The Tourgen's

The Tourgen are similar to the Dresdens in that they are man made. Genetically created to bring mayhem wherever they exist.

‘Who are you?’ said, one of the Tourgen’s.

‘I have come to help you,’

‘Are you a clone?’

‘Yes, does it matter?’

‘How can you jump so high?’

I’ll explain it later. Let us get into the base camp first.’

I Instructed Debra to take a sample from a dead Llantrea to

Analyze. In the base camp I told everyone that I would

help them to overcome the Llantrea. Most of them didn’t even want my

help, so I had to persuade them by having trials of strength, arm-

wrestling, and lifting things. Yes, I know it is asinine, but

that is the way these people are. I instruct the ship to

park herself outside in invisibility mode. The people in

the base camp now trust me. I said I will be back in a

short while, I then accessed my recent conscious brain

patterns to get the telepathic frequencies to access the

Llantrea leaders, this was relatively easy to do, the hard

part was fabricating some sort of device to give to the

people at the base, so they could fight the Llantrea. In

two days I had several machines to combat the Llantrea. Yes,

my student friends, I know we could just blast them with the

ship, but that was not an option. It is not up to me. I contacted

Halffa Sub-Base for instructions and was told to give the

machines to the people to help in the fight, you see it is not

up to the Guardians to annihilate a species, all we can do is

help a little. It will take a long time to restore the balance

but it will happen, (Thought message coming through) a large part of the

Llantrea leaders will be destroyed by Guardian ships, that means an

enormous part of the whole Llantrea population will be gotten rid of.

OK, I was wrong, maybe the Guardians do help more than they should, all

I know is I don’t need to get eaten! Good news eh? Halffa sub-base also

said they will supply weapons such as cutting machines like chain-saws,

to combat the Llantrea by the people, It will give them something to

do and there will be lots of wood to build things.

Now for another lesson, Yes, I know we said that this

Universe wasn’t humanoid! But don’t forget life-forms such

As the Tourgen are man-made and have been brought here by

Man, also other beings like the ones at base camp are

Immigrants, so to speak, it is the Llantrea which are native

to this Universe. Yes, I hear you say, Man is poking his

Nose into things again! Enough said eh?

Deria said we had a return-to-base-signal from the ship, so

we said our goodbyes and simply walked into the ship which

was invisible. Don’t worry, no one saw us leave, if they did,

what a story that would make for future generations, a Tourgen

clone that battled the Llantrea and could jump further and was

stronger than any other life form, and who brought magic weapons

that defeated the enemy then simply disappeared! Even I’m
