Baseline Knowledge

Outcome 1: Acquire a baseline of factual and theoretical knowledge in international relations and international political economy that will be the foundation for advanced professional work.

Students are expected to master concepts in the following core subject areas: leadership, foreign policy, political theory, economics and quantitative research methods.


Develop a deep understanding of the theories associated with leadership practice as they pertain to people, organizations and institutions. Understand the ethical and entrepreneurial roles of leaders within public institutions, organizations and teams and how applying these theories in a leadership position can improve outcomes.

Guiding questions:

*Leadership rubric

Foreign Policy

Develop a thorough understanding of historical foreign policy, including primary decisions, debates about policy and how policy was created. Utilize this historical foundation to evaluate current day foreign policy issues and to understand what makes strong and effective policies - and how various stakeholders achieve their goals.

Guiding questions:

*Foreign Policy Rubric

Political Theory

Understand competing international relations theories and different norms and rules when evaluating the international system in order to interpret, analyze and predict international events. Understand when to use theories as a foundation for discussion and analysis, and when to move beyond theory to provide a more nuanced analysis.

Guiding questions:

*Political Theory Rubric


Understand the foundations of international trade, finance and international and economic development. Understand different economic models used to explain and predict trends and how decisions in political economy affect levels of income, income distribution and inequality, markets and international trade.

Guiding questions:

*Economics Rubric

Research Methods

Understand the core principles in both quantitative and qualitative research methods. Understand the logic behind empirical inquiry and its significance within data analysis. Know how to determine the appropriate method to answer a research questions, and how to combine quantitative and qualitative methods to achieve a better product. Develop knowledge regarding comparative case study designs, historical process-tracing, experimentation, textual analysis and various measures of association and significance testing.

Guiding questions:

*Research Methods Rubric

Demonstration of Knowledge and Skills

Scenario 1: Diplomatic Negotiation

You are part of a U.S. led allied delegation working to initiate peace talks between a third country and a fighting minority faction within that country. The goal of the delegation is to encourage agreement upon a ceasefire, to initiate humanitarian access from the United Nations, and to set up plans for new elections within the next year. You are part of the support staff responsible for drafting memos, researching and evaluating current conditions and disseminating information to the media. Currently, thousands of people have been displaced from their homes and require basic necessities like food and water. Fighting between the army and minority separatists has not subsided in six months. The separatists want complete independence from the government. You are working with stakeholders who are from different countries, organizations and represent multiple varying interests. You will need to anticipate the interests and reactions of all involved and the consequences of all options.


Your superior has just requested a policy memo in advance of the meetings to get a better idea of the current situation and to make recommendations on the potential U.S. foreign policy stance. You will be required to coordinate specific team members in the drafting of this memo. Keeping in mind your knowledge gained in core courses, how would you manage this assignment? Are there multiple ways of looking at the current political climate in this war-torn country? What types of expertise will you seek to recruit to be a part of your team? There will be some team members involved that have no experience in drafting a policy memo. What economic implications would arise? Remember to consider core principles learned through leadership and theory courses. How would you deliver your policy memo? What does it contain? What is the rationale for how you plan to develop your memo? Remember your audience and the specific parts of memo design (executive summary, background, analysis, and recommendations).

Pillars touched with this prompt 


 Political Theory

Foreign Policy


In order to better assist the UN humanitarian response in the country, you have been tasked with analyzing trends and the current status of citizens in need. Assuming you already have a good idea of where victims of violence are fleeing, how might you compile your data? Once required data is gathered, how would you go about synthesizing and describing your findings and their implications? Recall your qualitative and quantitative research methods knowledge and specific ways you can utilize both in order to convince your audience of important, life-saving work. Remember to apply what you know about communicating information and preparing briefs to decision makers. Your response should indicate your proficiency at synthesizing and delivering information in writing.