Kingdom of the Celts

In the Kingdom of the Celts the Cub Scout activities are centred on the various roles and activities of the Celts. Within the Celtic community we had hunters, farmers, tool makers, Druids, Bards and of course many legendary heroes. Everyone in the Celtic community played a role that was vital to the smooth running of the village.

In this Land the Cub Scout should recognise the importance of being able to verbalise their thoughts and wishes and develop the ability to listen to each other and work with each other - this, in fact, could be qualified as the essence of friendship.

If we look at the "communication" element of the learning objective and how this is incorporated into the Land of the Celts we find many ways in which the Cub Scout can absorb this without the learning objective becoming too cumbersome.

For instance we can explore the myths and legends as told by the Bards, the Cub Scout could

Other areas covered within this symbolic framework are:

Friendships – Other People – Community – Duty To Others

The Cub Scout learns how to be a friend, the value of friendship and that everyone is different. We are afforded the opportunity to explore our own uniqueness, the values of other people and their respective cultures and traditions.  

Through role play and learning the Cub Scout gains an understanding and empathy for everyone who makes up our society, these basic principles are at the foundation of Celtic Society.