Plant Sale

Brattleboro Garden Club


Saturday May __, ____

Sale begins promptly at __ am.

Rain or shine!

LOCATION: Green Mountain Chapel, Western Ave. Map / Directions

Perennials, annuals, herbs, shrubs, and more.

Info: call _________________________________________



Saturday Sept __, ____


Steps for setting up the sale:

First of the Year - secure the date:

1.) If we use the Church Property - Notify the Church to reserve the Date Phone:802-254-5258

2.) If we use a Town Park/Green Space:

a.) Call Carol Lolatte 254-5808 or Cynthia Green 254-4541 to verify that the date available and to reserve it

b.) Print out the Facility Rental form from the Town of Brattleboro's Web site and mail it in - you should receive the approved form back in a few weeks, file this and keep it with the Sale things in case there are any future issues (there never have been but Mary will ask you for it - so you should have it HA HA).

c.) Send out letters/e-mails to the following now so they can plan and again on May 1st so they are reminded:

      • Steve Barrett, Public Works Director, to inform them that the Garden Club will be having their annual Flower Sale on Saturday Sept 29, 2012 and ask him to mow the lawn & put picnic tables out a few days before the sale.

      • High School Horticulture Instructor - to inform them that the Garden Club will be having their annual Flower Sale on _______ and that they can participate in any Non-Competing activity or fund raiser.

    • Brattleboro Community TV (BCTV) Phone 257-0888, fax 258-6508

      • Cor Trowbridge, Executive Director Brattleboro Community Television

      • Twitter: @Cor_BCTV

      • Ask to be put on the CALENDAR, and maybe a special poster - flashed on the TV screen.

3.) Notify the Police Station that we will be having a Plant Sale on Saturday Morning - at the same time as the Farmers Market - which may effect additional traffic

4.) ADD our SALE to the following Calendars Electronically

5.) Update Dictions/Poster any other hand outs that have been created.

6.) Update your committees and the Calendar of Events and Job Descriptions.

7.) IF we put in the paper: Mail Advertising with check ($60.00) for a FRONT PAGE, BLOCK AD for the WEEKEND BEFORE sale:

    • Brattleboro Reformer & Observer attn: Classified

    • Black Mountain Road

    • Brattleboro, VT 05302-0802

    • Phone: 254-2311, FAX: 257-1305

NOTE: The Reformer front page block ad's fill up quickly - and we want this on the FRONT PAGE !!

2 Months before the Sale

8.) Print out 100 Posters, 100 Directions and Committee List to be distributed 4 to each person at the Annual Meeting

9.) Send out newspaper FREE advertising to Reformer, Town Crier in the Community Events

1 Month before the Sale

10.) Send out reminder letters again from #3

11.) Create Garden Club Brochures/Member applications to hand out at the sale.


12.) Have pricers go to drop off points to price

13.) Create Labels for types of plants that are plentiful this year

14.) Make sure that the pricers have enough felt-tip pens and Labels of wood or something easy to write on.

15.) E-Mail Radio Stations - ask to have add run under Community Events


16.) IF using Park: Check to see if lawn is mowed and thank Steve Barrett if using Town Space ~or~ thank Church

17.) Call Cashier Chairperson and see if everything is OK - do you need money/change picked up from bank

18.) Call Table Chairperson and see if Tables & Plastic coverings are ready to go

19.) Create list of pickups of plants