erei'Erein Ecurai ir'Dinalla ch'Krakken
Romulan Star Empire
Played by:
5'7"/1.75 M
150 Lbs/68 Kg
Date of birth:
2137 (RC)
Place of Birth:
Dinalla, Romulus
Physical Description
Taller end of the spectrum for Romulan females. No forehead ridges (Southern descent). Carries herself confidently.
stylized raptor on upper chest just below collar bones, maze with eye on front of right thigh, spear running the length of her spine. None are seen in normal dress and rarely revealed to anyone.
Personal History
Ecurai is from the Krakken clan originally from the Dinalla area of Romulus. The Krakken's were traditionally skilled hunters and that tradition continues to this day. The clan had settled into the southern areas of the newly found Romuas and were known to be closest to their proto-Vulcan breathren in emotion and attitude. They also have a long standing tradition of becoming officers within the Romulan Star Navy. A family of high standing, almost considered aristocracy, they are often given exemptions from mandatory service if they declare at the time that they intend to join Star Navy as an officer, which instead of mandatory service, are sent to continued education with a contract for commission upon completion.
Ecurai herself takes her families standing very seriously and this manifests in her attitude towards others. Cocky and headstrong, and viewing others of lesser social standing as being below her.
Ecurai followed the same path as many in her family. The family estate was a large palisade on a game reserve in Dinalla where she learned to hunt but was also trained in proper, and more courtly, traditions. When she was seven years of age, she joined her favorite uncle for an off-world hunting trip, one of her first away from Dinalla. During the excursion her parents, both still officers in the Star Navy, were declared missing in action when their ship lost contact. After the incident, her uncle had taken her in as a ward and raised her as his own as he was unbonded and without children. Like him, once she had completed her continued education, she joined the Star Navy.
She works in Research and Development as a metallurgical and chemistry specialist. Recently she was assigned to the Delta Quadrant to help survey possible new colonial worlds.