
Attach or embed a current resume or curriculum vitae to your ePortfolio.

The most effective resume is one that presents your credentials in the best way possible, which means that there is not a prescription (i.e., one way) for preparing an effective resume. Therefore, organize, design, and select the details that your job search has identified as most important. Since you have an online portfolio that presents much more information than could ever be included in a resume, consider including hyperlinks on your resume that point to the sections in your portfolio that you want your reader to see. This will allow you to customize resumes for different users and purposes, linking to the sections in your portfolio that are most relevant to particular audiences and purposes, especially in regard to job prospects.


    1. Putting your CV in your Google Drive will allow you to update it as needed without having to re-load it with each edit.

    2. If you have a CV with multiple pages, you may want to create a one-page summary viewable to everyone who has access to your portfolio. Invite readers to contact you about accessing your full resume.

    3. Include hyperlinks on your resume that point to pages in your ePorfolio describing a credential in more detail. Ex: See Ms. Raisor's interactive CV or create a "highlights" page with links to more fully developed pages online.

    4. Remember that if you embed your CV from your Google Drive, you have several options for privacy settings:

      • Public on the web

      • Anyone with the link

      • Only Texas A&M users with the link (sign in required)

      • Private

    5. Consult with Bush School career counselors about the type of resume you should prepare, resources for creating career materials, and feedback on your resume.

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