
I woke up in the… yes, you guessed it, the

‘Room of Doors.’ Standing there, I began to

think, why should I be here?

Surely isolation means just that. Not being able

to be conscious; well, here I am, let me see what

is behind one of the doors. I opened the one

directly in front of me. Yes, you guessed it,

exactly the same place. I opened more doors but

the same again. Maybe this is what is meant by

isolation? It is a place where you can’t get out


The feeling I was experiencing was of

desperation and anger. Untold numbers of people

were going to be killed in a very short time, and

I couldn’t get out of a roomful of doors! I sat

down in the lotus position; all I could do was

simply meditate, I didn’t know if it would work

in isolation but I would try it, but nothing

happened! Surely the time must have gone by to

neutralize the wormhole! I must be still, I

thought. I must keep my thoughts on getting out of here.

No, I thought, that is what they want me to do. I am going

to do the exact opposite! I just sat there and rested. I

didn’t think, I didn’t worry, and I didn’t bother about

the wormhole, suddenly I saw Debra! Not the Debra

from the ship, but the Debra from my past-life!

‘Open the door, Dan, so I can see you better.’ I

knew which door to open, 359! I rushed over to

the door and opened it, Debra was stood there, as

large-as-life, she was about thirty-five years

old and had blossomed into a beauty. All I could

think of to say was ‘God, I loved you, Debra.’

‘I know,’ she said, ‘I wish we had been in the

same year at school, I really liked you, but you

were younger than me. I have a message for you

from Sionn.’ Now I was really interested.

‘Concentrate on Debra, but don’t force it, let

her come to you.' He said he couldn't get through

himself, so he asked me to help. Does he mean

for you to think about me, John? You are John

aren’t you?’(For students, my name was John in

that lifetime) Thank you Debra,but he means

someone else.’

‘Oh, she said, I hope we can talk again sometime,

but I know you must be busy as Sionn was a very

special person, so I know you must have a very

special job to do.’

‘Yes, I have, Debra, thank you for letting me

know and I will be in contact soon.’

OK, I thought. Now is the time for action. You

students will now know what I have to do, please

help by once again, uploading your thoughts

to central-database. As you know, these thoughts

will be used in the upgrade of the system, and

the actual light-books, trillions of thoughts,

from billions of students. Right, here we go, I

have to get my thoughts in check. I know now

Debra is the key. I simply sat down and

concentrated all my yogic ability on Debra. I

then walked over to the first door and opened

it; Debra was stood there, looking serious.

‘She said, 'Stand back Dan.’ I stepped back,

then all of the doors were flung open, Yes, you

guessed it, Debra was behind every one!

‘Close your eyes,’ she said. Immediately I was

back in the isolation tube, with my eyes closed,

but I could still see Debra!

‘You know what to do,’ she said. I did, I opened

my eyes; I could see the android’s looking at me

and communicating to one another, I also knew

they were worried. I could tell they were trying

to destroy me as soul.

The Room-of-Doors is a very special place where beings of

high consciousness go to access past lives.

Access is denied.

Meditation is needed

Humbleness is required.

Truth is reveled.