The Brattleboro Floral Arts and Garden Club
a member of National Garden Clubs
Garden Club Members can visit the Google Group VermontGardenClubs
National Garden Clubs, Org. ........................................http://www.gardenclub.org
New England Region .......................................................http://www.ngcner.org
Federated Garden Clubs of Vermont .............................. http://vermontfgcv.com
National Gardening Association ......................................http://assoc.garden.org
Vermont Club Links - look on the left-navigation ............ http://www.vermontfgcv.com/
Brattleboro Museum Calendar ........................................ http://www.brattleboromuseum.org/calendar
Brattleboro Tree Committee ........................................... https://www.brattleboro.org/index.asp?SEC=693CDD32-EA5A-4D80-8EC8-52AAFFEEA194&DE=CC140F6E-2626-4F05-AE9C-E2BD90FC772F&Type=B_BASIC
USDA List of Pollinator Attracting plants ........................ https://vtfishandwildlife.com/sites/fishandwildlife/files/documents/Conserve/Pollinators/Pollinator-Plant-List.pdf
Brattleboro-Hinsdale BRIDGE - http://www.swrpc.org/hinsdale-brattleboro_planning
The Brattleboro Garden Club inlcudes membership from the surrounding towns. We have about 60 members and businesses. Memberships can be Active, Associate, Emertus, for all levels of interest and support. There is something for everyone! Our meetings are the Second Monday of each month, excluding January & February.
Click on the Calendar link on the left to display what we do - our meetings are open to the public. Some months we have workshops, if you would like to participate there will be a small fee - but you are always welcome to come and watch. If our club is something that you would like to participate or support we encourage you to join.
Brattleboro Chamber of Commerce
The VERMONT LEAF is the Official Newsletter of the Vermont Garden Club. Listed below are the On-Line versions