
Dateline Saturday 14 Apr 2012: This morning, while conducting an initial survey in a previously unexplored part of Ullswater, Bogglehole Bill discovered a pristine example of a Carlisle State Management Brewery beer bottle.

The aforementioned brewery was formed in 1917 as the result of nationalisation during the war effort. It remained in existence until 1974 when it was taken over by Theakston's Brewery of Masham (North Yorkshire) during its expansion into Cumbria. Theakston's are the brewers of the world famous tipple "Old Peculier", which is a favourite of Bill.

"It's great to have acquired a find of this significance during an initial survey", Bill commented. "It was just lying there on the surface of the silt in about 6 feet of water. It's as clean as a whistle and will require very little work on it before adding it to the collection.

"Of course it is only appropriate that I now secure a bottle of Old Peculier to celebrate."