Famisafe Reviews - Remote Parental Control App For Android & iPhone

Fami Safe - How To Track Your Kids Phone

As a parent, you most likely want to stay on top of potential risks that your children might be exposed to on a daily basis. In such a digital world, there are hazards everywhere. Your child will most likely start using their devices more often as they grow older. Smartphones, tablets, and laptops as well as other gadgets are open doors for both information and danger.

Luckily, there is a way to avoid such risks by simply using one of the best apps on the market. Famisafe parental control app is ideal for monitoring your kids. It has features that will help you keep an eye on their activities even when they are offline or not using their devices. We put together the best Famisafe review so you can know exactly what to expect from it!

What Is Famisafe

Famisafe is a monitoring app, created especially to help you supervise what your child does while they are using their devices. It is easy to install and it comes with all the features you might be interested in using. This app is a great tool not only for monitoring your kids but also for regaining your trust in your partner. You can use this app to monitor everyone you want, including your coworkers or friends. But Famisafe is initially a parental control app and this is how you can make the most out of it.

Keep on reading this Famisafe review to discover how you can protect your kids by using this parental control app with no hassle!

Features Of Famisafe

Famisafe will help you monitor a lot of things regarding your children or anyone else you need to track. It has complex features that are easily accessible as well. Here are some of the most important features that make Famisafe parental control app a great investment for the safety of your kids!

It shows you the location of the user

One of the best features of Famisafe is the real-time location checker. This location tracking allows you to have access to your child’s current location and it also tells you their battery percentage. On top of that, you get a map with real-time location but also past addresses they visited. This way you will be aware not only of your kid’s current whereabouts but also where they tend to go more often. Having the location history is one of the most useful functions of this app. You will appreciate the Famisafe location tracking feature every time you are wondering where is your child.

With Famisafe app, you can also set up Geofences. These fences contour a certain location or more, and you receive a notification every time your child enters that area. It is a very handy feature to use in case your kid is wondering in locations that they are not supposed to go to. Famisafe location tracking is one of the reasons why this parental control app is so popular. Log in to your Famisafe account and check the map of your location tracking function to see where your kids are every time you find yourself worried about them!

Schedule for using the device

Famisafe app allows you to define certain time periods when your child is allowed to use their device. You can set this interval any time you want. For instance, put the time off period during the night when they should be sleeping. There is nothing more detrimental to a child than wasting nights online when they should disconnect and relax. Or, you can set the time off during classes so you know they are not being distracted when they should be at school. As a parent, you will know best when and how to use this scheduling feature according to the age of your child as well as their daily schedule. As one of the best parental control apps, Famisafe had to offer the schedule feature. This will make the app usage much more worth it and it makes Famisafe parental control extremely efficient.

Screen time

Once your child gets their hand on the device they love to use, it might be difficult to get them to stop using it. This is important especially for young children who are very determined to indulge in their pleasures. But with the screen time function, you can set the device to turn off automatically after a certain time of being used continuously. You might want to set the screen time for 30 minutes or one hour. Once this time has passed, the device will shut off and even if your kid wants to keep using it, they will not be able to do so. You also save yourself from the chore of tracking how much time they spend on their device as well. The screen time is important not only for managing your child's time from a distance but also for protecting the health of their eyes. And the fact that Famisafe offers this feature, makes it a top-quality parental control app for everyone.

App blocker

One of the most popular features of Famisafe is being able to control what apps is your child using. Nowadays, there is an app available for almost everything. But not all of them are adequate for your little one. This is why it is important to be able to block the access to certain apps on your child’s device, without them being able to change that. All you have to do is get into your Famisafe control panel and choose the apps you want to block on your kid’s smartphone or tablet. Once you block these apps, they will not be able to access them from their personal device. And you will not have to worry about it either. If your child still tries to access the apps you blocked, they will receive a message letting them know that they are not able to do that. The app blocker can turn out to be a great control tool for your kids. It allows you to control what types of apps they access and at what time of the day!

Web filter for browsing tracking

Ever wondered what type of websites your kids are checking in their free time? This is an important aspect as the websites they visit might expose them to harmful information or images. With the web filter feature, you can block websites that might be dangerous or inappropriate for your child, just like you block the apps. All you have to do is set the keywords and the app will block all websites containing your keywords. If you need to make an exception, you can do that by introducing the website address in your Famisafe control panel.

If you want to check the browsing history of your child you can do that as well. But this function will only work on devices that use an Android operating system. Tracking web content is essential when you are monitoring your kids. This web content shows their interests and the things that catch the most of their time. Plus, you don't want your kids to be exposed to any dangerous websites at an early age.

Activity tracker report

An interesting feature that Famisafe has to offer is this activity tracker. Thanks to this feature you can check how long your child stays on a certain app and what app that is. You will be able to adjust the rest of the settings based on this information. Unfortunately, just like the browsing history function, this one will only work on Android devices as well. But if you use an Android device, this can be one of the best features of this parental control app! You will know at all times what your kids are doing so nothing will catch you by surprise.

Install Famisafe

Installing the Famisafe app is not complicated at all. It does require a two-phase process though, as you will have to use both your device and your child’s device.

Install Famisafe on your device

First stage of installing Famisafe is to actually download it on your device. You will find it in Google Play or Apple Store, depending on the type of device that you are using. Download the app and install it on your tablet or phone. You will receive all the assistance you need during this process. The app is designed to help you set it up every step of the way. An important thing you have to keep in mind as you install Famisafe on your device is to set it as “used by a parent”. furthermore, you need to create your account by using a valid email address and a password you can easily remember. You will also be able to choose your subscription while you are at this phase as well. The app usage is fauirly easy and you should get used to it faster than you expect. Your kids will not be able to modify the settings you establish through this app either.

Install Famisafe on the target device

Once you are done with downloading and installing Famisafe app on your device, you can move on to your child’s device. Follow the same process of downloading and installing the app but change the setting to “used by a child”. You should also log into the Famisafe with the Famisafe account you previously created on your device. You will have to set up a nickname as well as a password for this app on your child’s device. And since you are here, you can also set up the permissions the app asks for monitoring the device. You will have to follow the same steps on all devices you want to monitor.

Keep in mind that you might have to download Famisafe from a different app store when you install it on your kids' devices. For instance, if you use an Android device, you will find this app in Google Play but if they use an iOS device, you will have to find it in the Apple store.

How much does FamiSafe cost?

Now that you know the most important features of Famisafe, you might be interested in giving this app a chance. But what price does it come at? The good news is that you receive a three days trial as soon as you download and install the app. You can try it for free during these three days and decide if it is useful for you or not.

If you decide to purchase the app, you can pay for a subscription of one month, three months, or even an entire year. A monthly subscription will cost $9.99 and you can use it for a maximum of five devices at the same time. You will not need to create individual accounts for these devices. One account will be enough to manage them all.

The same Famisafe app will cost you $4.99 per month if you choose a yearly subscription of $59. This is the best subscription you can get as it gives you access to not less than 30 devices with just one active account.

But if you want something in between, you can always try the three-month subscription. This option will come down to $6.66 per month and up to ten devices you can track at once. You will find Famisafe on the app store of your phone, according to the operating system you are using.

Is FamiSafe safe?

Famisafe is one of the safest tracking apps you can use to monitor your child but not only them. You can hide the icon of the app so the user of the target device will not notice it in their app list. However, keep in mind that they will be notified about the app blocking certain websites or apps. This is why Famisafe is ideal for children and other users who know they are being tracked. But if you don’t use this tracking app to block any applications or websites, chances are that the user might not realize that their device is under surveillance.

Overall, Famisafe is completely safe to use for all parties involved. The information it collects from the target device is never shared with third parties or stored anywhere else than your account. So, confidentiality shouldn’t be one of your concerns as you use Famisafe app.

Which parental control software is the best?

If you just want to use Famisafe to monitor your child, this is one of the best options you have. It gives you accurate information and real-time data. So, if your little one gets in any trouble as they venture online on their devices, you will know.

Since Famisafe also gives you location history as well as real-time location, you can count on it for tracking your child’s offline activity as well. This is not something that many monitoring apps can do so make the most out of it.

The fact that it comes at such a convenient cost, makes Famisafe even more reliable. You can track an impressive number of devices by simply having one active subscription. Hopefully, this Famisafe review will help you understand the way this app works and decide if you can use it to protect your kids.


Famisafe is one of the most trusted monitoring apps on the market. And seeing the advantages it has, there is no surprise for it. If you are looking for parental control software, this is one of the apps that should make it to your shortlist. The app usage is fairly easy for everyone so you will not have to be an expert to figure it out. This is one of the best reviews on Famisafe that you will find so you can rely on it when making your decision. So, give this control app a fair chance and see what benefits might bring you and your child!