
In November the Americans remember the time that their forefathers came to America and they celebrate all the things that they are thankful for.

Why not hold a thanksgiving ceremony in your den?

Each Cub Scout could bring something for a feast and tell each other what you are thankful for. You might realise that you take some things for granted and that you aren’t really thankful for these things, these things might be something that other Cub Scouts really appreciate and would be very thankful to have …. think about what you are truly thankful for.

There are plenty of activities that you can base around the story of the Pilgrims.

You could ..

There are many ways that we can be thankful and show kindness to others. Together with your Pack why not list all the things that you are thankful for?

You could also set up a “kindness” zone …… put some poster paper on the wall in your den and as Cub Scouts do a good deed or an act of kindness … write it onto the poster paper …. That way you can share your ideas with the rest of your Group AND you can see just how easy it can be to do a good deed!

Remember that just as the large strong oak tree came from the small acorn, big things can happen from spreading small seeds of kindness and charity.