Crossword Puzzle

Here's a crossword puzzle to try your brains...or at least your patience. All of the answers can be found somewhere on this site. Easy enough? If you get stuck, the answers are here.


3. Type of bag used to mark out a leg

4. Human waste of space (acronym)

5. They rose in '15 and again in '45

9. U.S. Navy S.E.A.L. diver who popularised a risk management graph

11. Vehicle for getting there and back

13. This brings the air to ambient pressure

15. Treasure, if you can find it

19. Author of the "hystoricall description of Britaine", 1577

21. Removal of contaminants

22. Hiding place for finds

25. Something that may cause danger or difficulty on a bottle dive

27. Small cylinder for emergency bail-outs

28. Removal of obstacles

29. Lady's ...., another name for Lady's Leap on the shores of Derwentwater

30. Author of "the history and antiquities of the parish of Darlington", 1854

32. Wetsuits are made of this

33. Yr Hen Ogledd (3, 3, 5)

35. 9th Century historian

37. 'The Dark Lake'

39. Monster of Windermere

40. River monster dating back to Anglo-Saxon times

41. Old Roman name for Brougham Castle

42. Screw attachment for a line

43. Arthurian King of Ireland in torment?

44. A very tough material which is used for bottle diving gloves


1. Material Dry suit hoods, neck seals and cuffs are often made from

2. A type of hole or deep pool that whirling eddies cannot reach

3. Rose's .... juice bottle

6. This skill is guaranteed to stir things up (6, 7)

7. Author of "The Great North Road", 1901

8. Type of bag used to remove certain obstacles

10. A bottle to breathe from

12. Legendary inhabitant of Lyulph’s Tower near Ullswater

14. Type of diving for which a Full Face Mask is recommended

16. Reputed burial mound of Sir Tristram

17. Clouds are made of this

18. This somersaulting pig hits the spot (5, 4)

20. This bottling site could boil the devil (4, 7)

22. Bill initially does one of these

23. He built the wall

24. Increases with depth, as I gauge it

26. 'Hag of the Tees' (3, 6)

31. Ancient home of the bog people

33. Bill's most infamous stash

34. Author of the "History and Directory of North Yorkshire", 1890

36. Saint whose feast day falls on June 11th

38. Market town at the north end of Derwentwater

45. A straight line search in one direction parallel to the shore