
If applicable, include a logo from the organization in which you were a member and a link to the organization's homepage.

List and describe any activities and memberships to which you significantly contributed.

If you contributed to an organization's mission, even briefly, describe what you did in detail. For example, if you created and posted the flyers for publicizing the organization's meetings or activities, include this activity and describe what you did. If you helped make the arrangements for the guest speaker to speak at one of the organization's meeting, include it. What did your contribution to the organization entail? Don't forget to include leadership responsibilities, even those that don't come with a "title" (such as "chair," "vice president," etc.) For example, did you recruit others to assist in the work that needed to be done? Describe your efforts to organize people and resources to accomplish the goal. Don't assume that just because you don't have a position of leadership that you are not exercising leadership or team-building responsibilities. Show the value of your contribution to the group.

Tip: If you simply joined an organization but never participated, don't list it; refrain from "padding" your portfolio or your resume.

When listing each activity, include the following:

    • Name of the organization or group

    • Purpose or mission of the organization

    • Dates when you participated

    • Your position or role

    • Description of responsibilities or activities

    • Name and title of supervisor, including contact information (if applicable)


    • Use consistent formatting for all of the list information.


Use the Guiding Questions listed in the Experiences and Skills overview for additional prompts to help you describe any memberships or activities.