
Chapter 21 Visit to Erinon 5

Reeas is the love of Dan's life, or many lives. They were together as long ago as 250,000 years.Their first incarnation together was at Stonehenge in England. e had many happy times as well, our first incarnation in the human form together

Chapter 21. Visit to Erinon 5. From Dan Sherman. All Worlds.

Reeas said she didn`t know that I was to be used in a ruse to get Kallo to divulge some part of his inner self. I said 'forget it, it worked, didn`t it?’

Sionn said, 'If I had known, Kallo would have found out, and the plan would have collapsed. He also said sorry, he knew only too well how terrible things can be on the lower-levels of the astral-plane. Sionn now had the location of six of the containers, four of which came from Darian2 and his contacts, who have now been arrested.

‘Dan, you may now go with Reeas to her home for a short visit, enjoy.’

‘I will, as long as I don`t have to go through hell again to get there.’

We arrived at the outskirts of Reeas`s city, Just by being conscious of it. It is a highly-developed world with technology Earth could only dream of.

‘Why did you give all this up to go to Yalton, Reeas?’

I already knew the answer, as she already told me on the way to junction 50, but I am so overwhelmed by the beauty of the place. I suppose she just wanted to serve God, like a nun would do on our planet. I am starting to fall for Reeas, but I know my wife is also waiting for me at home, although she would have to reincarnate at some point. I am now a Guardian, and that would mean I could possibly be anywhere at any time.

We arrived at the home of Reeas. It is a large manor style house set in its own grounds with a beautiful lake facing the front door, everything is perfect, the weather, the view, which is similar to the place where I went on holiday once, the Austrian-Tyrol, the people are very friendly.

After we had met Reeas`s parents and had some food, we went for a walk in the countryside, being as this is the astral-plane we knew we could do almost anything, so we decided to fly! Yes, just by thinking about it. We flew over the mountains. The people on this particular plane were used to seeing such things, as it is a higher sub-plane. We flew between the hills and valleys. I am feeling pretty good as we soared through the scenery, I also thought of one of my favourite classical music pieces.

Reeas is beautiful beyond words, and I knew that whatever body she is in, she would still be beautiful. According to the records, she is medium height with long brown hair and brown eyes. She also has a perfect body. As you students know, we can we can alter our looks just by being conscious. But it is not just the looks that make Reeas beautiful to me, it is her aura, or her inner-glow, she can bring out the best side of people, just like Deria can. I feel that I want to be near them all the time.

We spent a considerable time with Reeas`s family, but we knew time was something different here than on the physical-plane. I knew that if Sionn needed to contact us he would simply send a thought-transfer message. so we enjoyed every minute. Reeas took me to visit the Fairy kingdom that exists in the forest, we went at night, and watched as they flew about with their butterfly wings glowing in the dark, we could also talk to them; they asked us if we wanted to become Fairies for the night? We said yes. So, then and there, we transformed our bodies into fairies! Yes, my friends, it is as simple as that, we flew about, and helped in any way we could, even with the smallest of jobs, such as helping any other life form incarnate to the next level, no matter what it might be, It could be a beetle or a vole,

I knew all life is precious, and even the smallest creature, in time, will move on to a higher life-form.

This is something Kallo has forgotten about in his quest to be Supreme-leader! I also knew that whatever exists in our imagination could also exist here on the Astral-world, such as: dragons, centaurs, sylphs, salamanders, unicorns, gnomes, trolls, the list is endless. I asked the Fairies if they wanted to learn our modern type of dance, they said which? I had to say Disco, can you imagine the scene, yes, it was fantastic, my student friends. as long as I don`t have to go through hell again to get there.’

WJust by being conscious of it. It was a highly-developed world, with technology Earth could only dream of.

‘Why did you give all this up to go to Yalton, Reeas?’ready knew the answer, as she alreadChapter 13. Death penalty. Dan Sherman All worlds.y told me on

‘Move,’ the head guard said. I could see the executioner about fifty yards away

standing on a sort of scaffold in the middle of the area. I noticed people were gathering on seats that were being erected around the place, surely that can’t be for me?

‘You’re the star of the show today.’ said the chief guard. ‘Whenever a Tourgen gets flogged, it’s a special occasion.’

I can see there are dozens of different alien types of people, most are cruel looking but all are humanoid in appearance. The guard said, ‘They know it will take ages and be cruel. That is what the people want and so we won’t disappoint them, will we!’ As we approached the scaffold I can see the executioner is a large troll-like creature known as the Bourin. He is about fifteen foot tall and about sixty stone. If I stood a chance it had to be before he struck with the chain.

‘Get on the scaffold,’ the head guard said. I started to climb up. The Bourin said `I’m going to enjoy this.’

The smell coming from his mouth is terrible, worse than anything on Earth!

‘I`m going to cut you down to the bone first, and then I’ll start to smash your face. I know it will take a long time, that is why I like to execute Tourgens, It gives me a good workout.’

He fastened me into a metal loop in the floor of the scaffold. I noticed there is no cage around the scaffold, maybe they thought there was no place to run to or simply that there were too many guards, another thing I noticed is that most of the guards had their weapons holstered.

‘If you believe in any sort of God, now is the time to pray, the security chief said. In fact I did pray a little, for them!

As I knelt down I grasped the chains that are around my wrists, I knew I could break them easily, the question is, would I be quick enough to stop the guards. The Bourin said, ‘Right, Man-Beast I will cut your suit off first, and then I’m going to start.’ As he took out a large knife from his belt, I pulled at the chains; they broke easily, with one swoop I brought the chains and the metal loop around hitting the Troll in the face, killing him instantly, I then broke the chains around my ankles, In the next instant with speed that even stunned me, I jumped down and onto two of the guards, one being the head guard, smashing their heads together and killing them. I then grabbed one of their weapons. The other guards are staring in stunned silence, I didn’t have time to look whether it was on stun or kill, I just fired, luckily for them it was on stun, they were out before they could think, I look around, there is panic everywhere. I scanned the area for any more guards, but they must have got the message, all I can think of is escape, I looked for an exit, I noticed a figure on the wall above the area waving to me, I at once know it is Reeas, the female Tourgen, I ran as fast as I could and jumped the twenty foot wall easily. ‘Come, she said. I know if I am a Tourgen, and I suppose I am, I could love someone like Reeas, she is unusually attractive for a Beast-woman, but I suppose it is the beast in me coming out, she said she had a transport a short distance away, she also said we couldn`t go to the hotel as the security people would be there once they found out about the incident. I said, ‘How did you know I would be given the death-penalty?’ she said she had contacts in high places. I thought thank God, or rather Sionn!’