Positive & Negative Experiences

Identify causes, reasons, or factors that influenced the outcome: positive and negative

The goals of the project reflection are to identify how well a project accomplished its purpose and why things worked out the way they did. The project purpose(s) should be evident from the learning outcomes the project was supposed to address. (Hint: Consult the syllabus, the assignment prompt, and the rubric to identify the learning outcomes.) As you prepare the final version of your written reflection, start with the takeaways (or reasons), which are the "news" to the reader, and use your analysis to support the takeaways. To help you develop the content, consider using the S.T.A.R.T. approach described below.

See also Writing About Class Assignments and Projects for more guidelines on reflecting about class projects.

S = Situation

T = Tasks

A = Action

R = Results

T = Takeaways

Positive Outcome

Negative Outcome 

Sample scenario

Rear Admiral Scott Moore, the SEAL Commander behind Captain Richard Phillips’ rescue off the coast of Somalia in April of 2009, emphasized in a recent interview that effective teamwork requires members to know how to "self correct." Identify a situation that required you to "self correct." What did you do? What effect did the adjustment have on the final outcome or the performance of your team?

Critical Thinking Prompt
"A smart person learns from his mistakes.  A wise person learns from the mistakes of others."--Ken Schramm

What can you learn by carefully examining someone else's (or your own) response to a mistake or a negative experience? How did they respond? What were the consequences of their response? What might you take away from your analysis of your own responses and those of others as you navigate difficult circumstances?

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