2022 Annual Meeting Minutes



Board Members present: Gary, Lee, Jarod, Noel, Rob, Drew, Sue

Club Members present: 15 Opened at: 12:20 pm

Minutes of 2021 Annual Meeting. Motion by Jarod, Second by Gordon to approve minutes. Vote: unanimous


1. President’s Report

a. Membership Numbers

i. 78 members; includes 6 social members (54 League, 18 LTC, 1 junior)

ii. Highest membership since 2013-2014 season (64 members)

iii. Expect to add 7 – 10 new members for 2023

b. Leagues

i. 11 weeks for both Tuesday & Thursday leagues

ii. Standings

iii. Trophies were issued to winning teams: Tuesday, Team Hughes. Thursday, Team Lassila

c. Learn to Curl

i. Started with 19; ended with 12

ii. Expect 7-8 to join Leagues next season

d. School Groups: restricted to 8th grade students and up only. Had 2 classes.

e. Group Rentals

i. 35 rental groups, made over $5500.00. Had both local and out of town rentals. Previous high was 27 groups in 2020 (made $3705.00)

ii. 2021 3 groups, made $360.00. Down some due to the COVID.

iii. Instructors who helped: Alex, Lee, Gary, Jarod.

f. Open houses

i. 2 in December, 1 during the Olympics. Had a large turnout, even when the weather was stormy. Very successful.

g. Club Spiel

i. 4 team round robin; Vencato team won

h. Public Relations

i. TV 9 & 10 (out of Traverse City, MI) February 9 with live segments. “Michigan This Morning”

ii. Under the Radar

iii. WLUC-TV6 did spots

iv. Keweenaw Bureau. Blog tied in with Keweenaw Chamber of Commerce.

2. Treasurer’s Report – Jarod

Starting Balance: $15,483.61


Equipment: $9680.47;Payments to Affiliations: $2167.00;Services: $1830.26; Miscellaneous/Food: $1570.01; Supplies/Materials: $1299.22; Utilities: $1205.69; Prizes and Awards: $755.86; Insurance: $390.00; Compensation for services: $347.98;

Fees: $117.26

Total Debits: $19,363.75


Dues Paid: $6901.00; Rentals: $5860.00; Entry Fees: $3160.00;

Clothing/Concessions: $2860.00; Donations: $1685.62;

Interest: $1.31

Total Credits: $20,467.93

Difference: $1104.18

Ending Balance: $16,587.79

Fiscal year runs from May 1, 2021 thru April 30, 2022. Some bills still need to be paid.

Copper Spiel made $2860.00. Large purchases this year with Hack to Hack vinyl sheets, new scraper blade, new signage, shipping charges, new water heater for pebbling, de-ionized water unit, and other club improvements. CCCC has not made any major purchases in the last few years and were needed. We are doing real well, increasing our membership. Food purchases higher with Copper spiel. Fees were higher due to charges for Venmo and PayPal; (1-1/2% - 2%) but the convenience is worth the fees. Clothing sales were high with rental groups. Even had to do a restock order this year. Although our costs/debits were up considerably compared to past years, it was offset by a big rental year, Copper spiel, clothing sales and solicited donations. Resulting in a net gain of $1,104.18

Motion by Brian Carlson, second by Gary to approve Treasurers report. Vote: unanimous.

3. Certifications. No certifications or courses offered this year. We currently have 9 certified instructors plus volunteers.

4. Improvements

a. End to End Vinyl $8500.00 – Drew. Took 5 people to install.

b. De-ionized Water system (purchased by Calumet Township, $6000.00). Improved the quality of the water on ice and on clothing/shoes/brooms.

c. Signage on Red Jacket Road, $470.00

d. Water heater (pebble) and installation, $800.00

e. 9 Club brooms $590.00 + Cordless shop vac $190.00

f. New shaver blade $1200.00. Will return old one.

5. CopperSpiel – Drew & Jarod

Very successful, everyone had a great time. Had lots of volunteers. There were 8 teams all from out-of-town (Milwaukee, Madison, Detroit, Wausau); had no local clubs involved; but several of our members subbed on the visiting teams. There were no complaints on the entry fee.

More teams are interested for next year. Needs for next year: more solicitors for Corporate donations; banners put on walls and in ice.


1. Improvements/Projects

a. New shaver needed. Boss model, by Ice Master in North Dakota. $11,000.00 will take our old one in trade-out for $1000.00. Need to pick up. Calumet Township offered to pay $5000.00 of cost. Need to send thank-you letter to Township for all they have contributed. Sue volunteered to write.

b. Need device to roll-up vinyl (Gary, Dave Morehouse) will build one.

c. Rink area – paint, remove blue tarps, etc (Louis, Jarod) Lee and Gretchen have volunteered also. Seal cracks. Cynthia volunteered to solicit for banner ads.

d. Grind high concrete (Gary). High area at the far end; will save on flooding.

e. Insulate both large doors (Louis, Jarod) Gets frosty on ice with wind blowing in. Snow coming in from roof in that area also.

f. Texture the stones (Gary). Sand paper to make stones curl more, should be done yearly. Roughens them up. Need to set up jig to do this. Madison club offered to help out.

g. Kegerator (Jarod). $1000.00 - $2000.00. For our social hours. We cannot sell alcohol, but we can ask for donations. Possible 3-year return on investment. Topic was raised regarding the CCCC Club liability, underage drinking, falling on ice, etc. It was brought up to form another Club to cover liability issues, need sponsor. Jarod will look into. Tabled action.

h. Lighting. Need more lighting at the far end of the sheets.

2. Items needed:

a. new measuring device (not the biter bar). Approximately $500.00

b. new vacuum for the warm room. Approximately $200.00.

3. Raise dues to $80.00/$100.00/$125.00. Currently $60.00/$80.00/$120.00. The US Curling Association dues will be going up, new rate was $40.00 per person (up $6.00). Everyone at the meeting was okay with raising the dues.

4. Add Monday league night. More members now and the max is 8 teams per Tuesday and Thursday nights.


1. Election of Board Members

   a. Terms up for 2 positions (Lee and Drew)

   b. Nominations: Motion by Gretchen, second by Gordon to reelect Lee and Drew.

   c. Vote. Unanimous in favor of.

2. Great Lakes Curling Association (1 year terms, 1 seat)

a. Currently Rob Handler

b. Nominations. Motion by Gretchen, second by Louie to reelect Rob

c. Vote. Unanimous in favor in of.


1. It was brought up about head injuries, due to falling on the ice. One member suggested that the person who fell not to continue curling for the remainder of the game. Need a safety officer. Need a Club policy regarding these matters. Referred to the board to address.

V. ADJOURN at 1:45 pm.


Opened at 2:02 pm

1. Club Policy and Rules of Play. Adding a Club Policy to our Rules of Play, regarding Head injuries after falling on the ice. Rob has offered to do this. He will also check with GLCA and other Curling Clubs on their policy. Sue suggested to look into the rules of play as they have not been updated in several years.

2. Elect Officers: It was approved that the officers will remain in their same positions. President: Gary Lassila. Vice-President: Lee Peterson. Treasurer: Jarod Maggio. Secretary: Sue Mickus

3. Improve lighting at far end of sheets. Gary will talk with Tim Gasperich (Calumet Township supervisor) to see if Township uses any local electricians. He will then call to get quotes. Should be under $600.00.

4. Raising the dues. $80.00/$100.00/$125.00. Curl 2nd or 3rd nights will be additional $20.00 each night. Social member will stay at $30.00.

5. Group rentals. Rates to stay the same. Gary has been getting calls to give lessons for 1-2 people. Mostly out-of-town people who are in the area for the weekend. Charge $25.00 per person, per hour. Will give Gary the leeway to make a decision on site.

Adjourned at 2:27 pm.