BEPSII/ECVice 2020 online

Welcome to the BEPSII/ECVice 2020 meeting online.

24-28 August |  @BEPSII_seaice

Welcome to BEPSII/ECVice 2020 online. Joint BEPSII and ECVice annual meeting is one of the main forum to discuss science highlights but also ongoing and future activities related to sea ice biogeochemistry.  The meeting, originally planned to be held in Hobart, will be hold online, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We will be inviting our community to engage in new ways. We hope that BEPSII/ECVice 2020 online will be an important space for discussion for sea ice biogeochemistry community, and to keep momentum in our research, at a time of social distancing.

Registration is free and open to everybody.

Planning include one all timezone overlapping session per day as well as "round-the-world" discussion sessions (moving along timezones) and an online poster session.

BEPSII/ECVice meeting will be preceded by an Early Carrier Scientist meeting on the 21-07-2020.

In additions to task group updates for BEPSII and ECVice, round-the-world discussion will address:

1. Developing a position analysis Antarctic (coordinators: Klaus Meiners, Jeff Bowman,  Letizia Tedesco, Jacqueline Stefels)

2. Joint BEPSII-CATCH cruise discussion (Coordinators Jaqueline Stefels, Delphine Lannuzel, Katye Altieri)

3. Developing a joined CATCH-BEPSII SCOR working group on Biogeochemically Significant Ocean Sea-Ice, and Atmosphere linkages (coordinators: Nadja Steiner,

Thorsten Bartels-Rausch, Odile Crabeck, Jennie Thomas)

Poster session:

Posters will be available all day Tuesday August 25th on Twitter and can be found under

#BEPSII2020poster. Poster discussions including short presentations will be held during the

round the world discussion on Wednesday August 26th.

Everyone is welcome to attend the poster sessions, even if not presenting anything.

Meeting instructions

1. Join the Meeting via Zoom

The meeting will be held via Zoom, which you can join either via the zoom app or via your web browser. Click on the respective link provided in the agenda. Note, there are different links for each meeting time slot. You will be entering a waiting room until the administrator admits you to the meeting. We will send out additional notes to help with zoom, but there are also lots of infos and quick start guides which you can find online. If you have never used zoom before it might be helpful to check those out before. 

Note that we will be recording the zoom meetings through the zoom recording option. 

Please link in ~10 min before each session to make sure everyone is admitted in time for the start of the meeting.

All participants should stay on mute and turn their camera off unless they are invited to speak. If you are familiar with the zoom workings you are welcome to link a still photo with your name so we can see who you are even without your camera on.

2. Plenary sessions

Plenary sessions will happen once a day from Monday to Friday and will circulate among three 2.5h time slots which will allow all time zones to join at more or less comfortable time slots.

3. Discussion sessions

Themed discussions and poster discussion sessions will occur at three different 75 min time slots each day from Monday to Thursday. They are designed so each participant can reasonably comfortable attend two time slots one for discussion with their Eastern and one with their Western neighbors. Most discussion sessions will use some accessible document (e.g. google doc) to organize the discussion and record input. The discussion chairs will coordinate among each other to ensure smooth continuation around the world. Introductions to each discussion session as well as respective summaries will be presented in the plenary sessions over the course of the week.

4. Poster displays

Tuesday is the DISPLAY DAY on Twitter, so all posters should be uploaded by Monday midnight (each timezone) so people have time to look at those before the poster sessions on Wednesday.

All posters can be uploaded on Twitter with the hashtag #BEPSII2020poster in order to be found. We have 3 ECS that can additionally add #ECS hashtag.

Those presenting their posters during the poster discussion session on Wednesday (of any format, just something that can be shown in Zoom) are asked to pick up the session(s) they are available to present them shortly and to let Letizia ( know by Sunday which session. The poster session organizers will then organize those sessions and inform presenters.

Everyone is welcome to attend poster sessions eventhough they may not be presenting anything. You can view the posters through twitter searching for hashtag #BEPSII2020poster, then attend the respective poster session(s) for your time zone by clicking the respective link on the agenda.

5. ECS session

The early career scientist session will be held through zoom on Friday August 21st in two different time slots. All early career participants are invited to connect through the link provided in the agenda