erei'Erein Khlinae ir'Eisn t'Raala


Romulan Star Empire

Played by:







5'5"/1.67 M


140 Lbs/63.5 Kg


Dark Brown



Date of birth:

2141 (RC)

Place of Birth:


Physical Description
On the smaller size for a Romulan female; slim physique which belies rigorous physical training (similar to a dancer’s body).  Subtle forehead ridges (Northern descent).  


Stylized Romulan eye of seeing/watching on her shoulder surrounded by a maze-like tattoo symbolizing the twists and turns of the Romulan psyche.


Personal History

Khlinae comes from an unaffiliated clan in the northern region of ch’Rihan.  It is a tough place with a mountainous geography with small alpine valleys (similar to Austria/Switzerland) where agriculture/livestock are the main industries.  She grew up in a small alpine town with very little in the ways of ‘comforts’ such as those in the capital city and the noble clans have access to. 

Other than marrying young and becoming trapped in what she considers a backwater hellhole, Khlinae does everything she can to get out of the closed off world of the Raal, studying and training and earning a coveted slot in one of the Empire’s exclusive Academies.  (Military/Tal’Shiar/Scientific/etc.)

Khlinae is currently serving aboard a Romulan scout ship currently in orbit on the self-designated planet ‘Xacuria’ – considered to be in the ‘middle of nowhere.’  She is a communications expert, fluent in numerous forms of communication including Federation Standard, and the rather distasteful Klingon.  They are officially here to covertly study this planet:  Including physiology, sociology, natural resources, and technologies.  The Romulan Empire is always looking to add to its holdings much in a similar fashion to The Federation – only instead of adding planets and cultures to benefit the whole as in the Federation, the Romulan Star Empire conquers and brings planets into the fold for the betterment of Romulan peoples – in a galactic version of manifest destiny.