Meet the Lecturers
The 2022 BEPSII Sea-Ice Field School brought together 29 students and 10 lecturers to the Canadian High Arctic Research Station (CHARS) in Cambridge Bay, Nunavut, Canada, for a series of lectures, sessions in the lab and out in the field.
Their work lead to classes that introduced students to different topics and opened the door for interesting conversations and exchanges.
Brent Else of the University of Calgary and Karley Campbell of The Arctic University of Norway, Norway respectively introduced attendees to Gas Exchange and Sea Ice Algae, while Naoya Kanna of the University of Tokyo held a lecture that focused on the interaction between land and sea ice, and Daiki Nomura (University of Hokkaido) discussed Gas Exchange.
All 4 lecturers were in Cambridge Bay, Nunavut, Canada, already before the field school started, as they participated in ECV-ice, intercalibration experiment that aims at measuring essential climate variables in sea ice.
The 3 organizers of the BEPSII School, Letizia Tedesco of the Finnish Environmental Institute SYKE and University of Liège’s Bruno Delille and Odile Crabeck, all held lectures on a variety of topics, including Sea-Ice Biogeochemical Modelling, Sea-Ice Thermodynamics, the Modelling of Marine Ecosystems, and Sea-Ice lab content – all while also coordinating activities in the lab and out in the field such as coring, snow thickness measurement, salinity measurements, and how to compute the basic parameters of sea-ice thermodynamics, among others.
Sian Henley (University of Edinburgh, Scotland), who joined the school a couple of days later because of travel delays, took students into the world of Sea Ice Nutrients, as well as Policy, and accompanied them on the field and in the lab for sampling, filtration and analysis work. Additionally, she supervised students in their work on a nutrients-related data set.
University of Manitoba’s C.J. Mundy also worked with students in the classroom and on the ice, with lectures on Sea Ice Optics and Ecology, and field work sessions on sea ice extraction through coring – for lab analysis – and on light measurement.
Podcasting Consultant and Communication Expert Yann Ilunga, who was responsible for all BEPSII School content- and social media-related matters, brought his experience to CHARS in a lecture dedicated to advice and strategies early-career scientists can follow and leverage to better communicate and present themselves online.
If you'd like to get some of the lecturers better, you can watch or listen to them share their experience in the newly-launched BEPSII Podcast and on the BEPSII YouTube channel.