2015 Annual Meeting



Opened at 12:08 pm 

Members Present: 15

I. 2014-2015 Year in Review

Minutes of 2014 Annual Meeting – Sue Read. Moved by Gordon, 2nd by Paul to approve minutes. Vote: Unanimous to approve with no corrections.

    2. President’s Report – Gary

        a. Membership

            i. 2014-2015 Membership: 58 members 21 Veteran, 7 second year, 6 first year, 24 student

                We may lose a few students due to graduation, but get new ones next year.

        b. Drill House Improvements

            i. No major projects, 3 improvements

                1. Scraper – Barry Tippett replaced the seals

                2. End fan – Barry Tippett & Gary covered the end fan, which greatly reduced the snow coming in.

                3. Walkway from Entrance changed to come up the middle.

        c. League Play

            i. Good season, all games were competitive

            ii. League night play-offs: weather-ended season early. Switching the playoffs to league nights was good change. Saturdays and/or                     crossover games were difficult to reschedule.

            iii. Tuesday night – 9 teams Eisenman vs. Strome & Maggio vs. Hughes (not played)

            iv. Thursday night – 8 teams. Hughes defeated Mickus

            v. Wednesday night – Learn to Curl Sessions. Had 7-8 regulars for 4 weeks, and then the majority joined the regular leagues.

            vi. Team nicknames (Themes or towns, etc) vs. Skip names? Keep as is unless teams want to change.

            vii. Is there interest in adding another night for next year? Would need at least 5 additional teams to make it feasible.

        d. Private Parties & School Groups

            i. 150 Washington Middle School & Calumet High School students curled; 3 gym teachers have made curling a part of their                             curriculum.

                1. Each student came for 3 Class periods at the Drill House; Noel and Gary taught

            ii. Great Explorations 7th & 8th grade after school program

                1. Began last week of January (need to do earlier next year)

                2. We started with 8 students, and finished with 3 or 4 due to other school activities. Will pick up in January 2016.

            iii. 6 private groups and 3 downstate hockey teams

                1. Made $1330.00

            iv. MTU Winter Carnival: rented the ice for 2 weekends

                1. Made $500.00

        e. Open Houses

            i. Three held in December, One in February

                1. December approximately 15-30 people at each Open House

                2. Copper Dog Open House, February 28

                    38 signed waiver forms to try curling on ice; at least another 15 visited the club.

        f. Shirt Sales

            i. Do another shirt project? Good PR for Club. Do again in fall.

                1. We have 7 – 8 shirts left from original order

            ii. Lockable Storage Container – See handout for picture

                1. Rubbermaid is $204.00 shipped, 17 cubic feet, weatherproof, large, good display. Will hold a lot. Lightweight and is lockable.                         Motion was made by Mike M, 2nd by Noel to purchase Rubbermaid Storage Locker. Vote, unanimous to purchase from                                 Rubbermaid.

                2. Build one ourselves? No

            iii. Kalamazoo CC “Good Curling, Great Lakes” shirts

                They sell groups of 10 (10 Large, 20 X-Large, 10 Medium, etc)

                We could sell for $2.00 or $3.00 more. No interest at this time.

        g. Reality TV show

            i. LA TV producer (Dan Beckerman) contacted me; brainstorming for a reality TV show/programming ideas. He has produced shows                 for the Discovery Channel, A&E, Lifetime and others.

                1. He eventually declined for lack of drama in Curling Club.

        h. Water usage

            i. 2014-15: 8500 gallons

            ii. 2013-14: 10.000 gallons

            iii. 2010-13: 211,000 gallons average over 3 years

    3. Equipment

        a. Purchased 4 new brooms

            i. Continue buying 4 new pad brooms per year

        b. Inventoried all Club Equipment

            i. Gary photographed valuable items (Rocks, Scraper, Nipper, Pebbler) for insurance purposes.

    4. Treasurer’s Report / Financial Report – Noel. See handout for further details.

            Balance as of April 2014: $5436.54

            Income: Shirts ($111.00); Rentals ($1813.00); Interest ($0.61); Dues (6116.76); Coin Sales ($10.00) = $8051.37

            Expenses: Business ($271.78); Drill House ($837.99); USCA/GLCA/Insurance ($2472.00); Calumet Township [water, propane,                     electric] ($1614.33) = $5196.10. Net Profit for 2014/2015 = $2855.27 Balance as of April 2015: $8291.81

            Motion to accept Treasurer’s Report by Brian Carlson, 2nd Gordon. Vote unanimous to accept Treasurer’s Report.

    5. College Curling Report

        a.Finlandia University – Nate and Jordan Jarvi

           Need more encouragement to keep students to join curling club. Soren was the initiator and now only have 3 or 4 students will be               returning next year. Keys to the curling club need to be returned. There is an interest fair at the beginning of the each semester; and             anyone can participate. The Club needs to be informed of time and date to be able to participate. Also need a Lead or Advisor to             follow-up with the students to continue to play.

        b. MTU – Max Tollefson (graduating). There was no report as Max did not attend Annual Meeting. Need to find out about 2015/2016 year             on getting more students involved. How can the Curling Club become more visible to students here?

        c. College and Olympic Report – Gordon. There is nothing to report that directly involves our club.

    6. Certifications – No new certifications for Instructors this past year.

II. Elections

    1. Election of Board Members (3 year terms, Noel, Mike, Sue)

        a. Floor Nominations - none

        b. Vote: Unanimous to retain Noel, Mike, Sue for next 3 years

    2. Election of Vacancy (Soren resigned) – Remainder of 2 years

        a. Floor Nominations: Rob Handler

        b. Vote: Unanimous to have Rob fill remainder of Soren’s term.

    3. Great Lakes Curling Association (1 year term, 2 seats) There are 2 meetings every year about 3 hours long. Can be done over the                 phone. Next meeting is in Ft. Wayne, Indiana. National Curling Association Annual Meeting is October 9 – 11, 2015. Ft. Wayne, Indiana.         Topic: “Business of Curling”.

        a. Currently Gordon & Paul (Paul wants to step down)

        b. Floor Nominations: None. Paul was convinced to stay 1 more year

            Vote: unanimous to have Paul stay as GLCA Representative for another year.

III. New Business

    1. Membership Rates

        a. Keep Same ($70.00, $120.00, $160.00)

            i. 1st year & Students $70.00, 2nd year $120.00, 3 or more years $160.00

            ii. Couples rate of $280.00 max? We have 5 couples. NO.

            iii. Family rate? No

        b. Simplified Application Form – Alex. It is really nice & easy to use

        c. “First-year rate” after + 3 year absence? Invite former members back at the “first year” rates after a 3-year absence? It was                     decided to be a 5-year absence, not 3-year absence.

        d. Add Social Membership: For non-curling members, no voting rights; may not hold office; no ice privileges. Action was tabled.

            i. $30.00 - $40.00 per year?

            ii. Curl 3 times at $15.00 per time?

    2. Grant Updates

        a. DNR Recreation Passport Grant: Bill Olson of UP Engineering

            i. Unsuccessful; and Bill felt we couldn’t get this type of Grant as the facility needs to be a previous recreation area (Drill House was                 an industrial type).

                    1. Very competitive, losing 30 of 200 points

        b. Darwin Curtis Grant – Gordon

            i. We need to be a 501c3. The Club will need to be rewired; and all light switches need to be put on 1 breaker box; possibly a                     temporary mount. Requires applicant to fund at least 50% of the total project, only 20K available. $4300 for curling ice illumination.             32.5 foot-candles at ice level. Gordon has researched that 7 (6 bulb) fluorescent fixtures on each sheet, about 15 feet above ice level             with 20-ft spacing will meet guidelines. Also using LED lighting as alternative and recycling the existing wiring as much as possible                 and tearing out the excess. Gordon is writing the grant. Costs: $3750.00 for Fluorescent / $4300.00 LED with $2150.00 matched                 funds. 501c3 was approved on June 29, 2014. Have filed all the paperwork and taxes.

        c. “Public Spaces, Community Places” Grant – Gary

            i. State of Michigan grant

            ii. Goal amount needs to be raised during the run time. Runs for 30 - 45 days from start date. This is a crowd -funding concept.                     Calumet Township has offered $10,000.00 + $10,000.00 from general non-scientific vote of Club membership. This grant would not              be exclusive to the Curling Club. Calumet Township would be expanding the use of the rest of the Drill House for Horseshoes,                     Batting cages, Hockey/Goal shooting practice, etc. It would include larger bathrooms and a large community room 30’ x 40’. (See                 proposed diagram). Estimated costs: concrete $10,000.00; community room $20,000.00; materials $13,000.00; bathroom                         $10,000.00. UP Engineering is looking into. Participants/Members concerns: need to get a true estimate; also in desperate need of                 new roof over the bathroom. How much will the maintenance after this is built? (More water to cover entire Drill House, larger                     community room means higher heating bills) Who will be paying for these additional expenses in the future? Does the Curling Club              need to take out a loan? We can use Social Media, Twitter, Face book and GLCA to help with the fundraising. Motion was made by                 Gordon, 2nd Paul to go forward with the project; and let the Board of Directors set the amount. Vote unanimous. Take into                         consideration long-term membership, Bonspiels, Social gatherings; but don’t go overboard on the amount to raise.

    3. League play and Playoffs

        a. MTU & FU spring breaks fall during the 2-playoff weeks

            i. Have our playoffs 2 weeks earlier?

            ii. Weather problems. We have done this in the past and have had ice problems in late February / early March

        b. New point system: Draw to the Button rules, Playoff and standing tiebreakers, and the postponement of games rules. See handout                 for further details.

            i. How many games went un-played? How many forfeits?

    4. Club Improvements / Summer Projects

        a. Better signage needed See handout for proposed sign.

            i. Roof sign & signage on Red Jacket road. A big sign at roof level and centered would be an improvement & visible from the road.                 Do we want it lighted at night? This is long over due. Go thru the Park Service first.

        b. Brush cleaning / Kleenex at mid-ice? NO

        c. Lighting upgrades are needed. This will be a big improvement to the club and to aid in general playing.

    5. Anyone interested in learning ice maintenance duties? Alex

        Level 1 Instructor? Jarrod and Alex

    6. Any other business? Look at mops; do we need new ones or just a good cleaning? Gary. Pick up plastic sheeting before they sit too long         and get moldy over the summer. Gary will do. Consider painting the concrete white and paint the markings right on it. Painting the                 plywood on the windows, check into a school art class for the project.

IV. Adjourn Annual Meeting. Moved by Gordon, 2nd by Noel to adjourn at 2:38 pm.

BOARD MEETING Opened at 2:45 pm

1. Elect Officers

    a. President: Gary Lassila

    b. Vice President: Alex Hughes

    c. Treasurer: Noel Hanson

    d. Secretary: Sue Mickus

Moved by Mike Mickus, 2nd Louis Vencato to accept Officers, unanimous

2. Need lease agreement for Drill House, Paul Lehto (Calumet Township Supervisor) wants us to make one up. Gary will do, send copies to         Board and submit to the Township for approval.

3. Patroncity: Money raised will go to new entranceway, community room and handicap bathroom. By donation only. Township has pledged         $10,000.00; Board members $7800.00.

4. Darwin Curtis Grants: A Motion was made by Mike Mickus, 2nd by Alex Hughes for new LED lighting matching funds, up to $2500.00. Carried.

5. Adjourn 3:55 pm

Sue Mickus, Secretary Copper Country Curling Club