Scrap bug - Your own pet Firefly

You just found a Magical STEAM Project, Well Done!!

Provided by Chango PTA, Mrs Juda & Mrs Proler

This project is just for you and can be anything you want it to be.

Its just for fun and ALMOST everything you need is in the bag, If you don't have a bag, have a look at the list of items below for what you need.

(You might need glue, some scissors and a grown up or older sibling to help too)

Enjoy one of these story's while you create - The Very Quiet Cricket by Eric Carle

The Very Lonely Firefly Cricket by Eric Carle

Every kit is slightly different but you will find (at least):

  • a clothes peg

  • some googly eyes

  • mini pompoms

  • 1 Chenille Stem/Pipe Cleaner

  • 2 paper clips (none plastic coated, or scraps of electrical wire)

  • some special tape (conductive tape can help, but this isn't necessary if you don't have it)

  • 1 LED light

  • 1 Coin Battery (N.B. This needs to be used safely and can be dangerous if ingested) (Both of these can be salvaged from a dollar store LED candle)

To make your Firefly friend...

Let's start with the firefly's light!

1. Bend the 2 paper clips to look more like the picture on the left.

We will use these as our wires to connect the light to the battery and make a simple circuit. If you want to find out more about circuits please watch the video and read some more in the links provided at the end.

LED (Light Emiting Diode)

2. Grab your LED (Light Emitting Diode) and attach one of the bent paper clips to each of the 2 wires sticking out of the light with the special conductive tape provided. Its a little fiddly, but not dangerous so a grown up might be helpful.

3. Next we need to test our circuit. It matters which side of the battery the wire touches to make the light work. The circuit is a special path the electricity has to follow. The diagram below shows how this series circuit will work. The Coin battery has 2 sides one says '+' (positive) on it the other side is '-' (negative). Because we are building a scrap bug our wires are not labelled so try placing one wire on each side of the battery until it works!

<-- Is our circuit diagram. It can look complicated, but at the top is the light, the hooked lines are the paper clips and the circle is our coin battery.

When it works it should look something like this --->

Hopefully you can see from the picture that one wire is touching the back and one is touching the front of the battery.

Now Remember which way round the wires go and we can add it to our bug!!

4. Grab the clothes peg and with the light at the back of the peg take one of the wires and the battery and place them in the opening of the peg, this will hold one side of the battery and one of the wires together (it doesn't matter which). We will leave the other wire to stretch over the other-side of the beg and if you lightly press the wire against the other side of the battery it should light the LED and act as a switch.

You can attach it with tape or use the peg to hold both wires in place but your battery will run out faster.

5. Its decorating time. Bringing your bug to life! This section is entirely up to you.

I added the pipe cleaner as wings, by bending it in a bow shape and then tying it around the clothes peg. It did help hold the circuit wires in place!

I stuck my pompoms along the body to the light and the googly eyes on the front.

I haven't named it yet, but maybe you will. Hope you enjoyed this project.

If you did please share it..

Ask a grownup to take a picture of what you have made and share it ChangoPTA - Facebook

Learn more about Circuits and Electricity

If you are interested in finding out more.

Watch this Sci Show Kids - The power of Circuits (embedded below)

Learn More and Keep Creating

If you have access to Epic (contact the Library and Mrs Proler if you don't) There are a few great books to explore electricity and circuits.

1. Electricity by Rebecca Pettiford (aimed at 5-7 year olds)

2. Read aloud - Zap! It's Electricity! by: Buffy Silverman (aimed at 5-7 year olds)

Extra - Another great project you can do with the wires and LED you already have is a Squishy Circuit - - Building Squishy Circuits by: Kristin Fontichiaro, AnnMarie Thomas, Sage Thomas

You can create your own electrical circuits using soft, squishy dough! (aimed at 7-9 year olds)

If you want more projects like this or something else, maybe you have an idea or a topic please let us know. (Contact Arts in Ed. Chango with your ideas and share your projects)