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Kallo is an ex Guardian. He was Sionn's friend and coworker. He became corrupted by the dark side of the power. Sionn trusted him but Kallo stranded him on a deserted planet without the power of his light-suit. And so began the never-ending battle with the Guardian forces. Kallo was Lucifer in one of he's past lives.

Chapter 44.

Level 11...page 192. All worlds.euld get trapped for a long time onnof these levelf we get caught out Dan, don't you?’

‘You know that we could get trapped for a long time on

any of these levels if we get caught out Dan, don't you?’

‘Yes, I said. 'And I also know that Kallo was very able when he

trapped me for a time on one of the sub planes back at Far-

Station, but I managed to get out, we know he has trained

many students to follow him, I just hope they aren’t former

Guardians otherwise we might be in deep trouble, a master

like Kallo can promise to give you anything your heart

desires without the hassle of doing service for anyone on

any world, and on any plane of existence. I am beginning to

adjust to this level now Tamia, I feel good for the first

time since beginning this mission, I miss Reeas though, she

is an astonishing person.’

‘I know Dan; I accessed her records, why wasn't she allowed to

accompany you?’

‘I really don't know, maybe Sionn thought I would try and protect

her too much, which I indeed would, but she also protected me,

I really don’t know how I would cope if I lost her.’

‘Maybe that's why he thought you would be better on your own?’

‘Yes, Tamia, but I also feel you are a good friend, and ally.’

‘OK, the marker for the next level is a long way off according

to my calculations, what do you think Tamia?’

‘I feel a strange urge to go east, over that large range of

mountains, although I am not in the astral-body, I sense a

strong need to help someone.’

‘Maybe it’s a trap, Tamia. The marker is telling me to go west?

Right, let’s check out your urge Tamia, we can fly over the

mountains. I have got adjusted to this level more now, so let’s


as we reached the mountain range I could make out large numbers

of people making their way from level 11 to 12, most were walking

but some had carts and horses. The technology here was far from

modern as the consciousness was low, but when they reach level

12 it will improve, or rather the people had already upgraded

so to speak, now all they had to do was walk across the gateway

to a better way of life, Imagine being a prisoner for years in

a cell with no light, then suddenly someone throws open the door

to release you, your eyes would burn, but you would in time adjust

to it. That is how it is when moving from one plane to the next.

Kallo, or whoever it is, is holding people back from the light,

and I intend to make him pay again. That’s right; I put my Tourgen

claws around his neck at Far-Station and just held him up till

he died. If I get the chance this time, I will do the same.