We're Goin' on a Bear Hunt

(Stand & Slap thighs: slap, slap, slap, slap.....)


We're goin' on a Bear-hunt, (Repeat)

But we're not scared! (Repeat)

'cos we've got Guns!, (Repeat)

And bullets (Repeat)

Lots of bullets!, (Repeat)

We come to a Mountain, (Repeat)

Can't go around it, (Repeat)

Can't go through it, (Repeat)

Can't go under it, (Repeat)

Have to go over it, (Repeat)

(Grunting noises while pretending to scale a steep rock face)


We come to a River, Can't go under it, can't go around it, can't go over it,

Have to got through it,

(Splish-Splash noises while pretending to swim across the river)


We come to a Field of Grass, Can't go under it, can't go around it, can't go over it,

Have to got through it,

(Swish noises while pretending to push through long grass)


We come to a Cave, (Repeat)

It's kinda dark in here, (Repeat)

And vewy scawy, (Repeat)

There's something in here, (Repeat)

It's Big and Fuwwy, (Repeat)


Back to the Grass, (Swish, swish, swish)

Back through the river, (Splish, splash, splish, splash)

Back over the Mountain, (grunt, grunt, grunt)

We're Goin' on a Bear hunt, (Repeat)

TOMORROW! (Repeat)