
Table of Contents:

Cutting And Conditioning


Grooming of Specimens




Basic Design and Arrangement Examples

Rules for Monthly Exhibits


Cutting And Conditioning

· Cut early in morning or late afternoon (plant cells contain most moisture then and are turgid).

· Cut stems on long slant to increase moisture intake.

· The size of the flower dictates length of stem.

· Place in deep water in cool dark place to improve substance and to hold freshness.

· Cut when bloom is ¼ - 1/3 open.


· Carry in container of water.

· Protect from air and sunlight.

· Pack carrier tightly.

Grooming of Specimens

Cut Blooms

· Wash off any evidence of spray, residue and dust.

· Remove faded blooms.

· No wiring, oiling, spray or artificial coloring is permitted.

Container Grown

· Pot must be in scale with plant.

· Remove seedpods, spent and wilted blooms and damaged foliage.

· Clean both the foliage and the pot.

· Water and cultivate the soil.


· Flowers that grow with foliage attached naturally to the stem are exhibited with foliage.

· Accessory foliage is not permitted.


· Identify specimen by varietal or cultivar name, plus botanical name (genus and species). The purpose is to educate.

Flower Arrangement Pointers from the National Council of State Garden Clubs Handbook


Accessory: anything in an arrangement in addition to plant material; i.e. the container, base, background or mechanics; a subordinate in the design; schedule to govern use.

Creative Design: designs that result from the creative idea of the artist, using plant material and other components to organize the design elements within the limits of the principles of design. This type includes Abstract.

Exhibition Table: one in which design is not related to function. There are two types of Exhibition Tables:

1. With floral designs

2. Without floral designs, but must include plant material, which is used in a manner similar to a Still Life. (See chapter on Still Life).

Feature: something that is given prominence in an arrangement; i.e., a color or type of plant material.

Functional Table: a table exhibit arranged for the service of food, which includes dishes, linens, decorative units, with or without accessories. Schedule to specify requirements.

Interpretive Design: selection and organization of the design elements to suggest a give theme, idea occasion, mood or atmosphere (Synonymous with Expressive).

Rhythm: a dominant visual path through a design; a design principle. Visual motion created by the placement of design components and colors, with their value and intensity throughout the design.

Basic Design and Arrangement Examples

When Exhibiting Horticulture

National Council of State Garden Clubs Handbook

(See pages 64-76, 78)


Five Steps to Follow

Rules for Monthly Exhibits

    • Sweepstakes prizes shall be awarded at the end of the “Club Year” to the winner with the most points, based on a ratio of 5-3-1 for 1 st, 2 nd, and 3 rd monthly design classes.

    • A sweepstakes prize shall be awarded at the end of the “Club Year” to the winner with the most points (based on a 5-3-1 ratio for a perfect specimen) for entries in the monthly horticulture classes. (see Handbook

    • pp. 273-74.)

    • An exhibitor shall have only one entry in each class or subclass.

    • Awards will be made in classes listed in the Yearbook, provided there are three or more entries.

    • Awards will be made in classes listed in the Yearbook with less than three entries, strictly according to the general scale of judging points.

    • Flowers from houseplant specimens may be brought in November, December, February and March.

    • Points for Sweepstakes prizes begin with May and go through March.

    • A sweepstakes prize shall be awarded at the end of the “Club Year” to the member who enters the most exhibits.

    • Exhibits are according to the National Council Handbook.

    • Horticulture:

        • An exhibitor may bring in more than one entry per class, provided each specimen is of a different type or color.

        • Any worthy specimen is any individual exhibit for horticulture; for example: a fruit, vegetable, cut bloom, potted plant, branch, etc.

    • For Scale of Points for Artistic Designs, see the Handbook – pp. 273-74.


2003 Sweepstakes Winners

Design Division: Beverly Tier

Horticulture: Nancy Long

Eleanor Foster Bowl Awards

    • 1981 Elizabeth Holden

    • 1982 Connie Wallin

    • 1983 Frances Gibson

    • 1984 Iris Bronson

    • 1985 Ruth Marx

    • 1986 Ruth Quist

    • 1987 Ruth Marx

    • 1988 Peg Bradley

    • 1989 Fran Manix

    • 1990 Connie Wallin

    • 1991 Diane Loiselle – Suzanne Woodcock

    • 1992 Margaret Helyar

    • 1993 Betts Wallace

    • 1994 Mary Miller

    • 1995 Mary Miller

    • 1996 Carol Corwin

    • 1997 Margaret Helyar

    • 1998 Mary Miller

    • 1999 Retained

    • 2000 Margaret Helyar – Betts Wallace – Alice MacMenamin – Jil MacMenamin

    • 2001 Margaret Helyar

    • 2002 Carol Corwin – Mary Miller – Connie Wallin

    • 2003 Margaret Helyar

    • 2004 Judith Myrick

    • 2005

    • 2006

    • 2007

    • 2008

    • 2009