About the BEPSII 

Sea-Ice School

The 2022 BEPSII School took place in Cambridge Bay, Nunavut, Canada, from May 14th to the 23rd.

Organized by BEPSII SSC members Letizia Tedesco of the Finnish Environment Institute SYKE (Finland), Bruno Delille and Odile Crabeck of the University of Liège (Belgium), and with the support of CliC, IASC, NSF, Polar Knowledge, SCAR, SCOR, SOLAS, it was the first initiative of its kind within the BEPSII network.

30 participants from different parts of the world got together at the Canadian High Arctic Research Station (CHARS) for a full immersion into sea ice. 

CHARS served as the headquarters of the BEPSII Sea-Ice School, providing accommodation for students and lecturers alike, as well as spaces for frontal lectures and presentations, poster sessions, and lab work – all in a unique setting decorated with local ornaments, paintings, and cultural artefacts.

Furthermore, the location of the school, allowed all master students, PhD candidates, postdoctoral researchers and lecturers from Canada, the U.S., South Africa, Japan, Finland, Germany and the UK, just to mention a few of the represented countries, to head out on the ice, which was located just a couple of hundred meters from CHARS.

There, students had the opportunity to experience some actual field work with coring, snow thickness and other measurement activities. The sea ice also served as the research ground for some of the lecturers and students who participated in the ECV-ice inter-calibration experiment.

Learn more about the 2022 BEPSII Sea-Ice School students, lecturers, and activities in our blog series – including more photos and videos of the lessons, field work, poster sessions, lab work, and presentations!

Listen to the BEPSII Podcast

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A Glimpse of a Day at the BEPSII Sea-Ice School