Debra. Light ship/computer/

Debra is attracted to Dan Sherman. The reason is because Dan used to have a girlfriend in his last but one life on Earth called Debra.

The computer somehow managed to link into Dan's mind, and so started the amazing adventure of Debra the all-powerful.

We consciously aware,

We didn't need to make any on board checks before setting

off as the ship itself, or Debra, was consciously aware,

don't ask me to explain, I don't know that much about the

mechanics of it, but I'm assured it is the most technological

piece of engineering ever to be brought into use, so far, of

course technology is always changing, and usually updated by

machines, that means by super-computers, in super-robots.

I am a little worried about this next job, as Kallo has extensive

knowledge of robotics, so the android army which he has brought

into existence is bound to be highly intelligent, and Ruthless, so we

will have to be very careful.

The control panel was just very basic, until the ship was

underway then the walls became a screen with every detail anyone

would want, from power levels to food storage, but we didn't need

to look, as we usually left it all to Debra, all we had to do

was touch the control lever, and we became part of the ship,

knowing what the ship knew regarding the job, or anything else

we needed to know, I also knew that it would take us just 36 hours

to reach the lead Android ship. There are 362 ships in all, a

real battle fleet. How are we supposed to stop them with just

one small ship? I hear you say. I suppose you think that Kallo’s

apprentice has the same technology that we have? The

android ships will be just as good right? Wrong, my student

friends, our records show that the ships are of inferior design,

simply because Kallo didn't have access to higher world

technology in other words, he had to manufacture his ships

on the lower-worlds. Why bother? You say. If he can't

win! All I can say is Kallo will do anything to gain access

to other worlds. He is also cruel. Yes, I know what you are

thinking. How can a person who has gained so much knowledge, and

must have gained other things such as light and love fall so

heavily through the physical, and spiritual levels. All I can

say is, it happened, he was once Sionn’s equal, yes, they were

friends, and students together, some 3,500 years ago. Then how

can you stop him? I hear you say. You are only a Student-

Guardian. Yes, my trainee friends, I am, but Kallo has lost much

of his higher powers, so I’m hoping the apprentice won’t be his

equal. That is where I come in, I am also still in tune with

the lower worlds, that is why Sionn wants me for these jobs,

although I have help from higher beings such as Deria and

Reeas and without whose help I would be struggling. OK, enough

learning for today, let us rest and let Debra do her job.