Intelligence & Specialized Competencies

If your degree program includes a concentration or set of specialized competencies, e.g., competencies that may be unique to your discipline and not clearly represented in the INTA or PSAA outcomes, you may use these to develop your Medal of Excellence learning outcomes. However, you should check with your advisor about which set best demonstrates the post-graduate work you are pursuing.

Caution: Students pursuing careers in intelligence should check with their advisors about which skill sets to develop AND if, how, and where the skills should be documented. You may be advised to refrain from publishing your portfolio and from explicitly documenting your "intelligence" credentials in writing, but you may still benefit from identifying, analyzing, and evaluating your intelligence competencies in an unpublished format. Use discretion with each step and consult your advisor often.

Attached is list of Common Competencies for State, Local, and Tribal Intelligence Analysts that include definitions of common skill sets for intelligence analysts.

The U.S. Department of State lists 13 Dimensions that describe the qualifications for working as a Foreign Service Officer.

Intelligence Analysts Competencies.pdf