Hoverwatch Reviews - How To Download, Install & Use It

In this digital world, staying on top of what your children do online might be a wise choice. You might need to use a tracking app for your spouse or coworkers too. Such an app can help you avoid trust issues and fix the ones you are already dealing with. And the market offers a wide range of monitoring apps you can try. However, not all of them are just as good as you would expect them to be. Here is where Hoverwatch comes into place. Keep reading this software review and find out whether it's a good fit for you.

What Is Hoverwatch?

Hoverwatch is one of the best spy apps for Android. You can install it on any target device you want to track and it is very easy to use. Hoverwatch will give you all the information you need regarding text messages, call logs, or other apps on the Android device you need to monitor.

If you want to monitor specific activity such as social media, you have the chance to do that with Hoverwatch. You will get access to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Whatsapp or any other application you are interested in. Hoverwatch will work just fine in stealth mode on operating systems such as Windows of different versions, Android and Mac OS X.

You will be glad to hear that it is very easy to install and use, even if you don’t have any experience with spy apps. You can simply access your Hoverwatch online account from your device any time you want and you'll see all the data from the monitored device. The person who’s phone you are tracking, will never notice the presence of this spy app in their device.

The Features Of Hoverwatch

When it comes to spy apps, the features they offer are some of the most important things to consider. With this monitoring app, you will find a wide range of features to use!

    • Invisible mode

This spy app will get on invisible mode as soon as you are done installing it. The stealth mode will keep the app hidden from the user of the target device. You can track all the data you want without them knowing or suspecting anything.

    • Call logs and text messages

One of the first things you might be interested in monitoring, will be the call logs as well as the text messages sent and received on the Android device you choose to track. With Hoverwatch this is not only possible but very easy. As soon as you get into your account, you will have clear access to all this and more.

    • GPS

If you are using Hoverwatch to monitor your children or spouse, as well as your coworkers, the GPS feature will turn out to be very useful. This feature will tell you the exact location of the target device in real time.

    • Front camera control

Controlling the front camera of a device is not a common feature for a spy app. But Hoverwatch has it! This feature can come handy in a variety of situations but the most common one is if someone steals the target device. Then, all you have to do is turn the front camera on and snap a picture of the theft.

    • Change of the SIM card

Changing the SIM card is something that might get you by surprise. But not if you are using Hoverwatch. This spy app tells you every time the SIM card is being changed with a new one. You will receive an alert as soon as this occurs, without you even having to dig for it!

    • Use Hoverwatch on as many as five devices or even 25 devices

A great aspect about this tracking app is that you can use on five target devices at once. So, it gives you the chance to monitor a phone, laptop, tablet, iPad, or any other devices you might want to track. Most spy software apps give you access to only one device but with this app, you will be able to track five of them. If you choose the business plan, you can track as many as 25 different devices at once!

    • Check the browsing history on a certain device

You can use this app to track the websites present in the browsing history. It is easy to use it and very efficient. You will have access to all the website history every time you want to check it.

    • To do lists

There is the possibility to have access to any to do lists present on the target device. If the person you want to monitor has such a schedule in their phone, you will know about it.

    • Contacts

Having access to the contacts that get saved on a device is one of the basic features of Hoverwatch but also one of the most important features. You can check the contacts your child has on their phone as well as how often they use those contacts. And if you notice something suspicious, you can take action before it is too late.

    • Screenshots

As fabulous as this may seem, it is also true. You are able to get screenshots on the target device. All your screenshots will be easy to access from your Hoverwatch account and so, you can stay on top of several issues easily.

    • Social media tracking

As we previously mentioned, Hoverwatch allows you to track all the social media activity you want and in the majority of apps. Use it to track chats, video calls, audio and video files exchange as well as the profiles used on the target device.

If you use Hoverwatch on a laptop or computer

Tracking a computer with Hoverwatch can give you a set of feature benefits. First of all, you can use this spy app on a Windows or MAC OS X. Once you install it on the target device it offers you valuable information such as when the laptop is on or off, all the users that log in, the files sent and received on the devices as well as Skype calls and chats. Call recording is one of the most popular features for Hoverwatch used on a laptop.You can also monitor the location of the laptop through the GPS function as well as the clipboard.

The downside

There is just one downside to Hoverwatch and that is the fact that you can’t use it on an iPhone device because it is not compatible with iOS. But other than that it might just be the spy app that you are looking for.

How To Use The Hoverwatch Spy App

Now that you are aware of the amazing features of Hoverwatch, you might be ready to start using it. This is a simple process that doesn’t require you to have any experience other than using an internet device such as a phone or a laptop.

1. Install Hoverwatch on the target device

You will need to have physical access to the target device you need to track for a few minutes. During these minutes, you will have to download Hoverwatch and install it. There are all the instructions you need to follow in the process and it shouldn’t take too long. If the device is compatible with this spy app, you should be able to move on to the next step in no time! You can use Hoverwatch on a cell phone, laptop or any other device that uses an Android, Windows or MAC OS X system. Getting physical access to one device shouldn't be difficult, especially if you live with the person you want to track. So, installing this software on their cell phone or laptop shouldn't raise any challenges for you.

2. Install Hoverwatch on the target device

In order to control the Hoverwatch app, you will need to download it and install it on your own phone or computer as well. You will follow the same steps as you did when you installed this spy app on the target device. The only difference is that you will also create an account. This account will give you access to the control panel of the app and therefore, all the data you need to know. Before your account becomes active you will have to agree to certain Terms and Conditions. You will receive your Hoverwatch login on your email so you can start tracking the device you want from your cell phone or computer. Pay attention to the email address you use when you create your account also, because you will have to keep using this address for the long run. You will also receive all the alerts and notifications on this address, which makes it even more important. And if you ever forget or lose your Hoverwatch password, you will be able to request a new one on your email too!

3. You are ready to monitor the devices you want!

Once you completed the previous two steps you can start tracking. Access your control panel and reach the information you want. The control panel is very user-friendly as well. You can choose the device you want to spy on and a new window will open with all the data you need. You will find a reports function, calls, locations, calendar, contacts, as well as a set of settings. Use the settings feature to set the control panel to the right information you are interested in so you will not have to waste any precious time. You can access your Hoverwatch account from your phone or other device of your choice.

Why Should You Use Hoverwatch

If you never used a spy app, you might wonder why should you consider using one. Here are a few key reasons to help you decide on the efficiency of such an app as Hoverwatch and find the incredible advantages of using it!

If you want to monitor your child

Hoverwatch is being used for the most part by parents who want to make sure their children are safe and out of all the online dangers. While the internet can be one of the main sources of information for everyone. It can also raise a lot of temptations for children as well as teenagers. As a parent, you will naturally want to keep your child away from such temptations and hazards. This spy app gives you the possibility to do just that. You can install the software on their device, be it a phone or a laptop and start tracking their online activity. You will know the social media they access as well as the people they interact with online. And you will have access to all their media files such as the videos or photos they take, share and receive.

On top of the online activity, you will be able to monitor their call logs, text messages and the contacts they have in their device. You will know at all times where your child is thanks to the GPS location tracker and you will not have to worry about their safety again.

If you want to monitor your spouse or partner

We know that relationships should be based on trust. But things don’t always go as we plan. This is why a spy app could rebuild the trust you once lost in your spouse by simply knowing what they are doing on their device. Are you worried that your partner is talking with another significant other and disrespecting your relationship? All you have to do is use Hoverwatch and check all their online and phone activity. You will know the messages and chats they engage in as well as the files they send or receive on the device that you are tracking. Their social media accounts will be at your fingertips as well. There is a call recording function as well that you can use if you are interested in the type of conversations your partner has on their cell phone. And if they are concerned about you finding messages or chats, they will most likely choose phone calls.

By using an app like Hoverwatch, you will know if your lover is lying to you or betraying you so you can take the adequate decision. The worst thing is to end a relationship without having the answers you need or the closure to help you move on. Such a spy app can also help you save the relationship if you so desire. You will know your partner better and you will be more able to meet their needs so they will not have to look somewhere else for them.

If you want to monitor your employees

Running a business is never easy. You will have to trust your employees and create the right environment for your company to offer you the profit you are seeking. But how can you trust so many new people and rely on them for important tasks of your business? If you feel like you are taking too much of a risk by trusting your employees, you can use a spy app like Hoverwatch. Install the app on their work devices such as phones or laptops and be aware of the way they handle your business every time you need.

This way you will know if your employees are working when they tell you that they are working. You will also know how much time they work by tracking their hours as well as what are they working on. Monitoring the activity of your coworkers can help you decide who deserves a promotion as well as who is the most dedicated one of them. For a business owner, all these aspects are very important and you should take them into account before you consider a pay raise.

If you want to monitor your friends

Monitoring your friends might not seem like the main necessity. But if you think about it, it can enlighten you regarding a lot of aspects of your friendship. After all, you are trusting your friends with your deepest secrets, plans and ideas. You open your heart to them and you should know if they are keeping your secrets to themselves or if they will share them with the rest of the world. By using Hoverwatch, you will know if your friends are talking bad about you behind your back or disrespecting your trust and spreading rumors on your behalf. With this spy software you will monitor all their online activity as well as their contacts, calls and texts.

In case your own phone gets stolen

What if your phone gets stolen? Nowadays this is a real possibility, especially in the hectic schedule we have. Your laptop could get stolen too or you might simply misplace your devices. But if you are using Hoverwatch there is no need to worry. Simply get into your Hoverwatch account from any other device and track the GPS location of your lost phone or computer.

Besides using the GPS feature, you can also use the front camera. Snap a photo of the person using your device without them knowing! This will show you who the theft is and you might even be surprised to notice that you know them. Either way, Hoverwatch could be a life saver in such situations and considering how important our devices are for us and how much we use the digital world, you should definitely use such an app in your own interest.

Does Hoverwatch Work?

Yes, there are plenty of positive reviews on Hoverwatch that assure new users that this app is completely reliable. It is always wise to check the feedback other users left so you know just what you can expect from this spy app. And the truth of the matter is that you will not be disappointed.

As soon as you start using this spy app, you will start receiving important data from the target device in real time. You will be able to remove the app from the target device in a remote way. This also protects your privacy as the person you need to spy on will not know that you ever used a spy app on their phone. Plus, you will not have to get hold of the target device twice so you can uninstall the app.

Check Out All Hoverwatch Features:

Is Hoverwatch Detectable?

One of the main concerns you might have when you choose to invest in a spy app such as Hoverwatch is if it can be detectable. Rest assured knowing that no one will detect this spy app as long as you install it correctly.

Once you downloaded and installed Hoverwatch on the device you want to track, being it a phone or a computer or tablet, there is one little step you will need to take. That is hiding the icon of the app. But do not worry as this is very easy to do. When you are done installing the application, all you have to do is go in the settings of the app and select “hide icon”. once you do that, Hoverwatch will be impossible to detect by the user of the device you are tracking.

So, the app is only detectable if you don’t complete the installation properly and you allow it to be visible. Otherwise, if you do hide it on the device, no one will ever know that you are using it but yourself!


When you choose to invest in Hoverwatch, you need to know that there are three plans that you can choose from. There is the personal plan of this app as well as the professional plan and the business plan. The price and features will differ between these three plans so you will have to choose wisely. However, the good news is that you can still change the plan after investing in one or another. All you have to do is access your account and change it from the settings menu in a matter of minutes!

The personal plan is the cheaper version of Hoverwatch. It will cost around $24.95 per month subscription. But you will soon discover it is more affordable to purchase the app for longer periods of time. If you get it for a quarter of the year you only pay $59.95 and if you get it for the full year you get it for $99.95.

The other plan is the professional one. This plan helps you keep track of five different target devices at the same time. You can get it with all the options you need for $49.95 per month. If you get this professional plan for a quarter of the year you will pay $99.95 and if you get it for the entire year it will cost you $199.95.

The last plan and the most expensive one is the business plan. You can invest in this Hoverwatch plan for $149.95 per month or $299.95 for a quarter of the year. There is a full year payment version and it will cost you $499.95. the great thing about the business plan is that it lets you monitor not less than 25 devices at once. This is the perfect plan if you own a business and want to keep track of your employees.

Choose the plan you find more useful for you and consider investing in this app for the long term. This will bring you significant discounts as well as less hassle since you will not have to renew your subscription too often! Unfortunately, there is no free trial of this spy app that will give you access to all its features. So, if you want to use it, you will have to choose one of the plans that are available.

Legal aspects

Another important question you might have regarding Hoverwatch is if it is legal to use it. On the legal aspect of this spy app, there are certain things to consider. First of all, if you are using Hoverwatch to track your child you don’t have to worry about the legal aspect. If your child is underage, that means that the phone they are using is on your name. So you are completely entitled to track the activity on that phone.

It is also completely legal to track your employees’ devices through Hoverwatch. In the majority of cases, doing so requires your employees to know that you are tracking them and therefore it is no conflict of interests as long as it is of common agreement. The reason behind tracking your employees is to sustain productivity and the well-being of the company.

As a general rule, since Hoverwatch is an invisible app once you install it correctly, no one knows you are monitoring them. So, if you use it for your spouse, you will just need to hide it well and don’t worry about the legal aspect. The same goes for tracking a friend or anyone else from your family.


If you use Hoverwatch to track your child you will never put them at risk for any type of internet scam. And there are plenty of these scams nowadays so you can never be too much on the safe side. Use this spy app to also gain trust in your spouse if this trust was ever lost. Many marriages could be saved this way as well as many deceitful relationships could end.

It is always better to be aware of the facts that might affect your life directly as well as the lives of your loved ones. This gives you the chance to fix a relationship before it is too late or avoid potential risk for your child. By using this spy app to monitor your employees you will also increase the productivity of your company and achieve the objectives you want to reach.