Mannus. Lord of the Higher Regions.

Close your eyes and you will see clearly.

Cease to listen and you will hear truth.

Be silent and your heart will sing.

Seek no contacts and you will find union.

Be still and you will move forward on the tide of spirit.

Be gentle and you will need no strength.

Be patient and you will achieve all things.

Be humble and you will remain entire.


Taoist proverb. Date unknown.


Mannus is the Power. He is also the watcher. He is not a person. He is whatever you relalize him to be. 


Om Mani Padme Hum.


Reeas said, ‘This is one of the highest regions of the astral-plane. A planet called Nemura. Only the highest spiritual-beings come here.’

‘How come I’m here then?’ I said. I knew I still had a long way to go before I could call myself highly spiritual.

‘You have been granted a visit,' Reeas said. 'Come, let us go to the spiritual city in this region.’

We fly over the landscape hand in hand, and I still can`t make out the horizon, but the mountains are spectacular, higher and more beautiful than anything I have ever seen. The emotion I am feeling is ecstasy, as we sour through the mountains finally coming to a rest on the side of a giant peak, which has a man-made balcony, and French windows! Reeas said, ‘This is usually an inaccessible place.’ I look around, words cannot say how much I want to remain here. ‘The vibrations are starting to affect you, I can tell, don’t be alarmed, you will become accustomed in a while.’ She is right, my senses are reeling. ‘Please come with me,’ she said. We walk down some stone steps into the heart of the mountain; we come to a large room with a red and gold carpet. Sitting in the lotus position on a large golden cushion is a giant of a man with golden skin, he has no hair at all, and gold bangles on his wrists and ankles, he was also wearing a loin-cloth. He looks about thirty years old, but I know he is much older than that; he is obviously in meditation, as his eyes are closed. Reeas motioned for us to sit down. I automatically sit in the lotus position, as I used to practice yoga in my life as a teacher. As soon as I close my eyes, I become aware in a different state. The man who was sitting on the cushion is now standing on a mountain path, and we are standing there also.

‘I am Mannus, Lord of this Plane.’

I am totally amazed! The Love and light coming from this being is indescribable!

‘Come walk with me,’ he said. I  thought of the wonderful walks I used to have in the Lake district in my last life on Earth, but this is different, although in  many ways it is the same, the scenery is beautiful, but it is the simple truth that we are what we are in our own consciousness. If we are satisfied with our selves mentally and spiritually, then we are in heaven, so to speak.

‘You have grasped something eternal,’ Mannus said. 'Now look.’ and with a wave of his hand, the landscape changes. There is now a gigantic mountain in front of us, many times bigger than the others. This is the mountain of God. The light is staggering to my eyes, even though I'm not in the physical body; every color in the spectrum is here, many more than in the scientific world of man. I feel I am about to burst with love and light. In fact, Mannus said we have to limit our stay as it is dangerous to us to remain too long in the presence of the light. In the next instant, we are back in the room. Mannus is aware of us, but he just sits there without moving. I don`t know what to say, so I keep quiet. He then said, ‘What have you learned?’ I thought long and hard, I know it is better to say nothing than speak wrongly.

‘I`m learning, I said!’

He smiled. Reeas said, ‘You are learning, Dan.’ In many ways I feel like a child, and in fact, I am compared to Reeas and Sionn, but Mannus is something else, he is on a level which I can only dream of.

We wake up back on the ship in time for landing on Terick3.

      This mantra means......

           “The jewel is in the lotus,”

Om (or Aum)

The sound, Om, is believed to be the primordial sound of all creation.

The universe was created with Om and it holds within it all that is, was and ever will be.

Buddhists believe that the sound vibration of Om cleanses away pride. They also believe that the syllable of Om lives within the samsaric realm of the gods.

Om helps us dissolve our ego and cultivate kindness and generosity whenever we recite it. (Learn more in 5 Benefits of Chanting OM.)


The ma syllable in mani is associated with dissolving jealousy and the attachment to fleeting pleasures.

It lives within the samsaric realm of the jealous gods and reciting ma over and over helps us loosen our jealous attachments while cultivating ethical behavior. (Learn more in The Freedom in Letting Go.)

The ni syllable in particular is believed to dissolve our attachments to desire and passion while cultivating our ability to be patient with ourselves and others. It resides within the samsaric realm of the human being. The entire word, mani, means "jewel."


Pad is a syllable that dissolves our attachments to the many prejudices and judgmental notions we have while cultivating the quality of perseverance.

It lives within the samsaric realm of the animals.

This me syllable helps dissolve our attachments to being possessive while also cultivating our powers of concentration. (Learn more in Practicing Aparigraha (Non-Attachment).)

It resides within the samsaric realm of the hungry ghost.

Together, padme means "lotus," and represents wisdom.


With the syllable, hum, we work to dissolve our attachments to aggression and hatred.

We instead cultivate our own innate wisdom.

Hum is said to lie within the samsaric realm of hell. Hum also indicates that which cannot be disturbed by anything.

It is unshakeable and unmoveable.

The Jewel Is in the Lotus

As you can see, this is a powerful mantra with a lot of meaning behind it. The one phrase that is said to sum it all up is this: “The jewel is in the lotus,” or “Praise to the jewel in the lotus.”