Cloft the Tourgen Clone

Cloft was once a beastial entity which was aquired by the Guardians. He was then cloned and stored away until needed.

Dan Sherman and Reeas as the Tourgen clones together with Deria were the ones earmarked for the job of saving Sionn, and the planet Yalton.


You will have to kill the Devil with your strength!’

‘Well, I did kill the Bourin executioner at the start of our troubles, didn`t I?’

‘This won`t be an ordinary Bourin. It is twice as strong, and cannot be killed with a blaster any

Chapter 16. The Yalton Realm.

page 68 All worlds.

You will have to kill the Underground-Devil with your strength!’

‘Well,I did kill the Bourin executioner at the start of our troubles, didn`t I?’

‘This won`t be an ordinary Bourin. It is twice as strong, and cannot be killed with a blaster anyway.’

‘OK, but I can use the knife’ can`t I?’

‘Yes, but it probably won`t help.’

‘What’s he made of, Rock?

‘No, but something nearly as tough, its bones are very strong, and the inner organs are protected by more bone. You will have to smash it with whatever you can lift!’

Great, I thought, the future of the Universe depends on two big beasts smashing the hell out of each other.

‘How are we going to get there? We only have about half a day to reach Sionn, I said.’

‘You have only ten hours!’ he said.

‘How far is it? I said.’

‘Thirty miles, please follow me.’

When we got into the other shaft, I was amazed to see well-constructed roadways, with lamps set in the walls.

‘The lights are for your convenience, ’Fagil said, ‘will you be able to keep up when we start to move?’

I thought, is he joking, but I soon realised he wasn`t. They set off, and I could see that they were not touching the ground, but floating above it; they didn`t even need to move their legs. I said to Reeas, ‘are you ok?’

‘Yes, I’m just wondering what fate has in store for us, Dan. ’

‘As long as you are here Reeas, I am OK.’ She smiled again.

I estimated we were doing about ten miles per hour, so it would take us three hours to get to where we needed to be. After about two hours, we came to a stop next to a big doorway off to the right. Fagil said, please follow us in. I was amazed to see a giant cavern, with ornate carvings and statues; it looked like a spiritual place. Fagil said, ‘It was one of the centres of higher consciousness, on the planet.’

I noticed that the walls were glowing slightly, and there was a faint humming noise coming from somewhere within the planet. The Yalton people were holding hands and standing in a large circle. Myself, Reeas and Deria were in the centre, Fagil started to chant some words which I wasn`t familiar with. I noticed that the walls were starting to glow! After five minutes the light was quite bright, and the noise was quite loud. The bodies of the Yalton people were also glowing, and I could see their hearts beating through their chests. The experience to me was of deep spirituality. I also felt confident and totally rested.

‘We have given you what extra strength you will need to defeat the Bourin.’ Fagil said.

‘Thank you.’ I said, ‘I may need it!’

Fagil then went to a large stone door, opened it with a little help from his brothers. He said, ‘Please take out these weapons.’ I went over and saw a collection of weapons, which looked very old, one was a sword, there was also a battle-axe, and other things. I asked Reeas to hold the sword, while I took the axe. It felt strong, and I felt strong, I just hope we were strong enough! I asked Reeas if she still had the knife in her rucksack, she said yes, I knew this knife to be extra strong as if made for someone my size, maybe it was. I then asked Fagil if he had any string, he went to another room and came back with a length of twine, which I tied around the handle of the knife and then I slung it over my neck so that it hung down behind my back. ‘OK,’ I said, I’m ready!’

Now for you Students: Yes, I can hardly believe I got this far myself! All I can say is I know I can get back to base even if I died, so that in itself was a plus, the other thing is, I have very good help. Please don’t forget to upload your thoughts to central-database. We always appreciate your efforts. Onward!’