CMDR. Melissa Katt
Executive Officer
Played by:
5'3" / 1.60 M
114 Lbs / 51.7 Kg
Date of birth:
Place of Birth:
Starfleet Record:
Assigned to Starbase Phoenix as Federation Liaison Officer, rank Lieutenant
Assigned to USS Discovery as Executive Officer, rank Lieutenant Commander
Promoted to Commander
Melissa Katt was born on Earth, adopted by Evan and Ellen Yamoto. She never knew her real parents. Mel grew up on various space ships where her parents sold and bought art. After meeting several Federation officers growing up, she decided she wanted to join. She showed an aptitude for administration and soon became a Federation Liason Officer for DS3. Always following regulation and weighing options, she had never done anything "spontaneous" until she saw a man standing on the Promenade. Their eyes met and she asked him to dinner, and after dinner he asked her to marry him. They have been married over 10 years and have 2 daughters. After the second was born she took a short LOA until she rejoined Starfleet and once again wanted to get back out to space.
Melissa Katt was born on Earth, adopted by Evan and Ellen Yamoto. She never knew her real parents. Mel grew up on various space ships where her parents sold and bought art. After meeting several Federation officers growing up, she decided she wanted to join. She showed an aptitude for administration and soon became a Federation Liason Officer for DS3. Always following regulation and weighing options, she had never done anything "spontaneous" until she saw a man standing on the Promenade. Their eyes met and she asked him to dinner, and after dinner he asked her to marry him. They have been married over 10 years and have 2 daughters. After the second was born she took a short LOA until she rejoined Starfleet and once again wanted to get back out to space.