RINCKER, Frits: "The choice is between having the blood of the coming climate genocide on our hands or not"
Frits Rincker (Den Haag, Netherlands) commenting on a geo-engineering article by Professor Tim Lenton (an Earth system scientist based in the School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK) (2009): “Black soil [biochar] and iron fertilizing are good ideas [for CO2 removal by geo-engineering] , but the 'could' mentality is killing us. Why not say we will have no environmentally lethal products or activities from NOW on. Every uncompensated molecule of CO2 anywhere in the productive chain is one to much. Would life stop? I doubt it strongly. The choice is between having the blood of the coming climate genocide on our hands or not” (Frits Rincker comment in Tim Lenton, “Big problems need big solutions”, BBC News, 4 Marxh 2009: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/7921619.stm ).