Deria. Elfin Princess

Deria is an Elfin Princess who is also a Master Guardian. She has a twin sister called Deria 2. They haven't been out of contact for a minute in their entire lives. Past and present, and their lives are very long, my student friends.



Chapter 1. The corruption of Sionn. From Dan Sherman. Other worlds.

Deria said, 'let us proceed to my Room-of-Doors, you

 will be perfectly alright

as long as you are aware that you can only observe, just follow me and stay

silent. I will relay any messages I have to you, but please don’t reply. If

you must message me use thought-transfer. Sionn may have laid a trap for you,

but he won’t be able to access my room-of-doors. Deria then said, 'let us hold

hands.' It only takes a few seconds to transfer to Deria’s room-of-doors, the

difference between Deria’s room-of-doors and mine is startling! Standing in

front of Deria’s first door I was amazed and transfixed by the beautiful

colors and sounds! In my room-of-doors it is drab and plain with no noise.

Deria said, ‘Don’t be disappointed, you will become more attuned with the

light and sound in the future, just be at rest and learn.’ I can see Reeas

is in awe of this place also but we can’t talk. As you know, there are

three-hundred and sixty doors in the room, which surround us in a big circle,

plus there are invisible sub-plane doors in between each door; these sub-

plane doors only become visible when we are conscious of them. We started to

walk through the first door, you will know already that this door emerges

into another room-of-doors; this is because Deria is conscious of travelling

to a certain lifetime in the past; that lifetime is some thousands of years

ago. We will have to travel through many rooms. Students take note: Each

room is ten-thousand years. This means that if you don’t want to go to a

certain lifetime in the first set of doors then you simply walk through the

first door to the next room-of-doors. These doors are the previous ten-

thousand years of lifetimes. It can be confusing, but knowing that you are

Student-Guardians, you will already understand. We are now one hundred and

fifty thousand years in Sionn’s past, but we are only sixty-eight thousand

years in Deria’s past. Why is this? You ask. This is because Deria is an

Elfin-being, and she is able to live very long lifetimes. Sionn, though, has

chosen to reincarnate numerous times, but even so he has managed to live some

very long life-times also.  We had now walked through seven doors; each door

representing ten-thousand years. Deria is now standing in front of the

actual door that we needed to access. Deria said, ‘This door is the lifetime

that I spent learning about genealogy and all things related to it. When we

walk through this door please be aware that we cannot relate to anybody. We

will be invisible of course and untouchable. I will then navigate my way to

Sionn. Stay close to me and be calm.’ .’