RAHMAN, Atiq. Executive Director of the Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies (BCAS) on threat to Bangladesh: "the global nation states, must take action. If not we'll be calling it climatic genocide. That's where we're heading."

Dr Atiq Rahman is Executive Director of the Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies (BCAS) and received the "Bangladesh National Environment Award - 2008" from the Government of Bangladesh for Environmental Research and Technology Innovation. (see: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/4056755.stm and http://www.bcas.net/ ).

Dr Atiq Rahman of the Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies who has investigated how climate change will affect Bangladesh (2004): “It's a flat, flat, flat country. The flow of water coming from the Himalayas - which is huge - depends on the differential of height. When the sea level is higher, the flow of that water will be restricted. So when you hear now of Bangladesh being a flood-prone country - it will be a much more flood-prone country in future. .. "No contribution, highest impact [by rich, polluting countries] - that makes it a huge case of moral inequality against which the global citizenry, the global nation states, must take action. If not we'll be calling it climatic genocide. That's where we're heading." [1].

[1]. Dr Atiq Rahman quoted by Roland Buerk, “Flooded future looms for Bangladesh”, BBC News, 7 December 2004: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/4056755.stm .