The Guardians

The Guardians are an elite force who keep order in all the worlds of God. Dan Sherman is the only person from Earth to be accepted into this fraternity at this time.

Chapter 8. Change over.

Dan Sherman All Worlds.

‘She has made you her partner. The Guardian’s

themselves realize this, and it cannot be

altered. Now, every Dark-agent will know this.’

she said.

‘So I have come from being a lowly-teacher, to the most hated Guardian in the Multiverse!’ Reeas came over and hugged me.

‘You are unreachable, by any agents.’

‘What about the Room-of-Doors.’ I said.

'Sionn said I could get some privacy from Debra there.'

‘You can,’ Deria said, ‘But you will have to be

wary, only use it in emergency.’

‘What?’ I said. ‘Let me speak to Sionn.’

‘Sionn has gone into Inaccessible-Mode.’ Reeas said.

‘Fine! The only person who I want to talk to in

the whole Multiverse and he is away!’

‘Don’t worry.' Reeas said, ‘Deria and Debra

will be with you.’

‘I’m sorry.’ I said, 'But I feel a bad

experience is about to happen.'

‘It must be the change you’re going through,’

said Reeas. 'Please rest awhile.’

I am now alone in the room. I decided to lie

down, and just contemplate, you students will

know the difference between meditation and

contemplation, so I will leave it at that. I am

trying to evaluate the situation.

‘Don’t worry Dan. I am here.’ I opened my eyes

to see my Mother from my Dan Sherman lifetime,

but I know this is really Debra, as I was

now fully aware of everything regarding Debra,

also I don’t feel in any way threatened by

Debra this time.

‘OK, Debra, you can go back to being yourself,


‘What about your favorite apple-pie?’ she said.

‘OK,’ I said, maybe you can stay like you are

for a short while.’ I am starting to like this

new Debra.

In the sleep-room I said goodbye to Reeas, no

matter how far away we are from each other I

know we will always be together.

This is something a lot of people on Earth, and

other planets sometimes forget.

‘Onwards, my Student friends.’