The Inner Dragon Book Eight

Scene Twenty three: Army HQ

General Taylor:

I want to know exactly what happened.

Colonel Hampson:

It is exactly what happened at the helicopter crash, sir; the weapon rebounded to the original point.

General Taylor:

Then there must be some sort of weapon in the house.

Colonel Hampson:

It is thought, sir, that there is a sort force field around the house.

General Taylor:

We have got to get in there. If there is some sort of force field around the house then we want it to be examined. I have been told to use any and all resources to get in there. Major Park from the Royal Engineers here will tell us what he thinks about tunneling in from below.

Major Park:

Thank you, sir. I believe that if there is a force field around the house then it will not be in operation under the house. A force field of any consequence has not been invented, as yet, but we have to look at the recent events. A considerable force is repelling our efforts to enter through the walls.

Colonel Hampson:

Excuse me, Major Park. May I make a suggestion? We don’t know exactly how much power it is capable of. We know it can repel an anti-tank gun, but how would it stand up to a missile fired from a plane?

General Taylor:

I see what you are getting at, Colonel. Maybe it needs a little more clout?

Colonel Hampson:

Exactly, sir, this power cannot possibly withstand a guided high explosive bomb.

General Taylor:

What about the surrounding district?

Colonel Hampson:

We would, of course, evacuate the area and make things safe beforehand. These guided bombs are very precise you know.

General Taylor:

I’ll ask for clearance. In the meantime, Major Park, make preparations to tunnel under the house.

Scene Twenty Four: Canal Crossing

Grun is now alone at the canal crossing. Kyle had left before him, as Grun suggested. Grun wants to keep his invisibility to himself for now; if Kyle knew about it, then Grun would be vulnerable, if Kyle is caught. The protection that Grun has given him is just enough to allow Kyle to evade capture. It is a spell that will make Kyle unnoticeable; people who know him will simply not recognize him, and people who didn’t know him but were near to him will not even notice him. Grun has the same protection, plus the invisibility coin. The next problem is where Grun is going to live, or move to, he can’t go back to the house, and he has not eaten for three days. He didn’t need to use the influence spell on Kyle, but he has to eat and rest, so he decides to seek out a person with a good aura to help him.

Scenes Twenty Five: Town center

Grun is now able to move about without being invisible. The initiation which the Elder had given him had enabled Grun to avoid the prying eyes of people, people are Grun’s antagonists. Grun wasn’t unsociable but he always did attract the wrong sort of person, he knows now that it is a past life thing and that he has to work out his karma with these people.

He is sat down on a bench in the town center watching the people hustle here and there. He knows that if someone is attracted to him while he is in this new consciousness, so to speak, then that person can be trusted. After twenty minutes a girl of about twenty five approaches him, she stands and stares at him with a look of tenderness. Grun knows her name and just looks at her with a smile.


May I help you, Peggy?


You know my name! I knew you knew me, but I wasn’t sure.


You know me, also.


Yes, I do, but I can’t recollect your name. I am usually good at names.


I’m Grun, it’s short for Grunwald but I never liked it.


My name is short for Margaret, but I like Peggy.


Yes, it is nice, but I bet you wouldn’t like to be called Maggie.


No, I wouldn’t, although one gets used to names as a child.


I am going to get something to eat, would you like to join me?


Yes, that would be nice.

Scene Twenty Six: The sky over Grun’s house.

The area has been evacuated and a strong metal structure has been built around the house. A Eurofighter Typhoon is about to release a 250 pound precision guided glide bomb, capable of penetrating three feet of steel reinforced concrete. As the fighter flies over the house to lock in the target, it starts to have electronic problems. The pilot says he can’t see the house on the aircrafts screen; it is blanked out. He asks to abort the mission, the plane is told to return to base but it is now having serious problems. The plane’s engines shut down and the pilot tries to use the ejector seat which doesn’t work. All he can do is pray as the fighter nosedives into the churches social hall and several rows of shops. The resulting explosion is heard fifty kilometers away. Some people said they could swear that they saw the outline of a giant snakelike creature in the resulting smoke.

Scene Twenty Seven: Army HQ

General Taylor and Colonel Hampson have now been replaced by General Lloyd-Hewitt and his staff from the army intelligence Corps.

General Lloyd-Hewitt:

The catastrophe with the plane has now started a public inquiry. We have to gather all the evidence we can of why the plane suddenly lost power and also why the ejector seat didn’t work. The pilot is above suspicion; he could not have shut off the power so suddenly. The ejector seat is foolproof and is not a part of the planes electrics, now, suggestions please.

Major Collins:

The pilot could have had a heart attack and would not have been able operate the ejector seat, sir.

General Lloyd-Hewitt:

Yes that is a possibility, but we will never know as there is no trace of his body. Captain Cox, I can see you are on the verge of cutting in here; do you want to contribute something?

Captain Cox (is a woman)

Yes, sir, if I may propose something which will create scorn and laughter in some.

General Lloyd-Hewitt:

Captain Cox, I know you are an expert on psychic phenomena and such. I won’t scoff at your proposals and neither will anyone else while I am here, please go ahead.

Captain Cox:

I believe the Magnusson house is protected by an entity of great power (sniggers from around the room.)

General Lloyd-Hewitt:

Captain Cox, I can see there are several people here who disagree with you, but I am ready to hear more of what you think, carry on.

Captain Cox:

I have been studying Grun Magnusson and his family for days; he has been involved in mysticism for most of his life. His father before him was heavily into it and went missing when Grun was five years old. People that live nearby his house have reported sightings and other phenomena over a very long time. In 1992 three people were badly hurt when they played a Halloween trick on Grun; his father was gone and Grun was only a teenager. The three boys were thrown out of the garden with such force that they had several broken bones and concussion. Grun said he didn’t do it and the boys said they couldn’t remember. Grun also said they tried to bully him.

General Lloyd-Hewitt:

What is all this leading to, Captain Cox?

Captain Cox:

We know there is a sort of force field around the house. I believe that force field was brought here by Andor Magnusson to protect his family while he was away. People have seen this being over the last few days in the shape of a snakelike dragon. I have been doing some research on this particular entity and I can tell you that it is steadily gaining power.

Colonel Wright:

Sir, if I may.

General Lloyd-Hewitt:

Carry on, Colonel:

Colonel Wright:

I have also done some checking up on the Magnusson family. I found out that Grun Magnusson was the top boy in his class every year until he reached his last year; he then became disillusioned and sulky and has never worked. He was left enough money to do whatever he wanted to. I also believe he has the brains and resources to invent a force field and other weapons. His teachers said he was the most talented kid they had ever taught; he was top in every subject. He could have been a Nobel Prize winner, but in my opinion he wanted to be seen as a man who could do miracles by showing the world how he can keep the S.A.S and everyone else from getting into his house; his little world.

There is a show of approval for Colonel Wright. Captain Cox knows she has lost this round.

General Lloyd-Hewitt:

I must agree somewhat with Colonel Wright, although I would like Captain Cox to investigate further. We still have to get into that house, so I have instructed the Royal Engineers to start the tunneling. Captain Cox knows it would end in disaster.

Scene Twenty Eight: Café and Peggy’s house

Grun and Peggy were sat eating a late lunch.


My mum would love to meet you, why don’t you come over later.


I would love to, but I need to find a place to stay. My house is in the process of reconstruction.


You can stay with us! We have two spare bedrooms.


Are you sure, I don’t want to be a burden.


I want you to stay with us; I feel I must help you.


Thank you, Peggy, I will never forget this.

Grun stays at Peggy’s for three days. She lives out of town and the setting is peaceful. He needed to rest and meditate away from all the trouble; he knows that two hundred and forty two people were killed at the plane crash and one hundred and seventeen injured. The total is now two hundred and sixty five.

To be continued in book nine. Thank you for reading my book. If you enjoyed it, won’t you please take a moment to leave me a review at your favorite retailer? You can also visit my website to read my book and other stories at

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