Professional Development

How are you developing as a professional?

What did you do?

What is expected from professionals in your discipline to remain current in the field? What have you done/are you doing to stay current? Describe your efforts to maintain certifications or other requirements, as well as to improve your knowledge, skills, experience, and networking in your profession. For each activity, list applicable details: title, purpose, dates attended, sponsors, selection process of attendees, certificates completed, required or optional completion, and any other relevant information. Consider the following:

    • Workshops, retreats, conferences attended

    • Training received

    • Skills or knowledge you have taught yourself

    • Assessments and feedback received

    • Certificates earned

    • Exams completed

Why does it matter?

Summarize your activities regarding general themes or highlights that reflect your commitment to professional development, especially those efforts that go beyond those required for your appointment to a position.

    • Why did you choose to improve your skills or knowledge in a particular area? What motivated you to seek this improvement?

    • What specifically did you learn?

    • How have you been assessed as a professional? By whom? What evaluation tools were used?

    • How have you assessed yourself? By what means or measure(s) are you determining progress?

    • What are the outcomes of your evaluations?

What next?

How will you apply what you have learned to your job? What will you do differently?

    • Where do you see yourself needing or seeking additional training? why?

    • How do you see yourself contributing to your profession?

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