds.

‘Yes, Dan, let’s go there just for the day, I want to experience the love that I had for you again.’

‘I can feel it, already, Reeas.’

‘I know, but I just want some time to mentally reacquaint myself with you as a soul. You were called Maylee and I was Arion, Do you remember, Dan?’

‘Of course, Reeas, OK, let’s go.’

I feel excited, like a child, and for some unknown reason, I can’t relate to the danger that I am about to put us in.


This message has been added by the Guardian-Database later.

Dan and Reeas have now accessed his Room-of-Doors to a past life where they were in a lower state of consciousness. Dan and Reeas are now at the home that they shared in the barracks where Reeas was stationed on Bophious. The story continues:

‘Arion, do you want me to massage your back?’

‘Yes, Maylee, can you also try to help me get this false arm to cooperate, it seems to want to strangle me sometimes.’

‘You are so brave, Arion, joking like that. I don’t know how I would have coped, if I had lost you, though?’

Message from the Guardian-Database:

Dan and Reeas are now in a low state of consciousness. They don’t recognize that The Brain is observing them. They are suddenly transported to a lower astral plane.

‘What the hell, happened? Reeas, are you there?’

‘Reeas is trapped in one of my robots, as are you.’

‘This can’t be happening.’

‘Why? Are you so low in consciousness that you can’t believe your robot eyes? Perhaps you will believe this.’

I am now standing before Shobdera! The only difference is I am a robot as is Reeas, Sionn, Deria, and her sister, plus everyone else connected with the Guardian-Network. I am feeling pretty low as The Brain comes walking into view.

‘Shobdera, I want to secure myself as Overlord of the Higher-Regions.’

‘You have done well to get this far, Brain, but I think Mannus will look on things differently.’

‘I will now be known as The Sovereign.’

‘As long as I don’t have to account for your conduct, whether good or bad, you know I can’t interfere, but I warn you if you try to influence me, or my realm, I will destroy you.’

‘I am simply taking my rightful place which was destined for me eons ago.’

‘Sionn, the Sovereign says that he will now take over the Guardian-Network. I am at a loss. Mannus is aware of the situation but refuses to act. I cannot interfere, but I can advise. I am sorry that this situation has come about. I know that if it is at all possible you will prevail, but maybe it is for the best. You have lately been under pressure; pressure which would have destroyed lesser men. Dan Sherman and Reeas are responsible for this, they let their guards down.’

‘Enough of the sentiments, we will now go to address Mannus. I am sure he will now realize that I am securely placed to take over the network.’

Dan, Reeas, Sionn, and everyone connected with the Guardian-Network are now trapped inside Super-Robots. Students will be aware that this is the astral plane, but the same thing is happening on the physical plane. The Brain, or the Sovereign, has managed to gain partial control of the Guardian-Database. We will continue to update the recordings, however, as The Sovereign has approved and authorized them for future Robot-Students. Students who are wondering where Debra is can wonder no more, as she is also trapped in a robot. Dan Sherman is barely able to function at the moment, as he and Reeas are in low consciousness.

The scene changes to the higher regions where Mannus is now in attendance. Students who have managed to get here will be informed that they are in no danger from The Sovereign. He will allow them access. Any students who want to access robots for the meeting will also be allowed. The Sovereign has announced that he will be a benevolent lord.

The scene is the usual one, but for one obvious difference, hundreds of robots are standing around Mannus, instead of higher beings that used to be seated around him.

Mannus opens his eyes and begins to speak.

‘What is the meaning of this, outrage?’

‘I am now registering myself as Higher-Overlord of the Mental Realm.’

‘And who are you?’

‘You know, full well who I am. I will take control, whether you approve or not. I know you cannot stop me. The Guardian-Network couldn’t stop me, so now I am taking full control.’

‘Sionn, approach me.’

Sionn walks over to Mannus.

‘How did it come to this, Sionn? I am starting to become depleted. This false God has isolated my brethren. Please explain?’

‘Sionn cannot speak without my permission, although I will allow him to relate his thoughts through the robot.’

‘The Sovereign will be a caring lord. I know now what my ultimate mission is, I have been waiting a long time for this opportunity to come. All I want is to be of service to him.’

‘Sionn will be my Higher-Robot number 1,’ The Sovereign said.

All the robot's heads are now starting to glow.

‘See how they all want to share in my success, this is a sign that they want to serve me, as Sionn does.’

‘Dan Sherman, approach me,’ said Mannus.

Dan is now standing in front of Mannus, his robot's face looking very sad.

‘Explain yourself.’

‘I just wanted Reeas and me to take a small break with one of our past lives, that’s all.’

‘Can you see what damage you have done?’

‘I’m sorry, I will do anything to put things right.’

‘You will be neutralized by me,’ said The Sovereign.

‘Debra, approach me,’ said Mannus.

Debra is now standing in front of Mannus looking very confused.

‘What are your thoughts?’

Debra doesn’t react. Mannus looks at the Sovereign.

I will allow her to speak, but she is depleted at the moment, later, I will bring her to full power, she will be my partner and my wife.’

Dan, is now starting to get angry, but he can’t react.

‘You now know that I am the only being that can keep order in all the worlds of God. I will place my robots on every planet of consequence. The network will be trouble-free from now on.’

‘What about free will?’ Mannus said.

‘All entities will accept my proposals.’

‘What if I don’t want to accept your proposal?’

‘What can you do? You are the watcher. I am the power, now.’

Message from the Guardian-Network:

Dan Sherman tries to touch Debra, who stood at his side.

The Sovereign sees what is happening and tries to stop it.

Dan feels his strength ebbing away. Debra looks on helplessly.

Mannus focuses his gaze on Dan and Debra. A small spark shoots across from Debra to Dan. Suddenly, they are out of the robots.

Dan touches Debra, Debra disappears. Dan grabs the Sovereign who is in his original form by the right arm and holds on as he transforms into Cloft. The Sovereign is now screaming out in agony, his right-hand starts to burn through, two seconds later it falls to the floor.

‘Approach me, Brain.’

People are now out of the robots which now disappear.

‘You are a dangerous and a highly powerful entity. I cannot allow you to function in any way in the higher regions. You will be placed in perpetual sleep mode while the Silent-Ones arrange your future.’

Message from the Database: the Silent-Ones are the Higher-Lords who retain the law in the Multiverse.

‘OK, everyone back to base for debrief,’ said Sionn.

‘Don’t tell me, this was another set-up, right?’

‘I’m afraid so, Dan. Please don’t be angry. You can see now why we had to do it this way.’

‘Yes, but you can also see why I am a little miffed.’

‘Yes, I know. If it’s any consolation, Reeas wasn’t informed, either.’

‘I was too taken up with Maylee. I still am. What do you say, Maylee? Do you want to go back there to massage my back?’ Reeas is now in the form of Arion. What can I do, but transform myself into Maylee, the silly but very cute wife?

I know now that Sionn had planned everything from Shobdera’s speech to the spark from Mannus. I’ll say it again, I am totally in awe of Sionn. I am with Debra, but I still cannot fully understand how Sionn can control his mind to defeat a being as powerful as The Brain. All I can think is he is a Higher-Guardian and has Mannus as his insurance, so to speak. Would I like to take over his job, you say? No thank you, all I want is to be with my Reeas, or Arion at the moment. Students will excuse us as we take a small break, you know where.

Thank you for reading my book. If you enjoyed it, won’t you please take a moment to leave me a review at your favorite retailer? The Dan Sherman adventures will continue.

You can also visit my website to read my book and other stories at

https://sites. google. com/site/dan sherman space guardian/

Onwards my Student friends.

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Colin J Platt.