
Monday, December 10, 2018

Greens Night

Greens Night! Come ready to make a wreath, bring gloves, clippers, wire.

Although evergreens will be provided, cuttings from your garden of boxwood, white pine, Andromeda, holly, winterberry, or other interesting plants will be greatly appreciated.

  • Location: Green Mountain Chapel

  • Time: 6:00 p.m.

  • Hostesses: TBD

  • Horticulture/ Design: Bring your interpretation of an

    • asymmetrical design. (ref. Horticulture)

  • Please RSVP to Lynn Kuralt by December 1.


Monday, November 12, 2018

Holiday Centerpiece

This popular evening is the ideal way to expand creativity and get in a wintry, holiday mood. Fresh greens will be provided for club members to use in the creation of Holiday centerpieces.

Participants should bring gloves, clippers, and a paddle of green wire.

Although evergreens will be provided, cuttings from your garden of boxwood, white pine, Andromeda, holly, winterberry, or other interesting plants will be greatly appreciated.

Our Raffle Winner will be picked from the July Gallery Walk Fundraiser “Christmas in July we will make their 3 centerpieces!

  • Location: Green Mountain Chapel

  • Time: 6:00 p.m.

  • Hostesses: Rene Brewer-Durkee & Judy Wagenbach

  • Horticulture/ Design: Mass design - Utilizes a quantity of material

    • with little to no negative space. (ref. Horticulture)

  • Please RSVP to Lynn Kuralt by November 1.


Monday, October 8, 2018

Souper Supper

The annual Souper Supper is a time to enjoy autumn themed food, especially soups. The meeting room will be set with table cloths and participants are asked to bring their own place setting for the table plate/bowl/cup/glass/silverware) and a small flower arrangement for her place setting. The hostesses will contact participants to co-ordinate the food.

ALSO: You can pick up and/or purchase tickets for Decembers “Green Night” this is how we will calculate how much wreath greens are needed for the December workshop.

  • Location: Green Mountain Chapel

  • Time: 6:00 p.m.

  • Hostesses: Carlene McCarty and Lynne Kennedy.

    • Everyone will bring an item to share, sign up at the September meeting.

  • Horticulture/ Design: Miniatures, should not be more than 5 inches this will be the arrangement for your place setting. They will be judged. (ref. Horticulture)


Monday, September 10, 2018

Terrarium Building

Program: Terrarium building - bring a vessel for your design. Sign up for Souper Supper next month! A terrarium is a covered, enclosed, miniature landscape in which there is a living, growing, natural environment such as a garden, woodland, beach, marsh or even a tropical plant community.

  • Location: Green Mountain Chapel

  • Time: 6:00 p.m.

  • Hostesses: Karen Davis & Frankie Knibb

  • Horticulture/ Design: Line design - lines emphasized over mass, characterized by openness and negative space. (ref. Horticulture))


Monday, August 13, 2018

Floral Design Workshop

Floral design workshop - Have you wanted to try a floral design but haven’t gotten around to it? Here is your chance to play with a new style, or build on your current strengths. Some flowers will be available, but bring favorites from your garden as well and lets just have fun!

  • Location: Green Mountain Chapel

  • Time: 6:00 p.m.

  • Hostesses: Libby Lafland & give Libby a call she needs you!

  • Horticulture/ Design: Share what you make tonight and we’ll have a mock judging based on official parameters of different styles presented. (ref. Horticulture)


Monday, July 9, 2018

Annual Member Garden Tour

(rain or shine)

The annual July garden tour is always a popular event. It is always a joy to see the gardens that have been created by our members. In a way, these tours should be called “secret garden tours” because these gardens are frequently hidden from public view, and each tour is opened only to club members.

This year’s Gardens: Creamery Bridge Gardens & the Church’s Gardens. Sandy Stromberg and Green River Bridge House. Refreshments will be served following the tour at one of the gardens.

  • Location: Meet at 5:15 p.m. at Green Mountain Chapel

  • to carpool

  • Time: Tour starts at 5:30 p.m.

  • Hostesses: TBD

  • Horticulture/ Design: None


July 6, 2018 – Friday Gallery Walk Fundraiser “Christmas in July


Monday, June 11, 2018

Bridge of Flowers Tour


Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts

NOTE TIME CHANGE: MEET at Green Mt. Chapel at 4 PM

Bring your lunch and picnic at the renowned Bridge of Flowers. Club members will meet in the afternoon (at 4PM) at the Green Mountain Chapel to carpool to The Bridge of Flowers. Get ready to be impressed!

  • Location: Meet at NOON. at Green Mountain Chapel

  • CAR POOL from the Green Mountain Chapel

  • Time: NOON

  • Trip Leaders: Lynn Kuralt and Cassie Freese

  • Hostesses: Bring a picnic lunch

  • Horticulture/ Design: none


June 4, 2018 – FGCV meeting at Hildene, Manchester, VT will be especially nice because the peonies will be in their glory.


* Next month during gallery walk (July 6th, Friday) we will be setting up a booth downtown to sell raffle tickets for our “Christmas in July” fundraiser. Any volunteers can email Lynn or Melissa


Plant Sale – Saturday, May 19, 2018 pots & tools too!

Time: 9am-11am Judy Wagenbach, Chair


Monday, May 14, 2018

Soil Testing by Mary Heninger, Presenter

Soil testing - How to read and interpret soil reports by Mary Heninger. You should bring soil test results with you. Mary will have several examples from her gardening. NOTE: It takes 2 or 3 weeks to get your result!

Go to http://VermontGardenClub.org on the Left-Navigation under Projects & Officers select GRANTS https://sites.google.com/site/brattleborogardenclub/grants

The Grants Web Page will give links and examples of how

Mary & JilMac are filling out the Soil Test Submission Form from UVM Extension for the Scott Farm’s new Perennial Garden funded through National Garden Clubs “Plant America”

  • Location: Green Mountain Chapel

  • Time: 6:00 p.m.

  • Hostesses: Fran Jerard & Sheila Kinnare

  • Horticulture/ Design: Early spring blossom, bring a single

    • Blossom to display (ref. Horticulture)


Monday, April 9, 2018

Brattleboro Floral Arts & Garden Club

Annual Meeting

Join your fellow members of the Brattleboro Floral Arts & Garden Club to enjoy a lovely meal. We will be installing the new officers and Honoring Sandy McCauley our 50-year member.

Our new Co-President Lynn Kuralt will introduce us to the

mini-arrangement a nice way to “Pay it Forward”.

  • Location: The Chesterfield Inn, Rt 9, Chesterfield, NH

  • Time: 5:30 p.m. cocktail hour

  • 6:30 dinner

  • Cost: $25

  • Presenter: Lynn Kuralt "Pay it Forward"

  • Use Mini-Arrangements as an easy and thoughtful way to bring joy to another.

  • Installation of Officers: Former President Judy Wagenbach

  • Hostesses: Melissa Kuralt on Ergonomics in Gardening

Horticulture: Any worthy specimen--house plant, shrub, or maybe an early spring bloom! (ref. Horticulture)


Monday, March 12, 2018

Growing Tomato’s from Seed

Julia Miller, Presenter

Julia has grown tomato plants from seed for Farmers Markets. Selling both seedlings in the spring and produce in the summer. She will demonstrate how to start tomato plants by seed and the proper way to grow them in containers. Members will be able to plant a variety of seeds from her enormous selection of varieties.

  • Location: Green Mountain Chapel

  • Time: 6:00 p.m.

  • Hostesses: Carlene McCarty and Judy Wagenbach
