2021 Agenda

I. 2021 Year in Review

1. President's report

a. Membership numbers

i. 2021: 50 members, 36 League, 4 LTC, 10 social

b. Leagues

i. Went good, but too short

c. Learn to Curl

i. Only 4 players

d. School groups - We did not be offer school curling

e. Ice Rentals

i. 1 rental group towards end of season

1. last year we had 27 groups

ii. (Winter Carnival) rented ice for 1 day, $200

1. Usually $500 for 2 weekends

f. Open Houses

i. Did not hold any this year

g. Clubspiel

2. Treasurer's Report – Jarod

3. Certifications - No new certifications

II. New Business

1. Improvements/projects

a. De-ionized water system

b. Shaver beam and blade

c. Signage on Red Jacket Rd.

d. Fans

e. End to end vinyl

2. 2022 Copperspiel

3. Other Business

III. Elections

b. Nominations

c. Vote

IV. Adjourn