INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND (IMF): "725,000 fewer premature deaths in 2030 for a $75 a ton tax for G20 countries alone"
nternational Monetary Fund (IMF), “Fiscal Monitor: how to mitigate climate change”. Executive Summary”, September 2019: file:///C:/Users/Gideon/AppData/Local/Temp/execsum-6.pdf .
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) mitigation of climate change report (September 2019): “Limiting global warming to 2°C or less requires policy measures on an ambitious scale, such as an immediate global carbon tax that will rise rapidly to $75 a ton of CO2 in 2030… The shift from fossil fuels will not only transform an economy but also profoundly change the lives of households, businesses, and communities. Importantly, the shift would generate additional and immediate domestic environmental benefits, such as lower mortality from air pollution (725,000 fewer premature deaths in 2030 for a $75 a ton tax for G20 countries alone)… The average price on global emissions is currently $2 a ton, a tiny fraction of what is needed for the 2°C target” (International Monetary Fund (IMF), “Fiscal Monitor: how to mitigate climate change”. Executive Summary”, September 2019: file:///C:/Users/Gideon/AppData/Local/Temp/execsum-6.pdf ).
[Editor: Assuming such a Carbon Tax could be rapidly implemented by all the G20 countries, lives saved in the period 2020-2030 would average 362,000 per year and thus total 4.0 million. However in response to the Australian ABC query “Would Australia accept a global Carbon Tax?” the Australian Coalition Government simply and emphatically replied “No” . If all of the G20 followed Australia’s example then they would be complicit in a Climate Genocide in which 4 million people would die prematurely from carbon pollution in 2020-2030. Presently each year 7 million people die from air pollution (World Health Organization, WHO), this including about 10,000 Australians and 75,000 dying from the effects of pollutants from the burning of Australia’s world leading coal exports.
The 4 million Climate Genocide carnage is of the same order as the carnage of the WW2 Jewish Holocaust (5-6 million deaths from violence or imposed deprivation) and the WW2 Bengali Holocaust (6-7 million Indians starved to death for strategic reasons by the British with Australian complicity) but about 10 times less than deaths in the WW2 European Holocaust (30 million Slavs, Jews and Roma killed), the WW2 Chinese Holocaust (35 million Chinese killed under the Japanese, 1937-1945), and 40 million Asian deaths from violence or imposed deprivation in Australian Coalition-backed, post-1950 US Asian wars (see “ Stop air pollution deaths”: and “Climate Genocide”: ).]