CHÁVEZ, Hugo. Call for climate justice to stop disappearance of mankind

Hugo Chávez (born 28 July 1954) has been the president of Venezuela since 1999. He is the leader of the Bolivarian Revolution and promotes a political doctrine of participatory democracy, socialism and Latin American and Caribbean cooperation (see: ).

Hugo Chávez at the 2009 Copenhagen Climate Conference (COP15) pleading for World to save Mankind from global warming (December 2009): “The total income of the 500 richest people in the world is greater than the 450 million poorest living on $2 a day. We have to change direction. How long are we going to tolerate the current international economic order, and allow the hungry not to have food? Let's eradicate poverty and bring in climate justice. If capitalism resists we have to do battle with it. If we do not, then mankind, the greatest creation in the universe, will disappear.” [1].

[1]. John Vidal, “Evo Morales stuns Copenhagen with demand to limit temperature rise to 1C. Bolivian president warns of climate 'holocaust' in Africa as Hugo Chávez blames capitalism for climate change”, Guardian, 16 December 2009: .