How to make the perfect bacon roll

When you've just finished an early morning bottle dive, there's nothing that quite hits the spot like a bacon roll and a mug of tea. I'll usually call in to a motorway café on the way home and get my fix. I find that if I go to an independently owned establishment I can be assured of a good standard - plenty of bacon, simply served in a lightly buttered carrier roll. You can add your own ketchup or brown sauce, salt and pepper, but have no other input into the preparation.

Sometimes, as a treat to myself, I'll make my own bacon roll at home where I have greater control over the creative process. On these occasions I like to go for something fancier than I'd get at a truckstop. After all, fine country dining is in every true sportsman's blood, including the élite bottle diver. So put on your bow tie and spats and take your lady by the arm, for the dinner gong is sounding.


That's right ladies and gents. I'm talking smoked back bacon with camembert cheese, served in a mini baguette, garnished with baby spinach and topped off with caramelised onion chutney. I source all of my ingredients from a local branch of the Co-op. Butter and olive oil are optional.


First saw the mini baguette in half with a large serrated bread knife. You can butter it if you choose. Cut about half a dozen thin wedges of camembert and select an equal number of washed spinach leaves.

Now gently fry two or three rashers of bacon in a frying pan or omelette pan. You can add a little olive oil beforehand to stop the bacon from sticking, although if you turn it frequently you shouldn't have this problem.

Switch off the hob, take the cooked bacon and put it onto the bottom half of the roll, then layer the slices of camembert onto the bacon.

Now put the sandwich onto a microwaveable plate and microwave it on high until the camembert shows signs of melting. About twenty seconds should do it. Remove the plate, open the baguette up again, and add the spinach and a layer of onion chutney. Serve immediately, preferably with a glass of good local ale.