Bog & Bottle

Bogglehole Bill's Bottle Diving Site

Hi I'm Bogglehole Bill and my hobby is bottle diving. This sad site is all about that – scuba diving for old discarded bottles in the deep and dire murkwaters into which they were originally heaved.

Have you ever seen the pictures in holiday brochures about scuba diving? The crystal clear lagoons, the tropical fish, the sun, the barbeques on the beach, the perfect teeth? Hold on to that image, because it pretty well describes what my hobby isn't. Bottle diving is a very difficult thing to sex up, and quite frankly it would be absurd to bother trying. If Fungus the Bogeyman was into adventure sports then I suppose bottle diving would have to be one of them. What you get are bleak bogs, peaty lochs, and obscure sinkholes...all well salted with broken glass, and only the occasional intact find to look forward to. As for the après dive scene, you're looking at a mug of tea and a bacon roll from a motorway café.

This site is my own personal grimoire of bottle diving, a testament to a twilight world beneath the surface, a bog of shadows. So go ahead and browse through the pages on the sidebar – and welcome to old Boggler's grimy netherworld of bottle diving!

If you enjoy this site - or even if you don't - please make a donation to the Great North Air Ambulance Service. The GNAAS is a UK registered charity operating a fleet of helicopters across an area of 8,000 square miles, from the Scottish Borders to North Yorkshire, from East Coast to West. It costs £2,500 per mission to fly, regardless of whether or not the patient is airlifted. The service does not receive any Government or National Lottery funding and therefore relies on the support of the public to continue its work.