I've been a Star Trek fanatic since I was a child, growing up with The Original Series (on rerun, I'm not that old) and becoming obsessed with The Next Generation when it aired. I've always liked writing, though I never put the effort into honing my skills, but I would write from time to time. It was probably 2008 when I was poking around the internet, looking for some type of interactive Star Trek platform. I stumbled across a forum-based Star Trek RPG set on a Nebula Class ship (my favorite class). I joined and quickly realized that it wasn't a good fit for me. I didn't last long. I was never able to get that short-lived experience out of my head. In 2010 I decided to look around again and I stumbled onto Borderlands. I applied and was placed on the USS Discovery. My first character was a young Security Ensign, Liam MacLaren. I've written many NPC's over the years, but MacLaren has always remained my most loved character. In truth, I have difficulty saying goodbye to characters.
Through the ups and downs, I've always enjoyed my time aboard Discovery. It has always been a great place to write and meet some wonderful people.
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