How To Block Porn

Listening to someone’s phone calls or monitoring their entire activity on their phone can be helpful in a variety of situations. Mostly, parents tend to want to monitor their children by using different strategies in order to keep them safe. Luckily, there are several things that you can do to make sure your child is not exposed to inappropriate content.

You might want to use the information in this guide if you are interested in monitoring your spouse too. We know that any relationship should be based on trust but when trust is on shaky grounds, you will need the right tools to use before you take a radical decision. You will find the control apps, particularly useful if you want to monitor even other people in your life but your children.

What To Do When Your Kid Watches Porn

With all the devices that are fairly accessible nowadays and the rise of the internet, watching porn as well as any other type of content is also easier.

If you notice that your kid is watching porn or other inappropriate content for their age, there are certain things you can do to manage the situation correctly.

Don’t Take Their Device Away

Many parents feel entitled to just take the phone or tablet away from their kids if they learned that they are watching porn. But this will have the opposite result than what you expect. If you just prohibit them from watching things they are curious about, with no further explanation, they will only learn to hide from you next time. Children can be very creative and resourceful when they want to satisfy their curiosity. Plus, banning access to their technology will also frustrate them and reduce their chances to learn new things and positively use the internet.

Talk To Them, Don't Shame Them

Talking to your child about porn in particular and sex, in general, is not always an easy task. Depending on your personal views and values as well as your family background, you might struggle with such a conversation even more. However, shaming them for watching such content is not going to help the situation any. You don’t want your child to feel guilty or ashamed for coming across pornography or even having the curiosity to check it out. Instead, you want to create a safe space between the two of you so you can calmly explain this topic. Your goal here is to have your child feeling comfortable enough to talk to you and open up without feeling embarrassed for their thoughts.

Explain That It's Unrealistic

Explaining porn and sex to a child is one of the most difficult parts. But, eventually, you will have to tell them what is that they just watched. It is only natural for your child to develop a curiosity towards sexuality, and you will have to show an understanding approach regarding this curiosity.

A correct approach would be to explain to them that porn is not the same as a sexual encounter in real life. Let them know that pornography is acting and it is not something that could interest them at their age. If your child understands that porn is unrealistic, you already made an important step forward.

Such a discussion will be different according to your child’s age. You can start introducing the idea of sexuality when your kid is five or six years old, in a way that they will be familiar with it when they come across porn in the future. Explaining to them that porn doesn’t offer the emotional and genuine connection that exists between two people who engage in a sexual act can set things in the right direction for them.

Talk About The Potential Dangers

Your main goal is to reduce and even eliminate your child’s interest in porn, at least until they are old enough to process such content by themselves. So, you will have to explain to them why watching porn is not for their benefit. The dangers of watching porn at such a young age are viewed differently in many families.

You can try to tell them that pornography doesn’t align with the morality and values that they should have. Other parents choose to explain to the children that porn leaves them with an unrealistic idea of sex and that will affect their future relationships. This is a great time to discuss consensual physical contact, not necessarily sexual-related. You can teach your kid that when two people get involved in any type of activity, they both have to want to participate.

Wrap all these dangers of watching pornography in a way that your child can understand them according to their age. You can use examples from daily life and even cartoons to get your point across. As long as you maintain an understanding and calm tone, they will most likely bond with you more through such a conversation.

How To Turn On Google Safe Search

Once you took care of the explanations and support your child needed when they discovered porn, you can start focusing on how you can limit their access to it without taking their devices away. Limiting access to online websites, for instance, can be a great way to prevent them from coming across pornography in the first place.

Turn On Google Safe Search On Your Tablet Or Laptop

Turning on Google safe search feature to block porn sites will help you significantly when you want to avoid uncomfortable talk with your child about porn.

All you have to do to turn on safe search on Google is to open a Google page and modify the search settings.

Search for any topic and find the search settings on the top right corner of your search page. Click on the search settings link and you will enter a new page where you can find all the settings related to your searches.

Under the safe search filters section, you will find a Turn on the safe search box that you should check to activate it. Next, you will click on the Look safe search and you will be required to sign in by using your Google account to confirm your new settings.

Secure this setting for safety by using the Strict mode of Google, which means your children can’t change unless they have access to your account.

You will be guided by Google through the entire process once you get to the Search settings section as all the information you need is right there and properly explained.

Safe Mode On Mobile Devices

Your child can use their mobile device to access pornography so you will have to secure searches on their phone as well.

To do that you will have to open the Google app and open the bottom right section that says “more”. tap on “settings” and select “general settings” which will lead you to “search settings”. Once you entered “search settings” you can turn on “filter explicit results”. Make sure to save your changes before you exit the settings section.

It is important to know that if your child doesn’t search for the content they want to see but they type the URL instead, the safe search settings will not stop them from getting on that particular website.

Parental Control Apps

You can also use parental control apps if you want to make sure your child doesn’t engage in inappropriate activities or content while they are using their phone or tablet. Here are the best apps you can trust with this important task and why you might want to consider them!


Another tracking app that you can use to monitor your kid’s phone is mSpy. This app is slightly pricier than the previous two but it will offer you similar features and some extra ones that you might actually love.

MSpy can be installed on both iOS and Android devices unless the iOS device requires a two ways verification login for the iCloud. The installation of this app can be a bit more difficult than the previous ones but once you get over with it, you will not have to worry about it at all.

You can use mSpy to track all the activities your child has on their social network platforms as well as to track their location, chats, texts, and calls. You will get more features if you use the premium plan than you get by using the other plans also.

Final Thoughts

Keep your child away from potential dangers that they could come across while they use their phone, tablet or computer. Checking out porn could be a natural curiosity according to your child’s age but it could also open the door to other problems if you don’t control it well enough. Having open communication with your child and using a parental control app should be all you need to protect them from content that they are not ready to manage yet.