Research Methods

Outcome 2: Construct appropriate research plans and utilize valid data and sources in preparing policy relevant research.

Guiding Questions

Locating and Evaluating Sources

  1. What was your research question? Know and Plan

What was your research topic or question and what factors influenced its formation (i.e., audience, scholarship on the topic, current events)? How did you articulate and plan the kind of data and evidence that you needed for your topic?

  1. What did you do? Identify & Analyze

Reflect upon the methodology you used in a recent assignment to identify and evaluate sources. What sources did you consult, beyond your course instructor? How did you determine the best sources to use to support your points? What criteria did your sources have to meet?

  1. What does it mean? Evaluate & Synthesize

Describe the types of evidence needed to evaluate competing explanations. Where should this evidence come from? Did the source of information or any other factor influence your decision to use it? How do the types of sources consulted influence findings and conclusions? Provide evidence from your completed assignment and the feedback you received to support your points.

  1. Who benefits and how? Transfer (Bottom-Line)

How will your ability to locate, evaluate, and use data be useful to the work you will be expected to do on the job?

Interpreting & Using Data

  1. How did your sources or use of analytical or visualization tools inform your understanding of the topic? For example, in the course of analysis, what did you find that you did not expect?

  2. How did your use of visualization tools (such as mapping software, infographics or other modes of presentation) impact presentation of the findings and your conclusions? How were they received by your audience?

  3. Describe a point in the research process when you had to modify your strategy or change your direction.

Courses, assignments, or high-impact experience addressing this outcome

  • TBD