
Brattleboro Floral Arts and Garden Club

Constitution and By-Laws

Revised July 1, 2020

(Changes and/or additions are in Yellow)


Article I – Name

The name of this organization shall be the Brattleboro Floral Arts and Garden Club, a member of the Federated Garden Clubs of Vermont, Inc. hereafter referred to as the Club.

Article II – Object

The object of the Club shall be:

    1. To promote an interest in gardens, their design, and management.

    2. To educate Club members and the community in horticultural practices.

    3. To encourage participation in floral design and the allied arts.

    4. To undertake and encourage civic beautification projects in Brattleboro and the surrounding areas.

    5. To educate and inform Club members and the public about current environmental issues.

Article III – Membership

Any person interested in the objectives of the Club and is willing to participate in its objectives may become a member.

Article IV – Officers

The officers of the Club shall be a President, Vice-President, a Recording Secretary, a Corresponding Secretary, a Treasurer and a Librarian.

Article V – Annual Meeting

The April meeting shall be the Annual Meeting for election of officers, who shall assume their duties at the May meeting and serve for 2 years. Presentation of other business incidental to closing the year’s work shall take place at this meeting.

Article VI – Amendments

This Constitution may be amended at any meeting of the Club by two-thirds vote of members present, providing notice of proposed amendments have been given at the preceding meeting of the Club.


Article I - Duties of Officers

Section 1

    1. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Club and the Executive Committee, shall appoint all committees, and shall be an ex-officio member of them, except the Nominating Committee.

    2. The President, along with the Executive Committee, shall decide to hold membership meetings, and/or Executive Committee meetings, as well as voting, electronically if necessary under certain circumstances.

    3. The President shall perform all other duties incidental to the office and shall present, at the April Annual Meeting, a report of the work of the Club during the year.

    4. The Web Master shall be responsible for the printing and distribution of the Yearbook ( Program Book) to club members. One copy will be available for the Federated Garden Clubs of Vermont Inc.

    5. The President or her designated alternate shall represent the Club at all meetings of the Federated Garden Clubs of Vermont, Inc.

Section 2

    1. The Vice-President shall perform all duties of the President in the absence of that officer.

    2. The Vice-President shall organize information required to publish the Yearbook by contacting the Club’s officers and Committee Chairs.

    3. The Vice-President shall be responsible for the printing and distribution of the Yearbook to Club members and 30+ copies to the Federated Garden Clubs of Vermont, Inc.

Section 3

The Recording Secretary shall keep the minutes of the meetings of the Club and of the Executive Committee.

Section 4

The President shall be responsible for sending out all e-mail correspondence. The Corresponding Secretary shall assist the President with all the snail mail ( personal) correspondence of the club.

Section 5

    1. The Treasurer shall collect and hold all money belonging to the Club and shall deposit it in a bank approved by the Executive Committee.

    2. The Treasurer shall pay all bills as directed by the Executive Committee and shall report treasury activities at Club meetings.

    3. The Membership Chair shall collect all dues and keep an accurate list of all club members.

    4. The Treasurer, with the assistance of the Executive Committee, shall prepare an annual budget for the Club and it shall be submitted for approval of the Club’s membership at the Annual Meeting.

Section 6

The librarian shall keep account of and repair all books, catalogs, pamphlets and literature of the Club to be loaned to members; shall have charge of the Club scrapbook for permanent records of news items, activities, and history of the Club.

Article II – Meetings

Section 1

The Club will meet regularly on the second Monday of each month (except January and February) at 6:00 PM.

Section 2

The Executive Committee shall meet at the discretion of the President.

Section 3

Special Executive Committee meetings may be called at any one time upon the request of any two (2) members of the Executive Committee.

Article III – Membership (updated Feb 2012)

Section 1

Any person interested in the objectives of the Club and willing to participate and support its activities may become an active member. A person may attend approx two (2) meetings as a guest of a member per year, then they are encouraged to join.

Section 2

Membership types are: Active & Honorary

Section 3

Active members are encouraged to participate in Club projects, workshops, exhibits and serve on committees. Members are encouraged to attend meetings, workshops, and activities.

Section 4

Honorary members due to life changes have limited interaction with the club - but are still included in emails and can participate when able or in the area. Honorary members are not included in membership numbers reported to the State & National clubs - they are only listed in our booklet.

Article IV – Dues

Section 1

The dues for all members shall be $30.00. Payment by the end of February is encouraged.

Section 2

Members, who have unpaid dues after the April meeting, shall be notified by the Treasurer.

Section 3

Members whose dues remain unpaid at the May meeting may be dropped from the roll or moved to Honorary Member by vote of the Executive Committee.

Article V - Elections

Section 1

The Officers shall be elected, by ballot, at the April meeting and assume their duties at the May meeting. A majority of votes cast shall be necessary to elect.

Section 2

The term of office shall be for two (2) years.

Article VI - Membership

Section 1

The Membership Committee shall maintain a current list of Club members; keep attendance at Club meetings and welcome members and guests.

The Membership Committee shall be responsible for sending changes, additions and deletions to Federated Garden Club of Vermont, Inc. Membership Chair.

Section 2

The Program Committee shall plan all the programs for the Club during

the year and be in charge of arrangements for each regular meeting.

Section 3

The Exhibits Committee shall plan monthly exhibits, in conjunction with the Program Committee, and shall be in charge of judges and clerks.

Section 4

The Publicity Committee shall prepare copy for the local newspapers about all activities of the Club. This committee shall also keep copies of all publicity releases for the Club files.

Section 5

The Ways and Means Committee shall plan events to yield funds for the Club treasury.

Section 6

The Hospitality Committee shall provide places of meeting for the Club, shall provide hostesses and co-hostesses when necessary, and shall have charge of the social life of the Club.

Section 7

The Auditing Committee, consisting of two (2) persons, which shall be appointed by the President at the March meeting, shall examine the accounts of the Treasurer and report at the Annual Meeting.

Section 8

The Nominating Committee, consisting of three (3) persons appointed by the President at the March meeting, shall present a list of candidates at the Annual Meeting, with one or more names for each office.

Section 9

The Project Committee shall take care of all matters pertaining to projects undertaken by the Club.

Section 10

The Awards Committee shall be responsible for recording the awards at the monthly Club exhibits and present the awards at the Annual Meeting. They shall be responsible for all rotating trophies, their engraving and replacement. They shall be responsible for applying for civic, state, and national awards.

Section 11

The Executive Committee shall consist of elected officers and Standing Committee Chairs: Membership, Exhibits, Programs, Publicity, Ways and Means, Hospitality, Projects, Awards and WebMaster. The Executive Committee shall appoint a replacement to fill a vacancy in any office until the next election of officers.

Article VII – Order Of Business

The order of business at regular meetings shall be: Call to Order; Secretary’s report; Treasurer’s report; Reports of Committees; Business; Program, and President's Report.

Article VIII – Quorum

Quorum for an Executive Board Meeting shall consist of one-half of the Club’s Officers and Standing Committee Chairs besides the President; and of the regular meeting, shall consist of one-third of the active membership besides the President.

Article IX – Rules

The rules in “Robert’s Rules of Order” shall govern the Club.

Article X – Dissolution

In the event of dissolution of the Club, the property and assets of the Club shall be distributed within the meaning of Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Codes to a similar organization.


Brattleboro Floral Arts and Garden Club

Constitution and By-Laws

Revised March 2017

(Changes and/or additions are in Yellow)


Article I – Name

The name of this organization shall be the Brattleboro Floral Arts and Garden Club, a member of the Federated Garden Clubs of Vermont, Inc. hereafter referred to as the Club.

Article II – Object

The object of the Club shall be:

  1. To promote an interest in gardens, their design, and management.

  2. To educate Club members and the community in horticultural practices.

  3. To encourage participation in floral design and the allied arts.

  4. To undertake and encourage civic beautification projects in Brattleboro and the surrounding areas.

  5. To educate and inform Club members and the public about current environmental issues.

Article III – Membership

Any person interested in the objectives of the Club and is willing to participate in its objectives may become a member.

Article IV – Officers

The officers of the Club shall be a President, Vice-President, a Recording Secretary, a Corresponding Secretary, a Treasurer and a Librarian.

Article V – Annual Meeting

The April meeting shall be the Annual Meeting for election of officers, who shall assume their duties at the May meeting and serve for 2 years. Presentation of other business incidental to closing the year’s work shall take place at this meeting.

Article VI – Amendments

This Constitution may be amended at any meeting of the Club by two-thirds vote of members present, providing notice of proposed amendments have been given at the preceding meeting of the Club.


Article I - Duties of Officers

Section 1

a) The President shall preside at all meetings of the Club and the Executive Committee, shall appoint all committees, and shall be an ex-officio member of them, except the Nominating Committee.

b) The President shall perform all other duties incidental to the office and shall present, at the April Annual Meeting, a report of the work of the Club during the year.

c) The Web Master shall be responsible for the printing and distribution of the Yearbook ( Program Book) to club members. One copy will be available for the Federated Garden Clubs of Vermont Inc.

d) The President or her designated alternate shall represent the Club at all meetings of the Federated Garden Clubs of Vermont, Inc.

Section 2

a) The Vice-President shall perform all duties of the President in the absence of that officer.

b) The Vice-President shall organize information required to publish the Yearbook by contacting the Club’s officers and Committee Chairs.

c) The Vice-President shall be responsible for the printing and distribution of the Yearbook to Club members and 30+ copies to the Federated Garden Clubs of Vermont, Inc.

Section 3

The Recording Secretary shall keep the minutes of the meetings of the Club and of the Executive Committee.

Section 4

The President shall be responsible for sending out all e-mail correspondence. The Corresponding Secretary shall assist the President with all the snail mail ( personal) correspondence of the club.

Section 5

a) The Treasurer shall collect and hold all money belonging to the Club and shall deposit it in a bank approved by the Executive Committee.

b) The Treasurer shall pay all bills as directed by the Executive Committee and shall report treasury activities at Club meetings.

c) The Membership Chair shall collect all dues and keep an accurate list of all club members.

d) The Treasurer, with the assistance of the Executive Committee, shall prepare an annual budget for the Club and it shall be submitted for approval of the Club’s membership at the Annual Meeting.

Section 6

The librarian shall keep account of and repair all books, catalogs, pamphlets and literature of the Club to be loaned to members; shall have charge of the Club scrapbook for permanent records of news items, activities, and history of the Club.

Article II – Meetings

Section 1

The Club will meet regularly on the second Monday of each month (except January and February) at 6:00 PM.

Section 2

The Executive Committee shall meet at the discretion of the President.

Section 3

Special Executive Committee meetings may be called at any one time upon the request of any two (2) members of the Executive Committee.

Article III – Membership (updated Feb 2012)

Section 1

Any person interested in the objectives of the Club and willing to participate and support its activities may become an active member. A person may attend approx two (2) meetings as a guest of a member per year, then they are encouraged to join.

Section 2

Membership types are: Active & Honorary

Section 3

Active members are encouraged to participate in Club projects, workshops, exhibits and serve on committees. Members are encouraged to attend meetings, workshops, and activities.

Section 4

Honorary members due to life changes have limited interaction with the club - but are still included in emails and can participate when able or in the area. Honorary members are not included in membership numbers reported to the State & National clubs - they are only listed in our booklet.

Article IV – Dues

Section 1

The dues for all members shall be $30.00. Payment by the end of February is encouraged.

Section 2

Members, who have unpaid dues after the April meeting, shall be notified by the Treasurer.

Section 3

Members whose dues remain unpaid at the May meeting may be dropped from the roll or moved to Honorary Member by vote of the Executive Committee.

Article V - Elections

Section 1

The Officers shall be elected, by ballot, at the April meeting and assume their duties at the May meeting. A majority of votes cast shall be necessary to elect.

Section 2

The term of office shall be for two (2) years.

Article VI - Membership

Section 1

The Membership Committee shall maintain a current list of Club members; keep attendance at Club meetings and welcome members and guests.

The Membership Committee shall be responsible for sending changes, additions and deletions to Federated Garden Club of Vermont, Inc. Membership Chair.

Section 2

The Program Committee shall plan all the programs for the Club during

the year and be in charge of arrangements for each regular meeting.

Section 3

The Exhibits Committee shall plan monthly exhibits, in conjunction with the Program Committee, and shall be in charge of judges and clerks.

Section 4

The Publicity Committee shall prepare copy for the local newspapers about all activities of the Club. This committee shall also keep copies of all publicity releases for the Club files.

Section 5

The Ways and Means Committee shall plan events to yield funds for the Club treasury.

Section 6

The Hospitality Committee shall provide places of meeting for the Club, shall provide hostesses and co-hostesses when necessary, and shall have charge of the social life of the Club.

Section 7

The Auditing Committee, consisting of two (2) persons, which shall be appointed by the President at the March meeting, shall examine the accounts of the Treasurer and report at the Annual Meeting.

Section 8

The Nominating Committee, consisting of three (3) persons appointed by the President at the March meeting, shall present a list of candidates at the Annual Meeting, with one or more names for each office.

Section 9

The Project Committee shall take care of all matters pertaining to projects undertaken by the Club.

Section 10

The Awards Committee shall be responsible for recording the awards at the monthly Club exhibits and present the awards at the Annual Meeting. They shall be responsible for all rotating trophies, their engraving and replacement. They shall be responsible for applying for civic, state, and national awards.

Section 11

The Executive Committee shall consist of elected officers and Standing Committee Chairs: Membership, Exhibits, Programs, Publicity, Ways and Means, Hospitality, Projects, Awards and WebMaster. The Executive Committee shall appoint a replacement to fill a vacancy in any office until the next election of officers.

Article VII – Order Of Business

The order of business at regular meetings shall be: Call to Order; Secretary’s report; Treasurer’s report; Reports of Committees; Business; Program, and President's Report.

Article VIII – Quorum

Quorum for an Executive Board Meeting shall consist of one-half of the Club’s Officers and Standing Committee Chairs besides the President; and of the regular meeting, shall consist of one-third of the active membership besides the President.

Article IX – Rules

The rules in “Robert’s Rules of Order” shall govern the Club.

Article X – Dissolution

In the event of dissolution of the Club, the property and assets of the Club shall be distributed within the meaning of Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Codes to a similar organization.


Brattleboro Floral Arts and Garden Club

Constitution and By-Laws

Revised March 2002

(Changes and/or additions are underlined)


Article I – Name

The name of this organization shall be the Brattleboro Floral Arts and Garden Club, a member of the Federated Garden Clubs of Vermont, Inc. hereafter referred to as the Club.

Article II – Object

The object of the Club shall be:

    1. To promote an interest in gardens, their design and management.

    2. To educate Club members and the community in horticultural practices

    3. To encourage participation in floral design and the allied arts.

    4. To undertake and encourage civic beautification projects in Brattleboro and the surrounding areas.

    5. To educate and inform Club members and the public about current environmental issues.

Article III – Membership

Any person interested in the objectives of the Club and is willing to participated in its objectives may become a member.

Article IV – Officers

The officers of the Club shall be a President, Vice-President, a Recording Secretary, a Corresponding Secretary, a Treasurer and a Librarian.

Article V – Annual Meeting

The April meeting shall be the Annual Meeting for election of officers, who shall assume their duties at the May meeting and serve for 2 years. Presentation of other business incidental to closing the year’s work shall take place at this meeting.

Article VI – Amendments

This Constitution may be amended at any meeting of the Club by two-thirds vote of members present, providing notice of proposed amendments have been given at the preceding meeting of the Club.


Article I – Duties Of Officers

Section 1

a) The President shall preside at all meetings of the Club and the Executive Committee, shall appoint all committees, and shall be an ex-officio member of the, except the Nominating Committee.

b) The President shall perform all other duties incidental to the office and shall present, at the April Annual Meeting, a report of the work of the Club during the year.

c) The President shall be responsible for the property of the Club.

d) The President or her designated alternate shall represent the Club at all meetings of the Federated Garden Clubs of Vermont, Inc.

Section 2

a) The Vice-President shall perform all duties of the President in the absence of that officer.

b) The Vice-President shall organize information required to publish the Yearbook by contacting the Club’s officers and Committee Chairs.

c) The Vice-President shall be responsible for the printing and distribution of the Yearbook to Club members and 30 plus copies to the Federated Garden Clubs of Vermont, Inc.

Section 3

The Recording Secretary shall keep the minutes of the meetings of the Club and of the Executive Committee.

Section 4

The Corresponding Secretary shall assist the President with the Correspondence of the Club.

Section 5

a) The Treasurer shall collect and hold all money belonging to the Club and shall deposit it in a bank approved by the Executive Committee.

b) The Treasurer shall pay all bills as directed by the Executive Committee and shall report treasury activities at Club meetings.

c) The Treasurer shall collect all dues and keep an accurate list of all Club members.

d) The Treasurer, with the assistance of the Executive Committee, shall prepare an annual budget for the Club and it shall be submitted for approval of the Club’s membership at the May meeting.

Section 6

The librarian shall keep account of and repair all books, catalogs, pamphlets and literature of the Club to be loaned to members; shall have charge of the Club scrapbook for permanent records of news items, activities, and history of the Club.

Article II – Meetings

Section 1

The Club will meet regularly on the second Monday of each month (except January) at 7:00 PM.

Section 2

The Executive Committee shall meet at the discretion of the President.

Section 3

Special Executive Committee meetings may be called at any one time upon the request of any two (2) members of the Executive Committee.

Article III – Membership

Section 1

Any person interested in the objectives of the Club and willing to participate and support its activities may become an active member. A person may attend only two (2) meetings as a guest of a member. Guest/visitor fee shall be $1.00

Section 2

Active members shall be willing to participate in all Club projects, workshops, exhibits and serve on committees. Members shall be expected to attend a minimum of five (5) meetings during the Club year unless excused by the President.

Section 3

Members shall be 49 active members and 12 associate members.

Section 4

Associate members shall be those who have been active members of the Club for ten (10) years and have been supportive of the objects and activities of the Club.

They shall apply for associate membership, in writing, to the President.

Associate members may not hold office in the Club but shall vote and are expected to participate in all Club projects, including fundraising activities and hostess duties.

They are expected to attend three (3) Club meetings a year.

Article IV – Dues

Section 1

The dues for Active members shall be $20.00: Associate members $25.00 and payable by the Annual Meetings in April.

Section 2

Members, who have unpaid dues after the April meeting, shall be notified by the Treasurer.

Section 3

Members whose dues remain unpaid at the May meeting may be dropped from the roll by vote of the Executive Committee.

Article V – Elections

Section 1

The Officers shall be elected, by ballot, at the April meeting and assume their duties at the May meeting. A majority of votes cast shall be necessary to elect.

Section 2

The term of office shall be for two (2) years. No officer shall be eligible for more than two (2) consecutive terms in the same office.

Article VI – Committees

Section 1

The Membership Committee shall maintain a current list of Club members; keep attendance at Club meetings and welcome members and guests.

The Membership Committee shall be responsible for sending changes, additions and deletions to Federated Garden Club of Vermont, Inc. Membership Chair.

Section 2

The Program Committee shall plan all the programs for the Club during the year and be in charge of arrangements for each regular meeting.

Section 3

The Exhibits Committee shall plan monthly exhibits, in conjunction with the Program Committee, and shall be in charge of judges and clerks.

Section 4

The Publicity Committee shall prepare copy for the local newspapers about all activities of the Club. This committee shall also keep copies of all publicity releases for the Club files.

Section 5

The Ways and Means Committee shall plan events to yield funds for the Club treasury.

Section 6

The Hospitality Committee shall provide places of meeting for the Club, shall provide hostesses and co-hostesses when necessary, and shall have charge of the social life of the Club.

Section 7

The Auditing Committee, consisting of two (2) persons, which shall be appointed by the President at the February meeting, shall examine the accounts of the Treasurer and report at the Annual Meeting.

Section 8

The Nominating Committee, consisting of three (3) persons appointed by the President at the February meeting, shall present a list of candidates at the Annual Meeting, with one or more names for each office.

Section 9

The Project Committee shall take care of all matters pertaining to projects undertaken by the Club.

Section 10

The Awards Committee shall be responsible for recording the awards at the monthly Club exhibits and present the awards at the Annual Meeting. They shall be responsible for all rotating trophies, their engraving and replacement. They shall be responsible for applying for civic, state, and national awards.

Section 11

The Executive Committee shall consist of elected officers and Standing Committee Chairs: Membership, Exhibits, Programs, Publicity, Ways and Means, Hospitality, Projects and Awards. The Executive Committee shall appoint a replacement to fill a vacancy in any office until the next election of officers.

Article VII – Order Of Business

The order of business at regular meetings shall be: Call to Order; Secretary’s report; Treasurer’s report; Reports of Committees; Business; and Program.

Article VIII – Quorum

Quorum for an Executive Board Meeting shall consist of one-half of the Club’s Officers and Standing Committee Chairs besides the President; and of the regular meeting, shall consist of one-third of the active membership besides the President.

Article IX – Rules

The rules in “Robert’s Rules of Order” shall govern the Club.

Article X – Dissolution

In the event of dissolution of the Club, the property and assets of the Club shall be distributed within the meaning of Section 501 ©(3) of the Internal Revenue Codes to a similar organization.